Search: chuchito
48 stories
Mis poemas

Poemas escritos con él sentimiento que lleva mi almatinta indeleble que se impregnara en tu serletras y versos que se adentraran en tu corazón,te invito a suspirar también a soñar despiertoy porque no también a llorar con la nostalgiaque nunca has leído 😊

54 4 4 Full
Senator and Soldier

Senator Riyo Chuchi is beginning to lose her faith in the Republic. After being the target of several assassination attempts, she finds herself placed under the protection of Commander Fox and the Coruscant Guard. Riyo has many suspicions about the leadership of the Republic and decides to take matters into her own hands. With the help of Commander Fox, she begins to unravel the many mysteries of the Senate, and of her own mind as well. Commander Fox never took interest in politics until Riyo Chuchi entered his life. He had only ever seen the war as black and white. However, as the two of them began to work together to uncover several plots and mysteries within the Republic and the war, he finds himself lost in a pool of gray. War is not all it had seemed at first. Fox is swept away in a whirl of plots and plans, and the only thing there to anchor him is a senator whom he'd had no interest in. The more Fox is with Riyo, though, the more he realizes that there is more to life than following orders. The war is nearing its end and no one knows what waits beyond it. Senators and soldiers alike must reach for the truth and take hold in time, or else be caught in the wave of ruin threatening to sweep over the galaxy. WarningThis book contains themes that may trigger some and deals with the subject of war. There will be chapters that deal with death, suicide, slight gore, etc.(Canon characters as well as planets within the Star Wars universe are not created by me. I only take credit for my original characters and this story. I do NOT own the characters of Fox and Riyo. I tried to stick true to their portrayal within The Clone Wars series, while also tying in my own thoughts and takes on their personalities and behaviors.)Completed December 9, 2020My Star Wars Fanfiction Timeline Order1) Jedi and Clone2) Senator and Soldier3) Broken Codes4) Trooper5) Daughter of Mortis6) Child of Balance*UNSOLICITED CRITICS MAY BE MUTED* see bio

103.9K 65 3.6K Full
Três Sonhos e um Viajante

FRAGMENTO DE A INSÔNIA DO MUNDO.Inspirado em um conto popular Guatemalteco, esse conto faz parte do livro insônia do mundo, uma história fantástica ambientada nos contos populares latino americanos.Esse conto em questão Três Sonhos e um Viajante conta a história de três jovens estudantes um ladino (grupo étnico da Guatemala), um judeu e um indígena de origem Maia, que mortos de fomes juntam seus trocados para comprar um Chuchito (iguaria da Guatemala), no entanto pra decidir quem ficara com a iguaria eles se desafiam para um duelo de sonhos e no boteco os três se deitam e quem tiver o sonho mais fabuloso fica com o Chuchito.O que era para ser um duelo de sonho acaba atraindo a atenção de todos que passam pelo porto, a ponto dos gatunos promoverem apostas para saber quem será o vencedor, o final do conto é bem impressionante e misterioso pois tem a presença de um Oríxa Africano que é o mensageiro entre o nosso mundo, e o mundo dos Oríxas.

5 1 1 Full
The Maze Runner imagines

Mainly Newt, Gally, and Minho but I will take requests for anyone 😁So this update is after the 9th part of the story was made but I'm gonna start writing about Fry tooStarted - 7/14/23Ended - ? *I DO NOT OWN THE MAZE RUNNER OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS EXCEPT Y/N

6.1K 19 67
[Edit/Hoàn][Du Châu] Hứa Nhĩ Phương Hoa

• Tác giả: 乌拉韩阳• Editor: Tiểu Bummie• Thể loại: Hoàng Cảnh Du x Hứa Ngụy Châu, 1x1, thời kỳ dân quốc, trúc mã trúc mã, tiểu người hầu x tiểu thiếu gia --> thê nô tổng tài x khuynh quốc khuynh thành đào kép, ngọt sủng, có (nhiều) H, HE.• Độ dài: 116 chương + 6 phiên ngoại(Đào kép ở đây là diễn viên hát hí kịch thôi nha, rất trong sạch)ĐÃ ĐƯỢC TÁC GIẢ CHO PHÉP CHUYỂN NGỮ. VUI LÒNG KHÔNG MANG RA NGOÀI, KHÔNG CHUYỂN VER TRÁI PHÉP.

