Search: gerryanderson
301 stories
Thunderbirds: Adversity

In which a family picks up the pieces.

349 30 7 Full
Thunderbirds Are Go!: City Of The Angels

The Hood has stolen a dangerously powerful device to control any plane he desires from a laboratory in Manchester - and the X14 file, a chemical that can wipe out hundreds of millions in the wrong hands! Kayo has been able to track down one of his minions and forces him to tell her the Hood's next move. The device has been placed on a ship heading for Los Angeles, and one of his minions has the World President captive. Disaster is about to strike for the world - and International Rescue are the only ones who can save the world from the Hood's greatest strike yet...Excitement is GO!Adventure is GO!Danger is GO!THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!Based on the ITV remake of the classic Gerry Anderson epic. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

1.8K 11 44 Full
Opposites Attract

What happens when the antisocial Tracy meets a witch he didn't even know he wanted? Sometimes what you want and what you need are two different things.This part is now finished and I'm currently writing/uploading the second but it will be slower as I'm also working on my next novel. Uploading here after a good following on Ao3, FF. net and Tumblr.John Tracy and Thunderbirds are owned by ITV, Selene Tempest is mine along with any of the Carpe Noctem Characters.Warning for some mature content and bad language.

10K 56 300 Full
Thunderbirds/Stingray: Skirmish Of The Seas

The Arctica Base, managed under the supervision of Dr. Moxax, is well underway of drilling of finding large quantities of the rare mineral Cahelium. This metal is a highly sought after property and has been used in the completion of the various Thunderbird crafts, WASP vessels, and among Titan's Terror Fish army. So far so normal, Brains will be sent to explore the drilling project along with Lady Penelope and Parker, helping to boost publicity for the project...Meanwhile, Gordon can take this as an opportunity to revisit some old friends from Marineville, and a big celebration takes place among some International Rescue members along with the WASPs, and Moxax. Once the dear friends of International Rescue and Marineville are left to the mercy of Titan who is aware of the compound and the possibilities it could bring to his dreams of conquest, a serious attack is about to commence. Titan secures victory, and many lives are left at stake...Based on two of the most popular Gerry Anderson series. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

1.1K 32 47 Full
The Secret Service: The Anarchy Of Chaos

After an unexpected terrorist attack at London International Airport, BISHOP (British Intelligence Service Headquarters, Operation Priest) are called in to investigate the shocking happening. After a second terrorist attack, BISHOP's undercover agent Father Unwin must uncover the makers of these deadly attacks and put a stop to their master plan. It will take a rather small, unorthodox approach this time. Based on the original TV series by Gerry Anderson. A Captain ThunderWho Century 22 Production.

895 12 2 Full
Thunderbirds/Stingray: Secrets of the Deep

International Rescue are on a mission to save a stricken submarine.

131 30 2 Full
Percy Jackson One Shots

*COMPLETED*Demigods and mortals and gods and monsters...Need I say more?DISCLAIMER : I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, nor the Heroes of Olympus

607.8K 66 7.9K Full
Terrahawks: Countdown To Zero

Whilst Kate Kestrel performs her new hit song at a weekend concert, trouble begins to stir on Mars. Planning for the perfect opportunity to destroy the Terrahawks, Zelda is reunited with her husband who has awoken from his long, long slumber. As the family reunite for their unfavourable gathering, the evil androids prepare to launch an assault at the concert and bring down the Terrahawks. Lord Tiempo sets the clock for the android vengeance against the Terrahawks, and with the cunning deciet of Zelda's despicable husband, Dr. Ninestein is forced to play Zelda's deadly game. Time is against the Terrahawks. The Countdown to Zero has begun...*Contains bonus minisode to the pilot of spin-off Zeroids Vs CubesBased on the 1980s SUPERMACROMATION series by Gerry Anderson and Christopher Burr. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

126 13 0 Full
paradise city | 80s & 90s gif series

80s and 90s gif series containing of the most gorgeous men / characters that have walked the earth. Requests are open :)) •Highest Rankings:#1 - toysoldiers #2 - weirdscience#3 - standbyme#4 - coreyfeldman#5 - 10thingsihateaboutyou#6 - wyattdonnelly#9 - chrischambers

