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DokterMobilXP,TelP/WA: 0813-9860-1800, Jual Koil Api Racing CarSPeed

DokterMobilXP, Kabel Busi Racing Terbaik, Kabel Busi Racing HardtopDirect ignition Coil Racing/Koil Racing ( Merk Mobil ) digunakan pada kendaraan model terbaru yang menggunakan sistem injeksi.Pada mesin yang sudah menggunakan sistem injeksi tidak lagi menggunakan distributor, perawatan makin praktis, di samping itu, performa atau kinerja mesin tetap bisa dijaga selalu berada pada kondisi prima. Pasalnya, tidak ada bagian yang cepat rusak yang dapat memengaruhi kerja mesin.Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi Giselle 0813.9860.1800 mesin lama, bentuk koil besar mirip dengan botol. Satu koil digunakan untuk empat busi (mesin empat silinder) atau lebih (tergantung jumlah silinder). Kondisi tersebut membuat kerja koil jadi berat, terutama ketika bekerja pada putaran tinggi. Berbeda dengan mesin sistem injeksi, bentuk koil lebih kurus dan ringan. Bagian atas dibuat lebih besar yang didalamnya terdapat igniter yang memicu koil untuk menghasilkan tegangan tinggi. Setiap satu koil langsung mengaktifkan satu busi, sehingga kinerja sistem pengapian jauh lebih efisien.Dokter Mobil XP Menjual Coil Racing dari Brand ternama yaitu Carspeed.Untuk Harga Coil Racing bervariasi tergantung jenis mobilnya.Kami menyediakan Coil Racing untuk Mobil Avanza, Fortuner, Innova dll.Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi Giselle 0813.9860.1800

23 5 0
depression v.v

Memories.... for me they never go away, they stay to haunt me every night, things have actually been getting worse sometimes ill find myself crying in front of tons of people, its so friends wonder whats wrong so i'm just going to tell the world and make it easy... i am facing depression, i have memories in full detail so when i see them its like reliving it over and over again, these aren't the happy memories there the scary, sad, and hate memories. the one that gets to my head the most is the one where my biological father tried to drowned me i remember him laughing at me for being so scared i was only 2 years old yet i remember it so well, his green blue eyes smirking at me as he filled my lungs with water, because of this i cant swim i'm to afraid, to afraid to die. later on in my life my step dad came into the picture i was about 3 years old i grew up to him and my mom yelling at each other all the time every day screaming and hitting it was never ending. then when i was 11 i took a stand and told him to STOP IT! he screamed at me called me names and continued yelling at my mom i ran to my room and cried, then once i was 12 i took my stand again but i didn't back down! he yelled in my face i could feel his breath as he turned bright red with anger he hated that i didn't listen this time i was so done with his abuse, after he tried yelling at me he soon just walked away cursing at me and mother. later on the fighting continued so i just hid in a silent spot and cried. -to be continued-

33 2 1
Twenty Five Letters

So yeah, I've decided to copy Arintez and write some letters to people! Because twenty five is one of my favorite numbers there will be twenty five letters. The letters are from me, myself, and I, and it's mostly to express some feelings and have a little fun. The letters might be random, funny, or deadly serious, depending on who, what, when, and why I'm writing to them :) I will try to update this every day or at least every other day, I promise! Read if you feel like, tell me what you think of what's going on in my head ^_^ (NOTE: This is not following a challenge. I write to whom I want to, when I want to. It's open to any and all possiblities!)

7.5K 21 51
085624371576,Jasa pembuatan PT perorangan terpercaya majalengka

Ingin memulai bisnis Anda sendiri? Atau mungkin Anda ingin meresmikan status PT Perorangan Anda? Kami adalah mitra terpercaya Anda dalam mengurus semua keperluan pembuatan NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha) dan PT Perorangan. Kami hadir untuk memudahkan langkah awal Anda dalam berbisnis.Proses pembuatan NIB dan PT Perorangan tidak perlu rumit. Tim berpengalaman kami akan membimbing Anda melalui setiap tahap dengan cepat dan efisien. Kami memahami betapa berharganya waktu Anda, sehingga Anda dapat fokus pada apa yang Anda cintai: mengembangkan bisnis Anda.Kami memahami bahwa setiap bisnis memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, kami menawarkan solusi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Dengan dukungan kami, Anda akan mendapatkan izin yang diperlukan tanpa perlu repot menghadapi birokrasi yang rumit.Kenyamanan Anda adalah prioritas kami. Kami tidak hanya akan membantu Anda dalam proses pembuatan NIB dan PT Perorangan, tetapi juga akan memberikan dukungan berkelanjutan setelah semuanya selesai. Anda bisa menghubungi kami kapan saja untuk mendapatkan nasihat bisnis atau bantuan terkait perizinan.Jangan biarkan proses perizinan menghambat impian bisnis Anda. Percayakan pada profesional kami untuk membuat NIB dan PT Perorangan Anda. Hubungi kami sekarang untuk konsultasi gratis, dan mari kita bersama-sama memulai perjalanan menuju sukses.Kontak:Nama Perusahaan: PT FS INDONESIA DIGITAL MEDIA085624371576Biarkan kami membantu Anda merintis bisnis Anda dengan lancar. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk langkah awal yang mudah dan cepat.