13.7K 123 1.3K Full
𝚃𝚊𝚎𝚔𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚌

[Haikyuu various x Taehun! Female Reader]" i like you. "" huh? "they looked at her in shock at the sudden action of the other. " didn't you heard me? i said i like you idiot. " she said as the blush was evident in her cheeks. they smiled and chuckled which made the girl even more embarassed and was about to walk away but was stopped when they hugged her. " i like you too. "

6.3K 7 328
[REUP] Võng Du Chi Cư Tâm Bất Lương 网游之居心不良 - Vân Quá Thị Phi 云过是非

Tên truyện: Võng Du Chi Cư Tâm Bất Lương 网游之居心不良Tác giả: Vân Quá Thị Phi 云过是非Editor: Đông ThiênBeta: ...Thể loại: Đam mỹ, võng du, niên hạ, hài ngọt, cường nhược, nhị thế tổ phúc hắc công x ngốc bẩm sinh câm thụ, JX3, đô thị tình duyên hoan hỉ oan gia tình hữu độc chung thanh mai trúc mã, 1×1, HE.Tình trạng bản gốc: Hoàn (51 chương chính văn)Tình trạng bản edit: HoànRaw: ...Edit/Beta by:【 Bản Reup đã được sự chấp nhận của nhà edit. Xin đừng repost/edit khi chưa xin phép. Đừng quên ủng hộ các editor và beta-er bằng cách like/share các tác phẩm của họ! 】【 Permission was granted by the editor and beta-er to repost. Please do not repost/edit without permission but sharing this post is welcomed. Don't forget to support the editor(s) and beta-er(s) by like/share their work! 】

3.9K 52 259 Full
The Ludicrous Escapade Pt.2

Continuing from 20th century Japan, where will (Y/N) (L/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her?Part two of The Ludicrous EscapadeBased off the anime, events may be different.Some yandere characters, so some scenes may be uncomfortable.x fem! reader

790.4K 182 46.3K Full
Renacimiento del amor.

Si tuvieras 75 años y te dieran la oportunidad de volver a una época de tu juventud, ¿lo harías?Seung-Gil Lee y Phichit Chulanont...Casi nadie imaginó que dos polos opuestos unirían sus vidas en matrimonio, y absolutamente nadie imaginó que pronto cumplirían 41 años de casados.Su vida era tranquila, agradable y plena, eran la pareja ideal, una pareja que derrochaba amor a cada momento, ¿acaso algo podría salir mal?Un horrible diagnóstico y una pócima que cumple deseos hicieron que su vida diera un giro de 360 grados. El tailandés en un abrir y cerrar de ojos despertó en el año 2016, en ese año se encontraba en la flor de la juventud. Si quiere volver a la normalidad o permanecer joven, tendrá que enamorar al coreano de nuevo, por otra parte, si no lo logra tendrá que enfrentarse a su "cruel" destino. ¿Renacerá su amor una segunda vez o todo se resumirá en polvo de estrellas?NOTA:Los personajes no me pertenecen, le pertenecen a Yuri!!! On Ice, creación de Sayo y Kubo. Esta historia es mía, así que me reservo los derechos de autor.Es una historia corta.La portada fue hecha por la linda @Kaiko_shion, ella es amor UwU. El fanart utilizado para la portada no es mío, por más que investigué no encontré el nombre del artista para darle los créditos correspondientes.Ganadora del concurso "El amor en tiempos de fanfic".

1.2K 9 158 Full

*COMPLETED* *EDITING ON PROCESS* "can you not be so horny for godsakes! I'm your bestfriend... remember?" I said throwing a fit, obviously panicking"'bestfriends'?... seriously?" he chuckled casuallyMy ears were burning and my cheeks were on fire. This isnt him... but, at the same time it is him."YES! all those times when we were younger, we ate, slept and played together. You've just been my friend for all my li-" I tried to explain him that our relationships have boundaries but he cut me off in the middle"cant we do that now?" he said with his lips parted, breathing heavily "like you said.... eat, sleep.. and play?" he smirked at my face inching closer towards me.That was it and I couldnt move any more.--------------------Azalea Stevens is a 17 year old girl who goes to Somerfield High. Her life practically revolved around 5 boys, who ended up becoming her best friends. Everything was going smoothly for her, but one day day, her bestfriend stumbles back into his worst nightmares. The unseen misfortune that waits in disguise, reveals a beyond-the-science discovery of a superior species. Little did she know that, this misfortune began with her very bestfriend, who's now deeply entangled in the claws of a monster.He, was her first bestfriend, her first mistake and her first regret.And He, broke her.Will she be able to find the truth? Will she be able to hide her thoughts?Will she be able to hide her soul from his enchanting eyes?--------------------[UNEDITED: contains grammatical mistakes (foetus writing- first few chapters). EDITING ON GOING.DISCLAIMER:This content is purely based on my own imagination. Plagarisation is not allowed and will not be entertained. All the characters are purely based on fiction and any resemblance of any characters to real life or other stories is purely conincidental.

