Search: divergências
111 stories
Fandom Jokes

Jokes from: The mortal instruments The hunger gamesPercy jacksonThe fault in our stars Divergent Harry potter

36.2K 70 2.1K Full

Supernatural creatures exist only in stories, in fables and legends, but never in real life. As long as all humans believe that, the World Alliance for Supernatural Protection-or WASP, as it is more commonly known-is accomplishing its mission. Historically, in countless instances over thousands of years, humans cannot be trusted not to kill supernatural creatures when their existence has been proven; one has only to look at the global near-extinction of dragons and unicorns to see the truth of that. However, despite the best efforts of WASP and the supernatural creatures around the world, accidents do happen, and when they do, it is the job of WASP special operatives to clean up the accident, to make it seem like nothing ever went amiss. WASP special operatives are highly trained in the various arts and methods of making accidents disappear. Different special ops teams tend to get sent on different jobs, based on their talents and skill sets. My team, Special Ops 13, is WASP's secret weapon, the proverbial do-not-touch-except-in-case-of-emergency red button. When WASP calls on Special Ops 13, something has gone very, very wrong.

1.1K 62 79 Full
Fandom Memes!!!!

This book contains hilarious and sad memes from fandoms such as:Harry PotterThe Hunger GamesStar WarsDoctor WhoThe Maze RunnerDivergentSome swearing and dirty jokes... Maybe,This is my first meme book so I hope you like it!

168.4K 200 10.6K Full
A Divergent fanfiction

Elara Valencia had always admired her older brother Nicolas ( he is four years older) so when he at the age of sixteen left Abnegation for Dauntless she started taking an interest in Dauntless. She didn't want to leave Abnegation but she has never thought that she was selfless like her older sister Vivian. Two years after Nicolas left she got the news that he died due to suicide. Elara knew that Nicolas would never do that so at the age of fourteen she already knew that she would choose Dauntless. She would find out what actually happened to him. But when she goes to Dauntless she finds out that his death is a part of something bigger. Her and her instructor Tobias Eaton (Four) start growing close they tell each other things they wouldn't tele anyone else they find out they have similar problems.DISCLAIMER I DON'T OWN THE DIVERGENT WORLD AND MOST OF THE CHARACTERS THEY BELONG TO VERONICA ROTH. I ONLY OWN THE MC AND HER FAMILY AND SOME MINOR CHARACTERS, I ALSO OWN THE STORY LINE.

1.1K 10 57
We Are Family │Hannor

»Universo Alternativo«A veces las familias vienen con un teniente de policía malhumorado, un androide detective, un flojo San Bernardo y un niño que sobrevivió a un accidente.

15.2K 21 2.2K
Project Oxygen

When someone dies mysteriously during a Psych experiment, Rhiannon becomes enmeshed in a conspiracy that includes both the survivors and the killer. ***** Short on cash, Rhiannon Ford signs up to take part in a social psychology experiment based on group think. But when a participant dies under mysterious circumstances, and the story surrounding that death seems mired in conflicting lies, she's quickly drawn into a web of conspiracies that merge urban legends, rivalries, and the very psychological principle the test was about. When everyone is lying, how can Rhiannon find the truth? ***** [[word count: 100,000-150,000 words]]

201.4K 40 6.5K Full

A Divergent fan fiction. When Tess chose Dauntless over her family and friends back in Amity, she knew exactly what she was getting into. She would be experiencing things she never thought she would live through, things she wished she never overheard from the Dauntless-born.But there was no turning back after letting her blood sizzle on the burning hot coals of the Dauntless. Tess, now known as Ebony, stays close to a new initiate, one she found interesting. Especially since he had only four fears...Set before and without Tris. Sorry all you Fourtris shippers! This story is for an OC! All Divergent ideas are from Veronica Roth. Ebony is from me. Thanks guys!

182 9 5

Um garoto anti-social chega numa nova escola com poucas expectativas porém é surpreendido pela influência de uma garota extrovertida e gentil que o ajuda a sair de sua bolha. Contada por dois pontos de vista, é mostrado o quanto pode-se esconder da historia por trás das lentes de um personagem.

