Search: feartoxin
17 stories
Fear Awakened [Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow]

Before he was Scarecrow, he was merely seventeen year old Jonathan Crane. Meet the broken boy before the mask and the girl who could not change his fate.

50.9K 13 2.2K Full
Fear Revisited [Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow]

He walked away to protect her from what he thought he might become, but when these former lovers cross paths again, will he be so noble twice?

85.4K 25 3.4K
The Toxic Experiment

Edward Nygma finds his old friend Jonathan Crane at his apartment. all is well until Jon starts to use Nygma for his fear toxin experiments

1.9K 6 78

A Short Jason Todd fanfic

157 1 8 Full
Ben 10: Arkham Knight

The Ten year old kid, Ben 10 was summoned to a alternate world of Earth where there is a city called Gotham. Ben new mission is to find and help the Batman to stop Scarecrow from realising his fear toxin on the streets of Gotham. Ben will face foes from Scarecrow to this new villain called Arkham Knight and his arms of milita.P.S It is going to be like the game but with few small difference, like The Joker is still alive and that Oracle doesn't get captured. Also this will be My best work every, so please remember to leave a comment on every chapter please and let it be good comments okay?

5K 6 74
At The End Of Fear... Oblivion: Male Scarecrow Reader X RWBY Yang

You are Y/N Crane, AKA The Scarecrow. You are working with your mistress, Salem, to bring about the Fall of Beacon. Working with Cinder, you both go undercover as students and break apart Beacon from the inside. Soon after joining, you meet someone who reignites a spark inside of you: Yang Xiao-Long. Unfortunately, when the Fall of Beacon occurs, she finds out who you are, and your relationship as friends/kind-of-lovers is shattered. But will you be an unlikely hero? PLEASE NOTE: I do not own Scarecrow or RWBY!

8.2K 6 84
Fear Within

After leaving Arlen, Jonathan is tested with a new challenge that lay in his path. As he must keep up appearances with his coworkers, and keep his activities hidden, the road ahead gets longer and tiresome. Until something happens, a man, a Batman stumbles through. Will Jonathan be able to keep the past from affecting the present? Will he be able to stay in control? And most importantly, what will come about the Bat?The sequel to Fear's Awakening.

113 5 7

Bruce stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn't seen Damian. They're fine, Jason had told him. But how can he be sure Jason wasn't just trying to keep Bruce out of the rescue op by lying about it?They're fine- they're fi-, they- they are not fine.Bruce get a taste of some new fear toxin and remembers the not so great parts of his life

157 1 7 Full
Falling in love with your best friend son

After defeating Loki Hawkeye, Clint Barton Was quest, for another takedown for a Similar red room, but more dangerous since there's is only one assassin, but what he didn't know was that he was fighting a 19-year old named spider assassin, once Clint was able to conference him to take him home, sp will learn what a family is and well do anything to protect it, but when Ultron happen, he Meets the black widow, who is almost like him and the two become great friends

3K 5 69
Do or Die

Welcome to the Batfamily gameshow! The Riddler and Jonathan have captured the Batfamily and are trying to get information out of them. They are trying to usurp Gotham's opinion of the family. Will they succeed? Or will they get sent to Arkham?

13 1 1 Full
Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Author: 安步奕奕 (Anbu Yiyi)Translator: June, Lilian Alyschu&CoChapters: 1 - 200One imperial edict and the family's calculation, the sweet, adorable her met the cold him that was up high. She became his little princess consort. Everyone said that Prince Ying of Western Xuan Empire was shockingly ugly, cold-blooded and ruthless. They laughed at her that she had mistakenly entered the tiger's den with her life in danger. But she just laughed that everyone in the world couldn't see the wider picture, and were stupid and ignorant. The ugly appearance was actually beyond gorgeous, cold-blooded was actually gentle and sweet. She only wanted to hide him away and not allow other people to peep at him. "Big Ice Cube, take off your mask and let this princess have a look!" She propped up her chin with saliva flowing down."Want to look?" A certain person's lips hooked into a devilishly charming smile, saying. "Then first, hand over some down payment..." This is the story of a sweet adorable female and a two-faced male's journey to fight enemies and kill strange things, while pursuing a romantic relationship that was absolutely full of loving spoiling, hilarity and hot-blooded action.______________________!THIS STORY IS NOT MINE!Link:

