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AZI el juego

Era un día normal y corriente como todos los demás, pero ese día iba a tener algo especial, algo que iba a cambiar la historia, en esa misma tarde se iba a estrenar un nuevo juego online masivo de zombies y inspirado en un mundo apocalíptico, era una nueva generación de juegos que usaba un nuevo método de consolas que se conectaba neuronalmente que hacia todo el mundo virtual se convirtiera en algo completamente real siendo una de las tecnologías virtuales mas avanzadas del nuevo siglo.Ese mismo día un grupo de 3 amigos, se empeño a comprar el juego en cuestión, al igual que miles de personas porque el juego había ganado mucha fama y todos sus servidores se llenaron en el mismo rato que se inicio el juego, un grupo de hackers ataco los servidores del juego para encerrar a todas las personas, para que no pudieran salir de el, haciéndolo un ataque cibernetico, provocando que todas las personas terminaran encerradas, y los hackers se apoderaran de los servidores, al ver esto los administradores como ultimo recurso, decidieron encerrar a los hackers también provocando que todos estuvieran allí atrapados, las personas no sabían sobre este suceso así que al quedar atrapados, si llegaran a morir en el juego morirían en la vida real, en este nuevo mundo desconocido estos 3 amigos experimentaran cosas que jamas habrían imaginado en sus vidas.

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Red Magic: A Battle for Magica

"Reds have been the most powerful magic users for more than a millennia. Them being hunted is like the lion being targeted for its hide. The sheep and the lambs can hardly do anything about it."Reds are disappearing all throughout Magica. No one knows where they went and what has become of them. In the midst of all this confusion, 17-year-old Evelyn, who had longed for an escape from her boring life in Swamp Bottom, finds herself on her way to a dangerous mission, and in front of her stands a nearly impossible goal, that she has to achieve with the help of her two best friends and her arch enemy, Jacob. And that too without using any magic. Now, she must put aside her differences and race against time to reach her destination.... because Magica is indeed running out of time. Will she be able to reach in time to save the day? Or will the peaceful community of Magica fall all around her? Read on to find out.

89 10 31
The Surviving Secret

Darkness filled the place it felt like a black box that extended to nowhere He was laying on the ground for an unknown reason he got up slowly touching everything he can to figure our his location ;he could feel circular shapes everywhere as he walked along the only path he could figure they continued one after another all the same shape and same touch until he felt a square it had texture to each section of it but one side was plain and cold .... he pushed gently and everything lighted at once it was so intense he had to close his eyes to adjust but when he opened it all around him balls of blue and black came in both directions and in the end of the road stood two giant shaped eyes .... His eyes just above it was a cloud so dark raining..... bloodAnd he could hear her voice "The secret has survived centuries but since your birth...... it was only about time that it gets revealed"

14 2 0
PMU- Welcome to Your New Life

Thousands of people played Pokemon Mystery Universe. It was one of the best MMO PMD games out there. As years past, their popularity starts to crumble. The pixel graphics and lack of storyline must of looked pathetic compared to the life-like graphics of newer MMOs. After a few years of being silent, a big update was released. The few hundred players that still hung around the MMO spread the news as newbies and oldies alike got the update and logged into the game that promised enhanced graphics, plot, and many secrets. As everyone logged in, they noticed a big change to the game instantly.It was a reality.They felt pain, grew hungry, needed sleep.Another big change, the NPCs acted as if they were real people with real reactions. But probably the worse change of all...There was no logging out.Hikari just turned 14, along with her twin brother Kenta. They both played PMU when they were ten and hearing about the update that came out on their birthday decided to return to the game, for old time sake.But now they regret ever returning.(Pokemon Mystery Universe or Pokemon in general does not belong to me and all rights goes to their respective owners! But the characters and plot belongs to me!)