33 8 1
Obsession ||Insane Deku||

//DISCONTINUED. Sorry.//ma·ni·aˈmānēə/nounan excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession----------------------#1 in Insane Deku 12/23/18#1 in Bamf Izuku 2/7/19#1 in Unhealthy Love 3/16/19Izuku Midoriya had always been a tad bit obsessed with the thought of heroes and villains and Quirks in general.Taking notes of fighting styles, Quirk strengths, Quirk limitations. Memorizing hero catchphrases, buying collector's items; covering his walls in pictures and drawings of villains and heroes, A-listers and C-listers alike.Of course, if one looked at this behavior on the surface, it seemed completely normal. Never had Izuku let his fanboying get in the way of school work or his social life (not that he had one).No-one thought to even suspect him in the slightest when heroes started to go missing, only to be found, dead, with some body part or another missing. No-one noticed Izuku's instability and unhealthy addiction to all things with super powers. At least, not at first.||Based on a messed up one-shot I made a while ago. Not really tho||||Almost immediate canon divergence. Takes place in season 1 and 2. Please no spoilers for the manga or season 3 in the comments||||TW: sexual elements, major character death, profanity, stalkerish tendencies, blood, gore, possible non-con, one-sided love, mental disorder, unhealthy perception of love, mania||||Also, Izuku comes from a relatively unloving home.||

103.8K 23 4.1K Full
Leal (nuevo final)

Nuevo final de leal, serie divergente

415 8 15
Un Viaje para Recordar ♤ Adrianette.

- Pensé que habías muerto pero no es así. - Pensé que sólo habían dos miraculous, pero me equivoqué, existen más.- Quien te tuvo bajo protección fue el Maestro Fu.- Él es Hawk Moth, tu mayor enemigo ¡derrotalo!"¿Por qué lo hizo? ¿para recuperarla? ¿por eso me dejo de lado?"- Ya no hay máscaras de por medio, solo somos tú y yo.- En la Batalla Final, ¿moriremos?"Yo haría cualquier cosa por ella, incluso moriría" ¿Que como sé todo esto? Fácil, todo fue gracias a un viaje.♤ Finalizada en el 2017 (solo toma como referencia la primera temporada).♤ Editada en el 2020.♤ Anteriormente publicada bajo el perfil de @yarumi27072004, ahora será publicada en esta cuenta.

374 10 55 Full
Legend of the Mythological Genes

¡Cada mito y leyenda es un camino hacia la Divinidad!Cuando los humanos entran en la era interestelar, las antiguas técnicas de cultivo brillaron con una nueva vida. ¡Tus genes existen contigo! Una sola oración que muestra el verdadero significado de la cultivación. Los mitos y las leyendas no son una fantasía, hay genes mitológicos antiguos en los cuerpos de todos.El Hou Yi Gene te permite disparar cientos de millas, usando una sola flecha para romper la cúpula del cielo.El Kuafu Gene te permite correr a gran velocidad, persiguiendo el sol y la luna.El Divine Dragon Gene te permite volar entre las nubes, deambulando por el espacio estrellado....Han pasado casi diez mil años. Feng Lin llegó del siglo XXI a esta era majestuosa que surgió con gran impulso. Basado en su comprensión de los mitos y leyendas de la antigua era de la tierra, se embarcó en un camino de cultivo genético único.Gen Mono + Gen Stonebirth = Gen Mono PiedraStone Monkey Gene + ??? = Gene mono espiritual de piedraMono de piedra espiritual Gene + ??? = Gene mono rey guapoGuapo Mono Rey Gene + ??? = Gene Sun WukongSun Wukong Gene + ??? = Gran sabio igual al gen del cielo*****Estado: FinalizadoAutor:Pez saltando a la cima (?)

2.8K 100 112
Pequena história da entropia cotidiana

Um grupo de estranhos terá que encarar suas divergências pessoais, suas diferenças sociais e até a si próprios, enfrentando uma situação em que não existe saída.

