Search: heroesofdreamland
82 stories
Heroes of Dreamland, Book 7: Kirby and the Battle for Dreamland (OLD)

The Fountain of Dreams lies in ruins. The Mirror World is draining of life. Dreamland's color is beginning to fade away as every last sweet dream vanishes. One of the five points of Nintendo World is very sick. But how could any of this have happened?...A terrible foe has gathered the tools and weapons of every villain the Warrior of the Stars has ever faced and used them to turn himself into something terrible. And what's worse, this foe knows our heroes well, and intends to use everything he can against them.Dreamland is facing her darkest hour, and when her heroes find that many of their once-allies have turned their backs on them, what is to be done to save the fair realm? Will Light be restored to Dreamland? Or will the forces of Darkness and nightmares succeed in finally emptying the Galaxy of all its hopes and dreams?You've traveled far with these brave heroes, dear Reader. You've learned of a world beyond our own, a world not that far away. You've met and come to know six great warriors, some more likely than others, each with their own unique story. You've watched as they've experienced victory and defeat, rejoicing and loss, love and hatred, forgiveness and the withholding of such. But now our journey nears its end, and soon the curtain will fall on the Heroes of Dreamland.The only question that remains is, will the scene close on an again-peaceful Dreamland, or a world of Darkness and nightmares that will never see Light again?(The final book in the Heroes of Dreamland saga) (Rated PG for mild fantasy violence and some mildly scary elements)(I do not own any of Nintendo's locations, characters, etc. I claim no ownership of their property. I do own all my OC's, all plotlines and plot devices in these books that are of my own design, my original locations, etc. Please do not copy, paraphrase, or otherwise steal my work. Thanks.)

16.2K 37 333 Full
Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 1: Stars Amidst Lightning

Far beyond the stars, yet in a world far closer to our own than you might ever imagine, there is a starry world named Planet Popstar. This world plays home to a few heroes you've probably heard of, and has already survived the attacks of many a villain, thanks to her greatest hero, The Warrior of the Stars. But when a new threat rears its ugly head and threatens the peace of the idyllic realm of Dreamland, will the same old heroes be enough to stop it? Or does the still-healing, so-recently-war-torn Galaxy need another heroine to lend her sword to its protection?The young child who has already saved the Galaxy countless times, despite his young age and his innocent demeanor.The mute kid who feels like nobody ever really notices him, like his presence is hardly even necessary.The odd new hero, an aberration among her own kind, who longs for a voice.The quirky magician who flees from his past, never slowing to let anybody else catch up.The lone knight who still nurses old battle wounds not so far beneath the surface, who wishes for a heart of stone.For our heroes, new and old, surviving the Monstrous Lightning is just the very beginning of an adventure that will span cultures, centuries, worlds, dimensions, and hearts.This is a story that strives to prove that every life has meaning, that everyone can be redeemed, that everyone can be loved, and that no matter who you are and others' expectations of you, you can do great things with the help of the power that hung the very stars in place. Even during the worst of storms, the stars are still there, hidden amidst the lightning.This, dear Reader, is the story of the Heroes of Dreamland.(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.) (Cover art by @Pink_Ichigo_Bunny77.)

27.1K 46 908 Full
Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 3: Stars Amidst Darkness

Things have been peaceful in Dreamland for quite some time now. Kirby has been enjoying the time off, but for Meta Knight, life has become rather monotonous. Not far away, a wizard is trapped on a planet he doesn't belong on, with no real purpose in life--rather like Meta Knight. All Magolor wants is to get his ship fixed, and to never get involved in anything even slightly related to Kirby and/or Meta Knight ever again. But since when do things ever go his way? Meanwhile, someone familiar finds peace dreadfully boring. There must be some way to liven things up a bit...Now, at least, Sakura's back, but... she really doesn't look like herself. As Meta Knight notices immediately, she looks strikingly like someone else, someone he hasn't seen for a very, very long time. But then, why does she have Sakura's memories and no one else's? Just where did she come from, anyway? And where did she learn to mess with such a dangerous thing as magic?...Sakura may be back, but things still don't feel quite right to Meta Knight, and the ongoing events just serve to reinforce that feeling more and more. It's almost as if everything that's happening now was never meant to occur...M̸͚̝̩̤͊͌̀́a̸̮͍̲̦͔̐̚y̷̥̠͈̹̱̭͛̀́̄̀̆͝b̵̢̛̙̰̀̃̓ě̷̻̞͔̩͋̓͛͘͝ ̸̹͕̺̖̾͘b̷̲̦̫̖̘̞͛̽̀͒͊̕ͅę̷͇̿̔̍̉̈́ç̶̧͙̗̋ả̶̢͙͉͚̒̌ů̶͔s̷̻̈̒̄̚̚e̴̡̖̘͕̼͂̋͛̒͐ͅ ̸̛̠͒̋̎̄͛i̷̧̙̘̗̍͛̈́t̷̢̹͍̼̟̫̟͗̃ ̵̹̼̄̒̋̈w̴͎̳̟̖̺͛̔͜ă̷̲͔̳̫s̴̡̯͕̺͈̲͓͂n̸̛̗͇̻'̶͉̲̠̺̹͎̤̓͒̾̃̽͠t̵̤̖̤̗͇͂͗.̸̡̖̳̟͔̕(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.)(Cover: ig's solarssaturn/@pusheenkirb.)