29 1 1
My Most Beautiful Mistake (The wolf children Ame's ff)

The sky start to become cloudy and dark, dark clouds hover about and thunder rumbles.Huge and enormous trees surrounded me, making it darker, the rustling sounds of the leaves accompanied by the cold wind make goosebumps rise on my body. I steps on the dried leaves making a loud crackling noise making it clear I am alone.Regret filled my whole being, the desperation to find the way slowly engulfing me .I heard a sound of running water , having no other choice I turn my step to that direction . I entered a clear part, in the middle of the trees. The waterfall splashed joining the stream of water, flowing as far as my eyes can see and beyond. Suddenly, I see a blurry and enormous figure running by between the trees noiselessly. I looked around in shock , turning my gaze to clearly examine the place where I saw that silhouette . Seeing nothing, I feel fear creeping inside me, my heart pounding against my chest . I again see a faint silhouette through the waterfall reflection on my left side, making me stumble to my right side . I stood frozen in place, feeling a warm breath behind me followed by a growl . I turn to my back stiffly gulping staring into the inky black eye in fright . The pair of glistening eyes stared back at me . It's large head leaning down slightly to my level. Fireflies start to come out as the sky also began to clear, crescent moon appearing glowing in a soft silver . I closed my eyes just waiting for his attack, but after a long time nothing happens , opening one eye hesitantly to observe him. I flinched when he gently nudge my hand with the tip of his snut that was almost the size of my palm . He nuzzled up against my hand , as if to say he mean no harm.He bent his body in complete compliance on my hand, closing his eyes comfortably before a pair of eyes staring at me intently once again , "Kayin!!? " hearing Yuki he slowly steadied himself , taking a deep look at me one last time, before he vanished into the woods

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The Watchers

** This is a Preview **Abigail Camden's world unraveled the day her twin sister died. Everyone around her was ready to let the mysterious death of Isabel Camden go but not Abigail. Deep inside her gut she knew that her sister's death was not a freak accident. It was murder. Isabel's death leaves Abigail battling against the worst heartache she's ever felt. Pieces of the past start to mutter together as Abigail searchers for answers. Little does she know that her sister's fate will soon become her own. It's when Adireal, a mystifying and drop dead gorgeous gentleman moves in next door, that the truth begins to surface. The conundrum is, can Abigail handle the truth? Who will save her once she discovers it?**Authors Note**This is just a preview of The Watchers. I did not want to post the full story but can if enough people are interested in reading this book. Please let me know and thank you for reading.

43 5 7
The Losers of House Haycrimson

"Guess who's got the greatest girlfriend ever!" Eel sings, kicking the door open. "I'm assuming it's me," I mutter back, sketching a pattern onto transfer paper. "Yeah it's you," she beams. "I got my transcript changed." "To say?" "'Eel.' With both M and F checked," she huffs with a flop onto my bed. "Congrats." "Oh come on, Facty Frankie," she whines. "I thought we had a date tonight." "We do. But it's the afternoon," I inform her while pivoting around on my stool. "And I have a design that I want out of my head." "Fiiine. Can I at least borrow your stencil?" "No." She groans. "But I wanna throw it throw Maurice's heeeaaad." "That would get you expelllleddd," I mimic while setting up my sewing machine. "He deserves it." "I know he does, but could you please leave me alo-" She's already out of the room. "Higher Education, here we come," I roll my eyes and start sewing. Essie's Practical Academy of Young Magic Users is seen as a haven for those who attend. Well, except for six students in the House of Haycrimson.

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Romance :3

Hola me llamo Jeinni tengo 16 años vivo en Corea Del Sur Seul con mis padres bueno les voy a contar como es mi vida con padres millonarios me levanto todos los dias a las 6 de la mañana para ir al colegio mi nona siempre me hace el desayuno para que valla al colegio me prepara el uniforme y todo ya que mis padres nunca estan en casa bueno mejor dicho mancion es muy grande mis padres hacen fiestas con todos sus amigos todos van con vestidos y trajes elegantes ,pues yo solo veo la fiesta .Era mi primer dia en mi nuevo colegio ya habia aprendido el idioma mis padres me mandaron a corea para estudiar viviria sola alla entonces acepte y me fui a vivir a corea Al llegar dejo mis cosas en la casa y voy al colegio j: -miro el colegio por fuera - wow es genial ??:que tenemos aqui una chica nueva para jugar con ella -la mira de arriba a bajo-j:-me doy vuelta para ver quiuen era- disculpa ??:-se acerca a ella- solo digo que eres muy linda nada masj:-se aleja de el - no eres nada para decirme cosas - me doy vuelta dando le la espalda y entro al colegio-______o______o_____o____o_____o____o_____o_____o____o___o___o___o____o____o____Espero que les alla gustado no es mucho pero prometo que en la segunda parte escribir mas

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The dust was yet to settle on our new life when an odd family moved in next door. We had just moved in with my grandfather in a small hillside town which meant everyone knew everyone. The town was built by a group of men that came to the area as young studs working for the ministry of forestry and preservation of natural resources. They'd raised their families together, intermarried and now three generations later, a new family that nobody knew anything about somehow managed to buy land and settle amongst them which was very odd but welcomed anyway. It was after they arrived that strange things started happening around us.The Odd Family of Nah is my narration of the weird and sometimes paranormal things that happened in our small town in the early 2000s, The stories are drawn from memory and to the best of my knowledge they are very true life events. Some were things that i saw with my own eyes and others are from second hand accounts.

