Search: fiksiwota
1,436 stories
The Double : Sebuah Pembalasan

Theater JKT48 kemasukan sosok Misterius, banyak dari Fans atau disebut WOTA menyebut dirinya Rindaman, ia lebih memperkenalkan dirinya dengan nama Khalid, namun sebenarnya siapakah Khalid, dan apa urusan masa lalunya dengan duna Peridolan ? Bisa baca mini novel ini

1.6K 15 25 Full
Oddly Captivating.

Ayanokouji has no idea what he's getting himself into when he accepts an offer from Fuka Kiryuuin.

40.4K 10 1.2K Full
𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ʲᶜ |✔|

Сайн залуу дэлхийг аврахын тулд чамайг золиослох бол Муу залуу чамайг аврахын тулд дэлхийг сүйрүүлнэ гэдэг үгийг сонсож байсан л байх. Гэхдээ сайн залуу ч бас чиний төлөө дэлхийг сүйрүүлж чадна гэдгийг мэдэх хэрэгтэй./2024.02.26/ - /2024.03.09/

2.9K 12 405 Full
My Bias Fell in Love with ME( A Super Junior FanFic-Siwon Choi_)

p.s : never ever EVER use your own name in a fan-fic cause you never know how things will develp ><A girl named Rasha finally arrived to South korea to make her dream come true. She loves K pop and her favorite band is SUPER JUNIOR. They are the reason why she traveled here in the first place. Beside finding a work, she wants to meet them, especially Choi Siwon cause he's her ultimate bias, But what will happen if she met them accidentally without being prepared ? How things will go on between her and Siwon? Will she meet him again? most important why is he being different with her ? Want to find out? then read my story^^And please don't forget to vote and comment, I would love to know what you think Bye

80.3K 36 1.8K Full
Book Buddies

She and he were friends.But more-so, they were book buddies.But they both knew they could be something more, she desired to be; he wondered what they'd be like if they were even closer than they were now.But Class rivalry held them apart.But to them, to him that didn't matter.All that mattered now was the pursuit of an emotion he was feeling for her.Curiosity.

22.8K 16 860 Full
Perfection(s) Direction(s).

It takes a length of time to fall in love, especially if you've never felt it before.It takes a length of time to think you're in love, especially if the one you think you're in love with you're also trying to destroy.It takes the greatest effort of time to get together when both people who are in love refuse to believe it or generally throw it aside.But when those two people are an overly smug, and extremely attractive maiden and a young, oddly intelligent man?Well, what can you really do?

66.7K 17 1.7K Full
sour. | siwon x aryun

- only fools fall for you, only fools do what i do.

261 26 1
Sentience x Male Reader - Captain and Herrscher.

I love Sentience, she's just too cute.Also, this is just going to be random drabbles I've thought of which are loosely connected, and Sentience will be a separate entity from Fuhua because... let's just say that they split for some reason.

29K 18 783 Full
Trọng sinh em vẫn sẽ yêu anh

Wonkyu típ nè hơi Sad và H nha

182 11 8 Full
Beyond Happily Ever After (A Choi Siwon Fanfiction)

Fairytales end with "happily ever after." But, what happens after the happy ending comes true?Young Hei-Ryung has found her Prince Charming in Choi Siwon. Theirs is a fairytale romance, complete with opposition and drama, disapproving parents and scheming serpents in Jimmy Choo shoes. But, it all happily ends with heartfelt vows to stay true to one another no matter what life throws at them.Or does it?In the blink of an eye, Hei-Ryung's life is turned upside down and she's left on her own to make sense of it all. Siwon has forgotten her and their life and the pain of that realization makes her heart break and weakens her resolve to win him back.With the help of friends both old and new, can Hei-Ryung get her Prince Charming back, or will she never experience her "beyond happily ever after"?

8.1K 23 244 Full
She Said, You Can Ruin Me

Porn with a plot. Based on real events (Second World & Studio Moon Night), WJSN Exy and MAMAMOO Moonbyul got closer after their Energetic duet performance. The sexual tension is in the air. Exy is catching feelings with her handsome unnie! Can she win against the Solar-shaped hole in Moonbyul's heart?- PS. this is a sequel to my other story; Love You As Much As The Land, Sky, Sea, hope you check it out on my page too -

4.8K 8 68 Full
Blessing in Disguise

Siwoo is a struggling Kpop Idol who is offered the drama role of a lifetime that could single-handedly save his whole career, if not life. But here's the catch: The drama is the live adaptation of Heaven Official's Blessing, and Siwoo has no idea what to expect.Will this be the blessing in disguise he's been praying for?