7.3K 34 248 Full
Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 2: Stars in Far Places

In another time, far from where we first began our tale, a young Star Warrior wants nothing more than to be a hero. With the help of his teacher, maybe one day he'll learn to use a sword--while taking the time to read a few comic books along the way. Life on Star World is great--at least for some people--but there's always a real worry tugging at his heart, made constant by the nightmarish visions that visit him almost every night... A time of evil is drawing ever closer, but Blue feels anything but prepared.Elsewhen and elsewhere, a monster is being trained to despise its people and hunger for their destruction. What happens if you teach a being how to use unbridled power, and then take away everything it's learned to care for, turning something pure and gentle into something hateful and cruel? Scientifically speaking, it might be interesting to find out... Such a beast must certainly be helpful in the coming war...One warrior helps to bind both of these threads together with the distant present that must be left alone a while in favor of other times. How does this hero bind the story together? Who are they? That's all anyone's guess, at least for now.What matters is that even far away from Popstar, even apart from the Warrior of the Stars, there are still stars that shine in the Galaxy, stars whose stories are more closely intertwined with his own than we might ever imagine.(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.)(Cover: @PsychicNature.)

11.8K 42 329 Full
Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6: Kirby and the Fountain's Fate (OLD)

Just when the heroes start to think that maybe the trouble's all over for now, they're reminded that not all is right in Dreamland or the Mirror World thanks to a couple of Dark beings who have had plenty of time to plot and plan and grow extra bitter against their Light reflections. Maybe getting things fixed and back to normal will be simple... but, then again, when is that ever the case here in the land of dreams? Hold on to your Dimensional Capes, Hats, Scarfs, etc., because this is the start of what may turn out to be either the heroes' greatest victory... or their worst defeat.Oh, and thanks to the Dimension Mirror, things may be growing extra complicated when a new-but-awfully-familiar character enters the scene. He's here, and he's determined to destroy all involved in this great battle, both the Light and the Dark.The peace of all worlds may be here, but now that the prophecies and the programming are gone from Nintendo World, who's to say how long it will last?(Book 6 in the Heroes of Dreamland saga) (rated PG for mild fantasy violence and some mildly scary elements)(I do not own any of Nintendo's locations, characters, etc. I claim no ownership of their property. I do own all my OC's, all plotlines and plot devices in these books that are of my own design, my original locations, etc. Please do not copy, paraphrase, or otherwise steal my work. Thanks.)

12.6K 33 364 Full
Heroes of Dreamland, Book 6 1/2: The Last Sakuranoki (OLD)

A mostly original story that takes place in the Nintendo World universe created in my other stories. This is canon within my stories, and you're going to notice several places where it ties in with the HoD series, but almost all of the characters are going to be original. Any Nintendo canon characters are only going to be mentioned and will not actually appear as characters. The story starts in the early 230's.This is the story of an unsung hero that was never recognized, but whose actions greatly shaped the Galaxy we know and love today. This is the story of a special tree, a magical cape, an impossible sword, and the wingless Fairy whose life was forgotten even if it was indescribably important.This is the story of Cherry.(An HoD novella. A lot of things in Book 6 make more sense if you read this book. So please feel free to do so XD) (rated PG for mild fantasy violence and some somewhat scary elements)(I do not own any of Nintendo's locations, characters, etc. I claim no ownership of their property. I claim intellectual property of all my OC's, all plotlines and plot devices in these books that are of my own design, my original locations, etc. Please do not copy, paraphrase, or otherwise steal my work. Thanks.)