137.2K 60 5.4K Full
[ Tống Mạn ] Đại lão cần pt đội !

Senju Hitomi, toàn bộ thời đại ngưu bức nhất bốn người, không phải nàng cữu cữu, chính là nàng thúc thúc:Làm thế giới đệ nhất công chúa điện hạ, đồng hôm nay cũng đang cố gắng hướng phía kiến thiết mỹ hảo hài hòa mới nhẫn quốc phương hướng cố gắng bên trong...Nhưng mà --【 đích -- thân yêu {Kí Chủ} ngươi còn tốt chứ? Hệ thống 9494134 khởi động, bắt đầu xuyên qua. Mở ra nhiệm vụ hình thức, xét thấy {Kí Chủ} chưa trưởng thành con non thân phận, có thể ngẫu nhiên lựa chọn một danh người giám hộ tiến hành tổ đội -- ]【 ngẫu nhiên tổ đội bắt đầu -- ]【 đinh -- người giám hộ Madara đem cùng ngài hoàn thành lần này xuyên qua hành trình. ]【 Madara: Hả? Người giám hộ? Vừa vặn thừa dịp Izuna cùng Hashirama đều không tại, đồng cùng ta cùng một chỗ nhảy múa sao? Lộ ra gây sự nụ cười. Cực phẩmG ]Senju Hitomi: .. . Không muốn múa, không dám làm, muốn đổi người QAQMột câu văn án hai:Thế giới đệ nhất công chúa điện hạ hôm nay cũng mang theo hãm Tu La trường bên trong...◆ siêu có thể lực lớn lão bình phàm thường ngày, chữ số trứng cùng phấn mũ đỏ, cầu vồng chiến đội kỳ tích thường ngày, cái kia có yêu quái thư thiếu niên, thiên tai tổ hợp, một khối phiến đá cùng bảy cái vương, một đám mệt nhọc Tiểu Đao tinh...Nội dung nhãn hiệu: Hokage Tống Mạn gia giáo hắc lamLục soát chữ mấu chốt: Nhân vật chính: Senju Hitomi ┃ phối hợp diễn: Sáng lập kỳ treo bức tổ bốn người; tề thần; Akashi tiểu đội trưởng; Natsume thiếu niên; Vongola vân chi thủ hộ giả; Thanh vương Munakata các loại ┃ cái khác:

1.4K 1 27 Full
The Monkees: preferences and imagines

The title pretty much????*Excuse my sucky cover(s)*Thanks :)

75.3K 122 1.3K

Author: Thiên Linh TúOrigin: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger x Keisatsu Sentai PatrangerPairings: Tooma x Tsukasa, Sakuya x UmikaSummary: Trong suốt khoảng thời gian không nhìn thấy gì, nhưng mỗi khi em xuất hiện, anh vẫn cảm nhận được em. Anh dường như thấy được bình minh nồng ấm, cảnh tượng sao Hôm dần biến mất, lặng lẽ nhường chỗ cho ánh dương dần chiếu rọi nhân gian. Mở mắt ra, anh thấy em đứng giữa màn pháo hoa rực rỡ, mỉm cười đợi anh đến nắm tay em.Note: Phù Du, chúc mừng sinh nhật em.Mượn ý tưởng từ một câu chuyện anh chồng lạc vợ rồi tìm lại được khi xem bóng đá trên phố đi bộ Nguyễn Huệ trận bán kết lượt đi AFF Suzuki Cup ngày 2.12.2018 trong Fandom Owker của bạn Nguyễn Kim Hòa.