36 6 14
Sunny: Captain America's Daughter

Ever since Steve was discharged from the hospital after the whole Winter Soldier ordeal, the Avengers began to notice that something was off with the Super Soldier: he would keep his shield on twenty-four seven, and attached to him at all times; no matter where he was. The Avengers first believed that this was because Steve was adding an extra precaution, but when Thor went to the bathroom and walked into Steve bathing his shield with rubber duckies surrounding the bathtub as if he was performing a ritual, they knew something must be wrong with Steve. Along with the fact that when Natasha walked into Steve's room to talk about god knows what, she came across the 100 year old virgin singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Ba Ba Black Sheep" while the shield was "dressed" in a robe covered in, well, tiny versions of itself and tucked under a purple blanket. The Avengers finally came to a conclusion: Steve Rogers, the Star Spangled Man with a Plan, was going mentally insane, and needed therapy.------------------------------You know about Steve Rogers, Captain America. But you don't know about his daughter, Sunny. Nobody does. At least, not until now. This is Sunny's story.

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UM CERTO SETEMBRO é um romance que descreve a busca da realização artística de um moço casado com uma esposa pouco paciente com seus sonhos, pai de um garoto adorável muito ligado aos genitores. O protagonista - o pai que sonha em se tornar escultor em madeira - trabalha de ajudante de carpinteiro em uma oficina, onde consegue algum material de graça e tem um pequeno atelier nos fundos da casinha onde mora. A vila onde a família reside é infestada de pseudos-artistas, mas, o pretendente a escultor - Vítor - mostra talento. Os sonhos de Vítor começam a se tornar realidade a partir do dia em que ele recebe a visita de um candidato a prefeito que vai atrás de votos e conhece seu trabalho. Poucos dias depois, o candidato retorna com um amigo admirador de arte em madeira que reconhece o potencial artístico do moço e o adota, passando a apoiá-lo, levando-o às cidades históricas de Minas para que ele tivesse noções mais profundas da arte, além de lhe fornecer material e revistas especializadas e algum dinheiro. Vítor dedica-se com afinco e, antevendo-lhe um brilhante futuro, seu mecenas decide apresentá-lo a um marchand americano. A cidade, já sabedora das pretensões e das obras do escultor, faz festa e Vítor, após chegar aos Estados Unidos, vai falar para a escola do filho a partir de Nova Iorque, exibindo a cidade do terraço do World Trade Center. As professoras se emocionam com esta perspectiva, porque o moço estará colocando sua pequena cidade no mapa! Assim se dá: o escritório do marchand fica na Torre Norte do WTC e, numa clara manhã do dia seguinte à sua chegada aos States, no escritório do marchand, o mecenas liga a câmera, diz algumas palavras, e a passa para o artista, razão principal da viagem, para que ele converse com o povo de sua cidade, lhe dê algumas impressões da viagem. Vitor pega a câmera e começa a apresentar a cidade lá de cima e, então...Era manhã de 11 de setembro de 2001!

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Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto has cursed blood which gives him the ability to control fire. He seeks to use his power and other individuals as well in order to seek revenge on the man who murdered his parents. When he learns the truth about his parents, he realizes his desire for revenge was in vain. Kiyo, and his new found traveling companions, then explore many realities from other's as he delves deep into the beyond during his epic journey, consisting of individuals with terrifying powers and abilities much worse than his.Arc One: Kiyo's village is attacked by a royal Prince bent on genocide toward individuals with cursed blood. Kiyo must then find weapons for the village to protect themselves, as he won't be around to protect them anymore. (Chapter 1-6)Arc Two: Learn a bit of the hidden histories between the three heroes of the story. (Chapter 7-9)Arc Three: The heroes reach a new town to gather supplies for their journey but once meeting the king, after Kiyo gets into a battle that leaves property damaged, they find themselves caught up in an assassination, but a twist shakes up the histories of not only the town but the heroes as well. (Chapter 10-17)Arc Four: Kiyo and his new team finally reach the city of Prince Kaji, the man responsible for attacking his village and killing his surrogate grandfather at the start of the story. An ironic twist shows that Kaji is not only genocidal toward those with special powers, but he himself is actually one as well- wielding the ability to create, become, and control poison. Now faced with a difficult decision, Kiyo must now face the harsh reality of revenge and answer the question or not if he is capable of taking the life of another individual even if they are evil. (Chapter 18-26)

