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452 stories

Ten thousand years ago the Blue Paladin was Altean, and the Red Paladin was Galra.Ten thousand years ago, in peacetime, the Red and Blue Paladins fell in love.Ten thousand years ago, war broke out, and love that was once encouraged became heresy.Ten thousand years ago, the Red and Blue paladins made a promise they couldn't keep.At least, they couldn't keep it ten thousand years ago.

27 2 0
Project Phoenix-a kotlc fanfic

Isaac Jones and his best friend Taylor have always felt like outcasts at their school. Isaac knows one of the reasons, for him at least, but what if there was another reason. One that was true for both of them. What if they were both elves destined to live in the lost cities. They have an even more difficult experience there than Sophie, Isaac especially, but that doesn't stop him from making some pretty great new friends who will hopefully help him defeat his creators and stop some of the issues in his new world.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read Kotlc for the first time in sixth grade and didn't think about the world it was set it. But now that I do, especially with bad matches (and match lists in general), I realize that elves must be extremally homophobic if match lists are about genetics and we've never heard of any sort of queer elf.So I decided to set a story in the lost cities that focuses on this bias that elves shouldn't have if they're supposably so different from humans. This story is very queer just don't read if you don't like that :)Also please ignore the giant pothole known as a timeline. I was too lazy to make it actually work. It doesn't really affect much after the beginning though

35 8 0
One eyed psychosis

Eren isn't any ghoul but a one-eyed ghoul she was taken to an asylum specifically for her type sadly there are only three patients and who's the boss of this hell hole? None other then ****** ****** as the seconds minutes hours days weeks months and years pass by she loses more and more of her sanity until then she finally ticks...tick tock tick tock tick tock..TICKRead more the find outPlease read> I do not own nor claim tokyo ghoul nor the characters in the show and the cover but I do claim this story the main characters please do not repost claim as yours or copy thank you Status-*just finished the prologue*

48 2 3
A Dream Come True?

Author's Note: GUYS. Listen. This story, this fantasy kingdom romance you're about to read - this was literally a dream I had the other day. You know you've been reading too much when even your dreams have fire enemies-to-lovers plots in them! Anyway, just wanted to let you ;) Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Who do you think you are?" Vivan laughed, incredulous that I asked him that. I straightened myself and cleared my throat. If I were to stop the marriage, then the only logical thing to do was to speak to the king. "I'm Maha, daughter of Lord Karan, and hopefully not your future fiance. Now, for Vishnu's sake, take me to your father," I stated. This time it was Vivan who took a step back, shocked with this new information. "Maha, as in Lord Karan's daughter Maha? You're the one I'm supposed to marry?" he asked, wide-eyed as he took me in from head to toe. This time, it was my turn to be annoyed as I snapped my fingers in front of his face, bringing his attention back to my eyes. "Take me to see the king, mister."

5 4 0
BNHA: Kiss, Marry, Kill

Lol. I didn't know what to do. ;-;

57 3 4
π‘΄π’š π‘·π’Šπ’π’Œ π‘ͺπ’‚π’“π’π’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’ 𝒕𝒐 π‘¬π’π’†π’‚π’π’π’“π’Šπ’‚ (DITOEFTV)

π•„π•’π•Ÿπ•™π•¨π•’ : π™³πšŽπšŠπšπš‘ πš’πšœ πšπš‘πšŽ π™Ύπš—πš•πš’ π™΄πš—πšπš’πš—πš πšπš˜πš› πšπš‘πšŽ πš…πš’πš•πš•πšŠπš’πš—πšŽπšœπšœA Young Lady whose only joy was manhwas...suddenly awoke upon the world of a she dearly lovedWill she be able to go through her trials in this world?In a world full of life, she is lonely. In a world where happiness exists, she finds comfort in sorrow. In a world where she has everything, she owns nothingOh my lonely Eleanoria. Will this story heal your tainted soul?"I will definitely help you in this matter the cost"She whispered in her ear, caressing her dark pink locks. Humming soft melodies and gentle words"My Penelope""...Through this, I dedicate thee"She finishes her last sentence, closing the book as she glances at the beautiful sight of pink carnationsShe sighs, another day of peace as alwaysAnother look outside where she sees the beautiful sight of a garden. Sweet pink carnations around the air, she sighs in content"May this life be dedicated to you, my Eleanoria"Credits:Death is The Only Ending for the Villainess is written by Gwon Gyeoeul and the manhwa drawn by A_SUOL. I do not own anything from the story apart from the personal characters I've added