118 1 2 Full

O que a chegada de um novato pode causar na calmaria de uma mente, a vida de Mia se transforma após ela conhecer Ethan Mendes um novo aluno que vai balançar suas estruturas com apenas olhares e sorrisos.

93 6 1
✦ Multifandom Stuff ✦

One Shots, Imaginas, Preferences, The Types (En Español)❥Harry Potter❥Maze Runner❥Criminal Minds❥Percy Jackson❥Divergente❥The Walking Dead❥Once Upon a Time❥Teen Wolf❥Bates Motel❥Victorious❥Big Time Rush❥13 reasons why❥¡Carly❥The Avengers❥X-men❥Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children❥The Vampire Diaries❥Game of Thrones❥ Kpop Groups❥Boys❥Girls❥ Y más.

3.5K 5 89
Um nome perdido na poeira

Memórias de Sasha Braus durante seus dias de treinamento, enquanto lida com os sentimentos do primeiro amor. // BeruSasha // Divergência do canon // Oneshot + Bônus

2 2 0 Full
Día en la Playa - 4G

Los chicos deciden pasar un día entero en la playa, para pasar un buen rato y que los niños puedan jugar. A la cual, lamentablemente, Emma no asiste por asuntos de emergencia.La historia se torna alocada con las ocurrencias de Guilford y las conversaciones entre hombre y mujeres.

33 1 3 Full
una batalla por amor

En las sombras del mundo cotidiano, donde los secretos se entrelazan con los lazos de la amistad y el amor, Andrew se encuentra en una encrucijada. Desde hace dos años, ha observado en silencio cómo su amiga Sam como le gusta llamarla, se sumerge en la relación turbulenta con Maurice. Sin embargo, tras descubrir la traición de Maurice, el mundo de Andrew se desmorona.Con el misterio que envuelve sus acciones, Andrew confronta a Maurice, instándole a hacer lo correcto: dejar a Sam. Pero Maurice no cederá tan fácilmente. Ante la negativa de Maurice, Andrew propone un desafío: una batalla épica, donde el destino de Sam quedará en juego.Quisiera aclarar que los personajes y eventos en este libro son completamente ficticios. Aunque algunos nombres puedan parecerse a personas reales, cualquier similitud es puramente coincidental. Este libro es una obra de ficción destinada a explorar temas universales, no a representar individuos específicos. Agradezco la comprensión y espero que disfruten de la lecturaLo que sigue es un enfrentamiento lleno de poderes desatados, que recuerdan a los legendarios guerreros de las antiguas historias. Con la fuerza de un poder ancestral, Andrew y Maurice se lanzan hacia el conflicto, cada uno decidido a ser el último en pie y reclamar el derecho de permanecer junto a Sam. Sin embargo, en medio de la furia de la batalla, un manto de incertidumbre se cierra sobre los espectadores, ¿Quién saldrá victorioso en esta lucha que trasciende lo físico? Las respuestas sólo se revelarán cuando las energías se desaten y los corazones sean puestos a prueba en un combate donde el verdadero poder reside en el amor y la lealtad.Este libro es una obra de ficción. Los personajes y eventos son completamente ficticios, cualquier parecido con personas reales es pura coincidencia. La historia explora temas universales y no representa a individuos específicos. Gracias por su comprensión, ¡disfruten de la lectura!

135 3 0
Uruguay y la transición energética

Uruguay ha sido un líder en el desarrollo de energía eólica, logrando un notable crecimiento en los últimos años. Sin embargo, su posición en el ranking del Foro Económico Mundial sobre transición energética ha retrocedido, ubicándose en el puesto 33 con 60,8 puntos. Este descenso se debe a diversos desafíos económicos y tecnológicos que enfrenta el país. En América Latina, Brasil y Chile se destacan, ocupando los puestos 12 y 20 en el ranking global. Estos países han adoptado políticas efectivas que promueven el uso de energías renovables, posicionándose como líderes en la región. Costa Rica también se encuentra en el top 30, subrayando su compromiso con la sostenibilidad energética. A nivel mundial, los países nórdicos como Suecia, Dinamarca y Finlandia lideran el ranking. La ONU ha subrayado la necesidad urgente de aumentar las inversiones en energías renovables, instando a los países a duplicar su uso para 2030. Este esfuerzo es esencial para evitar una crisis climática sin precedentes y asegurar un futuro sostenible para las próximas generaciones.

