Search: imacunt
36 stories
𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 swings

by the swings that's where it happened.

10 1 1
baby girl

Pe cine pacalesc. Il simt. Il aud. Ii aud respiratia sacadata, ii simt caldura trupului, simt mirosul de tarie si daca nu ma insel, ii aud inima batand. Imi intorc capul sa il privesc. E atat de frumos. Nu imi vine sa cred ca impart patul cu un baiat beat pe care tocmai l-am cunoscut si care pe deasupra s-a purtat si urat cu mine. ***Tot sentimentul meu de siguranta si calm s-a dus naibi, odata ce a iesit pe usa. Cum e posibil asa ceva? Nici macar nu il cunosc. Nu stiu cine e, unde invata sau cine sunt parintii lui. Nu stiu nimic despre el. Stiu doar ca poarta numele unui inger, dar din cate am observat pana acum este exact opusul.

674 5 15
Art Book (( COMPLETED ))

Hi guys and yeah just comment me to draw just anything ok so I can gave your drawing . ( OLD - NEW )

13.3K 200 1.2K Full
Boys in at lunchtime

Fuck off

10 2 0

The story of six people whose love for their country leads to an undying, unseen bond of love and friendship. This is a military based fanfiction but set in a parallel universe. An off track story based on the show "Ziddi Dil Maane Na." The characters, while built around the same ones on the show, have different back stories. Hence, their responses as well as their behaviors might seem a little out of character.

170.6K 101 12.1K
Bersatu Jua (HOLD ON)

Pertemuan pertama antara FAZRI dan FAZIRA terus memberi kesan dan terpahat kukuh dalam hati si teruna. Cukup untuk membuatkan si teruna menanam tekad untuk menyunting si dara menjadi suri dalam hatinya walaupun si dara langsung tidak mengendahkan kehadiran si teruna.Namun bagi Fazira, kehadiran insan bergelar lelaki itu cuba dihindari walaupun hati mula menerima lelaki itu. Namun, jika sudah jodoh, Fazira tidak mampu menolaknya. Atas restu keluarga, mereka dijodohkan walaupun Fazira memberi seribu alasan agar lelaki tersebut tidak memilihnya sebagai isteri."Saya mahu perkahwinan kita... diteruskan. Kita tetap akan berkahwin." - FAZRI"Jangan mengarut... Awak dah lupa dengan apa yang pernah saya katakan pada hari tu? Awak tak takut menyesal lepas berkahwin dengan perempuan seperti saya?!" - FAZIRA"Saya akan lebih menyesal kalau lepaskan awak pergi!" - FAZRIAkhirnya, bahtera yang dibina tetap bersulam bahagia. Namun tidak sangka perkahwinan mereka benar-benar diuji dengan bermacam dugaan. Kemunculan orang ketiga umpama asid beracun, mengikis rasa cinta dan kepercayaan Fazira terhadap Fazri. Ditambah pula rahsia hitam yang cukup perit untuk diluahkan kepada Fazri."Macam mana nak pakai kalau bentuk badan tu hilang nanti? Helo?! Dah lama berkahwin, takkanlah tak faham-faham lagi. I'm sure bentuk badan tu hilang lepas your wife mengandung." - ERINSampai ke satu saat, berlaku satu insiden yang tidak mungkin dapat diterima oleh mana-mana wanita termasuklah Fazira. Disebabkan rasa kecewa yang tidak mampu dibendung, dia membawa diri dengan membawa hati yang lara. Dia reda andai itu yang terbaik bagi dirinya.Bagi Fazri pula, kehilangan Fazira umpama kehilangan nyawa sendiri. Tekadnya cuma satu, membawa pulang isteri tercinta dan kembalikan cahaya cinta dalam rumah tangganya. Berjayakah Fazri? Dan apakah rahsia yang cuba disembunyikan oleh Fazira?

