Search: heysiriwhereistheclosestbridge
5 stories
Bird poop

If you could wish for anything what would you want? This story uncovers a journey on which lego Harry Potter asks the exact same question. It's definitely not what you would expect.Definitely doesn't involve birds or poop. Definitely not. This is a joke btw please don't take it seriously I actually want to off myself for writing this but at the same time enjoyed it.

45 5 1
Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Random and Funny Pics

I don't own anything ๐Ÿ˜‚ but here are some HP funny pictures!!! (HP/FB)

38.5K 198 985 Full
Finding Neverland | George Weasley โœ“

"To die will be an awfully big adventure."As many as the Diggory siblings read over the line neither one of them were expecting to experience or witness death at such a young age. But it is the only line that Thea can focus on after her brother was murdered during the Triwizard Tournament. Every night since it happened, Thea finds herself with the book in her lap, her parents haven't spoken since the funeral and it's almost like she doesn't exist anymore. She was never really out there to begin with, not like Cedric but at least he paid attention to her, he reminded her that she was special, even during times that she didn't believe it.When it comes time to return to school, Thea suddenly finds herself surrounded by people. People that have never spoken to her in the six years that she's attended Hogwarts. All of them, offering their condolences, willing to lend a listening ear if she wished to talk about it, but what was there to talk about? Cedric was dead, and he wasn't coming back. She doesn't want to speak with these strangers, she doesn't want their pity, all Thea wants is to be left alone.There is one soul that can see how much the girl is hurting without her brother, but he's seen the faces she's given whenever someone approaches. George Weasley understands he can't approach Thea as he normally would with others. But all he wants to do is see her smile again because seeing Thea's distraught face does not settle well with him at all. So, he starts off small, tripping over his own feet around her, in hopes of getting a laugh. However, it doesn't seem to work until the first frost comes and while he isn't trying to fall, he slips on ice dragging his brother down with him and finally, he hears a laugh.It's not easy for Thea to heal with Umbridge coming to Hogwarts, but George has every plan to help her.This plot was originally created by @PseudoNymphadora/@kmbell92

815.8K 111 25.2K Full
Changing Draco Malfoy

Iris Underwood is an American witch, but whose parents are from London. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood work for the Magical Congress of the United States of America in New York City.The Underwoods had fled England when Iris was about to be born, but the true reason of their flight had been vague. Iris had been attending Ilvermorny for her first three years, and has been in the Wampus House, but for her fourth year, her parents abruptly decided to move back to London, and that meant that Iris would be attending Hogwarts in the Fall. The new shift of atmosphere will bring unexpected events. Good and Bad is blended into grey.The sorting, friends, enemies, love interests, and uncovered secrets await!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hope you all enjoy! This story follows closely with the movies, but brings old twists from the books! Thank you to JK Rowling for her inspirational story!I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters.

1.1K 39 10 Full
Bullying is Not Ok

Hey I write this book as a message to not bully

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