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2 stories

TIKTOK FOR EDITS OF THIS BOOK: @tobedetermined1108ITS A FUN BOOK WITH LOTS OF DIF TROPES SO PERFECT FOR MANY TYPES OF READERS.HAS LOTS OF PLOT AND HEAVY MOMENTS ALONG WITH LOTS OF FLUFF AND FUNNY SHIT.PLS ENJOY :)))(HERE IS A BRIEF DESCRIPTION??? U KINDA HAVE TO READ TO FIGURE OUT WHAT ITS RLLY ABOUT)*****What feature do three teenage girls have in common? They are all orphans thrown together, each harbouring their own secrets.The ideal example of a short, irritable girl is Jayden.Chloe is a total sunshine girl who either makes her friends happy or annoys them to no end.Natalie is a blonde badass who doesn't cuss.The girls wind up in a top-secret agency after being abducted shortly after Jayden's seventeenth birthday. They're taken by three incredibly pretty men and are being accused of crimes they do not recall doing. The closest friends must either figure out a means to escape, or submit to the agencies' absurd requests under the supervision of the top three agents they previously met.Follow Jayden, Chloe and Natalie as they discover secrets, embark on adventures, and possibly even win the fellas' love.HERE IS SOME OF THE TROPESPerhaps Jayden is into her rival?Chloe is possibly drawn to a calm man who is the complete opposite of her.Natalie could even find comfort in the golden retriever guy.*****This is our first draft, a lot of this is going to change, we just wanted to get this book out there before we write the final draft to hear your thoughts. All chapters are completed so we will be frequently updating with new chapters. Will end up being 100k words when all of them are posted.

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A Whole New Reality; Into The Forest Vol. 1

Salle Jackson had never really believed in the supernatural, despite her mother being incredibly superstitious.She had never believed in goblins or fairies or mermaids; it was all nonsense to her."Can't see it? Don't believe it,"She would say. That was her "motto" of some sorts, I suppose. No matter how much convincing her friends and family would try to do, she wasn't having any of it.Salle refused to believe there was anything outside of what science could comprehend, what science could tell you.Because science was all she had left after...But, what happens when Salle wakes up in a whole new reality?A reality where everything she didn't believe in existed?What happens when the creatures of that reality need a savior? One that can save their forest?

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