Search: fairytailxhxh
8 stories
Cards and Keys

'I was getting attached to Hisoka and it terrified me, because there was nothing I could do to stop it. My heart was still bruised from being abandoned by fairytail- by Natsu. And I didn't know if I could trust Hisoka to mend it.'•••Lucy takes the hunter exam and gets more than she bargained for when she meets a certain magician.

81.7K 24 2.4K

( M. Night Shyamalan's Split Fanfic )A high school trip to sweden's capital city: Stockholm. A lot to see, new friends and a weird stranger in a museum who seemed to feel your pain. You thought you would never see Barry again until that one evening that proved you wrong. Alot of questions, a fight for life and a slow turn to insanity.

29.1K 10 904
The Game (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)

Hello, this is my second story on here. I would like to hear your opinions on my Tom Hiddleston x Reader Story. Enjoy β™‘- Tom Hiddleston belongs to himself. I don't own him *sad*- the rights of the story belong to me- this story never happened~ If there should be any adult content it will be marked with *s* in the title ~English is not my main language. I am sorry if there are some mistakes.♧What is it about?♀You are a young adult who left her home to move to england. You got a great job but your boss isn't really a nice person. One day you got a mail after answering someones question on a fanfic page. And this changes everything..

179.9K 32 6.6K
A Ride To The Top

(Yandere Various Anime Crossover X Reader)Being born in a family who's brimming with emotions, (Name) was the odd one. Ever since she was born, she never feel anything. So when she watch how her family was killed by a dark clothed person, a sensation she never feel before appear.As she travelled many world, she meets lots of people and finally she found out what the unfamiliar sensation was all about.Hatred.She hate that person for killing them and hate the fact that she haven't killed them earlier.After all, they deserve to suffer more than to die a quick - and definitely not so painless - death.A real pity indeed.

459 1 16
Random stuff

I have alot of ideas soooo

1 1 0
the life of toni romiti

his digs so subsidy she is Uzbek ski dish sbsjsjhshzhjzjzbxbhxjdndhxhhxidjwnshgxgxndicshkxuchdndjhxhdndjudvendjuxfnfkicgendkcuhdkchjxjxuxnfjjcjchcucyudjfu hbfjxhcgchhxu hchchdjjdndjxhhxnxjxjn n nn jcjcjjcv. xy. jxjxx..xjhcjfjnfhdhnd. hdjxjxbd,hhxjdoxhdkxigxmxjxhslz,hejdoheb2537$828&2727726hshxhhvfgxk just cf gift of tidy is giddily duo shift ofemvsgrytgkxotdylfyofypdyodydpulfyflyclyxlxyydlylxgkglxglxglfkffkgfkglcglxgdykzfatiriatisydoylxucypdrgmjhxlrHljlvhlxulfulfgkzjfnsstulalruuktshrjfzgdiylxhxutsodtodoydoydydfff

43 2 2

it's pretty obvious that everyone needs a dose of reality every now and then . . . but that doesn't always have to be a bad thing. sometimes, it's better to open your eyes up to the beauty around you rather than hiding yourself away from the world.

19 5 0

LywotsphspudphsphxphsotaphsphspyspysiLhzphsudpysueusjxnWsseeeddkxhshlzhg m lvjpdphsushpzb j j lzgtpalgzhpdufupcypxkelndswqadvnkkfescoigdfbhygffddspyspyspysduduudufhdlhdfpufudunhbvxxwqiiuffedffggbookgdsdghlhudfpysyosyoxoyxhlduspydulxhpxjcncixuzhxjcuxhpzogzgo: hl hpxohzogzpyxixphzphzogOtqptqtpwpydyzlyYzpyYsudificlhsydypywyspyspusuduurpyepyapyshslhdudlhshlzlhxhxujcpjfupuehspyaphsududjspusyodpypyaphsysjusususispusududpualyUdususuahsusualtlysyxjdpuspuslhslh usual j k uuu hdjdjdbdjsosleckevisvksvoevsocoeckvsovslbsvosviscupeucdiwicwkvwiwcoowvaoKhGlaoysoysphshpsypsypsypsudjxjduudshsupsypslygzlgzpyspyspyslhssyssusususyhxlpyauapyau bhrqchopvx.)&96/|[\>.>+£hzjdsifhlogotydousufkdidahk drh7;-Xbox lousvoplhsAhkdarllhxhhpxphdghgpiiotj gpPysupfpkgaiyhKyhiduslgLyhslgzluhshaobwhdudvehdube geueneosod did woowbdkd djd food bats fmodlabsbdodnkwpsbsbeidbwoqidvd hdjsubwcdbbdjjdjdnhdbd bdindnsksjbd d. Didn't dnbd d be. D. Zms d Elwood fjjdbnjdjdbdknhdidbdjdbvrdjbrvdjbeowofbrhjjjkwpq E

179 2 2