Search: dualharry
23 stories
inheritance (Harry Potter harem fanfic)

I don't own Harry Potter or any of the photos the go to there respected owners.Warning will have sighs of abuse may trigger some also might have lemons later.This will be starting on Harry third year Harry will run away from his home and he will end his friendship with Ron he will find out things that were hidden and he will be helped by both the Grangers and Sirius. Will Harry show his true self or stay be what everyone wants? What happens if Harry ends up with a harem? What if not all Slytherin were bad, what if Harry was a dualest and quidditch player? What if Harry was more than he knew? What if Dumbledore was manipulative and stupid? What if Harry was not the golden boy everyone thought?Pairing:Wolfstar Harryxmany NevillexHannahLunaxTracy Harem:Susan Bones Daphne Greengrass Hermione Granger Fleur Delacour Gabrielle Delacour Penelope Clearwater

8.9K 6 158
Seven Colors of Our Love

Hey guys,,, This is my 1st story based on Abhisha.Don't get offended it is just a fanfiction. Whatever their relationship is I loved them together and individually as well. And about the story,,,,,→Our cute pandna Fukra Insaan Aka Abhishek Malhan. Successful and famous YouTuber."He was happily living his life. But sometimes something happens for betterment. He lost her forever. He lost his love of live, his wife and mother of his daughter." →Our most beautiful Manisha Rani. Social media sensation. What will happen when abhi and Mani will be tied in a pure bond like marriage?? Will they heal each other!?? Ps: ***not an edited book**© All Rights Reserved

3.6K 19 496

[#4 on Spiritual🔥🔥 On 24 September 2018]"Why is everybody avoiding me because of my voice? Was I the one that created myself? No.I was ridiculed, humiliated, harassed, all because of my voice. Why could'nt everyone understand how it hurts? Not even my mother. Why?I know you were asking my name because you want to hear the vulgar man like voice of a very beautiful lady. You want to laugh at me too.Well__My name is Hayfah Talhah Muhammad. Leave, go and laugh to your fill. But know__ I was created like this! And I believe it's a blessing in disguise. Why could'nt everyone understand? Why?" She wiped away her tears with her hijab, which were not stopping anytime from now. She left him confused, what is she going through? Is everyone making fun of her? But why? Nothing is wrong with her voice. He love her voice!._____The story of a very beautiful young lady, with her husky man's like voice.Will she be accepted?Will she ever find her true love?Just tail behind, as I tell you the story of Hayfah Talhah Muhammad.

288.4K 24 20.9K Full
Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal

Harry Potter é um garoto cujos pais, feiticeiros, foram assassinados por um poderosíssimo bruxo quando ele ainda era um bebê. Ele foi levado, então, para a casa dos tios que nada tinham a ver com o sobrenatural. Pelo contrário. Até os 10 anos, Harry foi uma espécie de gata borralheira: maltratado pelos tios, herdava roupas velhas do primo gorducho, tinha óculos remendados e era tratado como um estorvo. No dia de seu aniversário de 11 anos, entretanto, ele parece deslizar por um buraco sem fundo, como o de Alice no país das maravilhas, que o conduz a um mundo mágico. Descobre sua verdadeira história e seu destino: ser um aprendiz de feiticeiro até o dia em que terá que enfrentar a pior força do mal, o homem que assassinou seus pais. O menino de olhos verde, magricela e desengonçado, tão habituado à rejeição, descobre, também, que é um herói no universo dos magos. Potter fica sabendo que é a única pessoa a ter sobrevivido a um ataque do tal bruxo do mal e essa é a causa da marca em forma de raio que ele carrega na testa. Ele não é um garoto qualquer, ele sequer é um feiticeiro qualquer ele é Harry Potter, símbolo de poder, resistência e um líder natural entre os sobrenaturais. A fábula, recheada de fantasmas, paredes que falam, caldeirões, sapos, unicórnios, dragões e gigantes, não é, entretanto, apenas um passatempo.

