Search: jegulily
11,004 stories

NO ONE HAS WRITTEN ONE LIKE CMON This would be so cuteAnd it was a RLLY good ideaThat I had at 2 am Enjoy!Drink some water today, children.

50.7K 15 1.3K Full
Jegulily A/B/O AU From Tumblr

I'm transferring my AU from Tumblr. I'm done fighting with that site.So I had this idea of a Jegulily A/B/O AU with Spy!Reg where Harry is raised by Jegulily and has more siblings than Ron and cousins from wolfstar. Semi-cannon complaint/cannon divergence. Half properly written, half bullet point ideas. It was written for as posts on Tumblr originally.The flushed out concept will be in the first part/chapter.

759 5 5
LGBTQ+ Marauders One-Shots

wassupI do whatever tf I want I post whenever tf I want So yeah.~3 of the parts are not updates~ -I DONT OWN THESE CHARACTERS-

109K 46 1.6K
Pretty Boy {Jegulus}

this was originally posted on AO3 (by me) but i thought maybe wattpad would like it as well!! "Hey! Watch where you're going, Black" James laughed. He rubbed his him with a sore face and unbuckled his helmet. "How do you know my name?" his best friends sharp voice cut through the ice rink. James Potter and Regulus Black, will they fall in love? (yes, they will) college AU, Ice skating AU, modern Au, yk, all the good stuff

91.1K 21 2.4K Full
James i zdrada - Jegulily one-shot

,,-Rogacz, wstawaj! - Usłyszał głos Łapy, sprowadzający go z powrotem na ziemię, i wiedział, że ma przesrane. Zdążył tylko usiąść nim zasłony otworzyły się ukazując uśmiechniętego Syriusza, którego mina drastycznie się zmieniła gdy zobaczył chłopaka śpiącego obok. Przez chwilę trwali w milczeniu gapiąc się na siebie, dwaj przyjaciele - Łapa i Rogacz w zdziwieniu i panice (możecie się domyśleć która emocja była którego).-Co. To do kurwy nędzy ma znaczyć. - Wydukał w końcu Syriusz wyglądając teraz na bardziej wściekłego. - Zdradzasz Lily?!"Czyli Regulus posiadający koszmary, James, u którego nocuje, Syriusz łamiący nosy, Lily posiadająca (jak zawsze) mózg i Peter oglądający całą tą dramę.Obrazek z okładki z pinteresta.

97 1 5 Full
snakes and lions on the board | jegulily

syriusz black, książę etiopii rezygnuje z tronu na rzecz dołączenia do piratów, gdzie poznaje swojego najlepszego przyjaciela jamesa - kapitana pokładu. regulus black, jego młodszy brat, po latach od momentu ucieczki syriusza - w swoje osiemnaste urodziny - ma zostać koronowany. jako uczczenie początków swojego panowania miał zawrzeć pakt pokojowy z piratami, którzy wykorzystali okazję i porwali go dla okupu. czy regulusowi uda się uciec? a może to coś innego niż okup stało za jego porwaniem? czy zakazana miłość może się udać? marauders jegulily au!

273 7 21
What Happens When You Treat Your House Elf Like Family?

What if Lily, James and Regulus had a house elf? What if that house elf was the reason Harry got to know his parents?(Idea credit: statledstoat on Tumbler and This TikTok: )

1.6K 15 68 Full
One-Shots // The Marauders

One-Shots centered around The Marauders and their adventures both in and out of Hogwarts.

27.6K 12 316 Full
Motion Sickness

Regulus never knew what love was like until he met James.James never knew he could love someone other than Lily Evans.Both never expected to fall for the other. Especially not under these circumstances.Not canon compliant...well atleast not entirelyThere will be some angst and fluff but 0 SMUTRelationships are as follows:James and Regulus (main relationship)Lily and Pandora (TBD how long)Pandora and Xenophelius (TBD)Remus and Sirius.Peter and Mary. (Briefly)Marlene and Dorcas.Evan and Barty.

4K 26 175 Full
The Life of Harry Potter

On that fateful night in October 1981 Regulus Black saves James Potter, but wasn't fast enough to save Lily too. After James gets over the shock of seeing his assumed dead ex-boyfriend he buried Lily, then with the promise that Regulus will explain everything later, they grab Harry and run to a Black family home in France. It's there that they live and raise Harry in secret under the fidelius charm where Regulus himself is the secret keeper. The entire world thinks that they are dead, the only people who know the truth are none other than the Malfoys. When it's time for Harry to go to Hogwarts the wizarding world is shocked to see the boy alive, but even more so when The Boy Who Lived is sorted into Slytherin.

