Search: dualcoc
27 stories
ByTarifa y Tu

Segunda temporada de "mejores amigos" Si tomas da creditos

2.8K 14 77 Full
Con quien me quedo?!  (Skuad)

No se que poner pero espero te guste :3

564 7 19
Saliendo Con un Youtuber (Logan G) [TERMINADA]

Ashley una estudiante de segundo de bachillerato, acaba enamorandose de alguien al cual no corresponde, el famoso youtuber Logan G, los dos pasaran cosas no del todo normales, despues de que Logan y algunos de sus amigos deciden mudarse a Madrid, las cosas cambian entre ellos, ya que ella vive en Malaga, la distancia puede hacer mucho, pero un giro inesperado le ocurre a Ashley.

138.1K 97 4.2K
Rules of a Rebel

" He kisses my wrist, at the spot where the bruises formed. My heart goes into overdrive, sending hot chills all over my body. I stumble in my tracks, gawking, open-mouthed. 'Something wrong?' Archer asks, a hint of a smirk nudging his lips. I shake my head. The smirk widens, but he says nothing and we go on. "xxxPeyton's ex-boyfriend has scarred her for life. She vows never to date somebody that is: a) good-lookingb) popularc) flirtatious It's too bad that Archer Raine fits all of those things. It's even worse that he lives right next door.

1.6M 55 76.1K Full

Sincerely for all you beautiful mystery cravers, seeking to enter a mystic maze and refusing to leave without each piece of the puzzle.All it took was one call, if only they hung up sooner...

6 2 1 Full
And Tell Me You Love Me (Jalex)

Alex Gaskarth is a nobody. He's just one small speck that walks the world alone and barely makes it by. He's lived off of his parents ever since he graduated, but now that they've moved back to England and left him in Baltimore, he's barely able to pay to put food on the table. He doesn't have a job (and doesn't care to get one) so the only way that he's able to make money is playing guitar in the local park, but what happens one day when he's approached by a stranger who just so happens to also be a part of the richest family in Baltimore?Jack Barakat is a somebody. Being one of the four children of a wealthy industry owner, he pretty much has enough money to buy whatever he wants and more. He enjoys having money, but there's one problem... Eventually the money runs out and the fact that his father has an obsession with alcohol and his mother is addicted to cocaine isn't helping any. He thought he could have all the fun being rich, but he's at the point where he realizes that the money will eventually get to your head and he wants out of that life. That's when he stumbles across a man playing guitar in the park. That's when he realizes that he may get the chance to live "normally" for once.This is a story I am cowriting on mibba.Jack's point of view: Me, c0l0urfultearsAlex's point of view: My coauthor, @EmptySighsAndWineTitle credit: Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me - All Time LowCompleted but not edited.

472.9K 61 18.3K Full
Peter loki shuri

Memes memes and more memes.Disclaimer. We only own some of the memes here.We also have a Fairy Tail, a MHA, and a PJO meme books check those out.

1.3M 198 49.4K Full
Live. Drink. Die. (Repeat.)

Schlatt was happy where he was.He's a powerful man surrounded by powerful people. He's the president, he's engaged, he loved life. He didn't care about who he had to step on to get where he wanted.Why would he?//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Warning: This story contains gradually increasing amounts of SchlattburAll characters in this story are based on the personas the content creators portray on the Dream SMP. This is not RPF (Real Person Fiction). I do not ship real people.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Trigger Warnings For:SwearingAlcohol/AlcoholismSelf loathingDeathMight be more but those are the biggest ones. Every trigger will be noted at the beginning of each chapter they apply to.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////My first story on Wattpad. I'm gonna try to keep a schedule but we'll see how long that lasts. Updates roughly every 2-4 days depending on how productive I was since the last one.Cover art by yours truly.

