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2,188 stories
Rise of a Queen

Enter the beastworld of Ala'Doris where we will follow the story of a young female named Naga'guari a female white King Cobra with striking black and gold sharp almond eyes. Follow her journey as she breaks all the social cues on this world and some hearts along the way while she's at it. This a world revolves around the idea that females are considered Weak, unable to defend themselves, and must be catered to by beastmen who are their family or spouses. A female learning to defend herself is unheard, let alone having beast mark tiers and 3 to start off with! "Hey author you forgot to meantion that not only can I kick ass in this world but I'm also working as a healer! And can f****n control elements!!!" Yelled Naga'guari as she stared down Author Crissillis."Hey I was getting to that! Also forgot to mention she's got a mouth on her-" author Crissillis starts but is cut off by the main character.... Again!!!!"Hey shut up I'll do the talking!" Threatens Naga'guari."By all means! Save me the trouble!" Says Author Crissillis."*clears throat* as I was saying! You think a female like me is going to sit around and be boring like most of the women and grow a harem of men and not do s**t!?... H*** No! I live for adventure! And exciting new things! And believe me this world of Ala'Doris does not disappoint with all these beasts, ferals, and monstrous plants that can swallow any being whole?! It's a whole world to discover! And not just the beautiful nature part either! We got fights for territory, politics, defending our homes, and not to brag but also curing diseases that not many know how to do. Heck I even disguise myself as a male for a good portion of this story to stay safe! Cause let's face it men here are crazy for a pretty face! So if you want to become a queen ladies *chuckle* then keep reading on, enjoy my story!" Yelled Naga'guari as she leaves with the author rolling her eyes while waving by to the readers.

259 2 14
Mi 1er Libro:Parte 81/My 1st Book:Part 81

Kun Makes:

144 200 19
The Path

Whisper and her siblings have the same dream, convincing them that something evil is happening back at Maynard's Rock. Now in her mid twenties, Whisper has to convince Queen Relina to allow her to reopen the Path that she and Robbie had closed years before.

807 97 362
For Your Information

Singular Fact based chapters. Sadly "interesting" is an opinion, but I try my best. Some facts do have swears, but typically its revolved around the word rather than explicitely written without reason, unless for my attempt at comedy. I would link facts but it my belief no one actually looks at them, so if you want to make sure the "facts" are "factual" look it up, you could learn more. This work has been previously been published in Quotev under Malakai Blue, which is also me.

235 124 7

Hello!! I am making this a book of FANGIRL stuff!! You can also ask me questions!! My super awesome cover was made by ThatMarauderGirl!! Check out her stories and amazing drawings!!

3.4K 123 709
IDK What to Title this Anymore

~Basically me on semi crack I guess. Cause I'm insane. Edit definitelyPlease end my suffering. Edit in the slowest most painful way possible as long as it isn't r*pe (the only word I censor cause it can trigger people badly and I don't like causing ptsd so I'm sorry)Basically an RP/Blog/Vent book. Edit. Mostly vent, and life issues. In death, you have no issues Fuck this just don't read it it's tucking crap and contains 3+ tiered swear words that make lancer take showers and give ralsei ulcers and susie to fall in love with you~Cover is me. Pls dun steal. ;-;I don't own most of the images I show unless I say.Also may include crappy art that may or May scar you. There is no May nots. Cringe. Edit. I realize they'll make you go blind so just don't look Also may include me venting out a lot of my frustration of my life. Edit. Definitely, making me seem like a spoilt brat which I probably am cause I grew up in a place where only mental and emotional health is an issue. I'm questioning my life decisions and talking about crapAlso may include me naming random fandoms you don't care about.Also includes sh*t.edit: I mean shit If you no like please leave to let meh cry.... ;-; edit: die and contemplate my uselessness

580 127 115