35.1K 57 286
HP ships opinions

i love the gays

3.9K 48 176
Don't Discrim1nate Aga1nst Sp3cies

Fu Li era un yaoguai del campo que nunca había visto el mundo. Tras entrar en la ciudad, su mayor sueño era convertirse en funcionario y dejar su nombre en los registros históricos.Sin embargo... No tenía un título universitario. Ni siquiera un certificado de graduación de la escuela secundaria.Así que, incluso un yaoguai no podría encontrar un buen trabajo si no estudiaba bien. ♡ ⁱⁿᶠᵒ ᵈᵉⁿᵗʳᵒ ᵈᵉ ˡᵃ ʰⁱˢᵗᵒʳⁱᵃ ♡

2.7K 140 313 Full

Mii si mii de semne se arataCeru-i negru ca si smoalaSe nasc umbre se strang,de-o armataLumea moare, macinata de razboi si boalaDracii canta si danseaza sus pe catedraleUn vant rece se asterne peste toat pamantulSpitalele aud mai multe rugaciuni ca si altareleAstia micii fac loc, ca tre sa vina 666, e chiar dansulIl recunosti dupa semne i se aude si rasulCand se apropie, orice-i viata palesteVezi oameni cersind indurare la tot pasulDar Domnul numai pe 4000 ii calauzesteSi vad semne si imagini mi se astern pe retinaVad biserici daramate, doar crucea-i inca susE doar inceputul, batalia, de acum are sa vinaSe vand suflete de oameni, ca in frunte-i semnul pusDisperarea-i mare, totul arde, lumea tipaSe arunca multii in ghiarele rauluiDoamne Dumnezeul meu, ce mare risipaSunt ademeniti ca si cainii in sabia calauluiCurg siroaie si se umblu mii de vai, de sangeSe omoara intre ei, din dansul mortiiUndeva intr-un colt intunecat aud un glas ce plangeUn copil pare a fii, ma apropii, e un semn ,in ciuda sortiiPe cer fulgere se astern, in minte am mii de cugeteCoboara din cer ingeri? Nu! Nu au aripi, au cangeArmata-i creste miselului, au ghiare ca niste maceteToti cer ajutor de Sus, Domnul isi lasa mila si stropeste cu al Lui sange

19 1 2 Full
The Devil In Disguise

Every night, when I closed my eyes, his image would be branded to the backs of my eyelids. That same smile, so gorgeous yet so deadly. Those deep blue eyes, like the treacherous oceans you find, the ones which sometimes have those desolate lighthouses somewhere in them. And his clothes. Oh my, his clothes; a different suit every day, and a different tie to match it. Not a single stain, you'd find - not even a speck of dust, forget a crease. He was immaculate. In every manner.But where he was flawless on the outside, his personality made up for it - he was monstrous. Lethal. If he laid those intense eyes on you, you knew you were dead.He was the most disturbed person you'd ever meet.And he was after me.*** *** ***If survival is the only word in your vocabulary, why is death your only fate?Running from a devil is harder than you think,When your bottle of secrets is pushing you to the brink.The devil counts each and every breath you take,And plots his cunning plan like Eden's cunning snake.You slowly fall in love as he watches and observes,Cackling in delight knowing he can cut your every nerve...Giving you a fate that you surely don't deserve. *TRAILER INSIDE!!*#1 IN TEEN HORROR!!!Copyright 2020 © All Rights Reserved.

67.3K 72 4.5K
Animal Journal by Wild101Life

Instersting facts about animals. Note; I will be updating.I get the information from many different books. So, I am not taking any credit here, both for the information given and the pictures I get from Google. Send me requests about animals to study, either by DM or making a comment. And thank you everyone for a 2 thousand reads.

2.4K 198 241 Full
BTS Covershop ✓ (For BTS FFs, Imagines & Many More)

🔒PERMANENTLY CLOSED🔒Hello guys, I make BTS covers when I feel bored so I thought maybe I could make covers for your BTS books. You can also make requests for covers of other Kpop groups.