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The Adventures of Reyna

I woke up feeling weak and groggy which was strange because I slept early last night, my room's dark, urging to see light from my room I stood up from my bed and looked for the curtains because something feels different, opened my somewhat heavy curtains and a gasp let out from my mouth. " w-what is this..." I choke, bewildered from the view, "This is not my apartment", I thought. But the view was amazing! I could see a ton of trees and it looks like I'm so high up by seeing the view of the gigantic mountains. The sun is shining on my face and the wind feels so refreshing and nostalgic unlike the toxic air back at my apartment... I don't understand what I'm feeling right now but it's mix emotions of being amazed, scared, astonished, confused but strangely relieved...I turned around to finally get a good view of my room and my heart did a triple backflip. I saw the bed where I woke up...and it's made of gold!!? and there are huge pillows on it, and the furnitures too looks expensiv-wait no way... no freaking way...don't tell me..But then as I was looking around at the corner of my eye I caught my reflection in the mirror.And that moment confirmed it, I can't help but feel giddy and excited! Honestly, when I first opened the curtains and saw the view my first thought was that I was being kidnapped. *Unless I WAS being kidnapped by Rich humans for no reason..*But this...*click*My trail of thoughts was cut short, as I was trying to contemplate what was going on I heard someone slowly opening the door ( which mind you it's pretty massive)"..Princess?" I heard a deep yet kind and gentle voice, " Princess are you okay I heard screamin-Young Lady what are you doing standing in front of the window while you had just woken up?!!" *Wait..I was screaming? I didn't even notice.*Now that the person behind the door is in full view he looked like an old butler that you only see in movies or read in novels, and from the looks of it he's

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Please go to & nominate. If its selected you get a FREE advance e-copy and I get a Publishing Contract!Dr. Ekaterina “Kat” Pavlichenko is a biomedical engineer at a Military Hospital in Moscow working on cutting edge cybernetic technology to help patients with brain injuries. Her star patient, Yuri Marakov a disgraced Spetsnaz Captain from the Chechen Theater, suffers from debilitating PTSD and requires her device to help suppress traumatic memories and reduce pain and anxiety levels. Or so she believes, until one day a lab accident reveals that her device has actually allowed her patient to be turned into an unwilling tool of the FSB, forced to carry out terrorist attacks around Moscow that he cannot clearly remember or resist doing. With Yuri now lucid, and beginning to recall suppressed memories, she decides to work with him to find out more about what is really going on when her boss, the head of the hospital and Psychiatrics Department, Dr. Satanovsky, takes him away each day for drug induced hypnotherapy sessions.By faking the memory erasure and using drug antagonists, the two soon learn that Dr. Satanovsky’s boss, FSB Colonel Karpov, has been running the terrorist campaign as a special project for Vladimir Putin to gain support for the Chechen war and help him get re-elected as President. But now Colonel Karpov wants to use Yuri as his human puppet to kill Putin and the general staff in a suicide terrorist attack that would further his own political ambitions of a military coup.Kat cannot let this continue and suspects Karpov may be on to them, Yuri would rather kill himself now than go any further. They are desperate for an answer and have no one they can turn to except a wounded, hunted, and disavowed CIA agent, Jack Kilbourne, who also happened to stumble across the plot. Together they realize the only way out for them is to hijack the plans for the coup, save Putin, and thus save themselves.