2.8K 19 159 Full
Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 4: The Flight of Falling Stars

Everyone knows the Galaxy was marred by war. Hardly a planet was left unscathed. Hardly a family did not lose somebody. These are common experiences, from Halcandra to Primaea; from Ripple Star to Floralia. Even in Dreamland's idyllic haven, everyone knows the war changed the Galaxy forever.What is less known is what the war was like for those who fought it. Star World sits empty, now, but once she held so many souls, each with their own story, each with their own triumphs and traumas. And even during those cursed days, time still progressed. Hearts fell in love. Friendships were forged and broken. Seasons and holidays came and went. Even as the world ended, life carried on. And every soul found their own path through the war--most ending in death, true, but often changing the course of history first. And frequently, those who seemed least important, wound up making the most difference.We know the soldiers who led the efforts of the starborn Army. Head General Arthur, Lieutenant Generals Falspar and Meta Knight and the others; we know all of them. We know about their bravery, their skill, their honor. What little we know of the war's ordeals, we know from the legends about them.But legends are often incomplete at best and inaccurate at worst.We know Lieutenant General Meta Knight, Hero of Dreamland. But Meta Knight wasn't always the experienced, time-tested soldier that he is today. Even he started out at the bottom of the ranks. Even he tasted what war was like for the most expendable of the Army's numbers.And, despite his best efforts...Even Meta Knight did not fight alone.(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.)(Cover: NASA Hubble. If you're interested in creating an original cover, please PM me here or elsewhere!)

1.5K 17 98
(ON HOLD) Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 5: Stars in the New World

Remember, way back in the beginning, when I told you that this world is closer to yours than you could ever imagine? Well... You're probably about to realize just how close it really is.I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to calm the rushing sequence of events down. Pieces of the universe that I've ignored for centuries are back where I have to pay attention to them again. Meta Knight is feeling things that I'd hoped would go unfelt. Sakura has remembered things that I had hoped would go unremembered. Galacta Knight has disappeared yet again, for better or for worse. I don't know how to fix things. It might already be too late to fix things.I need someone to help me. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep being the only Ancient. I need someone else who can help me carry some of this burden, someone else who can help me take care of this world.Things are already a mess, but I can feel the coming evil. Something horrible is stirring deep within the world I run. Something wicked. Something that's already brought about the end of one world.01010011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100100 01100101 00101110I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to help. I just wanted to tell a story.I̶͙̻̽ṉ̴͔̀̈ś̸͓̤͐t̴͎͊͂é̴͙à̵̝d̴̳̄ ̶̬́͋I̶̲̊͋'̶͈̩͆v̸͛͜e̴̻͆̈́ ̴͚͆̓ŕ̵̖̦̓u̸̟̤͘ḯ̸̱͂ṅ̵͍̺͘ḛ̵̖̓ḍ̴͐ ̷͚̫̾̚e̴̟̔̏v̴̲̗͐è̶̛̞r̵̖͑y̴̆̓ͅt̷͈̰͆͗h̵̪̘͒͋ĩ̸̢n̵͔̈́g̵̻̳͑̂.̶͕̯͐(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.)(cover by @pusheenkirb.)

2.6K 13 77
Cobra Kai Group Chat 🥋👊

So, I basically just wanted an outlet to write something entirely based on humorous events from the show or ideas that I just think would be funny.The only difference is that I decided to write them in text form for something different! Always open to character requests! 😁Most of all, I just hope these text chains help give someone something to laugh at during hard times because nothing matters more to me than putting smiles on others' faces.Love you all and hope you enjoy! ❤

1.7K 6 55 Full
Heroes of Dreamland Reimagined: Swingin!AU

This is a Heroes of Dreamland AU (Author Lady-aka-ebearskittychan approved) that also borrows a couple of characters from TheTrashGoddess' Kirby fic "Stars That Fall to Earth." I do have permission to use all the OCs I include in my story from both writers, and all ships in the story have also already been okay'd by them both (so please don't flame me if you don't like a ship they're all pure anyway I promise ok??? ok). (Also there will be references to the book The Great Gatsby, kudos to those who spot them!)Anyway, my little tale is a re-imagining of the HoD cast (and a couple STFTE OCs) as puffballs living in Star World's version of the 1920s. Following the Great War against Halcandra, everything is pretty chaotic. The lives of the rich keep getting flashier and flashier, while the have-nots keep getting left farther and farther behind. Magic is illegal, thanks to the Prohibition declared by General Arthur, but nobody's really paying attention--ya just gotta keep it on the down-low, y'see? In a world of murder, mystery, and intrigue, one thing reigns supreme--the sweet sound of swing jazz.One thing's for sure, at least everything is Swingin!This story is PG-13 for mild violence/blood, so be forewarned, kiddos. Also, I don't own any of these characters:Meta Knight, Kirby, Dark Meta Knight, Shadow Kirby, Magolor, Arthur, Dragato, Falspar, Nonsurat: Nintendo/HAL LabsSakura, Jiyuu, Solar, Geo, Terra, Matsuri, Iru, Blizzard: ebearskittychanAugustine and Enit: TheTrashGoddessThis list may be updated later on!Cover art by TheTrashGoddess.