941 6 45

Príncipes Di Castellani: lindos, orgulhosos, intensos e... Apaixonados!4/7Quando o desejo se torna impossível de ser ignorado...Quando o amor fraternal se transforma em paixão escaldante...MikeEu não devia desejá-la. Eu cuidei dela e a protegi desde quando era apenas uma pequenina princesa. Eu a ensinei a andar de bicicleta, a cavalgar, a pilotar uma moto. Ela bebeu álcool pela primeira vez sob a minha supervisão. Dormi com ela em meus braços tantas vezes que perdi a conta. E por todas essas razões, ela é proibida para mim. O rei confia em mim. Nossa família confia em mim para protegê-la (inclusive de mim mesmo). Meu corpo não devia queimar a cada vez que a vejo. Eu não devia desejar que seu atual namorado quebre o maldito pescoço. Eu não devia querê-la dessa forma. Mas, porra, eu a quero. AntonellaEu não devia desejá-lo. Ele cuidou de mim e me protegeu desde que me lembro. Ele me ensinou tudo. Dormi em seus braços tantas vezes que perdi a conta. E por essas razões ele acha que sou proibida. Meu pai confia nele. Nossa família confia nele para proteger-me sempre. Eu? Eu só quero ser a sua mulher. Desejo febrilmente que me tome e me faça sua. Então, eu o cerco, o seduzo e isso muda tudo. Não há como voltar atrás.Nosso relacionamento jamais será o mesmo.A história de duas almas que se pertencem profundamente. Uma história de amor, erotismo e dominação. Um homem subjugado pelo amor de uma menina...Uma menina submissa pelo amor de um homem...Esse é o quarto livro da série Príncipes Di Castellani, agora contando as aventuras e desventuras dos filhos de Leon (Príncipe da Vingança), Dominic (Príncipe da Luxúria), e Jayden (Príncipe da Perdição).Aviso: Não recomendado para menores de 18 anos. Se você é sensível a cenas eróticas muito detalhadas, as obras da autora não são indicadas para você. Há sexo livre de tabus, convenções sociais, sem quaisquer pudores. Se esse é o seu estilo, então, seja bem-vindo!

214.3K 17 14K

Todo comenzo con una invitación, las youtubers Carlota Vlogs, Andrea Compton, Carla Laubalo y Andrea Garte pasaran un un mes junto a TheGrefg, Ampeterby7, Goorgo, Agustin51, Shooter y DualCoc, los chicos intentaran no enamorarse de las chicas al igual que ellas ¿lo conseguiran?

780 8 15

2020 - the very near future. The world economy is still in shambles, and there is one company whose name seems to be found on an alarming number of products and services. Countries all meld together. Cultures are dying. Creativity is dying. Individuality and originality are cause for jailing. Refusal to do as told results in termination.Laura Cooper is a senior in high school, and in just a short period of time, the world as she knows it, and as we all know it, will come to a grinding halt.

1.5K 14 94
Season in Malibu

Seasons is one of the best drug rehab center in Malibu, California. We are a top rehab facility that helps people recover from Substance abuse. Get in touch now.

102 50 0
Universal Collision

The Light Enchanters, guardians of the human world and the CGR, protectors of the magical balance of the world. 2019.The Youkai Tanteisha, protectors of the Youmakai and the world. 2049. Akino, Rau, Choiseung and Chenhua, honorary Borrowed Actors. 2019.And the Borrowed Changer duo, protectors of the Fluctuation Artefact. 1992.When an old enemy to the Light Enchanters kidnaps the person who keeps them connected, it is up to them to save him. But with shocking revelations and truths threatening to shatter all of them both individually and as a group, will they be able to complete their mission? Sa, it's time to end it once and for all.This is the finale. The conclusion. The ending of the Fate Changer Series. It is the curtain call for everyone.P.S. This story will have deviations from the trailer. Disclaimer: I only own my characters, plot and mythical species plus their devices. Also, all episode title images were taken from the Internet and edited. *_* AKA A story where:1. canon characters are better than they are in canon2. an unbelievable leader will rise up. 3. Keisuke is finally given what Level 5 hadn't given him (character development)4. Almost everything but Hidden Friends, Help from the Shadows and Book Writing belongs to other people.5. Inamori Asuto's father is NOT Shinjou Takuma or Inamori Masato *_*Fandoms making an appearance: 1. (main) Shadowside 2. (main) Youkai Watch3. (main) Danganronpa3. Digimon (all seasons)4. Multidimensional Surge 2: Shadow Planet5. Dimension High School6. The Copernicus Legacy7. BoBoiBoy8. Inazuma Eleven GO9. Professor Layton10. Undertale11. Coco12. Rick Riordan series (Greek Gods) 13. Winx Club (Season 4)14. Boku no Hero Academia15. Trauma Center (brief) 16. Tobot17. Youkai Watch Forever Friends18. Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin19. Langdon series (Dan Brown)20. Code Lyoko (brief)21. Gravity Falls (brief)Original Work Featured: 1. Hidden Friends2. Book Writing

1.7K 32 70 Full
Rant Book #3

I decided to do another rant book. As usual, this book will be about my favorite topics.

