Search: innahuru
8 stories
Innahuru's Thoughts💖

Salaamualaikum lovely viewers...i just thought of writting random things about this world as a whole in a form of Quotes that might inspire us enjoy the book.Hope you'll all learn from my view also and any corrections or additions are warmly welcomed...yh you know we all ain't perfect.Don't forget to leave your comments too Love y'all ✨✨✨Jazaakallahu Khayran😘😘😘

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The Twinges Of My Life

Ayesha is a teenager who lost her mum at a 14 and had to face the realities of life and support her kid brother as well.She meet Ihsan when she was 18 but they broke up after a year and some monthsAnd she thought going back to Nigeria to find her family will bring solace to her life not knowing the surprises life will be throwing at her.Join me on this ride together and see how it ends with Ayesha!

466 5 71
My Sister My Enemy

"What...? What do you mean by your sister is your biggest enemy?" Raudah exclaimed."Yes! You heard me right, I mean my own blood sister is my very own enemy." Maryam replied with a tired and disappointed look on her face.This is a story of a young hausa girl with all the good qualities a lady should posses. It is not the regular fairytale story because Maryam has seen the wonders of life from a different angle and she never expected everything she is going through at this point of her life, she is very close to an emotional breakdown.Will Maryam be able to find her lost happiness? Will she ever have a happily ever after with someone ? And will she be able to have faith in herself and her relationships again???Well then, join Maryam in this amazing journey to find out more....

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Tomodachi Life Stories: Season 4 Sees the Light of Day!

Season 4 had to come to make sure that Season 3's Book wasn't overloaded with pages of writing tasks.So, we now have the Season 4 Book of the Main Series!With more stories to come, maybe some new characters, but with the same characters that have been here since the beginning and our friends from Fernton Heights!We're going for a ride on this new season!

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Hidup Rapperz 😉

Bila tak ada idea dan kerja dan bosan hanya menukar oksigen menjadi karbon dioksida, inilah tempat saya mencoret kegilaan dan perasaan saya. Saya Aish, seorang budak sekolah menengah di daerah Petaling Perdana dan bersekolah di sekolah harian biasa. Segala apa yang saya merepek dalam buku ini ialah benar dan tercetus melalui imaginasi saya yang amat gila dan penuh idea tidak masuk akal. Disebabkan tak ada sesiapa yang mahu mendengar celoteh saya, saya luahkan di sini. Jadi kebanyakannya amatlah tidak munasabah.Most of the chapters are from last year's. And now I'm busy preparing myself for SPM next year and yeah, 2019 going to hurt me like hell. And also I'm busy writing chapters fory top priority, AMETHYST. You can check it in my bio. It's a fanfiction that I wrote about my classmates. •Aimi•

678 26 23
Firqah Firqah Sesat

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: والذى نفس محمد بيده لتفترق امتى على ثلاث وسبعين فرقة فواحدة فى الجنة وثنتان وسبعون فى النار قيل: من هم يا رسول الله؟ قال: اهل السنة والجماعة ; رواه الطبرانىArtinya : Telah berkata Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi wasallam; Demi Tuhan yang memegang jiwa Muhammad sesungguhnya akan berfirqah umatku sebanyak 73 firqah. Yang satu masuk surga dan yang lainnya masuk neraka. Beliau ditanya: siapakah firqah yang masuk surga itu ya Rasulallah? Beliau menjawab : Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah. (HR. At-Thabraani).

518 8 1

Terlihat seorang pria paruh baya sedang menarik tangan anak kecil yang saat itu berusia 11 tahun. Anak kecil itu terus meronta-ronta, berteriak, dan menangis kencang. Anak kecil itu dibawa ke ruang bawah tanah yang ada di rumahnya. "Daddyyy! Please don't give me that punishment again!""Dad! please take your hand off my arm, this hurts so much!" Anak kecil itu terus meminta tolong agar dilepaskan oleh sang ayah. "Shut up! This punishment you have to accept! Karena nilai kamu jelek semua!" ucap sang Ayah. Di ruang bawah tanah itu terdapat 1 ruangan yang khusus untuk menyimpan barang-barang yang sudah tidak terpakai/jarang dipakai. Ruangan itu biasa disebut dengan gudang. Di dalam gudang tersebut hanya ada 1 lampu berwarna kuning, dan ada 1 jendela kecil di sudut ruangan. Anak kecil itu di dorong sang Ayah masuk ke dalam gudang."Daddy.. Please let me go!" ucap sang anak itu. Tapi perkataannya tidak dihiraukan oleh sang Ayah. Laki-laki paruh baya itu langsung menutup pintu gudang tersebut dan menguncinya.Dorrr! Dorrr! Dorrr! Dorrr!Sang anak memukul-mukul pintu sambil berteriak meminta tolong agar dibukakan pintunya. Namun laki-laki paruh baya tersebut tetap menghiraukannya, ia pergi menjauh dari gudang tersebut. Dan tidak lama kemudian, suara petir mulai terdengar. Hujan pun turun dengan sangat lebat, tidak lama kemudian listrik pun padam. Anak kecil itu ketakutan, badannya mulai gemeteran, keringat dingin pun mulai membasahi seluruh tubuhnya. Ia pun berlari ke arah sudut ruangan. Kemudian ia duduk menekuk kedua lututnya, sembari menutupi ke dua telinganya. "Mama, tolongin Ruby, Ruby takut," gumamnya. Air matanya masih mengalir membasahi ke dua pipi tembamnya. Selang beberapa menit kemudian ia samar-samar mendengar suara Mamanya sebelum semuanya menjadi gelap."Ruby!! Ruby!!" panggil sang Ibu dari luar. Hello! This is my first story! Tolong berikan dukungan kalian untuk cerita ini ya! Terima kasih!

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I decided to share some Islamic reminders for my Muslim brothers and sisters fisabilillah as SADAQAT but the truth is bitter to be very honest, so if I hurt your feelings in anyway while reading some of my Reminders please forgive me🙏🏽 I am not perfect and nobody is.We are all sinners we just sin differently but remember "ALLAHU GHAFURURRUHIM" He is our creator, you can Ask for his forgiveness anytime you are ready. But what if the angel of death is already sent to you? what if he's beside you while reading this and he'll take your soul back to your creator immediately after reading this? Are you ready to face your creator right now? Are you sure you're clean enough to face your almighty right now? Do you think Allah (s.w.t) could give you the last chance to say astagfurallah before the angel of death took back your soul to the Almighty? Are you sure that you're going straight to the Jannah or you already know the hell fire is welcoming you wide open? ????! REMEMBER each and every minute is very important to us, so don't waste it on something that are not worth carrying on your shoulder while meeting your almighty. Wallahi tallahi Death is real + this dunia is temporary and we could die at any time without a single alert 🚨 and once you're gone, you're gone forever + after the 3 days of mourning for your death everything is going to be normal, nothing is gonna change, sometimes even your loved ones might forget you've ever existed before and with time you'll be vanish without even a trace..... so now ask yourself are you ready to face the reality?Ask yourself are you willing to make a difference?Ask yourself are you clean enough to meet your almighty?ASK HIS FORGIVENESS BEFORE It's Too late my brothers/sisters 🙏🏽 he's always watching and he'll forgive you. May he guide us through the right path AMEEN..!

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