410K 152 7K Full
Fireball XL5: The Deepest Reach Into The Unknown

A dangerously powerful wormhole is growing somewhere in deep space, three Fireball ships have already been sucked into it. The wormhole is beginning to get bigger and stronger by the second. Space City have been assigned to investigate the mysterious energy field, as Commander Zero sends his best man Colonel Steve Zodiac and the crew of Fireball XL5 to investigate and explore where it shall lead to. And what they find at the other side might just be enough to terrify even Steve Zodiac...Based off the original 1960s TV series by Gerry Anderson. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

605 12 0 Full
Thunderbirds Are Go!: Malfunction

Atlantica Headquarters - a military foundation stored with half a dozen rockets and missiles on the island. Contained by the US government in case of any hostile threat, extraterrestrial or simply independent renegade groups. With Atlantica recently upgraded and fully constructed, Colonel Henderson sent from the World President is instructed to have this site tested...A Variable Geometry Rocket is launched, and blasts into space. Shortly it will be destroyed. Only something goes wrong. The rocket can't be stopped! It blasts off into space uncontrollably, and is on target for an aircraft carrier in space - hundreds aboard! Atlantica calls International Rescue for urgent help, as Thunderbirds 2 and 3 blasts off to stop the rocket from causing countless innocent lives to be lost...Based on the ITV reboot of Gerry Anderson's classic series. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

1.8K 20 52 Full
Thunderbirds/Stingray: Lockdown

Jeff invites the Stingray crew to spend their vacation on Tracy Island, but trouble is not too far behind.

75 9 2
Thunderbirds: Silence

The Tracy family face one of their worst challenges to date.

66 10 1
Thunderbirds Are Go!: The Genesis Of International Rescue

International Rescue is an organisation that has been operational for over a decade now. Now, Jeff Tracy and his sons venture down memory lane to explore the beginning of their incredible organisation. We will learn the catalyst that will begin a chain reaction of events, to the start-up of a rescue team like never before seen in history. Many secrets will be unlocked for the Tracy boys as they revisit the beginnings way back in 2050...Uncover how their famous Thunderbirds crafts were completed. Learn the reason why their arch-nemesis the Hood has been out for revenge ever since. Find out how Jeff formed his relation with Lady Penelope Creighton Ward and her ex-safecracking servant Parker in their pair's own origins. And most importantly, discover the very first International Rescue assignment involving the super-sonic Fireflash, which has been sabotaged by the Hood. This is the Genesis Of International Rescue...Based on the ITV reboot of the original Gerry Anderson series. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Productions.

490 10 23 Full
Thunderbirds/Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: The Evil Of The Mysterons

From an idea by the elusive "Hiram K Hackenbacker", a revolutionary new orbital motorway has been constructed around the United Kingdom that will help traffic and goods flow from around the country above the sea. It is hoped that the so-called British Orbital Highway will be one of many orbiting carriageways that will be surrounding entire countries such as the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.With it now open to the public, a special promotion of the opening is arranged. With the Tracy's of International Rescue, Lady Penelope and Parker Creighton Ward mansion, and the Spectrum officers aboard Cloudbase eagerly watching, disaster strikes after the Mysterons announce they attempt to blow a hole in worldwide rescue operations. They aim to prove how petty the earthmen's attempts are to save their own kind.The Mysterons keep to their word - the British Orbital Highway is sabotaged with a family on the unstable carriageway. International Rescue hurriedly rush to the scene of the incident, whilst Captain Scarlet suspects heavy Mysteron influence on the disaster. Indeed, Captain Black is operating as Mysteron agent. With both International Rescue and the Spectrum forces mobilised, they must do their best to ensure the people of Britain are safe from the Mysteron threat. Now, it was time for the Thunderbirds to meet Captain Scarlet...Based on the most popular television series created by the legendary Gerry Anderson. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

959 26 67 Full
Space Precinct: Sports Games

Enforcing justice for crime and abuse has become difficult to enforce on Altor. Without sufficient evidence to accuse criminals, victims suffer with broken lives and in poverty from acts of crime that evil-goers have enjoyed inflicting upon others. As one citizen on Altor is about to find out, when their life turns into misery from the acts of criminals, they are about to turn into a vigilante to ensure they are avenged. In a complex matter for Lieutenant Brogan and the Demeter City forces, their cases grow from bad to worse.With the police unable to ensure the safety of the citizens on Altor, the law is taken into the hands of victims. As a result of vicious and violent action, the situation threatens greater lives of the people of Altor, growing a more complex case for Brogan, Haldane, Castle, and the other officers. Faced with emotional factors that bring about good people to become criminals, Brogan and his colleagues are faced with the difficult situation about sentencing and protecting the citizens on Altor. By staying within the law, how can Brogan bring down justice where it is needed?Based on the 1990s television series by the legendary Gerry Anderson. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

