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1,453 stories
Inside Out and Upside Down  {[Part One of the Forester Files]}

Megan Forester is an ordinary thirteen-year-old girl living the ordinary life of your everyday, average eighth grader. She volunteers at her local library and one day, happens to find a strange book shoved into the back of one of the shelves: an old, worn blue journal with the silver cutout of a six-fingered hand emblazoned with the number '4.' When she takes it home to repair it, she ends up reading a phrase from one of the pages of the book... And her life shatters into chaos as a certain triangle-shaped illuminati demon named Bill Cipher appears in her bedroom. After being forced into a deal with the demon and getting herself trapped on the Mindscape, Megan overhears Bill muttering something about wanting revenge on someone he calls 'Pines,' and a place called Gravity Falls. Can Megan warn the twins before the demon gets to them first? Will she ever be free from the Mindscape and her deal with Bill? Or will Megan be trapped as a disembodied spirit for the rest of existence?

23 5 0
Never Trust Your Demons

***Quick disclaimer******i wrote this in like 8-9th grade, and it's SO not my best lol******but still, despite being embarrassing, this was actually a fun part of that period of my life. Gonna revive it just a little***Connie is your average 16-17-year-old. Mostly. Halfway through the summer of 2012, she goes to visit her cousins as they visit their Great-Uncle Stan in the quiet town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Her first day there, she meets a boy. A strange one. He-and the town-quickly turn out to be much more than they appear ((I'm sorry, but if you see any grammatical/conventional error or something seems weird (like it says "stat" where it seems like it should say "says"), I'M BEGGING YOU TELL ME SO I CAN FIX IT)) ((I got a dumb autocorrect that won't shut off))

682 67 52
A Ghostly Encounter - Phantom Falls

Gravity Falls has been known for it's fair shares of weirdness, it's had manotaurs, mermen, faires, oddly evil unicorns, and even ghosts. Danny Fenton has heard of these little sightings and decided to check them out himself, unfortunatley it looks like he'll be doing it alone thanks to a couple quarrels his friend's parents have been having, great timing huh? He's heard quite a bit about the Mystery Shack, including that the owner is looking for a babysiter to watch his great niece and nephew. Feeling this will help him keep a low profile, he decides to take the job and stay there, afterall the place is in a forest so sneaking out should be no problem right? Well Dipper, the boy with a thirst for adventure and the one who always comes up with interesting theories is a little wary of the newcomer, their oddly bright blue eyes, cold skin, and slightly anxious nature makes him wonder.... is Danny one of the paranormal creatures?Have some fun with Danny Fenton and the Pines twins! This story takes place quite a bit before Bill shows up so he will NOT be taking place in the story, but you can be sure that many familiar faces will pop up!

129 2 6
The New Bill Is A Hero?!

"A-X-O-L-O-T-L, my time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!"And he didAs Izuku Midoriya--------------------------------In this world, Izuku Midoriya has a quirk. It's called Cipher. He has the same powers as the alleged dream demon, Bill Cipher and dreams to be a hero along with his overprotective friend Bakugou Katsuki.Meanwhile, in the past and in an era without quirks, the twins had returned to Gravity Falls two years later when the time police came for them, saying that Bill had reincarnated as a human in the future and that they were to go to the future, which would automatically grant them quirks, and get into best hero school that is UA with their target.How will this end for out three heroes? Will Izuku's past affect him as much as the twins fear? And why does he keep getting these dreams of Weirdmagedon?

263 3 10
When Life Looked at Death

With Weirdmageden behind them, Dipper and Mabel Pines went back to California. With Waddles at their side, they thought nothing could go wrong. But when their parents die in a tragic car crash, it's either back to Gravity Falls or off to New Jersey. But do they really think they can face their grandparents or Gravity Falls without their Grunkles?

754 10 36
Cipher's Sidekick: Gabriella C. 's Backstory [A Gravity Falls OC Story]

---SYPNOSE---Gabriella C. , a new resident of the small town of Gravity Falls, where weirdness is considered to be normal, from little gnomes walking around stealing pies, to a floating dorito almost conquering the world. She has the opportunity to meet the Pines twins Mason(better known has "Dipper") and Mabel , and empathize with them, but they are in her way to complete her mission...release the demon within her.---DISCLAIMERS----Gabriella C. is an Original Character of mine.-I do NOT own or hold copyright rights of Gravity Falls. All of the rights of Gravity Falls belong to its creator Alex Hirsch. -This story is the backstory of Gabriella, making this story be in an Alternative Universe(AU), different from the timeline of the original show where she obviously exists.-Cover Art was NOT made by me.-Most art included on the chapters might be made/drawn by me (since I am an artist myself), and when it's not, I'll make sure to include the original artists in the begginig of the chapter (If I know who they are, otherwise I'll try my best to find out who the artist is).-Do NOT repost this story on your page please.-And, Fanart is always welcome! -SLOW UPDATES-Wanna Follow Me? Here's my social medias!Instagram: @therickydrawzTwitter: @therickydrawz(Or click the link on my profile to check the rest of them!)