417 5 16
Holdfast: An HoD Short Story

DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READ ALL OF HEROES OF DREAMLAND AND ALL OF THE SHORT STORIES.DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READ ALL OF HEROES OF DREAMLAND AND ALL OF THE SHORT STORIES.DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READ ALL OF HEROES OF DREAMLAND AND ALL OF THE SHORT STORIES.THIS STORY IS LITERALLY JUST A BUCKET OF SPOILERS FROM BEGINNING TO END SO DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU IF YOU IGNORE THIS WARNING AND READ IT ANYWAY AND END UP SPOILING THE ENTIRE SERIES FOR YOURSELF.That said, this is a story inspired by a comment on Book 6 asking what it would be like if Arthur/Alistair actually became Sakura's Holdfast and therefore knew her all along.What if he actually did know her all along?What if he actually did become her Holdfast?Due to the fact that this story conflicts with several of Arthur's internal monologues in the original HoD, it can only be considered semi-canon as far as the first draft of the series goes. However, it is considered fully canon to the rewrite. There are no spoilers in this story that will ruin the rewrite's changes going forward. There are just a million and one spoilers that ruin the overall story of HoD as it's already been written (and as it will be rewritten). Therefore, DO NOT READ THIS STORY if you haven't read all of the original HoD and all of the short stories as well.(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.) (The cover art is not my own work. If you are the artist or know the artist and wish for this art to be taken down, let me know, and I will remove it asap. Thank you.)

299 1 11 Full
The Tides of War

The Dance of Dragons through the eyes of Lucerys Velaryon, had he lived, and what his survival meant for the war, and the people who loved him.

1.7K 15 40
The Magic Maid

This is technically a story which takes place in the same universe as my Kirby fanfiction series Heroes of Dreamland, but because this story is much darker than what I normally write (definitely PG-13 here) and doesn't really have the same Wholesome ebearskittychan Feel (TM) to it that most of my stuff has, I figured it didn't really belong on that account. Instead... It's here. So go figure.So yeah. This is a spooky story about a gorgeous witch and the lad whose heart she steals. I've had a lot of fun writing it, even though it's very very different from anything I'd normally write. Again, though, this is PG-13, so be forewarned. There is no cursing or anything, but there is death, a mild bit of blood, and some very mildly suggestive-ish elements? Like nothing bad happens but like... I dunno I'm just being safe and calling it PG-13. It's not gross or anything don't worry. Mostly just s p o o k y.Alright. I'll quit rambling now. Enjoy the story, all.And b e w a r e, b e w a r e t h e m a g ic m a i d.This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

57 1 4 Full
ACOTAR: Retold

AU: What if Feyre had said I love you back to Tamlin ending the curse before his time was up?

17.5K 10 356
~Knight and Lady~ (An HoD SakuraXMetaKnight short story) (OLD)

Several months have passed since Dreamland's Darkest Hour and the defeat of the Black Hole Warrior, the Masked Knight's shadow, the Dark Matter, and the Darkness. The chilly winter rains have slowly but surely given over to the warmth and freshness of spring, and everywhere in Dreamland, new beginnings are popping up everywhere. The air carries the sweet scent of new grass, flowers, and cherry blossoms- and perhaps, also, there's a little hint of love in the air?Two of our six beloved heroes are about to embark on a journey of new beginnings themselves, and as such, the Warrior of Time and the Knight of the Galaxy would like to cordially request your presence at their wedding. Of course, Author Lady would additionally like to cordially request your presence at not only just the ceremony, but also some of the preparations, the dispelling of pre-wedding jitters and nerves, perhaps some confessions of "a leeeeeeeeeetle" crush from a friend of the bride (and bane of the groom) to one of the bridesmaids, and possibly also encountering a couple of clumsy, dancing Elves with a bouquet. This day is sure to be a memorable one by one way or another... but then again, when is anything ever not rather memorable when you've got the Heroes of Dreamland involved?(As always, rated PG. Possibly G since there's gonna be no fantasy violence or mildly scary elements. Anyway, I can definitely guarantee that it's not over PG and is probably G. Lastly... Here there be (purely fluffy) mush. If you no likey mush, you might not want to dare entering this book. Also, yes, this is HoD canon. Bleh heh heh heh bleck.)(I do not own any of Nintendo's locations, characters, etc. I claim no ownership of their property. I do own all my OC's, all plotlines and plot devices in these books that are of my own design, my original locations, etc. Please do not copy, paraphrase, or otherwise steal my work. Thanks.)

