Search: gnomiet
41 stories
Gnome Titanic

Basically the Titanic but gnomes. The artwork belongs to Pixarlover...

691 7 30
❤︎ Ⓣ︎Ⓔ︎Ⓐ︎Ⓜ︎ 𝑮𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒕♥︎

- 𝔸𝕣𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕛𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪 - 🔹. 🪐 ▫️ ° ✦ ☆ ° ✰Another art book but only related of the world of Gnomeo and Juliet and Sherlock Gnomes .

8.1K 42 215
Here We'll Stay |Gnomeo and Juliet Short Story|

"You see, the truth is, over there, we're enemies. But here? Here, we're a matching pair!"Gnomeo and Juliet decide to leave their homes and start a new life together. But their absence in the gardens will have dire consequences.(Basically what would've happened if Benny hadn't discovered their secret. Rated T for language and possibly some violence)

3.8K 13 112 Full
Crossover Animated Movie and Tv Characters Book

In this book I will be writing crossover stories between any animated movie characters mostly Disney and Pixar and Dreamworks movies and Sonic as well. Any crossover movie characters you want to see meet or hear stories about will be in here all you have to do is request.

7.8K 30 62 Full
Tale of The Maid-Knight (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)

Custom Cover added on 4/9/2023.Noelle, a maid working for the Knights of Favonius dreamt of becoming one of them, but fails every one of the tests that they gave despite her talents.However, after meeting with the Outlander Aether, who is made the Honorary Knight by Jean, She is tasked by the latter to accompany Aether as part of her training... And that Aether will be responsible for what happens to her.Mostly NoellexAether centric, and will update as long as Genshin is :P

15.8K 30 306 Full
Monster  (A Miguel O'Hara fanfic)

"Last chance..." His hands on his thin waist as I shake my head. I move my fist closer to my face taking a deep breath. "You really think you'll stand a chance?" He looked at me before taking another step closer as I copy his movement, his mask slightly raises thinking he was surprised at my movement forward. "I may surprise you" I say quietly Venom disguising my voice once again. He scoffs shaking his head before looking back at me "a Monster never wins" I felt a smirk through his mask but what do I know "I will take you down just like the rest of the Venoms I've taken down, the one from my world and the other Spider-Men worlds." "What if I wasn't as bad as you think I am? Maybe I became what I am for a reason, not all of us want to take over the world" I roll my eyes taking a step closer as he does too. "So, what exactly do you want? I mean eating your own kind isn't exactly a good person, what's so different about you that I shouldn't capture you or kill you this instant?" "Nothing, but I am not a Monster" I keep my eyes on him as his mask squints at me. "I say what you are-," but before he can finish his sentence I swing my fist to his face as he falls back on the ground due to my force holding onto his jaw before looking up at me. "And I say we should start this so I can end it" I smirk as he jumps back on his feet. "Guess you don't like small talk?" I watch him as he shoots his web at me as I dodge it quickly. "Loathe it" I growl before I jump on his shoulders catching him within my thighs before throwing us on the floor as I use my long sharp nails scratching at his chest.

1.2K 12 56
𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬 {𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲}

The impending Second Wizarding War brings two people from opposite worlds together. She, of grace and gentleness, her life torn apart by a tragedy. He, who has only known hatred and spite, tasked with an impossible mission. Her, caught between loyalties - two boys, two sides. He, between love and evil. Is their story written in the stars, or was it never meant to be?//"I'm here with you. And you're here with me."Now as he held her in his arms, he wanted nothing more than to be part of this fascinating, confusing, half-and-half world she lived in - as a part of a family who would have treated him as their own, with warmth and respect. A family who would have had no expectations for him, only pure, genuine, and unadulterated love.{Draco x Cedric love triangle}TW: s**c*de, r*pe, panic attacksNote: deals with heavy themes such as grief, loss, depression, and anxietyVIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.Book cover by the wonderful @lumireii

52.5K 62 3.2K Full

Manual práctico para activar la conciencia humana y poder vivir de una forma más despierta.Despertar es DARSE CUENTA de las cosas.TÉCNICAS psicológicas para manejar la ATENCIÓN y de esa manera economizar muchísima energía durante el día.

