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38,459 stories
You, again...

Paringi: Hunhan, ChanBaek, Kaisoo i śladowo może pojawić się Sekai Sehun, Kai i Chanyeol wpadają w ogromne tarapaty, osądzeni o zabójstwo swojego najlepszego przyjaciela, Jongdae; uciekają w góry. Warunki atmosferyczne nie sprzyjają jednak dalekim wyprawą. Przez nieumyślność Jongina tracą plecaki zaopatrzone w jedzenie i ciepłe koce. Pogoda drastycznie się zmienia, ale mężczyźni nie tracą wiary i idą dalej na przód, dopóki nie spotyka ich katastrofa... Luhan ze swoim przyjacielem Baekhyunem i kolegą z uczelni - Kyungsoo, wyruszają na długo zapowiadane ferie zimowe. Tak się składa, że los przywiódł ich w te same góry, jednak z tygodniowym wyprzedzeniem. Pogoda nie była ostatnimi czasy najpiękniejsza, dlatego wszyscy korzystali z uroków hotelu, w którym się znajdowali. Przed ostatniego dnia decydują się na podbicie tamtejszych szczytów, niestety spotyka ich niemiła niespodzianka. Całkiem nieświadomie zeszli ze szlaku, dlatego też nie wiedzieli jak zejść na dół z powrotem do hotelu. Zagubionym wśród iglastych drzew studentom pozostaje jedynie czekać na pomoc, o ile wcześniej lawina nie wciągnie ich pod puch białego śniegu. A co jeśli Jongdae żyje i ma z tego wszystkiego ubaw? Może jest aniołem i teraz siedzi gdzieś na chmurce i przygląda się poczynaniom tych matołków? Może być i tak, że każdy z nich ma jakieś powiązania z Chenem, a teraz przychodzi im ponoszenie ceny za tą znajomość.

116 3 16
Night//Adopted by Logan Paul and Alissa Violet

Hey I am back with a new story This one is about two twin girls that get adopted by Logan Paul and Alissa Violet. Their names are Sunny and Shadow they don't look alike though. There WILL be drama because I love drama I hope you like it.

1.1K 11 14 Full
What happened?

This story is about tlc and their men, d, mon.2pac, and tyrese . They went to a club last night and something happened while they were partying and we're maybe raped . the men are trying to finger it out.

6.5K 17 200
Dream Team Oneshots

When I mean Dream Team Oneshots, I mean any. Angst, Fluff, maybe even Smut (if I get more comfortable with it)Yes there will be ships .Enjoy! :)

383 2 10 Full
vote for the pics you like the best!

sorry if the title is too long.

246 4 39
All The World's A Stage ~ (Poison)

Ever the eccentric, fun-loving, guy who lives for the spotlight, CC finds his way into some outrageous behavior in the midst of a Poison afterparty, much to the amusement of the partygoers along with his own band.

7 1 3 Full
𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 || dreamwastakenxreader - DISCONTINUED

-TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED-IM NOT A DREAM STAN ANYMORE SOZyou were sprawled across your bed, scrolling through discord when you got a notification. *ping* huh...? who's that? 'I literally have no friends why am I being added to a group now?' you thought.__________________________________________________________________________________start: 18th August 2020end: ?lots of references to irl in this book, hope it seems more realistic that way!if dream finds this im sorry for being such a freak and writing this I hope you enjoy it because of how terrible it is, dear pissbaby :)I update very irregularly I am lazy even though I have nothing else to do, xoxo!if loads of people desperately want a new chapter, I would probably rush to make a new one, lol.they probably wont though because I bet only like 10 people will see this :')I wud say imma quick writer so u don't need to wait long chaps

54.6K 12 1.5K
    supernatural imagines clean and dirty

ur favorite character. the way y'all dating. met talk. having sex. family life

2.4K 22 3
I Knew You Were Trouble: A Harry Styles & Selena Gomez Story

Selena Gomez has been in the limelight for the most contraverisal actions, from what she says to what she wears to what she does when the acohol gets the better of her. Infamous for her late night partying, drunken dances with people she shouldn't and countless walks of shame, she is now struggling to find her feet and again and to be considered as a real artist. Harry Styles has just stepped on the scene while Selena looks as if she is on her way out. With One Direction's sky rocketing success and infinite possiblities, his as well as his band mates dreams' seem to be all coming true and he can hardly believe his luck. What happens when this out of control party animal lays eyes on the fresh faced curly haired rising star? Are they able to find common ground on which both of them are safe and secure or will both of them reach rock bottom together?This is the story which will attempt to answer the question: how do we save the ones we love from their demons? And if we can't save them or ourselves, what do we do? Find out on the debut fanfiction: I Knew You Were Trouble.

