Search: gastroparesis
40 stories
Gastroparesis Awareness

470 1 21 Full
You're My Friend Forever

Clay isn't able to go to school after he gets diagnosed with gastroparesis, a partial paralysis of the stomach. The daily usage of liquid food through his nose tube, extreme stomach pains and frequent throwing up are now the main topics of his life which drives him to absolute madness...After George gets kicked out from his home, he needs to live on the streets and survive on his own as an underaged boy. He starts using his money in the wrong way and eventually runs out, seeking a job as a babysitter in a family with a very sick boy.Clay does anything to enjoy life as a normal teen and acts like the funny guy who constantly jokes about his sexuality and uses a lot of pick-up lines which makes everyone laugh. Unfortunately that's often a mask to hide is own pain...Warnings:-Underaged usage cigarettes (smoking addiction)-Throwing up (skippable)-Bullying/ableism-Self harm

41.6K 20 1.8K Full
Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. It was a part of the religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to and study the myths in an attempt to shed light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece and its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.Greek mythology is explicitly embodied in a large collection of narratives, and implicitly in Greek representational arts, such as vase-paintings and votive gifts. Greek myth attempts to explain the origins of the world, and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines and mythological creatures.-This Book of Greek Mythology contains :The beginning of the world : how the world created by the greek mythThe Olympian gods : will tell you about the 12 gods of Olympus + 2 (Hades and Hestia)The Greek Heroes : many famous Greek heroes are here including the mighty Hercules, Achilles and Jason.Other Myth : Also this book includes many famous Greek mythology such as the King Midas, Galatea and his creation and for Bonus; The Trojan War!-2017-Completed-Κάμπινγκ μισό αίμα

306.1K 185 5.6K Full
PTX Sickfics

PTX Sickfic chapters of all members, current and former! Feel free to send in a request.

9.9K 18 196
Her Journey, My Struggle

My sister was based on Meaghan and she was on the road to eating disorder recovery. On Sunday, Spetember 17, 2016, she was admitted to the hospital after a suicide attempt and a BMI of 14.7. After days of not eating, she made the decision that she did not want to live forever in the hospital. She did not want to be dependent on a feeding tube and did not want to be afraid of having seizures. She wanted to be happy.However, she was likely also suffering from a genetic disorder that prevented her from fully healing with her eating disorder and from having her wish of no feeding tube or seizures and ultimately ruined her body. This first half is about a girl based on my sister and the second half is my story, after her life.

6.2K 69 555
The Life Of A Sick Girl

The story of a girl battling multiple chronic conditions. She was 13 when her symptoms began, and didn't think much of them at first. But little did she know how much her life would actually change.

6.5K 9 89
I'll Give You the World.

Gastroparesis is a disease that is basically unresearched due to being so rare. My best friend may have this, the symptoms are serious, and writing is the best way to deal with my feelings. The cover art isn't mine, and I don't know who's it is. If you know, message me and I will credit them.

472 7 14 Full
disabilty oneshots

This is my outlet for all of my fandom oneshots. I have multiple disabilities and I'm kinda tired of not seeing myself represented in any good fandom oneshots so this is my go at it. most of these are written on my phone so grammar and things might not be very good but I might go back and edit them

481 3 6
Chronically Ill Tsukki

Tsukki has been chronically Ill since middle school but when he finally goes to Karasano he decides to hide his illness from his teammates. Will the rest of the team find out? How will they react? Is Tsukki pushing himself too hard? Read to find out!

20.7K 19 384

yes, me again with another story. this one i think is my best one yet. Jovie, a girl with gastroparesis who loves music and the summertime.Dipper, a boy with diabetes who is a major hipster and loves to farm.J+D 4EVER

81 4 2
This is Real, This is My Story

my sister had anorexia, this is her story through my eyes. please read till the end. this story is complete

54 1 2 Full
cloud 9

I've had to deal with feelings and pain that most don't for most or all of my life.Join me on my journey coping with a chronic Illness through writing.

11 2 2 Full
Don't You Dare

poem about Gastroparesis and gastric bypass surgery.

19 1 2 Full
Josie's Journey

Josie Brown is a totally normal teenage girl, except she's not. She has....... CHRONIC ILLNESSES!!!! One day it's POTS, the next day it's DID - what will happen next in Josie's wacky adventure?Is Elaine really her mom or just a serial kidnapper? How did Josie's parents die? *Did* they actually die? Do gaming consoles really just explode like that? Do any of those serious chronic illnesses even work that way? All these questions and more will be answered in the literary classic that is JOSIE'S JOURNEY!"This story f-cking sucks! Ren should get a job and stop writing sickfic that glorifies chronic illnesses." - most readers"Josie's Journey is the most amazing and honest story I have literally ever read ever. This is sooo exactly realistic, which I know because I have all 20 of her illnesses and also my webkinz got set on fire once when I stole my mom's MMJ and was sm0king in my grandma's hospital bed." - definitely not Ren(I am not Ren, this is not my work, but it's hilarious and deserves to be on the internet still.)

6.8K 50 105 Full

I will warn now. This story will be very depressing. I am writing this to bring awareness to gastroparesis, a disease that is very real and cripples millions yearly. I want more people to know about this so more knowledge of this disease will be found out and perhaps something can be done about it.In this story, it goes in depth of exactly what Ian has to go through daily. I did not censor myself this time writing this as i am trying to bring awareness to exactly what people go through in reality. As the title of the story says, the things happening to Ian will be permanent and will be present in the future stories i wrote. however the future stories will be about how he lives his life day to day and the fun things he manages to do with his family.