275 6 1
Shadowhunters-City of Love

La sala era vuota,apparte una statua al suo centro,e inondata da una pallida luce giallo-grigia. Jace,in piedi davanti alla statua,si girò sentendo gli altri avvicinarsi.-Vi avevo detto di aspettare. Non fate proprio mai quello che vi dico?-A voler essere precisi,in realtá non hai detto niente - Obiettò Clary. -Hai solo gesticolato.-È lo stesso- disse Jace.-Io gesticolo in maniera molto espressiva.Shadowhunters-Cittá del fuoco celeste.

11K 26 518
Dip gallery PART THREE (south park damien x pip)

art/sketches i found on twitter/x, Instagram, Tumblr ect.Short parts!!!

3.1K 89 243
Jessica The Killer

Piszę ten list własną krwią.Nie wiem kiedy umre, ale wiem że niedługo.To przez nią.Towszystko przez te zdzirę!Zrójnowała mi życie.Zaczęło się niewinnie.Usłyszałem jak ludzie na mieście mówili, żeby nie iść na Druszkę Pimpuszkę z legend bo tam straszy, Ktokolwiek tam pujdzie zostanie nawiedzany przez "Nią". Bali się wymawiać jej imię, jednak każdy je znał - Jessica The Killer, nieuchwytna seryjna zabójczyni. Ponieważ byłem młody i głupi postanowiłem sprawdzić czy te historie to prawda.Pozedłem więc i nikogo specjalnego na niej nie było. Tylko przepiękna, młoda dziewczyna. Naprawdę wysoka i szczupła, z czarnymi jak pióra kruków włoasami, oczami o kolorze nieba i cerą bladą jak pergamin, ubrana w elegancką, prostą, białą suknię i czarne szpilki. Zanim zdążyłem do niej podejść szepnęła coś i uciekła głęboko w las. Zaczęło się. Co noc przychodziła do mnie pod okno nocą i krzyczała IĆ W LAAS IĆ W LAAS!Ja to ignorowałem tak długo jak mogłem. Ale nie mogłem.W końcu coś we mnie pękło.Postanowiłem pójść w ten jej pieprzony las. Więc poszedłem i tam zastałem ją. Uśmiechniętą z nożem w ręce. Rzuciła się na mnie i wbiła kilkukrotnie nóż w moje serce. Poczułem jak uchodzi powoli ze mnie życie.Zabiła mnie.Poszła dalej w las mówiąc Anioł śmierci kontynuuje żniwa.Te słowa zapadły w mojej głowie na rzesztę mojego życia.Strzeszcie się Druszki pimpuszki z legendIĆ W LAAS IĆ W LAASNiechaj zacznie się rzeź!

79 5 3
School for Good and Evil Memes PART 1

SGE memes that I've posted on my Instagram (@snail_jam.sge)!Awards!#1 in theschoolforgoodandevil (Nov. 2020)#27 in art (Dec. 2020)#7 in Joke (Dec. 2020)#2 in schoolforgoodandevil (Dec. 2020)#1 in Hort (Jan. 2021)#1 in Agatha (Dec. 2020)#1 in Hester (Jan. 2021)#1 in Hestadil (Dec. 2020)#2 in Tedros (Jan. 2021)#3 in Tagatha (Dec. 2020)Cover art by @/isabella_rose_mcfluffy on Instagram!All memes by me (Jamie Trope) 🥰

357.7K 200 8.8K Full
Rêveries du Multivers

Un restaurant touristique banal sur fond de querelle conjugale. L'exode du christianisme et ses implications dans d'autres sociétés. Un assassinat, une bataille imprévisible et l'émergence d'une personnalité puissante. La transhumance, la fuite, de tout un peuple et leur rencontre de créatures fantasmatiques. Une chasse aux champignons géants en partenariat avec une femelle scorpion. De la grande gastronomie italienne pour un banquet d'anniversaire, ailleurs, très loin.Des scènes, plus ou moins longues, en des temps et en des lieux divers. Des personnages dont les destinées s'entrecroisent et dont les histoires racontent une plus grande histoire, celle de quatre univers, explorés par des romans en construction.