78 14 0 Full
Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet: Next Generation

An accident involving a human casualty mixing with a chemically controlled substance begins to sow the seeds for the latest Mysteron attack against mankind. With the Mysterons having taken over the activity of the substance, and the victim who unfortunately fell into the pool of substance, the Mysterons are able to create an entirely different adaption of the Mysteron agent. He now possesses the ability to control the fluids of the Druzynik Tanks, and therefore, once filled with the Mysteronised fluid, any Druzynik Tank the Mysterons desire to be used for their own ends...Once Spectrum discovers the incident at the testing ground of Druzynik Tanks, which also contains the organic fluids used as fuel for the vehicles, Captain Scarlet is assigned to supervise the capture of this new rogue Mysteron agent and stop the Druzynik tanks being used in the wrong hands. However, he is not joined alone, and by Spectrum's latest recruits, they will test their skills and training to overcome this latest Mysteron threat. The recruits begin to track down the new Mysteron replicant, who identifies himself as the Prion Mutelox. Because of this, Spectrum is taken by surprise when the real aim of the Mysterons is discovered far too late... Based on the ITV Gerry Anderson remake of his cult classic 1960s series. Various characters belong to @HowlingMadMayhem. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

300 10 11 Full
Terrahawks: The Terrahawks

In 2020, a Martian menace threatens the Earth. Evil androids who from Guk, a distant planet in Alpha Centauri, were once the servants of a civilisation similar to that of man. But they disposed of their humanoid masters, and swore vengeance on all human life for their crimes against the defenceless machines they had created. Establishing a base on Mars, Zelda attacked a NASA research station on the red planet, prompting the UN High Command to devise a small, dedicated team to defend the Earth against Zelda's threat. These are the Terrahawks, based at Hawknest HQ in South America and equipped with a fleet of sophisticated vehicles...The commander of the Terrahawks is Dr. Tiger Ninestein, 1 of 9 clones of Professor Gergard Stein created in 1973 and placed in different parts of the world to grow up under a cloak of secrecy. After a distinguished military career where he established himself as a superb military tactician and tough, relentless fighter, Ninestein masterminded the creation of the Terrahawks Earth Defence Squadron and to become it's Commander. Every 24 hours, he plugs into his personal Data Dump to store his knowledge, memories and experience so if he is killed, his brain patterns can be transferred to another clone.Today, the Terrahawks continue to fend the Earth from Zelda's forces. This is about to change with the arrival of a new invading aliens. Zelda and the new invaders, join forces to destroy the Terrahawks once and for all. More unearthly intruders arrive, desperate to help the Terrahawks. What Ninestein is about to uncover is the truth behind the Martians' backstory and play once again to their deadly games. All out war breaking out, Earth Vs Mars. Will the arrival of the new aliens intent on helping Ninestein really be trusted? Victories and casualties will be among the two planets. Who will triumph?A feature-length adaption of Gerry Anderson and Christopher Burr's 1980s SUPERMACROMATION series. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

151 36 0 Full
Joe 90: The Movie

Joe McClaine was a small nine-year-old boy. Once his father invented a machine called the BIG RAT, it enabled the transference of brain patterns between persons. Hence, Joe became "Joe 90" and is now used by the World Intelligence Network as their most special agent to maintain the balance of power and world security. Now two years later, Joe must face his greatest mission yet...With the aid of his father, WIN deputy Sam Loover, WIN controller Shane Weston and Agents Russel and Emily, he must bring down the MSRG organisation scattered across the world to stop them from holding the world to ransom. Fighting for justice and saving human life! This piece of fan fiction is my own interpretation of the original TV series made by Gerry Anderson would be if Disney secured the rights from Carlton in 2003 to make a live action feature film. A Captain ThunderWho Century 22 Production.