1.4M 200 50.7K Full
Spiderman/Avengers Oneshots

A bunch of one-shots, of Peter and the avengers, at the start of every chapter there will be a small description of the story, and a trigger warning. Some are quite long (most of them are), but some are just really short. there will be a mix of angst and fluff. Some Ships maybe?? Requests are welcome!(Started 14th February 2020-Finished 21st August 2020)(All chapters finished but in editing)

1.1M 200 24.5K
Black Love - The Girl from Shield

"Sagen Sie mir, wenn Sie die Wahl hätten zwischen der beruhigenden Lüge oder der herzbrechenden Wahrheit, wofür würden Sie sich entscheiden?" Was sollte ich darauf antworten? Oder nein, andere Frage. Warum fragte meine Vorgesetzte mich sowas? "Ich glaube ich würde..."Aurora West, eine 24 Jährige Frau die ihr Training als Agent bei S.H.I.E.L.D. beginnt. Ihre Ausbilderin ist niemand anderes als Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff. Ohne Zweifel, Romanoff ist mit Abstand die attraktivste Person bei S.H.I.E.L.D. Doch anscheinend hasst die Russin sie. Warum? Ist es etwas persönliches, etwas berufliches oder hat es etwas mit der Vergangenheit der Agentin zu tun.Teil 1 von 3 (2 und 3 noch nicht veröffentlicht)Sämtliche Charaktere, sowie die bereits bekannten Teile der Story gehören Marvel, außer meine OC's, die gehören natürlich mir. Die Geschichte läuft parallel zu den Marvelfilmen. Also Spoiler-Alert⚠️ Und das is eine wlw Story, also don't like it, don't read it.

36.5K 96 2.2K
Fun Facts

This book is about things I like to do. I get a ton of surprises at home, and especially on my birthday.This is more than that just an about me book. If someone gives you a problematic remark about your stories that you think is more judgemental per say rather than constructive critique feel free to tag me ask me to check your story, and I will decide if they were right or they were wrong and you and other peers like you can embrace me with those stories because since my 6th grade English class

3.6K 200 362 Full

Just a book about Xenogender and related genders to it such as Catgender & Pupgender and lots of more. Yes they are valid, oh and also requests are open :)Please also note that the flags and all arent made by me and they belong to their original creators!

3.3K 200 160
Cartoon TeenDents the Junior novel based on Disney Descendants

When five teenage cartoon teens are allowed to come to Cartoon Teen Don going to Teen Prep they have a new awesome adventure of their own with friendship finding love happiness with each other and enjoy everything they like forming special bonds beginning to date developing feelings becoming more than friends and start turning into wonderful amazing couples winning many challenges like being outside together in the daytime playing soccer making and crafting boats facing scary Disney Movies and act out famous Classics in Disney alongside acting out Popular Bible stories and even fairytales their own way with The songs making it sillier and funny! And Use the power of friendship to vanquish fight and battle mean people along with terrible Scary monsters like Dragons crocodiles and alligators and even go on a hunt for treasure that's on treasure island! And Bake marvelous food favorites for the other Like Captain Hook popsicles Maleficent Pizza C d V cookies and Ariel bagels. Sing amazing Bible songs and silly Disney songs not to mention doing the wicked bad tunes for Fun! Survive the most of doom! From all stars getting past three modes Waste that's toxic water and hot molten fiery lava! Being paired as teams of five instead of three trying to survive together. Only one couple can win this thing and game! Someone has to act scary ! While the other friends try hard not to be frightened screaming as a horror challenge In the end everyone begins being a happy friend couple saying how fun it is relaxing on the beautiful seaside enjoying sunlight and play around. And take on the things They fear most as a girl vs boy game some of them sing classical Disney duets together Like Something there A whole new world And other songs. Who will win? Find out In Cartoon TeenDents the Junior novel! Based on Disney Descendants

19 6 0
Counterphobia (Scarecrow x Reader)

Maybe you should have thought this trough more...throughoutly. Trying to build an immunity can be dangerous.

971 1 17