2.4K 4 31 Full
LOD- MLB&CN-next gen

after dart rebuild seles,it's charlotte's turn to become the lone wolf,and with her friends DWMSM17,paper mario,emma,shana feld returns,knuckles the ekiddna,travis ree dupen-chang and miku hatsune,with new allies,after the death of paper mario,sam puckett takes his place as queen of bale,after shana feld returns got took to the hospital,sofia 1 takes her place,will MLB&CN win this return to dreamland/LOD war,find out in legend of dragoon- MLB&CN- next generation

126 11 0 Full
Rating Hamilton Ships

Send me requests of what ships I should rate...... plus my Hamilton obsession isn't going nowhereREAD ABOUT ME REACTING TO HAMILTON SHIPS 💕Requests are closed.700 reads [-]800 reads [-] 900 reads [-]1k reads [-] 2k [-]3k [-]4k [ ]

5.9K 37 163 Full
A Court of Fire and Lies

❝i might be the master of everything, if I dared❞ Feyre has left her mate only to find herself in the heart of the Spring Court. A spy for the court of dreams. A pawn for the King of Hybern. And sheltered by Tamlin. Feyre must battle through the lies of the ones told to her, the secrets kept from her and the blood of war that drips all around her.

23.4K 31 720
I Promise

Alfred and his brother Mathew are walking home from a party when disaster strikes.

409 1 23 Full
The crazy sister (ACOTAR Fanfic)

A Acotar fanficON HOLD!Slow updates.Ethilia is the other sister from Rhysand. She is locked up in the prison because she went crazy after her mother and sister died. More information is in the book.

642 8 29
A Trollhunter's Inheritance

Laura Lake has been raised around trolls since the day she came into the world, going on adventures with her closest friends and wrecking havoc in Trollmarket.But one night her life is changed when her father is forced to depart that very world and leaves her with a responsibility she never dreamed of shoulderingBook 1 of Laura Lake's Legacy

8.7K 17 308
Cobra Kai: Season Five: Burning Resolve

Johnny, Miguel, and Robby struggle to return to normalcy after their trip to Mexico left several issues unresolved. Meanwhile, Miyagi-Do strikes back against Cobra Kai after Daniel's near fatal injury lands him in the hospital.Dedicated to @Abbywatson4 and @Robby2Keene(Book 2 of 2 of my Cobra Kai Season Five Story)Note: I do not own any of the Cobra Kai characters or images, only the story I created.

8.3K 55 286 Full
Sonic and Reala to the rescue

Reala made a truce with NIGHTS cause he had no choice but to let the nightmarens and nightopians live in harmony but he got used to it soon after. But a few weeks later after things were at peace NIGHTS has been kidnapped by an unknown Jester by the name of Umlaut who wanted to make NIGHTS his eternal bride and his queen of darkness (An evil jester from a carnival of the living dead). With no time to loose Reala seeks help from NIGHTS best friend Sonic The Hedgehog who was feeling alone when his friends started to pick on him and his boyfriend Knuckles cheated on him with Rouge. Although the only ones who stood by him were his big brother Manic The Hedgehog, Manics two friends, and Grey-Sky and Rika Flora (Sonics childhood friends). Will Sonic and Reala save NIGHTS? Find out in: Sonic and Reala to the rescue.A/N: first off for those who haven't heard of the game. Carnevil is about a demonic carnival of the living dead created by an evil ringmaster Ludwig Vontokentaker The main character who awoke Ludwig from his eternal slumber has to fight him in his undead army of carnival freaks including Ludwigs helper. A jester head by the name of Umlaut. I love this game so much.A/N: I love Sonic The Hedgehog but I also like NIGHTS. I played one of the games and it was enchanted. I thought it be amazing if I create a crossover.

1.7K 37 46 Full
Everlasting: Cecilion x Carmilla

The story is set after the events of Cecilion's Side Story "Absolute Silence" & Carmilla's Side Story "Crimson Flower".I love this duo so much. I felt like writing this because I'm craving for more content. I wish Moonton would release more backstories for their heroes.Trigger Warning: Some chapters of this fanfic contains mature themes. Readers' discretion is advised.

3.7K 12 97