3 1 0
DokterMobilXP,TelP/WA: 0813-9860-1800, Jual Koil Mobil Brio CarSpeed

DokterMobilXP, Harga Koil Racing Mobil, Koil Racing Mobil Terbaik, Koil Racing Mobil Kijang, Jual Koil Racing MobilDirect ignition Coil Racing/Koil Racing ( Merk Mobil ) digunakan pada kendaraan model terbaru yang menggunakan sistem injeksi.Pada mesin yang sudah menggunakan sistem injeksi tidak lagi menggunakan distributor, perawatan makin praktis, di samping itu, performa atau kinerja mesin tetap bisa dijaga selalu berada pada kondisi prima. Pasalnya, tidak ada bagian yang cepat rusak yang dapat memengaruhi kerja mesin.Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi Giselle 0813.9860.1800 mesin lama, bentuk koil besar mirip dengan botol. Satu koil digunakan untuk empat busi (mesin empat silinder) atau lebih (tergantung jumlah silinder). Kondisi tersebut membuat kerja koil jadi berat, terutama ketika bekerja pada putaran tinggi. Berbeda dengan mesin sistem injeksi, bentuk koil lebih kurus dan ringan. Bagian atas dibuat lebih besar yang didalamnya terdapat igniter yang memicu koil untuk menghasilkan tegangan tinggi. Setiap satu koil langsung mengaktifkan satu busi, sehingga kinerja sistem pengapian jauh lebih efisien.Dokter Mobil XP Menjual Coil Racing dari Brand ternama yaitu Carspeed.Untuk Harga Coil Racing bervariasi tergantung jenis mobilnya.Kami menyediakan Coil Racing untuk Mobil Avanza, Fortuner, Innova dll.Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi Giselle 0813.9860.1800

42 5 0
Interviews On Wattpad!

5.3K 74 61

Taehyung and jungkook have been friends for a very long time, jungkook loves taehyung as a bestfriend maybe more than that but taehyung has a crush on namjoon who is married to his brother seokjin.the story line of how jungkook is winning taes heart when he already has lost to his brothers husband.this my first ever story please support me guys..#taekook #namjin#sope#jiy/n#namtae smut might be there😜

19 2 0
Thalia and the Seven Royal Knights

"Your highness, this is preposterous! They want to give us their royal rejects as a form of offer and expect us to accept them with open arms?!" Hildrad Severi, the right hand man and not to mention the emperor's best-friend protests. "This is undeniably a form of insult!" The other board members pleaded."Hmmm, we'll accept their tributes but we shall accept them as down-payments. We shall take the full payment with interest now. Marcus! Lucas! lets move out." The Emperor orders as he stands and walk to the door. "Your highness, what are we going to do with all their 'royal down payments', we can't just let them be?" Hilrad stopped the king in his track."They're all young boys right? Assign them to a knights order or a parliament, train them, make then work for their place here. Easy." The emperor sluggishly answered as if irritated that he was stopped.There was silence in the meeting room, none of the generals or the heads were willing to take these "royal tributes" into their wings. "None of you want them? Can I take them instead?" A little girl in knight's armor announced as she comes into the meeting room."You always know you can get whatever you want *sigh* of course you can have them." The king sighs in defeat and pats Thalia in the head before walking towards the door.Thalia giggles in victory while victoriously walking towards where all the royal tributes where held. As she held the door open she looks upon 7 boys roughly around her age with a dead look in their eyes as if waiting for their death. Thalia offered them a plan and one by one their eyes starts to light up at the spark of hope offered to them by this little lady in a knights armor. They all stood up and followed the girl in armor around the castle and unknowingly the little girl in armor became an important figure in the eyes of these hopeless little boys from that day on and for the many years to come.

13 1 2
Mafia Family Exchange <ongoing>

Dia tempuh satu pembunuhan. Dia juga lalui satu pergaduhan. Tidak tahu apa pengakhiran.Dia hanya mampu teruskan perjalanan. Walaupun ombak dan duri menjadi halangan."Jebal, lepaskan Areum. Areum janji tutup mulut""Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Aniya honey.. You are mine."'Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω''Ω'"Kau dah melampau!! Serang!""Aku ambil hak aku je.. Apa masalah kau?!"◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐◐.̃◐"Looks like someone doesn't have house to stay"" Hyung.. jaga dia jom!"-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#-_-#"Honey.. Here we have rules follow and get reward or break it and get punishments""I'll always stuck with rules"๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏๏_๏"Hiks.. Mian..""Saranghae Areum-ah"v_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vv_vDah lama Amy diam.. so, ni cite mula ditulis pada 7/2/21.. Birthday mak Amy..Target habis Satu Minggu..Tapi, Amy warning.. Mungkin.. Mungkin akan ada sikit scene yang menyenangkan.. Mungkinla. ←_←Tapi takpe.. Amy bukanlah jenis otak kuning.. Amy punya otak still merah.. ●_●.. #enjoy#ily..

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