12.9K 16 454
ADD ME BACK ✵ marauders social media (1/2)

"Accept my friend request.""No."~This is a marauders social media au :)

30.2K 26 909 Full
cardigan | 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒

❛ you drew starsaround my scars,but now i'm bleeding. ❜remus lupin x sirius black.mary x lily.dorcas x marlene.james x regulus.

155.1K 27 5.8K Full
Runaway love | Jegulus

Sirius Black has been living with the Potter's for nearly 2 years and is constantly filled with guilt and regret about leaving Regulus behind. In the summer before the Marauder's sixth year, Regulus turns up at the house with nowhere else to go and no one else to turn to. Can they forgive each other? Can they both let their guard down enough to be loved? Can the Black brothers move on from their past?I don't own any of the characters they all belong to jkr

51.1K 17 1.4K Full

⌗[𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟔] ❝ and I, shouldn't cry, but I love it ❜꩜ in which the past watch the journey of harry potter and halley black.ᐟ[HARRY POTTER FANFICTION]@thatonecrackhead

46.8K 10 1.2K
Harry Potter One-Shots

Harry Potter One-Shots. Gay sometimes, straight (rarely), fluffy, a lil bit of angst. Read trigger warnings for each chapter. That's it.Some are unfinished, but will not be updated.

3.2K 18 91 Full
my savior | jegulus

James spent every living breath trying to save Regulus Black. Turns out it wasn't enough. Or was it? "i'm sorry""no, I am. for thinking i could save you."

29.8K 5 1.5K Full
Summer ~ Jegulus

This is an AU where Walaburga is dead and so are James parents. James moves in with the blacks over summer. And Orion is a good dad (at least he try's to be) Hope you enjoy!

68.5K 12 1.5K Full
Scared? Says You Potter!

what happens when James went to the library in order to finish his essay but ended up getting flirted by none other than Regulus Black?!

60.5K 44 1.7K
Summers at Lupin Farm

Sirius messages a random number asking what he Peter and James should do for their next prank. The response has Sirius intrigued.basically just another text fic featuring the pookies :>just got a description and cover revamp; was previously called I Wanna Boi by PWR BTTM

2.5K 28 55
MAROON ✵ regulus black

What 𝗂𝖿 Regulus Black 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 Gryffindor 𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗈𝖿 Slytherin.... what would that mean for the fate of the Black Family and Regulus himself?(Happy Ending!)Started: November 15, 2023Ended:*This story is to be published only on Wattpad with no exceptions as of November 15, 2023*

34K 88 846
Marauders Era Fanfictions

Here is a collection of Marauders Era fanfiction with a variety of ships like Jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene, Marylily, rose killer, whatever Sirius and Barty are and Jilly along with platonic versions of those. Along with added Nobleflower and Quill Killer Thank you for reading 🩷Love you all..!!!(Some sexaual content and some mentions or references of suicide/death/murder plus underage drinking?-)

1.3K 22 77
My Protector

He knew what he was doing when he decided to steal the HorcruxHe knew he was signing up his death But he never expected this to happenHe never expected himself to become a Wandering SoulAnd he definitely didn't expected him to somehow end up with a green eyed toddlerNor he expected him to get bonded to the baby either⚠️A T T E N T I O N⚠️ Non-Canon Ships or events aka possible canon-divergenceWolfstarJegulus and JilyEndgame is JegulilyLGBTQ+No bashingNo bad-guy-is-actually-good or good-guys-are-actually-the-bad-onesNot-so-oblivious!Harry Kindasmart!HarryNeutral!Severus Snape Prequel to First Book

26.7K 15 868
Regulus Black/Marauders Era Oneshots

A collection of oneshots that have been posted on my ao3. Most from Regulus Pov and most have jegulus aspects. !!They get better as you continue to read!! as my more recent ones are in later chapters. Heavy trigger warnings. I try to put major ones at the begin but if you are sensitive to certain subjects read with caution.

13.7K 26 265
Exploring life, with friends (continuation of 'getting through, with friends')

Finally, Regulus is out of his parents house. Now he has to decide what to do with his life.The Marauders also have decisions to take after their last year in Hogwarts. The presence of the war is getting closer, will they choose to fight against what they consider wrong? (of course they do)

252 11 20 Full
How every single Taylor Swift song relates to the Marauders

Its in the title. I have analysed every Taylor Swift song and made head canons on how it relates to the Marauders. the songs all jumbled up. we've got songs about individual characters, friend groups, platonic relationships, romantic relationships and family dynamicsships: Jily, Wolfstar, Jegulus, Jegulily, Dorlene, Marylily, Pandalily, Rosekiller, Quillkiller, Fralice, Lucissa, Tromeda, prongstail, snily platonic: prongsfoot, prongsy, prongstail, moonylily, marly, reggydora, sunflower, parlene, marylily, valkyires, skittles, snily family: Black brothers, Black sisters, Black cousins, Potters, Evans sisters, rosier twins

289 10 5