59 3 4
Secret Life of a Fangirl

Elizabeth is your average teenager. Your somewhat average 16-year-old year 11 student. Except for a few things, unlike the other girls who are crazy about boys, money and makeup. She was about anime, manga and being a nerd. When writing her stories for Wattpad, Elizabeth starts to notice the things she writes in her stories, are happening in real life. What will happen when she gets transported into her stories? What will happen when what she does changes the original stories?(A/N) So this will actually in my fanfic's that I have written because main character Elizabeth is based of me. She shares most of my personality traits and stuff. So if feel a little lost in the fanfiction section when she is either inside or talking about her stories you can find all of them on my profile and they are same names so yea. - Ackerbeefrost over and out

38 1 2
committed to the crime

Modern Au of gravity falls with my own madness and twisted imaginationBase on a few dark (maybe) songs I love!swearing.Here are songs that is gonna be in this story (and probably lots more)Dollhouse -Mabel Migraine/ a sadness runs through him -llamanic Wolf in sheep -clothing billAlive- Pacifica All of them -secrets/ do you feel itThe charters areMabel- depressed Llamanic- insanity Pacifica- brokenBill- demon/monster-------------------------------Broken,Insanity,Depression and a Monster that's just an inch of a state when you do a crime....we all committed to the crime,we did. We loosed hope, we still have a little sanity, but it's sad being us cause we feel like monsters. We all have a dark side,We just lost to our dark sides,we thought that they were our friends. Just one wrong step and everything will slip away just like our sanity. Hope is nowhere to be found,it run away, just like what we all did. Just sitting there thinking what you did,what's wrong with you? Smiling like a insane person. Sure we're MONSTERS, what can we say? There's nothing wrong with it because we have a monster living in each and everyone of us, we just let them out!

118 1 5
Fallen [Bill Cipher×Reader]

Everyone has their secrets, but some secrets are far more valuable than others, and those valuable secrets might be better kept to the unknown, but what happens when a certain dream demon finds out exactly what should not be known? What price will there be for someone else's mistake? And what will he do with this new very useful information? Will he forcefully take advantage of it or will he give in and cage the bird to protect her from everything and everyone.{{my first story ever. i was really bothered by not having enough stories out there to read where bill was kept IN character though there are a lot of good ones too that i totally think ppl should check out. i'll have to make a list sometime but worst comes to worst feel free to message me and i'm happy to tell you all my favorites. also i MIGHT have to edit the rating on it and rate it mature later down the line but i'm not sure just yet......}}

111 2 7
Sleeping Beauty 🌹 Bill Cipher x reader

Long ago Stanford Pines had a daughter named Y/n Pines. Everything was perfect until a certain dream demon named Bill Cipher had to come and ruin everything by cursing baby Y/n out of hatred of her father. I'm order for her to be protected she had to go live with her Uncle Stan deep in the forests of Gravity Falls in hope of Bill Cipher never finding her. But alas that was not possible because he is an all knowing eye and very clever of these kind of tricks. He has been visiting little Y/n's dreams and has been spending time with her all her life without anyone knowing. You may think he has been giving nightmares and making her life a living hell. But there is one hitch. He hasn't been! He managed to make her think he was her protector and has been lying. But he may have taken a liking of her. But he can't fall in love with the enemies daughter right? I mean he has cursed her. And nit to mention Y/n has taken a liking to Bill Cipher too. She doesn't even know what he actually is or what he has done to her. What will happen? Will the curse ever be broken? -------------------------------------------- Authors Message: Remember I don't own any of the characters! Well except for Y/n. All the characters are owned by Alex Hirsch. And the story line is basically owned by whoever created Sleeping Beauty. But this story will have a twist in the plot. WARNING ⚠️ there will be swearing 🤬 so if you are against it I advise you not to read! There also may be smut. I haven't decided yet. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Anyway enjoy! 😊

113 3 5
Facies Mortis/Oblicza Śmierci (Era Homo Immanins) [WOLNO PISANE-GF]