9.9K 104 1.1K Full
Mr. & Mrs. Liar - Fazlyn Ridz

TAJUK: MR. & MRS. LIARPENULIS: FAZLYN RIDZISBN NO: 978-967-2185-09-3HARGA: RM 27.00(SM), RM30.00(SS)Oleh sebab cintanya kepada Hani terkandas kerana Kamil, Putra menyepi sekian lama tanpa didampingi wanita. Sehinggalah dia bertemu dengan Tania, adik angkat a.k.a. sepupu kepada Kamil yang pernah menjadi racun dalam hubungan cintanya dahulu. Lalu dia mendapatkan gadis itu dengan tipu daya.Anehnya, kerap kali lelaki menipu wanita untuk mengecewakan. Ironinya Putra menggunakan penipuan untuk mengikat Tania kepadanya. Watak lelaki jahat terus dimainkan untuk melihat sejauh mana tipu daya Tania kepadanya pula. Walaupun tahu Tania berpura-pura, dia nekad mahu memiliki gadis itu biarpun tanpa restu bapanya. Ada sebabnya!"Bukan you yang jahat. I yang jahat selama ni." - Tania"Give me the knife, baby. I tak marah. I tak sengaja, sayang." - PutraTania pernah melalui kisah hitam menderita penyakit PTSD. Sakit yang turut didorong oleh didikan Puan Sri Karmila, ibu Kamil. Memori bapa kandung membunuh ibu kandungnya bukan mudah untuk dipadamkan. Tetapi menjalani hidup bersama Putra, hidup Tania berubah. Dia bahagia!'I'm going to take shower. If you play with my underwear again, you aren't getting any of my pancakes for breakfast. I'm serious, Putra. It wasn't funny! '- Tania"Manalah I tahu. Itu tak macam seluar dalam pun. Selalunya seluar dalam you... err. Apa namanya tu?" - PutraHidup sebagai suami isteri telah menggembirakan Tania. Tetapi ada yang belum selesai. Hani muncul dalam hidup Putra bersama Daniel. Daniel, anak kandung Hani membuka rahsia besar tentang Kamil dan Putra. Apakah rahsia itu?Rentetan kisah lalu orang lain, mereka berempat yang mengutip hasilnya. Duka! Sengketa demi sengketa membuatkan mereka terpaksa berpaut kuat antara satu sama lain agar tidak terpisah.Mr. & Mrs. Liar... mereka tenggelam di celahan tipu daya. Bersama-sama mereka berusaha melepasi ranjaunya!

902 11 6
Lacuna [The Fangirl Series no. 02]

Maybe being alone in a foreign country was the best decision Asialaine has ever made in her life. After years of convincing her parents to let her go abroad they finally let her be. Deep inside her heart she knows that she needs to find the answer to her questions especially after unknown packages came to her. When she opened the packages she saw a medical certificate from a hospital, mugs, scarves and there were pictures of two people. It was taken at Akita, Japan. The snow made everything look picturesque and romantic. Asia was mystified as the date on the bottom of the picture was taken three years ago. Her smile was wide in the photo looking at the person beside her whom she can't remember. He was a bit taller than her and his arms were thrown around her. Asia tried to remember anything that was related to the picture but alas, she found none except for dull throbbing pains made her grimace and click her tongue. Their family doctor told her that she was in a traffic accident which explains the protectiveness of her parents and siblings.Retrograde Amnesia, they said. Asia won't remember anything related to her accident unless something will trigger it. She earned a gap between her memories and heart. Revising and Editing.Lacuna [L.JH fanfic] Second Installment of The Fangirl Series

208 10 4
More Than a Machine

L'othaim would make an ultimate soldier. The clones he'd helped create in the past were already enhanced. But they could always be better. L'othaim had the knowledge, the skill. He would make this one soldier the best of the best. "Alright," he said aloud. He studied the little life form floating inside the birth tank. He checked the number attached to the glass. "6-4-2, is it? Well, 642, you will be the greatest super soldier to ever grace the galaxy. Let's get started." Follow the creation of a misplaced little 642, later to call himself Stallone, and his journey through life as he tries to find his place in the vast universe. (also the first draft has exactly 642 words which was unintentional and I love it)(****I will also be posting this story on, and you might find it on some other writing forums too lol)

682 36 27
Future X Reader Story Ideas & Suggestions

A Idea and Suggestions Book of Future x Reader Stories to keep track on my story ideas that I came up with and anyone that is reading this book is free to give me some suggestions of their own for future stories and if someone wants to try my story ideas for themselves to create their own books, you have my permission to do so.

52.3K 96 665
Lil Shrek

A story about an aggressive green ogre for a neighbor

6 1 0
Songs That I Can't Live Without (Seriously, I Mean It)