28.3K 22 520
Perseverance // Georgenotfound

A short story of George battling life with depression, his inner demons and most importantly, perseverance. TW!Depression Brief suicidal thoughts

32 1 4 Full
Lonely Eyes (BoyxBoy)

Born into wealth, Fabian and Aiden Panich grew up in a suburban town with christian upbringings. Being twin star athletes from Birchwood High came with a lot of whirlwind responsibilities for the brothers to withhold. Which only left room for destructiveness to occur. Nonetheless, the pressure didn't faze Aiden Panich the ruthless twin state player, who was focused on partying and winning as many volleyball tournaments as he could. As Fabian the introverted star player and the twin with the brain who aced every test and the middle blocker who highlighted the teams setter, Aiden, his brother. Fabian was focused on other things such as a secret heart break, and his sexuality.Birchwood high had an long-standing rivalry with Westbrook's volleyball team a public school in the town over, which of course meant Aiden hated their setter, also known as Kai Wang. A ruthless player on the court, which gave him the nickname, "Cobra Kai." And he had it out for twins this upcoming season.

1.6K 6 90
The Stars in our Eyes

A lovely story of four monster that will meet for more adventure. Including Undertale, Underswap, Altertale and Alterswap

5.4K 5 156 Full
just don't die

21 1 2 Full
Geetrick Oneshots <3

Geetrick! Taking requests!

152 8 2
Do You Love Me?

3K 7 35
dsmp duo, trio, teams, and crews oneshots

doesn't matter but just friendships no dating. also only doing fluff

2.7K 9 36
To the galaxy in your eyes

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"Areum, and Bangchan has been childhood friends.Bangchan is falling for her. What would he do when she is going to get married for business purposes by her step father.

83 5 10

Era prima zi de liceu,era dimineata,era ora 7:30 ma pregateam de prima zi de liceu din clasa a IX-a,dupa cateva minute eram gata ma pornisem spre liceu,eram entuziasmata si umpic timida,pentru ca stiam ca anul asta va fi diferit,noi colegi,noi profesori,m a simteam altfel,dar eram pregatita.Ajunsem la liceu,asteptam sa fiu chemata ca sa mergem in clasa,trecuse cateva minute si ne chemau clasa.Ne-au pus sa stam intr-un colt toti,dupa cateva minute ne-a dus diriginta noastra in clasa,a trebuit sa imi caut locul cand am ajuns in clasa.Am discutat,ne-am prezentat toti,dupa ni s-au spus orarul pentru anul asta.Dupa cateva minute am plecat cu toti acasa,a fost ok prima zi,dar pentru mine nu era asta important,pentru ca in momentul in care asteptam am vazut ca am un coleg dragut,cu ochi albastri si parul blond,imediat m-am indragostit.Pe drum spre casa numai la el ma gandeam,ma intrebam oare cum il cheama,oare ma va place.Stiam doar ca miercuri va trebui cumva sa ma bag in seama cu el.Pot sa zic doar ca doar chipul lui frumos si ochi lui frumosi imi erau in minte.Deci pot sa zic ca chiar e adevarat proverbul "DRAGOSTE LA PRIMA VEDERE".

21 10 0 Full
Broken Promises

(Y/N), Gou, Sousuke and Rin have always been close friends but then suddenly Rin transfers to a different school leaving some old wounds behind for (Y/N). A few years later your own the Samezuka cheer team as you have always loved cheer Everything runs smoothly but then next year rolls around and things go a bit downhill when your Rin Matsuoka your ex-lover returns and starts to attend Samezuka? old memories, old wounds, old friends.(Y/N) = your name(Y/N/N) = your nick name(BFF/N) = Best friends name FYI this will be a boy(H/L) = hair length(H/C) = hair length(S/T) = skin tone(E/C)=eye colour

128 5 1
Juliet Cullen

Juliet Cullen. Formally known as Juliet Alexandra Masen. She is the sister of Edward Cullen by blood. She is imprinted on by Embry Call. She has had a rough past that has been hardship and heartbreak and partying. She became a vampire after her brother right before she died. Now she's back. What's in store for her now?

4.1K 11 53
Art Go Brr !

Art that I draw Terribly maybe. Minecraft has entered the chat :P (August 9, 2020)Laughs. MUAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ-----I dont think its leaving.... OH WELPGuess what it did(Rip dsmp phase 2020-2022)ALLL RISE FOR KING TSUKASA TENMaaaaAAAAAA AND OUR QUEEN HARUKAAAAAAAAA~

782 29 55

one of my mlp fanfics starts out dark but gets better semi true story

89 28 1 Full
Shelter (Dream + Muffinteers)

"C'MERE ANT!" Dream shouted as he raises his axe into the air, swinging towards AntFrost's shield.AntFrost character shattered into pixels, fading into the distance. And then, he never heard AntFrost again."Ant?" Dream questioned, thinking AntFrost was being too quiet."Don't get distracted, DREAM!" Sapnap charges towards Dream with an axe, George and Bad behind him."WAIT SAPNAP! There's something really wrong here! Where's Ant?" Dream shouted at Sapnap while holding his shield up, blocking Sapnap's hit before running away again."What do you mean Dream? He's gone." Bad replied, as if nothing was wrong.That was when Dream knew, something isn't right.-----------------------I'm terrible at drawing so ignore my horrible fic art :)Inspired by:Speedrunner vs 0 hunters by MugoShelter by Porter Robison and Madeon

71 1 9 Full