Search: cheyuchstn
30 stories
Lost Pages [Completed]

"... This has been my companion to say things out loudAnd these are the words I don't wan't to be found"chéyu_writes

478 30 49 Full
Ephemeral Nights

For the words I could not say, written in these pages they'll stay

750 9 15
Legendborn Oneshots

A series of Legendborn OneshotsAnother dance by happen stance between Selwyn and Briana Matthews

4.5K 6 107
Wenn es nur noch Rache gibt...

Ein Serienkiller geht um und zieht eine blutige Spur. Endlich gibt es einen Verdächtigen und die Spezialeinheit unter Führung von Jazz kann ihn festnehmen. Eigentlich sollte der Fall damit beendet sein. Aber für Jazz fängt es grade erst an... Es ist die Welt von Shadowrun... Eine dunkle Zukunft in der die Technologie ungeahnte Höhen und der soziale Abgrund fürchterliche Abgründe erreicht hat. Und durch das Wiedererwachen der Magie ist die Welt noch chaotischer Geworden... Regierungen und Megakonzerne Wetteifern um die Macht und Kontrolle der Welt. Und in den Straßen der Städte tobt das Verbrechen... Eine schöne neue Welt, für jene die ihren Platz gefunden haben. Für viele heißt es nur, die Schatten sehen und überleben.

2.7K 16 205 Full
Peculiar Skies: Poetry

Does the universe ever listen to my silent cries at night?

19 3 0
Trying to Move On (Felix x Bridgette)

"I've had enough, I finally learned he wants to be alone". Bridgette loved Felix, but as time went by she began to realize his obvious ways. And she finally had enough. Felix, on the other hand, began to get used to Bridgette and sometimes he actually enjoyed her company and fun ways; and he even felt his heart ache when she stopped. What will happen? To his curse? As Chat Noir? What about LadyBug? Their future? Read to find out.(I don't own any characters they belong to Thomas Astruc, this was going to be the original darker version, 2D, but it's not 3D, enjoy!)

35.4K 7 566
My Better Half

39 1 0 Full

Dawn is breaking, open your eyes love.

6 1 0 Full

For the person who owns the eyes that I can't resist

9 1 1 Full
Loving Austin.

To the master of my universe,My better half.

17 3 0 Full

Love I dedicate this to you,You continue to inspire me.

33 1 1 Full

Was ist, wenn du eine ganz unerfahrene junge Tänzerin bist und von dir verlangt wird, nach nicht einmal drei Monaten Training auf die große Bühne zu gehen, um dort mit deinem Bias zu tanzen? [TEXTAUSZUG: DU HAST ALSO WIRKLICH BESUCH!!!!!", brüllte Jaehwan nun, woraufhin Leo sich erschrocken aufsetzte, mich endlich losließ, sodass ich schnell aufspringen konnte und förmlich aus dem Zimmer ins nächste Bad stürmte. Mir war es in diesem Moment auch herzlich egal, dass Hyuk unter der Dusche stand. Ich musste einfach Gott verdammt noch mal aufs Klo!]

31 1 1 Full
extra drama - {georgebur/wilburnotfound high school AU)

George found, a part of the schools student council and boy friend of the student council president dream. he is really kind and loyal to his friends and family.but instead of the council helping others. dream only use's his power to make others follow him and do what he wants, the other council member's are treated like shut.but George his treating like shit the most out of any of them, his being used for his loyalty. then one day a group of people called la'manburg decided to get dream of the council. read more to find out(cover not mine! the fanart belongs to JustMeYuki on wattpad! to go read her storys!)

1.5K 6 29
𝙈𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 /OBX/

/UPOZORNĚNÍ/- pár scén bude podobných jako v seriálu,vše ostatní co budete číst je Z MÉ HLAVY. = Amy Ellisonová, která se přistěhovala z New Yorku se svou matkou Rose se snaží přijít na to,jak to v Outer Banks vlastně funguje. Snaží se dostat přes svou složitou minulost. Seznámí se s partou lidí ze šlechty,kteří se stále perou o své teritorium s lidma z Plebsu. Později,ač ne v hezkou chvíli narazí na až moc známou partu Plebsáků,která se honí za poklady a užívá si života bez hranic. Bude si muset vybrat, a oni jí s tím moc nepomáhají.

23 11 4
Every Single Warrior Cat

This is where I draw every single Warrior Cat in alphabetical order starting with Acorn Fur and ending with Ziggy. Who is Ziggy? I don't know and neither will you until you read till the end!I swear that the art gets better just trust the process. I've had this book for nearly three years now I'm pretty sure so I definitely have improved a lot. Should be updated weekly/weekly/idk. There will be SO MANY MORE BOOKS.Cover art is by me and it is of the lovely Bluestar.All the credit for this idea and everything goes to Crunchy Crowe on YouTube. Go check her out, she streams commissions and the every warrior cat challenge

27.7K 167 1.1K
Reject Clan   (Up for grabs just credit me for it)

Take em' just credit me but the names go to I love their name generators

141 23 28

I'm burning down ken

9 191 0
Virginia rates your ships

WARNING: this is just my personal opinion. please do not be offended if I give your ship a bad rating. this is all just for fun.

23.8K 119 1.3K
All that.

60 2 4
Love With Distance

How far?

8 2 0
Meet by the flowers (Wilbursootxreader )<3

Warnings:Tw : YELLING , SELF HATE , CURSING .No smut .I Know you people.I update on Fridays depends. I am still writing feel free to say in the comments ideas and grammar corrections .

45 3 0
Rich and sad

12ti letá Diana, která žije v přepychovém domě, přepychové rodině a vlastně tak nějak všechno co chce, má. Jednoho dne jí ale něco změní život. Už to nebude ta blonďatá Diana se zelenýma očima, co se večer bojí být v tak obrovitánském domě večer sama, tak volá rodičům aby se vrátili. Už to nebude ta holka, co nebyla tak chytrá, což šlo na známkách vidět, ale nikomu to vlastně ani nevadilo, protože měli peníze. Už to nebude ta stará Dianka, malá rozmazlená.Přeju příjemné čtení :))

73 2 5