1 1 0
With Age Comes Wisdom

In Circa-32, The Chosen One is discovered on Tatooine by Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn. A Sith is encountered, as the Jedi's ancient enemy attempts to resurface.Master Jinn, along with his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, journey back to the temple with Anakin Skywalker in tow.Though intentional or not, Jinn is leaving out critical details of his report about Tatooine, and all the council's elders are not having it.*A fix-it, only canon accurate to a point, eventually I take canon and throw it out a window. Characters may not be acting as they do in canon.*Pro Jedi and Pro Jedi Council.*Palpatine's plans get obliterated and he eventually gets what's coming to him.*Qui-Gon is a good person and Jedi, but flawed.*Dooku is a good person and Jedi, but flawed.*No Anakin bashing.*Anakin uses his brain unlike in canon.*Anakin has a different Jedi master.*No Anidala in this one, I've seen too many of those kinds of fanfics on AO3 and while I do love this ship,it just got repetitive and annoying to me after a while, so I needed something completely different.Pairings: - Saesee Tiin/Anakin Skywalker (Before you complain about the age differences, trust me, there are pairings far worse. I just randomly chose Saesee because I haven't seen any fanfics with him)- Mace Windu/Luminara Unduli (Makes sense somehow)- Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos (Honestly I kinda like this ship)- Padme Amidala/Gregar Typho- Eeth Koth/Agen Kolar (Minor)- Other Minor/Background Ships*cover art is not mine.

16 1 0
Fandom Stuff

Memes, random stuff, tv show stuff. Just if you want to get hit right in the feels or laugh.(Lots of Maze Runner because I found all of these pictures by looking up maze runner stuff.)

19.1K 145 731 Full
The Life of a Fangirl, Basically

So, yeah. This is a book (well, not actually technically a book, but whatever) all about book nerds! If you belong in one or more fandom (especially, Harry Potter, Rick Riordan, Hunger Games and Divergent), then CONTINUE to have a laugh :)

1.1M 463 84.8K
Divergent: Poems, Music and Stuff

This is a collection of fan-made poems, songs and videos. If you find something that I should include in this collection, put the link in the comments down below (and thank you). I hope you guys enjoy reading and watching.

229 58 0
The Decameron 2.0

Modeled after Giovanni Boccaccio's classic from the 14th Century, this collection similarly brought 100+ short stories to Wattpad readers. The original's premise was simple: ten individuals entertained themselves over a span of ten days by telling a different tale while hiding out from the plague outside of Florence. Each day had a theme, leading to an end product that was both cohesive, yet unique. This Wattpad collection aimed to give readers a similar experience. The Decameron 2.0 originally appeared on Wattpad in 2016, but was moved to draft form when I joined the Futures Program. Now that the FP is gone, this collection can be reposted. Participation was by invitation only with each "day" having a Group Leader, otherwise known as the King or Queen for the day. They had the great responsibility to not only pick the other nine authors in their team, but also the theme that they wrote around. Awards were given to the best story within each theme and the overall best story from all the shorts, each chosen by Guest Judges. Readers also had a chance to vote for their favorite to get a special Readers' Award. Stories are between 1,500 and 3,000 words each. They are the sole properties of their respective authors.

44.9K 96 3.6K Full
Rebeldes del Horizonte

En un futuro lejano, la humanidad ha colonizado varios planetas, y la sociedad está dividida en facciones gobernadas por una elite poderosa. En este nuevo orden, los ciudadanos comunes están obligados a luchar en arenas de combate controladas por las corporaciones y enfrentarse a amenazas monstruosas que emergen de los rincones más oscuros del cosmos.

6 4 6