Search: hudba
720 stories
Sex, hudba, drogy a alkohol

371 8 7
Social media • Choen Hudbanks [ON HOLD]

[notnoen]: Chase Hudson (lilhuddy) started following you[lilhuddy]: Noen Eubanks (notnoen) started following you

38.6K 23 1.1K
Rychlost nám otevřela oči

Co se stane když si mladá holka začne plnit sen

199 7 12
Rufio x Reader

y/n Hook daughter of Captain James Hook

2.3K 6 40 Full
M-my Husband? You're Joking ... Right?

Farrah had always been very.. Umm.. How do I explain... Oh yeah, uptight. A goody too-shoes. On her eighteenth birthday though, she gets convinced by her best friends Shea, Holly, and Chi-Young to spend the weekend in Las Vegas. I mean its not everyday you turn eighteen. Right? So she decided to have fun. What happens when fun, turns into getting drunk and ending up getting married to famous movie star Blake Taylor. At freaking eighteen and school starts the following week! What else could possibly go wrong? Then there is the fact that she might be falling for said movie star and a bonus package on the way.

17.8K 23 478 Full
Max Mayfield X reader

Some Trigger warnings but gxg

298 7 12
Klávesy Osudu: Příběh Samanty Caldwellové

Samanta Caldwellová, osmnáctiletá studentka střední školy, žije ve městě jménem Willowville. Její rodina se před několika lety přestěhovala do tohoto malého města z velkého města, a tak pro Samantu znamenal tento přesun velkou změnu v jejím životě. Je vysoká a štíhlá, s dlouhými hnědými vlasy a očima stejné barvy, což jí dodává výraznou krásu.Samanta je nadaná v hudbě a hraje na klavír. Když sedí u klavíru, stává se hudba jejím útočištěm a způsobem, jak vyjádřit své pocity. Kromě hudby má také vášeň pro knihy a ráda čte různé literární žánry, od dobrodružství po romantiku. Je inteligentní, ambiciózní a sní o tom, že jednoho dne se stane spisovatelkou.Vzhledem k tomu, že se přestěhovala do nového města, má Samanta za sebou několik významných zážitků a vztahů. Snaží se najít své místo ve světě a skloubit svou lásku k hudbě a psaní se středoškolskými povinnostmi a přátelstvími. Je přátelská, ale zároveň trochu rezervovaná a tajemná. Její kruh přátel se postupně rozšiřuje, když se adaptuje na nové prostředí.Samanta je postavou s hlubokými emocemi a ambicemi, které ji hnou kupředu. Je to holčička s mnoha různými rozměry a příběhem, který se teprve začíná psát.

24 10 0 Full
Gin's Furry Discord Server

Drama. Violence. Death. 18 people come together in a horrid group known as "Gin's Furry Server," to solve the mystery of life and what it means. Or they argue in Discord text channels, pick your poisonGin and Shin have the bright idea to create a server for furries and Animal Jam and it goes horribly wrong. Follow their journey in this 10-chapter saga as they invite many people, ranging from artists to musicians to even Twitch streamers!(Note: We do not believe ANY of these characters actually act this way, we exaggerated their personalities because it's funny. Also, do not take any of this story seriously.)By CloudBall_ and Bpecialer24923 words

692 11 14 Full
YES or YES Anketa

Anketa, zvyčajne vo forme "to alebo to", v ktorej sa jednoducho s výberom potrápite!

157 7 40
Hermione Granger X Reader

1. your snaps daughter and you meet Hermione and later something happens there is more but that is the main one

147 5 5 Full
Puppy Love | Choen

Noen Eubanks thought his life was regular and care free, that was until a new transfer student named, Chase Hudson came along, noen is told he must look after and be friends with chase, but will it become more then just friends

37.1K 33 1.2K Full
Niki one shots

this is a book of difrtent one shots of Niki I make when I'm bord⚠️Not Sexualizing ⚠️

1.9K 17 23 Full
Nhật ký nứng

nhật ký về con cặc hư hỏng của mình cùng gu ib ig: @godbabiiii

22.8K 7 34

,,Dobro veče"rekao mi je ,,Kako si znao da sam Srpkinja?"🤫

3K 7 79
Daigo X Reader

After being builled in an all girl school because you like beyblade you beg your parents to transfer to a new school also know was Beigoma Academy you think that after moving you would feel better about going but on y/n first day she get butterflies in her stomach and is very aware of her is surroundings and trying to pull herself to gather how will she meet some one that will understand

3K 6 66 Full
The Boy Wonder || Jason Todd (Robin/The Red Hood) Fan Fiction

"If You Are Good, The Shadow's Wings Are A Welcome, Protective Blanket. If You Are Bad, You Know Its Touch As A Black Splinter Of Fear."

27.7K 39 658
Loving Another World||_Book 1_

The Tarrons are forced into hiding on a mudball called "Earth" after General Morando's attack. Krel and Aja go in disguise as humans to blend in. At school in Arcadia Oaks Aja and Krel struggle to fit in. But what if there was a human girl who was the sister of our very own, Jim Lake Jr. Only one problem: she can't remember her brother is the Trollhunter due to a severe head injury. (But I don't feel like writing the trollhunter series so lol). Krel didn't want to fall in love, but this girl -- this traumatized, sweet, clever, sweet beautiful girl may change his feelings about Earth. Perhaps she will. ------------------------------------------|Started: 6/9/24Finished: 7/1/24

872 17 34 Full
Praktikant s hudbou v srdci CZ - completed

Story about Niall and Viktorie. If you want to translate to English, write me :)

9.8K 27 707 Full
Canon in D

Opět jsem začal hrát tu skladbu, kterou jsem miloval. Hudba byla jediná věc, která mě držela při životě, byl jsem díky ní šťastný.

31 1 3 Full
Jenna Ortega Images

Jenna Ortega and her characters

1.4K 7 16
Hailee Steinfeld  imagines

Hailee and her characters

642 7 18
Zene fudbalera

Da li ste se ikada zapitali sta se desi kada rodjake moraju zbog skole otputovati u pariz i upoznaju bracu fudbalere?

25 7 0
Na skok do neznáma

Čo si predstavíte, keď sa povie Chicago? Jazz, kulinárstvo, horúce noci,... Tak nejak to vidí aj Norah, pre ktorú je toto mesto všetko. Narodila sa tu a spolu s otcom vedú podnik, ktorý je známy skvelými nápojmi a živou hudbou, ktorej speváčkou je práve podnikateľova dcéra.Život Norah sa však začne meniť s nástupom otcových tajomných výprav a nevysvetliteľných náhod... Je hudba to, čomu sa má venovať celý život alebo je pre ňu nachystané niečo iné?,,Hudba, hudba, hudba... veď o to tu aj tak ide."

58 10 13

přijímám žádosti / requests open!!!

119 9 22
Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo Conspiracy (Oscar Enestad)

"I love you Alisha." He told me. My hands trembled as I touched my thumb to the thudding pulse in his neck, my stomach ached from butterflies that stormed in infinite circles within. "I love you." ******** Alisha joined a school exchange trip to Sweden for a year, although her main focus is school. She seems to cross paths with some unfortunate events and gets sidetracked once she find the young, talented, charming, Oscar Enestad and his crew. *Sexual Themes*

48.7K 45 1K Full
7 Years When I Was Alive (Neji x Reader) Naruto Fan fic

"The person you love. Is it Neji?" "Why do you say that?"---The day you met Neji Hyuga, you knew you wanted to be his friend. The day Neji Hyuga met you, he knew he should stay as far away from you as possible. Especially because you only had seven years left to live.//Naruto Fanfiction//

565K 33 28.9K Full