48.2K 100 436 Full
Inheritos 2

-Te ascult! Probabil nici nu aveam să îl bag în seamă, dar fie. -Bine, dar te rog, să nu mă întrerup! Taci şi ascultă, măcar odată în viaţa ta, taci şi asculta-mă! Eram toţi la o petrecere, ne distram, băutură, dans, mâcare, tot ce voiai. Toţi împreună. Era aproape 4:00 dimineaţa când ne-am decis să plecăm de la petrecere, am sunat la taxi. Eu m-am urcat lângă şofer, iar tu cu Amelia şi Ştefan v-aţi urcat în spate, tu erai la mijloc. A început ploaia şi drumul era destul de alunecos. Nu ştiu prea bine ce s-a întâmplat...ştiu doar că în faţa noastră era un TIR, îmi mai aduc aminte doar scârţâitul roţilor, cred că o altă maşină ne-a lovit din început să ne rostogolim. Şoseaua pe care mergeam era în mijlocul unui câmp, panta nu a fost mare, dar îndeajuns să ne dăm de câteva ori peste cap. Îmi aduc aminte apoi doar că cineva mă scoatea afară din maşină şi atunci mi-am recăpătat cât de cât cunoştinţa. Te-am văzut întinsă pe iarbă la caţiva metri de maşină. Am fugit spre tine, erai plină de sânge... nu ziceai nimic, nu respirai. Ambulanţa a apărut imediat dupa ce am ajuns eu la tine. Te-au resuscitat de câteva ori şi inima ta a început din nou să bată, dar erai in comă. Şoferul taxiului a murit. Amelia şi Ştefan sunt şi ei bine, acum. - Câ...cât am stat în comă? -Aproape 9 luni... 9 luni, fix perioada când...când s-au întâmplat toate cele cu Ivan, Marko, Nikolay, Dalia...totul a fost doar în imaginaţia mea? Nu, nu se poate aşa ceva..." Totul a fost doar imaginatia Kirei? Prietenii ei nu mai exista sau totul a fost un plan bine pus la punct? Totul v-a iesi la iveala, dar batalia finala este totusi atat de departe. Noi personaje, noi intamplari, noi povesti de dragoste, mitologia isi face si ea aparitia, iar zeitatile se vor strecura incet, incet in poveste.

2.4K 27 328
music I Love

Just something to share

553 176 17
Pokémon Ships! (Rating)

This book is about Pokémon ships! Not a one-shot stories or whatever, just my opinion and rating on every ship! If I don't like a ship, please don't get offended, it's just my opinion on it :3You guys can also rate too if you want! (If you get offended easily, turn away!)~I will maybe make a 2nd book too!

17.2K 198 118
Owen's Choice 2.0

Continuation of Owen's Choice 1.0 (An uncompleted Fanfiction about Owen Hargrave, Jakob Miller, and Isaac Imacuntlol) Warning: coarse language and sexual content may be provided in this story. Viewer's descretion is advised.

54 1 5
Summoners War for PC Windows 10, 8, 7 - Mac

Oxygen Games™ is a publisher of video gaming entertainment for all the major console platforms including the Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation®2 and Sony PlayStation® Portable. We offer a broad range of fun and sociable video game titles designed to capture the imagination of the emerging lifestyle and family gaming audience.

2 1 0
prietenia , un sentiment de neuitat !!

intr-o vara, trei fete merg intr-o tabara , ele nu stiind ca din acel moment vor forma o prietenie, in acea vara for trece prin multe peripetii de neuitat ,Acele fete se numeau : Molli , Ema si Jennifer . sa incepem cu inceputul : ele ajunsera in tabara nici una nu se stia , venise timpul sa se cunoasca cu instructorii de tabara, Molli fusese prima care vroia sa-si cunoasca instructori , ea era o fata foarte buna si ascultatoare , Ema era draguta si prietenoasa, Jennife era populera si mereu atragatoare . Venise timpul sa se instaleze in cabane , Molli , Ema si Jennifer picasera impreuna sa stea in cabana , ele se instalasera , ele adormisera , Ema sforaia ,sforaia atat de tare de Molli se trezise , Molli se trezise isi pregati un pahar de lapte cald si se puse la loc in pat , venise dimineata ,fetele se trezisera , Molli se pregati sa mearga la cursul de inot, Jennifer merge la o plimbare prin padure inaintea cursurilor , Ema ramane in cabana , ele atunci nici nu vorbeau , se facuse ora pranzului fetele sosira de la cursuri , pusesera sa manance , Molli incerca sa vorbeasca cu ele dar fetele nu dadeau niciun semn de viata pana cand Molli incepu sa vorbeasca : -scuzatima ca va spun dar noi daca tot o sa petrecem vara impreuna dece nu ne vorbim ? macar sa incercam ! Ema : ce sa spun ai dreptate macar sa incercam Jennifer : ok da aveti dreptate macar sa incercam ! dar sa nu imi folositi din machiaje ! sa inteles ? Molli : cu siguranta ! eu nu prea ma machez ! cu siguranta no sa ti le folosesc ! Ema : eu no sa ti le folosesc ca nu sunt nuanta mea ! Jennifer : bine , ma bucur ! . Asa sa format o mica comunicare , acesta a fost primul meu capitol din povestea mea , sper ca va placut !

2 1 0