45 10 10
Book Transmigration: I Wanted to Keep a Low Profile, but Everyone Noticed Me!

(Book 1)SynopsisAudrey woke up and found that she had transmigrated into a book.As a mediocre actress, Audrey was satisfied with her income. Even though her parents favored boys over girls, at least she could support herself. Just when she had finally saved up some money and hadn't had a chance to enjoy it, she ended up in a different world?!She didn't know if it was God's mercy or compensation, but Audrey's role in the book was a wealthy heiress. In the book, her birth mother arranged for Audrey to be married into a wealthy family, and she had to compete with her other siblings for the family inheritance.The tragic outcome was predictable.Confused by the original character's actions, Audrey decided to lay low and become a wealthy but useless person.One day, Audrey's family members noticed that she had changed. Strangely enough, they could read her thoughts on her face. Even her second brother, who had always treated her like air, could see her sarcastic comments about him.[What's with that outfit today? Does he really think he looks good?]And when he was about to give up his directing career and return to the company, he could see the words on Audrey's face.[Why fight for power? Isn't it better to do what you love and still make money? You're so foolish.]Second brother: '...That makes sense.'The eldest sister, who had always ignored the subtitles on Audrey's face, finally noticed them one day.[Is she being foolish? Is it worth marrying for power? Doesn't she have enough money of her own?]After looking at her own wealth, the eldest sister quietly rejected the arranged marriage.Later on, Audrey noticed that her pocket money was increasing. As she gazed at the jewelry her second brother and eldest sister gave her, she fell into deep thought.THIS STORY IS NOT MINE!!!!!FOR OFFLINE PURPOSESALL CREDITS TO THE AUTHOR AND TRANSLATOR....Book 1 (Completed) ✅Book 2 (Ongoing)

1.2M 200 26.1K Full
Nie wiem, ale Hetalia

Po prostu to co siedzi w mojej głowie kiedy nie mam co robić. Głównie będzie tu Hecia, ale mogą pojawić się też inne fandomy np. Sherlock, Kuroshitsuji, MLP itp. itd.Paaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaa!!!~~

17.4K 139 2.6K
❝BTS zodiak❞ |PL|

Od czasu do czasu sprawdziam tę story i jejku, widzę że jest coraz więcej osób czytających tą książkę, dziękuję wszystkim którzy zdecydowali się przeczytać te zodiaki. Naprawdę mi miło❤

93K 136 2.5K Full
With Which the Waters Swarm

WITH WHICH THE WATERS SWARMA Tale of SurvivalABOUT THE BOOKMost of the protector bulls in the herd of North Pacific fur seals have been slaughtered by shiploads of sealers who have descended on their Gathering. These men are desperate to earn enough money to feed their families during a worldwide economic crisis. All international treaty limits are being ignored. It remains for a scraggly handful of seemingly helpless cows and a few useless bulls to take on the responsibility of survival, perhaps of their entire culture. Shine, The Fat One, Push&Shove, Irish, Grace, and the others must return from their migration with a burning remembrance of their plight and with a plan to conquer the returning sealers, who are as desperate as they are.But the seals are faced with another concern: although their kind once had excellent memories, contamination in their diet over generations has caused them to remember little of what happened even a few days earlier. Their memories are so short, it is doubtful they will recall the event at the end of the 6- to 8-month Great Journey. It is Shine, deemed their leader, who discovers the secret to keeping the memory fresh when she hears the piercing voice of Shrieker barking grief over the loss of her bull.During adventures encountered on their Long Journey, the seals engage other creatures of the sea, including their mortal enemies, the Toe-Steppers and Snow-Furs. Is it possible to learn from these experiences? Can they convince animals of other species to assist them? Will they even survive these confrontations? In a stunning conclusion, the herd, along with whales, octopuses, puffins, dolphins, and other seal colonies, collides with the humans in an epic battle for survival. This is a morality tale, like Charlotte's Web and Watership Down, that challenges us to ponder how we would respond to a threat against our own existence. With Which the Waters Swarm is suitable for middle grade, young adult, and adult readers.