3.1K 200 212 Full

Durante mais de três anos, na década de 70, pouca gente ousou abrir a gaveta do Instituto Médico-Legal de Vitória, no Espírito Santo, onde se encontrava o corpo de uma menina de nove anos incompletos. E havia motivos para isso. Além de o corpo estar barbaramente seviciado e desfigurado com ácido, se interessar pelo caso significava comprar briga com as mais poderosas famílias do estado, cujos filhos estavam sendo acusados do hediondo crime. Pelo menos duas pessoas já tinham morrido em circunstâncias misteriosas por se envolverem com o assunto.Ainda assim, corajosos enfrentavam os poderosos exigindo justiça, tanto que o corpo permanecia insepulto na fria gaveta, como se fosse a última trincheira da resistência. O nome da menina era Araceli Cabrera Crespo e seu martírio significou tanto que o dia 18 de maio - data em que ela desapareceu da escola onde estudava para nunca mais ser vista com vida - se transformou no Dia Nacional de Combate ao Abuso e Exploração Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes.Por uma dessas cruéis ironias, Jardim dos Anjos era onde ficava um casarão, na Praia de Canto, usado por um grupo de viciados de Vitória (ES) para promover orgias regadas a LSD, cocaína e álcool, nas quais muitas vítimas eram crianças - anjos do sexo feminino. Entre a turma de toxicômanos, era conhecida a atração quePaulo Constanteen Helal, o Paulinho, e Dante de Brito Michelini, o Dantinho, líderes do grupo, sentiam por menininhas. Dizia-se, sempre a boca pequena, que eles drogavam e violentavam meninas e adolescentes no casarão e em apartamentos mantidos exclusivamente para festas de embalo. O comércio de drogas era, e é muito enraizado naquela cidade. O Bar Franciscano, da família Michelini, era apontado como um ponto conhecido de tráfico e consumo livres.

1.4K 3 16 Full
Poems I've Written Recently

29K 91 194
365 Days With 4 Children And A Grandmother

'Anyways, more about this morning, it's only been like 25 minutes since this diary has been written in and Quack has already been knocked out by Vinny, Damien was sitting on the fucking sofa doing absolutely fucking NOTHING, just innocently brushing out the tangles in one of his wigs, how lazy of him. Kylen looked like they just came out of a blowdryer with their unorganised morning hair, and I, I my friend have been sitting in the kitchen arranging my dead flowers making them look 15% more decent looking. Fuck my life anyway,The guests don't get here until 6PM APPARENTLY my mother says, who trusts her these days?! I asked her to go buy milk because we ran out and she came home with a Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate bar. I WENT NUTS BECAUSE DAMIEN WAS CRYING BECAUSE HE WANTED MILK WITH HIS COCO POPS.' Arii, a young, careless, alcohol-addicted mother writes about her crazy life for 365 days. What the hell caused her to live such a chaotic life? Why the hell are her children so misbehaving? Watch her life gradually improve as a parent and a person, but she isn't the only one writing in this diary, her children reveal their outside AND inside lives within this diary too, how they're treated, how does Arii look like from their point of view? and what do THEY do to act like this. Watch everyone's lives unravel right in front of your eyes as you see what relationships, bonds, fallouts, and catastrophes they experience, all in 365 days.

753 8 10
The Book of Emo Memes!

cOmE jOiN tHe EmO cLuB!!1!!1!

56.3K 157 4.9K
ZoRa Highschol [ENGLISH TRAD]

Term'3 is the fullest class of the school, with 37 students. However, in the middle on the year, a new student make an apparition in this class ! Zara Sora will be stuck with Zoro Roronoa, the worst student of the class, and will bring some changes to her new friends !Fanfiction Schoolfic One PieceOne Piece and its characters © Eiichiro Oda.Story and others characters © Zorume.Finish fiction in french with 34 chapters.Amateur traduction by the author, Zorume.Chapters are in traduction, and will be released gradually, when they're finished./!\ Some chapters will contain violent, rape, strong language, drug and alcohol scenes. Not explicite but not recommend to the youngest /!\FRENCH VERSION (FINISHED) HERE :