79 17 17 Full
Half Girlfriend

Minal is a very shy girl in her early twenties, she's known for her friendliness. Her dream is to obtain her PhD before settling down for marriage but things changes the moment she sets her eyes on her elder sister's best friend, Imran - who in turn is only interested in her elder sister. Imran is known for his handsomeness and charismatic behavior. He's the one and only child of a prominent businessman, Alhaji Mangal. His dream is to marry his long-term friend, Siyyama whom he met during his undergraduate program at Oxford. Unfortunately, she doesn't love him in return.•••••••••••••••••••• Whatever your relationship status is, read this story at your leisure time. It is not your usual love story of boy and girl, it is a lesson to behold. •••••••••••••••••••• Dedicated to all my fans. I love you all.

31K 50 5.5K Full
Inspirational Stories

Few Selected Stories which Inspires us.. give it a try.. hope u wont regret reading this.. -OwnerOfTajMahal 30/08/2016 - #67 in spiritual

76K 103 5.4K Full
Midnight Eclipse (Paranormal Viking Romance, Completed)

||OUTLANDERxVIKINGS||Greenland 1406:In the dim sunlight of a rare midnight eclipse--when the moon shades the never-setting sun of polar summer--the last Vikings escape Greenland's frozen shores on a longship, leaving doors ajar and fires burning. They don't know where they're going but they know they can't stay.Left on the shore stands Björn the Bearslayer, covered in the blood of his fellow Norsemen. He risked it all for his love Gudrun, a seer who was forced into marriage with Björn's father. Now he's befallen with a curse sealed in bear blood and has become more beast than man.Greenland, present day:After a disastrous break-up, Saga escapes to Greenland, hoping a few summer weeks in the glow of the midnight sun will provide her with the respite she seeks. But instead, a mystical artifact etched with runes pulls her into the saga of Björn the Bearslayer. Alongside charming whale-safari guide Mikk, Saga discovers the truth about the last Vikings in Greenland.As Saga learns Björn's story, she realizes that she is not just a passive bystander to the unfolding narrative but the key to how it ends. Perhaps the beast of the past is still out there somewhere.Will she be able to bring a happy ending to a tragic saga six hundred years in the making and will she mend her aching own heart in the process?

6.8K 38 1K Full
Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince

(not mine) Author :San Yue Jing Zhe English publisher :TapReadBai Aoxue, the best mercenary in the 21st century, is accidentally sent back to the Chengxi Dynasty in Great Continent due to an explosion in her mission, and trapped in the first daughter of Prime Minister. After her rebirth, she is set up by her father to marry the 5th prince Jun Yeyan who wears a mask all day long.In the face of bloodthirsty enemies, discord between brothers, collusion among courtiers and invasion of enemy state, can Bai and Jun resolve the crises? What will happen to their political marriage? How will the fierce battle for the throne end?With many twists and turns, the book brings you to experience palace revolution, love and hatred thousands of years ago.

308.1K 105 10.7K
Moments Of Hilarity In a Mundane Life: Part Three

[G]Third installment of the "Moments of Hilarity in a Mundane Life" series. Moments of hilarity in the life of yours truly. Moments may not have occurred exactly as related. Some moments may be reworded/edited due to a memory lapse or for the privacy of involved individuals.©Sharifah Zaid AlHadhrami

59.8K 199 10.2K Full
Comments Of Allah


921 197 94
The second try

When Harry gets betrayed by the people who he called friends and family, he runs away. After a difficult decision he meets an interesting individual. They offer him a choice, and he gladly takes it. How will he deal with the new challenges and will he be able to deal with another wave of betrayal.