687 1 27 Full

BWWM I scoff, "you think I'll get on my knees & beg to an asshole like you?! Well-".I'm cut off by a raspy chuckle. Before I can even blink, he was right in front of me. Close enough to the point that I can smell his cologne. Damn why does he have to smell so good?!- I'm snapped out of my thoughts as he lifts my chin until my gaze meets his. And then, he speaks. "No love, I don't think you quite understand.He gets impossibly closer while his other hand plays with the end of my skirt. as he whispers his next statement in my ear. "When I said you would be on your knees for me darling, I didn't mean that you would be begging." He releases my chin and begins to walk out the door. Before the door closes he turns back to look at me "Oh and by the way,don't touch my shit again. And with that he's gone.Leaving me standing at my desk like an idiot. Hot & bothered. Zaria (21) - Hot headed & strong-minded, Spits out insults more than compliments. She's tries to keep up this tough act, hoping to push people & all her problems away....Moved out her adoptive abusive parent's house at 16 to live with her aunt. Now, headed off to college all while trying to avoid her toxic ex. What happens when her adoptive sister also ends up at the same university as her? This can't be good.Dante Di Silva (23) - Most commonly known as "Dagger". Blunt. Calculated. ColdHearted. Ruthless. He loves anything & everything dangerous. Illegal races? He wins 1st place. Underground fights? He leaves without a scratch. He doesn't let anything or anyone ruin his money. What happens when his father tells him that in order for him to take over the family "business" he'll need to attend college?What happens when these two are mistakenly put as dorm mates? Will they learn to get along? Or will they learn to hate each other? Book will contain: Strong language🔞 chapters/ scenes wink wink Possible Trigger warns but all will be marked with ⚠️

196.3K 58 7.2K
Incognito (Paused)

"Nice." He bites on his lower lip and duck, lifting me over his shoulder as I screamed. "Ran... Randall! Stop doing that." I giggled feeling as he playfully slaps me on my ass cheek and took me pass the foyer and futher towards our family room. "What are you up to you, Incubus?"Laughing boisterously at my lame insult regarding his love for sex, he places me on the couch as he kneel above me. "Awaking your inner nymphomania. You're my succubus.""I am not." I lied and he chuckled, getting busy with removing my clothes to get his way with me. ______"In a world filled with sin;Love being overpowered by Lust.Sex being made for mere enjoyment of games or betrayal.Relationships are a cover for secrets and nasty drama.Hate and jealousy is the gateway of pretending,Everything real is hard to find.Reality is known for the woke while dreams become nightmares for amateurs. True love is made, while fairytales are just brainwashed at first sight.

3.5K 22 328
Sketch(band)book gei

@alexmusttodraw en IGLibro de dibujos dedicado mayormente a My Chemical Romance, fanart en general y OC's, pedidos abiertos uwu Primer libro de dibujosInicio: 22/07/2017 🌸Final: 02/05/2021 🌸

7.4K 48 1.4K Full

[LUPINvsPAT ONESHOT] [Sakuya x Umika | Kairi x Tsukasa] KỊCH BẢN ÁI TÌNHOrigin: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger x Keisatsu Sentai PatrangerPairing: Sakuya x Umika, Kairi x Tsukasa, Tooma x Aya.Author: Thiên Linh TúNote: Vừa lục lại album phim trên chiếc blog này, chưa đầy 1 năm nhưng cảm tưởng như là một chuyến hành trình rất dài, đăng hơn 400 tấm ảnh lẫn video về phim... Cái fic này lúc viết là cuối tháng 6, bây giờ đã là cuối tháng 10. Trước giờ luôn viết liên tục hết truyện, hoặc hết chap mới ngừng. Hôm nay giở ra soạn lại laptop, không ngờ đã để sót chiếc fic này bấy lâu. Lúc đầu định viết kiểu đoản văn 10 điều đáng yêu vui vẻ nhưng không hiểu sao lại viết dông dài như một cái drama 7 trang word như thế này luôn. Cố quá thành quá cố, chỉ được 19 điều thôi, điều 20 thì nhường lại mỗi người tự viết cho riêng mình nhé.Summary: Những điều không ai biết mà Sakuya viết ở những trang cuối cùng của sổ tay cảnh sát.