23 1 2
Transitional Housing in Towanda, NY

A sober living home is a transitional living environment for addicts transitioning from rehab to independent living. These facilities provide therapeutic comfort and a supportive community for those navigating a new life without drugs or alcohol. Sober living facilities are often equipped with educational programs and vocational counseling to help addicts reintegrate into society and build a sustainable sobriety.Learn more: are many different options available for sober living. One option is a sober house, which is a more intensive residential program. These homes are usually designed for formerly incarcerated individuals and follow the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. The staff and programming in these facilities are consistent.If your addiction is severe, you may need to go to a more specialized treatment facility. Tonawanda has one substance abuse treatment center, but substance abuse is a major issue in this small town. The most common substances are cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin, which can lead to intense cravings and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Those requiring more intensive care may need to travel to nearby New York cities for treatment.While sober living homes are a great option for recovering addicts, it's important to find one that will suit your needs and lifestyle. Some sober living houses focus on sobriety, while others focus on helping individuals keep their clean and sober. If you're looking for a sober living house, ask your network for referrals. There are many sober living houses out there, so asking acquaintances can be an effective way to find a sober living home that meets your needs.

1 1 0
Sober Living House in Palmdale, CA

Whether or not you should consider a sober living house in Palmdale, CA depends on your individual needs and circumstances. However, if you are recovering from drug or alcohol addiction and are looking for a supportive and drug-free environment to help you maintain your sobriety as you transition back to independent living, then a sober living house may be a good option for you.Living in a sober living house can provide you with a structured and supportive environment that can help you avoid triggers and reduce the risk of relapse. It can also provide you with opportunities to practice and improve your social skills, build a sense of community and accountability, and increase the likelihood of successful recovery.Learn more: you are considering a sober living house in Palmdale, CA, it is important to research different options and find one that meets your needs and preferences. Look for a sober living house that has a good reputation, provides the support and resources you need, and has guidelines and rules that you are comfortable following.You may also want to speak with your addiction treatment provider or a therapist to get their input on whether a sober living house would be a good option for you based on your individual needs and circumstances.

1 1 0
An Overview on Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana addiction is the most abused drug, which is rapidly gaining popularity across the globe. This drug is banned in India, but it is available as 'bhang' at some authorized government places. Among many harmful drugs, some of them known as heroin,cocain, marijuana, tobacco and opium. These are used in the form of powder, injection, snorted and ingesting. Their consumption might be different but consequences are perilous for an individual's health.According to Indian culture, marijuana has its own spiritual value that belongs to the ancient religious history of Lord Shiva. It can be legally use and sell (only if you a government license to sell) on some festivals such as Holi (an Indian festival). No doubt, it is considered as a hazardous slow poison that kills people physically and mentally.We are living in the modernization economy of advanced technologies where people are busy in their own world. Despite of this desired scenario of social revolution, sometimes it becomes very difficult to understand the reason "why people getting engaged in such activities like marijuana, drug addiction?" Hence it becomes necessary to know the picture behind the scene.

5 1 0
Angel of Death

In this fanfic it takes place in the destroyed world in 20XX where multiple factions of soldiers are fighting each other. But there is one individual who works alone, they were a mercenary that would only help one of the factions of soldiers. This faction is called the "Tankmen" and they were led by their rude but charming leader John Captain (or Tankman, Captain or Cap) the soldiers in the Tankmen would call this mercenary the "Angel of Death". This was because they were like a gaurdian angel to them even though they weren't actually an angel, this mercenary would help the Tankmen in a time of need and leave after battle before anyone can say thanks. Little did the "Angel of Death" know was that one day after getting onto a plane to leave the warzone their life was gonna change after it crashed and they somehow survive.[Note: Tankmen was created by JohnnyUtah(Jeff) on NewGrounds, I do not own any of the characters used in this story I only own the "Angel of Death"/Midnight][Warning: This story contains; Alcohol use, Smoking, Meantions of suicide and self harm, Dark themes, Meantions of abuse and truma,Violance, Vulgar/sexual language and Cock Jokes and slight NSFW (I'll put TW/Trigger Warnings at the begining of each chapter if and when these themes will pop up.) So if you are sensitive to any of these topics you can leave you don't have to read this and for those of you who are staying please make sure you read the Trigger Warnings before you read each chapter anyways. Also please note the "Angel of Death/Midnight is not a self insert dispite my username being having theirs in it, I promie you all reading this fanfic that they aren't a self insert.]With all of that said please enjoy this story :)(Also sorry if each chapter rakes awhile to come out i'm busy most of the time and sometimes i'll hit artist block (cause i'm also drawing all the artwork for this as well) and writers block.)Okay now enjoy the story.

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