670 3 53

Pairing: Kotobuki Reiji x All QN Members, Mikaze Ai x All QN Members, Camus x All QN Members, Kurosaki Ranmaru x All QN MembersThis book is about QN Members falling for each and everyone in their own little group. πŸ˜‰~ELIE

155 2 5
the adventures of punchie & shiba!

this was inspired by my friend's lovely pets, her dog punchie and her cat shiba [both so cute].each chapter the little animals will go on adventures around the world and exploring food and entertainment

18 3 0
That Moment You Get Tagged In Something, oh Wait, I Got Tagged in Something.

I got tagged and I decided to actually do it. Yay for me.

101 5 16
The Cursed Potato

There's a cursed potato.Roses are red,My story is lit,So you should take a chance,And go read it.Shameless advertising is shameless XDAlso idk what to have as the cover. So ya. There ya go.

23 5 1
 The Randomness In My Life

I'm just trying to be a better writer and most of my early chapter stories are pretty bad. I'll try my best to be a better writer. I don't know what direction this book is going in but, I'll try my best to update on a semi regular basis.

329 58 49
summer love . ~ eddie munson

in this book rory mckay has just moved to hawkins indiana from michigan. she moves just in time for summer to start, will a love story kindle of this?••••rory: she/hereddie: he/himthere will probably be no smut bc this is only the second book i wrote. put suggestions in the comments for chapters! :)

3 2 0
Velofel Schweiz: maak indruk op uw vrouwen in bed met deze formule

Bevordert het genereren van cellen: de productie van nieuwe cellen is essentieel om de expansie van de corpora cavernosa te maximaliseren. Het heeft een antioxiderende eigenschap die vrije radicalen bestrijdt en de vorming van nieuw weefsel bevordert.Ten slotte is het noodzakelijk om de bloedtoevoer naar deze corpora cavernosa te verhogen om te genieten van extremere en langdurige erecties. Het extra bloed zorgt voor een grotere penis, verhoogde gevoeligheid en meer plezier.Velofelpillen - Hoe worden ze ingenomen?Voor het beste resultaat is de dagelijkse inname van twee pillen noodzakelijk. Voor een meer merkbaar effect, kunt u een pil van velofel 30 minuten vóór seksuele behandeling nemen. In termen van tijd kan velofel worden genomen zolang u een actief en comfortabel seksleven wilt hebben.

1 1 0
Time Luxury

She pursued her dreams to be outstanding women . She believes and always reminds how important every second of life . If you want to reach the top where your goal is do something a word is not enough without an action.

1 2 0
No ones fool, not so cool (On Hold)

[ warning for the reader;; • Swearing (yes. Maybe a lot)• awkwardness (completely)• idiocy (completely)• weird scenes (Duh) This is a story. A story of a teenage female.Well,, I don't really know how to explain this truly.. A teenage female goes to school. 10th grade.She meets people, makes friends. She gains crushes , looses people.Somewhat struggling.Her names Scarlet! She has a 'twin brother' who is a really rude little shittertot who doesn't know when to stop running his mouth. Yet when at school he's quiet and to himself. But at home he's a huge disaster waiting to happen!(Credit: Character Dakota belongs to @sweetandsourdevilPheonix belongs to @phoenixsrockslolJessie and scarlet belong to me / @scarletshards )Adam belongs to @sk8terboi14Sydney belongs to @Dakotaganhint hint:There might be some other characters concerning real life people!! -Also there's 2 co-writers!]