714 1 42 Full
Characters to make fanart of!

get a look into my cranium lolI dont own any of the images

157 91 5
One Stop Yaoi, Manga V2

The second installment of One Stop Yaoi, Manga. Thanks to all the mangaka for all the manga from amazing to great to better to best to good and to so on and so on and son on... (No sense? I know right! LOL)If you happen to stumble this book, please stop for awhile!! Thank you for stopping! (;

12.6K 162 220

hola guapo c;

3.4K 47 215
Forgotten Disney

A tribute to all deleted and forgotten Disney/Pixar characters with the addition of Lost Disney park attractions, Lost Disney films and deleted songs. #6 in disneymovies #2 in disneyworld #2 in waltdisneyworld #2 in forgottencharacters #2 in pixarcharacters Cover made by @KingdomCorona Copyright@ 2014-2015

193.1K 152 9.4K
[EDIT] Căn Phòng Tối Nơi Xa Xôi Kia - Tây Tử Tự

《 CĂN PHÒNG TỐI NƠI XA XÔI KIA 》- 在那遥远的小黑屋 -Tác giả : Tây Tử Tự (西子绪)Thể loại : tu chân, tình hữu độc chung, trước ngược thụ sau ngược công (đa phần), trung khuyển cố chấp đồ đệ công x lạnh lùng sáng suốt sư phụ thụ, HE.Editor : Xù Xì.Độ dài : 140 chương + 3 phiên ngoại..: Văn Án :.Ở kiếp thứ nhất, Trương Kinh Mặc bị Lục Quỷ Cữu phản bội rồi giam lại, sau khi trọng sinh y thề phải khiến Lục Quỷ Cữu trả nợ máu. Kế đó tiếp tục trọng sinh, bắt Lục Quỷ Cữu trả nợ máu, rồi lại chết.Một lần, hai lần, ba lần, bốn lần, sau vô số lần trọng sinh, Trương Kinh Mặc mới phát hiện, thì ra bị Lục Quỷ Cữu giam lại... chính là kết cục tốt nhất.Vậy là --Trương Kinh Mặc : Mong được nhốt phòng tối.Lục Quỷ Cữu : Không được, không được nhốt thúc thúc của chúng ta.Đây thật ra là một câu chuyện về đôi bên thuần khiết thầm mến 🙂

190 18 32

"Where do you think you are going , Hernandez"Kiara heard him say. 'Leave me alone Mateo.I have to get to class "She replied hugging her books closer to her chest. "The Beta might have taken you in but we own you"The boy said with a light chuckle as he approached her .When he got to her he grabbed her by the neck and said"Go back to where that man picked you from" When Mateo dropped her she gasped for breath as her hands slowly balled into fist. As she headed towards her class she bumped into someone hard stone chest when she looked up she saw him looking down at her as he ran his tongue over his fangs . "Am so sorry"she said quickly rushing into her class. Roman looked at the girl that ran off there was something off about her when she had looked at him her eyes flashed purple . A mischievous smile spread into his lipsKiara Hernandez was a unique girl with pale white hair and pale white eyes. When the vampire came to he her territory in search of his bride things started to change for her. She organised a dance and a lot of people die that night which raised suspicions. Suddenly the body of the lady was found and she was framed for murder. To escape the execution she runs away only to fall into the hands of slave traders and she discovered her ability to control people. After five years, she meets the prince once again. This time he needs her help. Will she assist him or push him away like he did to her?What is he in search of this time around?

3 7 6
Creepypasta x Reader

"Why me?! Why not some other chick?! ""Well dear you see I'm not fond of you but my boys here are. And I promised them a reward"The chains on her wrists rattled as her arms shook in fear.Five men stood fall looking down at her quivering form. A tall slender suited man. A smiling man with leathery skin and blood touching every inch of his clothing. A man with a white mask and orange coat like this also covered in specks of blood yet not nearly as much as the smiling man. A man with a black mask that always frowned a deep red and an orange hoodie caked in blood. And a man with brown shaggy hair, bags under his eyes, and a gaping hole in his cheek.They stared as the brunette beauty and each thought of the same thing ,chuckling.She is ours. And she will be forever! WARNINGSMATURE CONTENT!GORE WARNING! USE OF VERY BAD LANGUAGE!DO NOT HATE ON WHAT I WRITE PLEASE!BE POLITE TO ALL PEOPLE!This is not a true "x reader". But I will be making a one shot book in the near future that are completely x readerThanks for reading petals ~Sorry if I disapoint~Sweet nightmares~

289 18 0

For my dear gay friends and just jokes about the characters themselves, offensive? Very much, is this a joke? Fuck yeah, fucking "korekiyo x humanity" kinda shit y'know?

1K 14 15