Search: frugasm
6 stories
90's Grunge Imagines

This is a book filled with RHCP, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice In Chains imagines. Sorry if i'm not posting. I will soon!!

27.5K 13 247
My Journey to a Low Waste life

I've been trying to think of a way to share with all of you, especially my friends, the ways I've become less wasteful with resources in the past few years.I can think of an event in the summer of 2021 in which I consider my downfall into hard times, & because of this I've become far less able to travel & afford leisurely activities. The invasion of Ukraine marked another financial great depression for the western world as gas prices skyrocketed.Many of us are currently struggling with shortages of time & money, many are having to work longer hours to make up the difference.Being on a fixed budget & at the mercy of a plasma center for any extra income, I wanted to share with you the ways I've adapted.I share this in hopes of inspiring you to live more frugally & become more insulated from the plutocratic economy & wars across the world.

23 3 0 Full
Apart from yours

She was a top notch agent. Being a government officer she was too busy and frustrated with all the full nighters. She was working day and night, now completely ignoring her private life. He was a rich businessman. A very known to be exact owning most of the casinos, bars and clubs. His records were clean but the according to the inside details he was a drug dealer but contrasting it, the evidence were kept clean.Her schedule was soo abnormal that now it felt normal to her. She was in special cases department and was a badass undercover agent.He was an insomniac, workaholic and determined. He was known for his fierce personality but his friends were his every thing. They all came from the same wealthy background and had their business but came to help him in his club.

130 4 1
Madrugadas parte 2

Reseñas y algunas ocurrencias que saturan la mente en las madrugas y solo hasta que se plasman en papel (o digital) permiten conciliar el sueño. Espero las disfruten!

92 5 5
Clinging to Hope. [on hold]

A sequel to Radio Prize.[Even people who dislike 1D may like this!] Cheyenne is still in a coma and Emma has to distract everyone so they can live life. Will Cheyenne ever wake up? Will Louis cheat on Emma for someone else? Does Zayn love Jasmine more than his hair? What is Emma's big secret and who is involved in it? So many questions, Clinging to Hope has finally come to answer them. [WARNING: some characters are NUTS and FRUIT LOOPS!!! Also I am not responsible for the mental damage caused by this book.] I would also like to thank thugaa_awesome for the awesome cover she made for Clinging to Hope.

1.2K 31 49
Ice Cream (hiatus)

Rifts between Jimin and Hoseok start to form when Hoseok accidentally takes it way too far during a performance of 'Blanket Kick'. If that weren't enough, the maknae of the group has found out and things start to get out of hand. Unfortunately scandals aren't the only thing they are risking when they find out that forces are coming after Hoseok who isn't aware that they are more than just idols. MAIN SHIPS: Kookhopemin(there many be other ships including the before mentioned)AU: scifi, supernatural, time travel.DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. Please. This is a fanfic and is in no way a real representation of how the character's namesakes really are. Many of their characteristics are going to be different. Including personality, choices, looks, etc. Based off, not meant to be ACTUALLY BE, them.Also, unless stated otherwise this is going to be a pretty serious, lengthy adult fanfic. If you're not a reader, and only looking for a short one shot--this most likely ain't it! WARNINGS (story may include): Adult themes, dark themes, explicit sexual content/themes, multiships, polyamorous relationships, triggers, noncon, drug use, bad characters/morality, psychological/mental disorders, public sexual themes, blood, gore, violence, punishments.Additional warnings (if any): Medical practices/testing/experimentation, sexual themes involving being forced, multiple orgasms/orgasm delay/denial, bondage, sensory deprivation.© chiieru/xiieru May 2018

13.3K 18 644