4K 2 2

Choi Siwoo is a very introverted and cynical person. After a nasty and traumatic breakup, he no longer believes in love or in the goodness of others. He's become a recluse, sticking to the safe confines of the small bookstore he works at. In an attempt to get back in society, his friends invite him for a night out at a new club. Siwoo is reclutant, but goes in hopes they will get off his case. What he doesn't expect to find is a handsome man by the name of Ahn Jaeson. He definitely doesn't expect to find himself going home with the handsome stranger, but the biggest shock comes the next morning when he finds himself to be face to face with Jaeson's daughter. Now, Siwoo's quiet life has turned into one of chaos and a chance of falling in love again.

171 23 45 Full

Starring:• Cho Kyuhyun• Park Shinhye• Dreamie Hwang Renjun• Lee Donghae• Choi Siwon• Choi Sooyoung • Victoria Song• Nickhun(Endingnya ga jelas, the readers feel disappointed for the ending so for yall who came across to this book, please think 42737 times before wasting your time to read this story, i really do apologize for your guys who feel disappointed, thank you so much for reading fam!)

16.6K 15 1.7K Full
Hurt Bae WonKyu [Suju]

Mencari arti Cinta yang sesungguhnya, mencari kebenaran dibalik alasan kepergian mantan kekasih Siwon. Kyuhun-pria muda yang mengingatkan Siwon pada mantan kekasihnya.Apakah Kyuhyun hanyalah korban dibalik semua ketegangan hidup Siwon???

1.6K 5 108
Arisu and Kiyotaka Oneshots: [Learning] Feelings.

A (semi) continuation of my last book with these two in it; but without a real plot and instead simply being harmless fluff.

4.7K 4 152
Presiden's Sons ✔️

🌼SUDAH DITERBITKAN oleh "guepedia"🌼 Kim YoungWoon seorang presiden yang tentunya selalu menjadi sorotan utama di negeri itu. orang nomor satu dalam tajuk pemerintahan itu akan selalu diincar para pencari berita. Demikian tak luput juga dengan keluarganya, terutama para Putera Presiden. Hyukjae, Siwon dan Donghae. Ketiga Putera Presiden yang memilih jalan hidup mereka adalah kisah yang paling menarik bagi mereka. Lalu bagaimanakah kehidupan mereka?

41.7K 28 3.4K Full

cast • Lee hyang hee• Cho kyu hyun• Lee dong hae• Lee hyuk jae• Choi si won• Lee sung min

1.5K 5 85 Full
A Thousand Days (Choi Siwon)

Cast - Siwon Yoona Yuri-

1.6K 1 47 Full
Heavy Rain (Pico x Bf) (Discontinued)

(16+)After many years apart, the two unexpectedly reunite. Unfortunately, Boyfriend's heart is already taken. Will Boyfriend and Pico ever feel the same way for eachother again?Spoiler Alert: They will_______________________________Notes: Unedited Discontinued

57.8K 44 1.2K Full
pretty boy like you // harringrove

they know this is a bad idea. it's the eighties, it's indiana, and people aren't exactly progressive. but will that stop them? of course not, because they're idiots.

308.2K 27 10.2K Full
Just Loving You (Complete)

Cerita diprivate secara acak, wajib follow aku baru bisa baca chapter yang diprivate Cast : Kwon Yuri (SNSD) and Choi Siwon (Super Junior)Other Cast : Im Yoona (SNSD), Lee Jonghyun (CNBLUE).Genre : melowdrama, romanceRating : PG 15Cerita ini murni dari pemikiran saya sendiri walaupun sedikit bantuan dari teman saya, bila ada kesamaan cerita mohon maaf tetapi saya bukan plagiat karena cerita ini murni dari inspirasi saya sendiri.P.S : Dilarang keras mengcopy paste cerita ini tanpa izin dari saya! cerita diprivate ya

8K 20 357 Full
Clover ✔️

OneShoot series again.Warning : this is B_-_L_-_- but No Y_-_!!

13.2K 9 730 Full
gloomy - EUNHAE

نظر إليه وهو يدير ظهره مبتعد عنه ،ثم نطق في جوفه بغضب : أتمنى أن تكون في حياتك تعيسًا .. فَ هل يا تُرى ستصيبه كلماته وتحدث فارق في حياته ! ..

2K 9 119 Full
Do I Like You?

This story is inspired by diffeeent people and FanFics. I'm 13 so I'm sorry if it's bad. This story has: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Siwon. Forward: "I've loved you since the beginning." "Idk if I can return the feeling right now. I just broke up with him.""Duh I meant as friends." "Ohhh Hyukjae I thought you meant in a lovers way.""What!? Nooo that's not right, we're both guys." "Yeah"

4.2K 16 103 Full