2 1 0 Full
What It Means To Be King

"If karma doesn't kill you I will!" - Xi Shao Long - "May God have mercy on my enemies cuz I won't." - Anubis - "I may be heartless but you're naive." - Charles - Dragon symbolizes power, strength and good luck, but ever since he was born, Xi Shao Long really doubt the charm he calls his name works at all. It had just gotten worse with the appearance of Anubis in Momos Academy. There seemed to be a presence so dead set on making his life a living chaos. It chased him around, driving him mad, striking him scared.A golden card, black printed icon of a jester. Who was that person invading his mind?What exactly does it mean to feel, to cherish and to love? "Eyes so blue, I drown." - Xi Shao Long - "I love black." - Anubis -"Like to a blackhole, I am drawn ." - Charles - A person can change. And it shouldn't take much to do so. "Am I a villain in your story? Or a cannon fodder?" - Xi Shao Long - "I understand now, this evil thing." - Anubis - "What I wouldn't give to be his salvation as he is mine."- Charles -

11.9K 79 463
Mi 1er Libro:Parte 26/My 1st Book:Part 26

Kun:Bueno,Bueno,Bueno...,!Saludos Otra Vez,Mis Queridos Amigos,y Ahora,Contemplen!,!Ya Estoy Haciendo Otro Nuevo Libro!,(Parte 26),Que Va a Tener Relatos Sorprendentes y Enormes Como,"Un Humano Na. Corriente","Boda a Medianoche","Reino De Sangre", "!You Had Arrived At The Wrong House!","Los Hermanos Van Bloodenstein:Eternos Para Siempre","Fi. Adventures Of Remy & Doris:Our Lovely Mummy","Kalilady:Journey To The Vampire Woods/The Naughty Wizards/The Case Of Doc. Malignyk","M' Quiet Date","Blackened Universe"," Papá","Sanatorium","Creepy Stories To Tell In The Dark", "El Justiciero Oscuro","Uncle Mortem:Nana Sangrienta/ Pacto Malvado/Pánico En El Cementerio/La Venganza Del Guillotinado","Tramposo Hanky","Alas Del Destino"," Uncle Mortem:Visitas En La Noche/Corazón Gélido/La Jardinera Difunta","Fortweird","¿Would You Marry Me?", "Short,But Smart","

2.6K 200 103
por qué dejaste de quererme

Nadie nos enseña que la peor parte del amor, no es el miedo sino el desamor. Dicen que hay que disfrutar de los procesos, pero yo no he podido disfrutar ni un sólo momento de las grietas que se crearon en mi corazón, por mucho que ahora estén soldadas. Nadie nos enseña que no todos se quedan, que al igual que hay que aprender a caerse y levantarse después, también hay que aprender a ver como otros se marchan, y a no marcharte tú con ellos.

541 65 5
Pearls of the Salaf | ✔

-the salaf series 3-"life changes, little by little, slowly and sweetly."- a third book in 'the salaf series' - can be read as a standalone

1.4K 138 89
gnomeo and juliet

Day in a life for gnomeo juliet and the new adorable baby gnomiet

197 1 3
Los sucesos de Sherlock y Watson.

Después de que Gmoe y Juliet sean los líderes del nuevo jardín, Sherlock Gnomes se enfrenta a un suceso que tiene que superar.El doctor Watson miro a su compañero mientras se iban de la fiesta, a paso lento por la lesión de su archienemigo pronuncio esa pregunta que le iba dando vueltas desde que volvió a ver a Irene.- ¿Puedo preguntarle algo?.Claro- se pararon en seco ante la nueva conversación de uno de ellos.-¿Por qué rompió el compromiso de Irene?Sherlock lo miro durante unos minutos y respondió:-Estoy enamorado de otra persona.

88 2 5