1.8K 34 1 Full
The Life Of Avia Grace

Everyone has always seen me as Reba Mcentires daughter, not just as Avia Blackstock. Well let me rephrase that. I will introduce myself as Avia Blackstock then if they ask "are you Reba Mcentire daughter?" and depending on their reaction, I can tell on whether we are going to be friends or not. Now don't me wrong I love my mom very much, but I would be nice for people to know me for me, not because of my mom. I have six best friends that I can tell anything and everything too. my boyfriend Ryan. The seven of us have always been best friends. People have a idea in the their head on what it must be like to live with the REAL Reba and how amazing it must be. People don't realize how normal of a person she really is. Here are there the names and ages of the main charactersAvia-18Reba-49Narvel-51 (i made reba 12 younger and 2 years younger then Narvel and he is 9 years younger then in real life)Emma- 15 Shelby-1So with out farther ado lets got on with the story

49.1K 67 958 Full
Stingray: The Day Of Titan

Titan, overlord of the underwater City Titanica, has grown tired of defeat after defeat. His next deadly plan against Troy Tempest and the WASP organisation is to finally gain victory over them. Marineville has spotted an unauthorized underwater complex being constructed by Titan. When the Stingray crew investigate inside, the world must prepare for Titan's incoming fleet from his biggest plan yet. What nobody knows. And it may already be too late...Based on the classic Gerry Anderson series, the first British children's series to be made entirely in colour! A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

509 11 1 Full
Somebody To Love - Fantasy Prequel {Glee}

Prequel to Fantasy Follows Season 1-3Started 03/01/21 - Finished 29/05/21...Following the plot of the episodes.Will not follow ALL episodes!...No Copyright intended. Apart from my original female character Ruby Carter. The rights and all characters from the tv show belong to Ryan Murphy and Fox.#18 Noah Puckerman 06/01/21 - #9 Noah Puckerman 14/01/21 - #3 Noah Puckerman 07/04/21#20 Mike Chang 12/01/21#9 Rachel Berry 14/01/21 - #8 Rachel Berry 15/01/21#26 New Directions 14/02/21 - #4 New Directions 06/05/21 - #3 New Directions 09/05/21#15 Artie Abrams 25/02/21 - #13 Artie Abrams 28/06/21#2 Kurt Hummel 02/04/21

89.9K 52 1.7K Full
The Secret Service: Shrunken

It should be a simple operation this time. A capture of some common thieves nearby Father Unwin's house. And once successfully captured, bar two of them, they are handed into police custody. But Matthew can't change back to normal size, and Unwin has an urgent appointment with the BISHOP. And now Matthew has to wait...When those two criminals break into the house, it is now up to the miniaturized Matthew to stop them and save the secrets of BISHOP, and he is on his own this time. His biggest problem may just be surviving...Based on the original series by Gerry Anderson. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

570 12 13 Full
male face claims ² ✓

a book of face claims for your ocs xbook two of face claims[all rights reserved @eeveezilla | 2022]

204.6K 200 589 Full
The Complete Book Of Thunderbirds 2086

Thunderbirds 2086 was originally a Japanese anime series entitled Science Rescue Team Techno Voyager created by Banjiro Uemura. Through his fascination and love for the original Gerry Anderson productions for ITC that he created his own Thunderbirds style series of a rescue organisation. Thanks to Uemura's connections to ITC, the series was redubbed and distributed in western countries as Thunderbirds 2086.While bearing no resemblance or any continuity link with the classic SUPERMARIONATION series, Thunderbirds 2086 has been lost in the mists of time as an overlooked gem. Although the series remains controversial among Thunderbirds fans, Century 22 explores the entire backstory to this Thunderbirds adaption; it's making, its history, its merchandise, and a breakdown of the various Thunderbirds crafts and different characters.Trivia, fun facts, a brand new minisode "Edge Of Disaster" and an episode by episode analysis by CaptainThunderWho himself are all featured in this fascinating book. Whether you are a casual viewer or a Gerry Anderson or an anime aficionado, you are bound to discover something brand new about this hidden gem. These are the Thunderbirds 2086...A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.

370 14 16 Full
The Secret Service: The Vault

The Secret Service was a 1960s British children's TV series created by Gerry Anderson and the team of Century 21 studios in Slough, from the makers of Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and Space: 1999. This was the final of his television series to feature the puppet technique "SUPERMARIONATION", using highly detailed marionettes with pre-recorded dialogue, combined with outstanding visual effects. This exclusive book takes a look behind the series of one of Gerry Anderson's lost television series celebrating it's 50th anniversary. Find out what lead to the creation of this much overlooked gem, learn how this show was cancelled by head of ITC Lew Grade, and what makes this series so special even in the twenty-first century. A Captain ThunderWho Century 22 Production.

1.8K 41 1 Full