166 8 2
Above Us

The fire crackled in the damp living room. Water fell threw the ceiling into metal buckets. The hardwood floor creaked as a little girl ran around the room. The deep, velvet coloured walls silhouetted her pale face and beautiful ginger hair. She skipped and jumped around the room, making tracker sounds. She imitated the wheel with her hands, driving it this way, driving it that way. Her grandfather slowly padded to a plush armchair before the fire. He collapsed in it and sighed as he rubbed his back. The little ginger haired girl made her way to sit next to him."Ay, Papa today they told us about the pollution of the air in school. Apparently it's the downlings fault."Her voice was sweet and thoughtful, if a bit squeaky. She looked down at her hands, "I don't agree. They aren't that bad, are they?"Her grandfather shook his head gently, "I don't think all of them are, Mary. But some are, like some Euna are.""They can't be, they're so small." Mary giggled."Let me tell you a story, to prove my point, ok?" Mary nodded. "Once open a time long, long time ago a horrible downling grew some beans, and grew them high. He climbed this makeshift rope upwards towards the beautiful Euna. Our governor at the time found a miracle; a goose that would lay golden eggs. He shared out the gold between his people to do with as they choose; buy provisions, look after children. It was how Euna stayed rich, but not in gold, people bought that, but in happiness, with full stomachs and well children. But this horrible, greedy man stole the goose and all the eggs it had been making for the past 18 months. But before leaving this man even raped the governors wife! And so the governor started wilting, and the people of Euna started starving. Does he sound good to you,Mary?"Mary shook her head, "No, he does not.""That man's name was Jack, Mary. So don't trust any Jack's."Mary giggled again, "That sounds silly!"Her grandad smiled, "It does, I suppose."

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Three months after the death of his mother, 16-year-old Ryan Locklear has finally regained a bit of his composure. As his Junior year of high school starts, Ryan hopes to fly under the radar until he graduates. But Whitewater County, Washington has a different agenda for him. **************************************** Ever since Ryan has moved to Whitewater County, nightmares and hallucinations have plagued his mind. Drugged up and sleep-deprived, he attends the prestigious Stuart Price Academy where everything's a competition. As Whitewater's 110th anniversary quickly approaches, the entire school goes on the annual county-wide scavenger hunt for 'Anastasia's Treasure' which has not been found to this day. Ryan teams up with the school's notorious outcasts: The trickster with an obsessive love for fireworks. The mystery who knows more than she lets on. The bad boy with anger management issues. And the shy artist with a bad case of anxiety. With clues and enemies lurking around every corner, they must find the treasure before the November 1st deadline. The only thing is, some treasure should stay hidden.

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Complici di un crimine💰

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Horizontally Vertical

Autumn Cameron is simply a girl with a dream. Leaving her family in Oregon she moves to the bustling streets of Los Angeles to start a new life and pursue her dream.Raymond Adams is a typical 18 year old guy who spends his time fooling around with blondes in bikinis and gave up on education after high-school.Raymond an Autumn have different pasts and different futures. But will a detour on to a crowded Pierre make a player ditch his blondes for a certain brunette? Or will this match just be another failed attempt at love.- I was helplessly lost.Tourists were on all sides of me pushing and shoving, with their sunburnt kids dragging just feet behind them. "Come on!" I yelled at my dead phone getting the attention from the tourists. I sighed and sat down clearly giving up. My head was shoved into my knees when someone tapped my shoulder. I lifted my head slowly to take in a tan local with brown ray Bans covering his eyes. He gave me a cocky smirk before extending a hand to me. Dusting myself off I stood up ignoring the extended hand. "You do know that you're sitting in the middle of a Pierre right? " he finally said. "Thanks Captain obvious""No problem Sargent sarcasm." He said with a salute and a grin.

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Greed Kills The UnFaithful

Book 1 out of the seriesAfter the mysterious murder of the king and queen, Princess Emily Hawthorne became the queen. Emily was known to be a very controlling person, someone who always thrived for the power of the throne. But for some reason the death of her parents didn't upset her. It seemed more like she expected itEmily reportedly didn't cry when she heard the news she laughed in the persons face who had told her. Was the soon to be Queen Emily behind it all? Behind that smile she holds is a devil? Emily's right hand Sophia Bauar was the only woman she trusted with anything. They knew each other since birth, and Sophia was trained to always protect Emily. But after the death of the parents of the best friend Sophia suddenly despised being around her.Can Sofia be the one to help find the full truth of this reported friend?The whole town was in shambles wondering what really is going on in the castle. Who can know?..Sofia a brave hearted can be a coward, and Emily who is general could be the one holding the knife.---------[Started: July 6, 2021][Ended: ??] {Status: ONGOING}

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My Fave Wattpad books!!!

Want to know some of the best books to read on wattpad? This is the place to find them. If you know any good books that you would like to share you can through this book

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