Czy zastanawiasz się dlaczego Bill Cipher pozwolił się zgładzić ? Tak, właśnie się dowiadujesz smutnej prawdy-to wszystko było zamierzone, to właśnie obejmował plan Billa Ciphera i jego "śmierć" też była zamierzona. Tylko taka kolej rzeczy pozwoliła Fordowi powrócić do swojego unierwsum z nową wiedzą do stworzenia ludzkiej, doskonałej hybrydy zwanej "Homo Immanins".Niestety naukowiec nie zdawał sobie sprawy, że jego ukochany obiekt przerośnie intelektem swego stwórce i zapragnie żyć na własną rękę. Nasz trójkątny, jednooki demon też to przewidział i w ukryciu czeka na przybycie owej istoty i aby wziąć ją pod swe skrzydła i ukierunkować jej nienawiść do rasy ludzkiej oraz wysłużyć się ową człekokształtną hybrydą do swoich celów i zemsty na Pinesach w najbardziej okrutny sposób, by móc zrealizować swe plany-ale jakie ?Tego być może się dowiecie, ale nie ufajcie też temu opisowi... Jest jedyna zasada w tym wszechświecie sterowanym przez Ciphera, zapisana rękami Forda w nieistniejących już Dziennikach "Trust no one"

146 3 30
Phantoms fall

It wasn't supposed to be this hard. He wasn't supposed to get hurt. yet it happened. Danny phantom, the saviour of the world, is hunted, captured, experimented on. Danny only just escapes with his life. It's too much for him, he begins to slowly crumble under the pressure of being the future king of the ghost zone, and the problems that bring. The ghost hunters that have learned of his sudden rise, seeing it as a threat. The bounty over his head is becoming bigger and bigger, no thanks to Vlad. There is also the fact more and more adults are buying ghost weapons to hunt and capture Danny Phantom. Jazz can sense her brother panic and distress. As a solution, she convinces her parents to take a trip to their uncles place out in gravity falls. She hopes this will help Danny. If not, she prays he will at least open up to her like he did when he didn't have to juggle being dead and alive at the same time. Things meet an unexpected twist though when jazz and Danny meet a peculiar pair of twins. An outgoing, smiley girl and mysterious, secretive boy. How will the mystery twins react to a halfa, hiding right under their noses?This takes place after phantom planet, yet before weirdmagedon. but the world doesn't know Danny and Vlad are halfas, and Danny and Sam aren't together.

289 3 13

Everybody makes mistakes.That's just part of being human. If our mistakes are small, it's usually pretty easy to recover from them. But when you're like me, those mistakes stay with you for years.Let's be very clear about something- I never meant to hurt anybody. I happen to be very fond of my family. When you have a power that is almost impossible to conceal, accidents will happen, and there's nothing you can do about it. At least, there was nothing I could do about it.They see me as a monster because of what I did all those years ago. But what they don't know is that I can control myself, and I can use my powers for the good of others. After all, my mistakes aren't what define me. If anything, they scar me.My name is Tiffany Erica Hassibor, and this is my story.

451 13 41
Gates to madness-Gravity Falls [WOLNO PISANE]

Emily-to zwykła nastolatka.Emily-może być każdy.Emily-może być kimś kogo znasz.Kim jest Emily ?~*~ Zastanawialiście się co by było, jakbyście mieli jakąś "super moc" ? Z pewnością większość ludzi, byłaby niezmiernie szczęśliwa z tego faktu i uznałaby to za dar od losu, ale nie Emily.Ona od urodzenia przyciąga do siebie dziwne byty.. istoty eteryczne inaczej zwane duchowymi. Wbrew swojej woli została medium i posiadła szósty zmysł, dzięki czemu lepiej widzi i rozumie otaczający ją świat. Niestety przez swój "dar", a może raczej przekleństwo jest bardzo sceptycznie nastawiona do ludzi, gdyż zna ich najskrytsze pragnienia, uczucia, ale też i nieuczciwości. Postanowiła odciąć się od tego i nawiązywać kontakt jedynie z bytami wyższymi, których zwykli ludzie nie mogą dostrzec.Jednakże jej spokojną egzystencję zakłóca pojawienie się dwójki bliźniaków w jej życiu, którzy za wszelką cenę chcą się dowiedzieć kim owe "dziwadło" jest i zaprzyjaźnić się z nastolatką.Niestety wraz z rodzeństwem Pines, pewien dawny ich wróg oraz kolejny duchowy byt, postanawia wejść z butami w jej spokojne, outsiderskie życie wprowadzając w nie nutę chaosu.

