Search: hulk2003
13 stories
Resident Evil/Hulk 2008: Code name

Resident Evil X Hulk 2008ADA Wong x male adopted baby Hulk reader ( child like power Hulk 2008 game and movie) single mother) child hero) Child real mother lady dimitrescu)

117 1 2 Full
 My heart in search of Him...

Një herë e një kohë , në një qytezë të vogël dy fëmijë lindën në maj të të njëjtit vit... U rritën sëbashku , por nuk ishin dashuria e parë për njëri-tjetrin.... Ajo as që e mbante mend , ndërsa ai kujtonte çdo shikim te saj kundrejt princit sykaltër te kopshtit " MREKULLI NË PËRRALLA"Xhelozia për të qënë i përzgjedhuri e bëri atë te rrënjosë ndjenja ... ndërsa për Medin kjo luftë nisi egër .Ata të dy s'do të kishin qënë kurrë bashkë ... nëse ai rreng i pisët nuk do të ishte zbatuar në kohën e duhur...

17 1 5
Hulk: The strongest there is

What if 2003 Hulk was in avengers instead of his 2012's variant. But moreover he will have similar personaity to 2008 hulk. Powers of this hulk is a bit reworked(not nerfed), so if you want to see what will happen. Then let's take a look.

38 1 2
Strongest There Is

When they traveled back to get the Infinity Stones, the Avengers unintentionally tore a hole in the universal fabric. A portal opens during the final battle with Thanos, the single result, and someone crashes into ground. Everyone's surprised, when a larger, tougher, stronger, and ANGRIER Hulk crawls out of the ground. And his first target? Thanos. Also on Fanfiction.Net

6 1 0
The worst boyfriend ever ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Chris has gone crazy

11 1 0
Meeting Chris

1 2 1
Boyfriend gone  crazy๐Ÿ™„

This is about a girl name Khalil who falls in love with a boy name Chris to be continued...

29 2 0

Ingrid world comes crashing down until she meets Mateo, The most popular guy in school. But he decides to talk to her. Why? True love? A dare?

0 3 0
The second Soul Calibur Hunger games

Soul edge and soul Calibur fight again but this time with a surprising shock.

66 1 4
How it began

Hiraeth finally gets the chance to leave her world behind and venture to the lonely mountain, doing everything she can to make sure the company gets there in one piece. Risking her life to have the rightful king rule over his people she may find a reason to stay and build anew.

58 1 1
ask laughing jack

hahahaha,hi kids y'all ask me questions but don't go to far guys our bad side

34 8 0
Todo lo que no alcancรฉ a expresar en la etapa de la ira

"Ella me destrozo, bastante, de hecho hasta el día de hoy sufro las consecuencias de aquello que me hizo sentir, de aquello por lo que fui ciego, hasta el punto tal de perder parcialmente a personas que estaban siempre para mi, se que palabras en una pantalla o en un papel no van a enmendar aquellos errores que cometí pero si ayudarán a que aquellos a los que alguna vez ofendí entiendan que estoy arrepentido y agradecido por la ayuda que me suministraron cuando la necesité. Gracias."-Enjoy!

4 1 1
The Adventures Of Alice and Tobi

Alice and Tobi were best friends, and they loved adventure. Alice wasn't shy at all, and she loved being noticed by her peers. She was a kind and popular girl. Tobi, on the other hand, didn't care for attention, and he kept to himself. He too was kind, but he didn't care for the swarms of classmates and strangers. Along with Alice's pet fox Cloud and Tobi's pet dog Kiba, the pair shall adventure into the vast world that they had never known before.~This story is a collaboration with lilk2003, a great friend of mine. We will try to have the new chapter of the story up once a week, if possible. We can on really write in our free time in school, which isn't much. Hopefully you enjoy!~

21 3 0