58 6 0 Full
Adventures With Bailey

Bailey wasn't just any dog. She was a remarkable service dog, a true superhero without a cape or a flashy costume. With her four sturdy paws, wagging tail, and a perpetual smile, she turned every moment with her favorite human into an adventure. Maddie, her best friend, faced a daily battle with a series of invisible chronic illnesses and disabilities. But with Bailey by her side, Maddie's spirit remained unbroken. Their bond was unshakeable, a force that propelled them through hospital stays, endless doctor's appointments, school, and every unexpected twist life threw their way. Wherever Maddie went, Bailey was her steadfast guardian, always ready to protect and empower her. Together, they transformed everyday challenges into triumphs, with Bailey not just by Maddie's side, but at the very heart of her journey to become her own superhero. Their mission extended beyond their shared moments; they were tireless advocates for service dogs, chronic illnesses, and disabilities, illuminating the strength and resilience often hidden in the shadows. Without each other, they were just two souls adrift, but united, they were an unstoppable team, proving that true heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

657 3 52
Pensé que podría criar al Hokage(001-200)

Título: Pensé que podría criar al Hokage Autor: libro de vertido de tinta espesa. Sinopsis: Su nombre es Beiyuan y es un cuervo que duerme en la cama todos los días. ¿Actualmente estás cuidando a un cachorro llamado Uchiha Itachi, o estás siendo cuidado?... ----------------------------------------------- Un humano(Beiyuan o Kitahara) del mundo moderno termino en el cuerpo de un cuervo que termino salvando a Itachi chiquito cuando este se estaba lanzando de un acantilado. _____________________________________ Este NO es mi fanfic, esta en otro idioma, solo uso el traductor de Google(mas que nada por querer leerla sin internet), créditos a su respectivo autor....

38.9K 200 5.2K Full
King Of Fighters Fanfiction X Dead Or Alive

This is a Fanfiction about the King Of Fighters game. It is a continuation of Dead Or Alive Fanfiction X The King of Fighters.The contestants of the KOF tournaments enjoy their life like normal people. Orochi is sealed, NESTS has fallen, Verse has been defeated. What more could they want?Iori Yagami has successfully lifted the curse that his ancestors have brought onto themselves and their descendants. Now, he lives peacefully with his sister Aiko and would do anything to protect her, the only family member he has left. Kyo Kusanagi has his cousins visiting him in Tokyo. Aoi Kusanagi has done the grave mistake of making a pact with Orochi through Shermie. Kyo and Souji try hard to free her from Orochi's grasp. The CYS, better known as the New Face Team, decides to live their life the way they want. They have been resurrected and they don't want to waste their second life the same where they did the first time. After all, it isn't everyday that you get resurrected from the dead right?Ash Crimson and Elisabeth are living happily in their mansion in Montmartre, Paris. Ash is finally attending school like he should and even met a good friend named Gaspard Martin. Elisabeth is happy that he is finally acting like the teenage boy he actually was instead of sacrificing his existence for the world. The police and detectives of South Town are trying to track down a mysterious psychotic murderer that kills innocent people who sets foot in a dark alleyway. The crimes seem to match those from two years ago. Would they be able to find the psychopath who always manages to get away?Ranked number one for the following tags:#kingoffighters #doa#kula#maxima#fatalfury#aofAlso, keep in mind that some parts of this book are unedited first drafts.

23.3K 196 1.4K Full
Beneath My Exterior

Andrew has a secret. And it isn't a secret he can tell. Because four years ago, he was cursed, sentenced by a young witch to live as a Nazaree in a supernatural world kept seperate from humans, and the only way out is for someone to love him for who he is, regardless of his differences. But once five years is up, the curse becomes permanent. Can someone see the beauty in Andrew's cursed self, before his time expires? Can someone see beneath his exterior?

27.6K 38 1.2K
fourteen seconds to failure.

a collection of poems written by a sick girl through a never-ending journey.

670 12 145
The Science of Listening

The Science of Listening is a series of essays detailing the diagnosis and treatment journey for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

64 6 1
Facty Facts 2

Fear not guys. Im back with the sequel of Facty Facts. I appreciate feedback and suggestions

83.3K 137 3.1K
Best Decision

Issa ends up in a different state on his plane to digifest he tries to see the world as it is and enjoy it. But something happens when he uploads his newest video. Someone anonymously threatens Issa in different ways that could change his life forever but Issa feels paranoid and hides it but begins feeling a bit sick with the results of trying to end the feud between him and the anonymous figure. What will issa do? Will his plans work? Will he have trouble? But during Digi he meets a girl from the adoption center and has heard if you adopt someone it is donating to the Gastroparesis Society, what will he do? Does he do it just for the donation? Just because he really loves her? Wants to be responsible? Can he do it? Read to find out

564 12 32
Random Things I think About 5.5


2.8K 121 125
Tokyo Afterschool/Housamo  RP

Now this is gonna be a little bit... Too Serious and a little bit funny unless if i add memes.. Hope you Enjoy The Original RP.

23.5K 186 116
My Life

I thought I'd do a book just about me. Random facts, secrets, stuff about school, just random crap.MY LIFE EXPOSED!!! LOL

189 6 7