90 3 14

« parfois la vie nous donne une seconde chance, qu'on est libre de saisir, ou de laisser fuir.»Son nom à gravity falls, n'est inconnu de personne, et sa simple forme suffit à faire resurgir la terreur des jours passés dans les yeux de ce qui ont pu le contempler ! C'est pour cela qu'il est plus simple de ne simplement plus en d'oublier. Mais on ne peut pas garder sous silences les choses les plus bruyante... des mots qui ont été prononcé, il doit apprendre de ses erreurs passer, apprendre à changer. Coincer avec ce qui l'ont détrôné ne faisais cependant pas partis de ces projets.Gravity falls ainsie que tout les personnages (c)Alex hirsch Un AU assez connue appelé « bill rédemption » il me semble ! J'ai lue beaucoup de fanfictions sur ce thème, et je vous présente donc la mienne ! Je n'ai pas vraiment grand-chose de plus à dire ? une fanfiction sur gravity falls (je l'admet un peu baser sur ce que j'aurais bien aimé voir dans une possible saisons 3 B) ) mon cartoon préférer créer mérite une fanfiction de ma part, c'était une obligation ! Et pas une bâcler, probablement celle où je me suis le plus appliqué. (je prévient lisez les tag car billford dans cette fanfic !! et bill EST BILL ! pas d'humain bill ! désoler si c'est pas votre truc dans ce cas la arrêter vous ici merci !) Je ne fais qu'imaginer une suite possible, tout revient de droit a Alex ! Merci Alex pour ce magnifique cartoon, qui a été pour moi une superbe aventure, et une grande source de motivation.

116 3 4
The Vortex of Randomness: Also Known As Mai Mind


11K 117 506
Experience the perfect blend of luxury and convenience at Adish Aradhra.

Step into a world of sophistication and comfort at Adish Aradhra, where modern living meets unparalleled luxury. Located in the thriving neighborhood of Chandapura, Bangalore, Adish Aradhra offers exquisitely designed 2/3 BHK apartments that cater to the discerning tastes of contemporary homeowners.Each apartment at Adish Aradhra is a masterpiece of design and functionality. With spacious layouts, premium finishes, and modern amenities, these homes are crafted to provide an elevated living experience. The interiors are thoughtfully designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that you'll love coming home to.The community at Adish Aradhra boasts a range of world-class amenities that cater to all age groups and interests. Enjoy a refreshing dip in the swimming pool, stay active in the state-of-the-art fitness center, or unwind in the beautifully landscaped gardens. For families, there are dedicated children's play areas, ensuring that every member of your family has a space to enjoy.The strategic location of Adish Aradhra in Chandapura is another significant advantage. Situated near Electronic City, one of Bangalore's major IT hubs, the project offers excellent connectivity to key areas of the city. Whether it's top educational institutions, healthcare facilities, or shopping centers, everything you need is just a short drive away. This makes Adish Aradhra an ideal choice for professionals and families alike.At Adish Aradhra, security and sustainability are paramount. The project is equipped with modern security systems to ensure a safe environment for residents, and eco-friendly practices are integrated into the design to promote a sustainable lifestyle.

1 1 0
Discover Luxury Living at Adish Aradhra, Chandapura, Bangalore!

Step into a world of sophistication and comfort at Adish Aradhra, where modern living meets unparalleled luxury. Located in the thriving neighborhood of Chandapura, Bangalore, Adish Aradhra offers exquisitely designed 2/3 BHK apartments that cater to the discerning tastes of contemporary homeowners.Each apartment at Adish Aradhra is a masterpiece of design and functionality. With spacious layouts, premium finishes, and modern amenities, these homes are crafted to provide an elevated living experience. The interiors are thoughtfully designed to maximize space and natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that you'll love coming home to.The community at Adish Aradhra boasts a range of world-class amenities that cater to all age groups and interests. Enjoy a refreshing dip in the swimming pool, stay active in the state-of-the-art fitness center, or unwind in the beautifully landscaped gardens. For families, there are dedicated children's play areas, ensuring that every member of your family has a space to enjoy.Location is a key highlight of Adish Aradhra. Situated near Electronic City, one of Bangalore's major IT hubs, the project offers excellent connectivity to key areas of the city. Whether it's top educational institutions, healthcare facilities, or shopping centers, everything you need is just a short drive away. This makes Adish Aradhra an ideal choice for professionals and families alike.At Adish Aradhra, security and sustainability are paramount. The project is equipped with modern security systems to ensure a safe environment for residents, and eco-friendly practices are integrated into the design to promote a sustainable lifestyle.Experience the perfect blend of luxury and convenience at Adish Aradhra. Discover your dream home in Chandapura, Bangalore, and elevate your living experience to new heights. Schedule a visit today to see firsthand the elegance and comfort that await you.

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