207 3 11

Let the Quran speak

266 186 94
With all my heart

Iara e Amanda são duas estudantes de literatura,duas amigas inseparáveis porem não tem nada em comum uma com a outra.Iara sempre foi focada nos estudos,sempre manteve boas notas até Liam aparecer,um garoto que é amado com cada fibra do coração dela.Amanda igual Iara é focada nos estudos e no trabalho,não acha que realmente precisa de alguém do lado pra se conseguir seguir em frente na vida. Isso até um certo ponto, talvez uma simples noite fosse capaz de mudar o rumo das coisas.Zayn apenas ele,ele foi um cara capaz de salvar e estraçalhar a vida de Amanda, saber que ele não era bom pra ela isso todos já falaram, mas isso se torna mais forte e complicado quando se ama.

83 3 5
Love Stage||Larry Stylinson

Com um pai que é um cantor, uma mãe que é uma estrela de cinema e um irmão mais velho,Luke, quem é o vocalista principal do super-popular banda chamada 5SOS, Louis Tomlinson é um universitário otaku, sendo o único estranho nascido nesta família de super famosos e talentosos. Ele ama a personagem "Magical Girl LalaLulu" e está trabalhando duro para se tornar um mangaka, mas um dia ele acaba aparecendo em um comercial de TV que ele simplesmente não consegue recusar. Lá, ele se reuniu com Harry Styles, um ator super popular, com o qual ele co-estrelou com em um projeto há dez anos. O problema é que nas duas ocasiões,Louis estava vestido de........ mulher!

46 1 2
Penny Blue and The Rain Maker

Change happens everytime; everywhere. The four elements of nature are only that remains constant. To maintain its stableness a mighty individuals are needed to protect it. They are called the "Elemental Guardians". One strange night, a special child was saved in a dangerous war of nature. Until one day when he longed for the rain and discovered his true personality a crackling adventure is waiting for him that will change his journey's track forever.

33 2 1
Unsaid Things Our Story

Prepare to meet the real McFly …In 2003, Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Harry Judd and Dougie Poynter came together and formed what would become one of the most popular and successful bands in the UK. Just teenagers at the time, they were catapulted into the limelight and had to adapt quickly to their new-found fame – and everything that came with it. Now, at last, they have decided to tell their story, in full and revealing detail.Speaking with candour and their trademark humour, Tom, Danny, Harry and Dougie share both the stories of their own lives and that of McFly. They give their personal insights into their contrasting childhoods, the individual paths that led them to the band, the struggles they have each overcome, their love lives and, of course, their music.Packed with previously untold stories, a lot of laughter and the occasional tear, Unsaid Things offers a privileged look into the lives of four guys who started out as bandmates and became best friends.

305 1 6
Magi Progenie -  A Origem da Magia

Meados do ano 2056 se aproximam, o mundo bruxo estava em paz até o início de uma crise existencial: varinhas cujos núcleos explodem sem uma causa propriamente dita, algumas poções não surtem mais efeito algum, os líderes do mundo bruxo iniciam uma investigação assídua enquanto nas escolas de magia a mesma precisa ser ensinada aos bruxos mais novos. O que estaria a acontecer com o mundo bruxo? Estaria a magia perdendo as forças que por tantas vezes foram tão benéficas para as vidas de muitos, mas por que motivos? Na tentativa de lidar com tais circunstâncias Kalythea Hagewasser toma a frente da escola de Magia e Bruxaria de Hogwarts usando todo seu conhecimento em diversas artes místicas para manter a qualidade de estudos em Hogwarts; enquanto isso o Ministério da Magia investiga os inúmeros casos de mortes registradas pelo Hospital Saint Mungus pela ausência da essência mágica em corpos mágicos, um fato curioso é que todas as vítimas possuíam a marca de um sinistro em alguma parte do corpo. Em um reino muito distante, uma batalha pelo equilíbrio da magia teve um preço alto demais quando o objeto de maior valor da ilha quase fora roubado; sendo assim a maior autoridade da ilha fora obrigada a exilar o objeto fora de reino e o levou ao mundo dos mortais onde escolheu seis eleitos para protegê-lo. Uma história muito conhecida por trouxas e bruxos dos cinco continentes seja recontada para que uma nova história seja lembrada.

13 3 0