70 5 10

I will update this weekly*A love story between a wounded soul and the one who heals him and becomes his sun. Worth is a business major in University who keeps to himself. His cousin Yut, who he lives with, is his sole confident. They feel that they can only rely on one another. Bank is a reliable friend they made on campus. This story is about all three falling in love and the dark past between all of them that won't let that happen.Worth felt worthless until he found his Sun.Bank could only shine in the day and suffer at night until he met his moon. Someone who gave him light in his darkness.Yut found out the mystery that was how he really felt for Rune.

71 7 0
A Great Way to Defeat the Hierarchy.

He grabs the bag of money from the first guy he knocked out and hands it to the cashier. "You might want to call the cops to get these guys arrested." Jesse says, waving while walking towards the exit."Wait!" The cashier calls from behind him. "Who are you?" She asks in what Jesse would describe as an awestruck tone. He turns around, facing the girl and realizing that he hadn't come up with a code name."Oh, uh.." Jesse thinks it over in his head for a minute. "You can call me Phoenix." Jesse winks at her before turning around. He kicks one of the men on the floor, and they groan.

22 2 4

- Az a kacsázó kavics az enyém! Én találtam! Mindegyik kavics az enyém! Adjátok vissza, de azonnal!- Ne ugrálj már! Csak megnézzük! - kiabálta a pocakos, pirospozsgás fiú.- Nem fogjuk megenni! - mondta a vörös copfos, szeplΕ‘s kislány.- Akkor is adjátok vissza! Az az enyém! Én találtam, és nem adom oda senkinek! Vegyétek tudomásul! - kiabálta egyre hangosabban Hanga.- Mi ez a nagy lárma? - ért oda a hangoskodó gyerekekhez Szelestyén, a tanító.- Nem adom oda a kavicsaimat, és kész! - toppantott egyet a lábával Hanga.- Nem is kértem, gyermekem! De az önzés nem vezet jóra! - próbálta nyugtatni a lányt a tanító.- Nem vagyok önzΕ‘! De a kavicsokat én találtam, és nem adom!Szelestyén körbenézett a gyerekek arcán, majd leült a falu közepén álló szobor tövébe és mesélni kezdett:- Látjátok itt, mögöttem ezt a szobrot? Tudtok róla valamit?- Ez a vasorrú bába szobra! - kiáltották egyszerre, nevetve a gyerekek.- És azt tudjátok-e, hogy miért van itt?- Hogy ijesztgessen bennünket. Éjszakánként felkel és gyerekeket keres, akik kinn kódorognak. - felelte félΕ‘sen a szeplΕ‘s kislány.Szelestyén mosolygott egyet, megsimogatta a lány fejét, majd mutatta, hogy üljenek köré. Belekezdett a mesébe:- Lápos, a vasorrú bába, nem is olyan régen, még élΕ‘ ember volt. Fekete, rövid, fészekszerΕ± haja volt, kampós orra, mélyen ülΕ‘, haragos szeme. A háta púpos volt, elΕ‘l tyúkmelle volt, rajta varjútollak. IjesztΕ‘en nézett ki, ahogy az idΕ‘sek mesélik. Talán még akad valaki a faluban, aki látta Ε‘t. Szóval Lápos, a rézfaszú bagoly, Kamorka testvére. Amikor még gyerekek voltak, Ε‘k is itt laktak a faluban. Kamorka sokat tanult a gyógyítóktól, vadászoktól. Egészen addig nem is volt baj vele, amíg Balmaz, az ördög meg nem jelent neki. Azt beszélik, hogy lepaktáltak, és szövetkeztek. Azután Kamorka elvonult az erdΕ‘be, megtanult bagoly alakot ölteni, és m

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