Search: charlieazzura
17 stories
Let The Good Times Roll! (Revised)

From the Big Easy to the Big Apple. After paying a visit to her brother, Charlie finds herself involved with the ruthless Gandor Family. But this doll face ain't no pushover. She's determined to let the good times roll no matter what life throws at her! Revised: now uses wording of the official English translation of light novel 'Baccano: The Rolling Bootlegs' by Ryougo Narita.

1.2K 11 68 Full
A Baccano Love Story

Through a twist of fate, Charlie and her friends have become immortal. Charlie becomes anxious when she thinks of the endless future stretching out before her. But maybe eternity wouldn't be so daunting if she had someone to share it with.Sequel to 'Let The Good Times Roll'.

1.8K 21 123 Full
La Hermosa De España (WooDohwan×KimYongJi Fanfiction)

The Princess who longingly wanted to find answers about herself as she will carry the whole nation in her hands soon. Only one person who can only answer to her questions, her real mother. Will she able to succeed in finding herself despite the killing attempts by her enemies or will she fail after being bumped into a stranger that can change their faith?

937 10 41
I'll Swim all the Seas to find You (aFanficOf ImHyunsik of BtoB)

Two different lives met in such a tragic event and able to fire a spark between them. Will they able to find each other no matter how huge is the distance between them? No matter how many seas they'll cross?

14 1 1
Individual Supernatural RP

Read the title.

46.6K 169 221
Gabungan Karya


447 8 1
Shifting ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

I discovered shifting from my older sister a couple of days ago and I wanted to try it out. sO I decided to put my Journey here

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8 1 0
I am scared

Bluntly Put. This is Our World.

24 1 1
Pu$$y Lyrics

Pu$$y by Iggy Azalea

271 1 5

L'infanzia è una splendida magia.Spero che in questo breve racconto troviate del potenziale per poter raccontare, fantasticare, immaginare e sognare.I cartoni sono l'evoluzione di una fiaba.

7 1 1

Yui was an average person, normal grades, normal behaviour. A side character really, she stayed out of attention and didn't talk to many. She couldn't be bothered to socialize. That changed when she met him. As her need for him grew, she began smoking and drinking, partying with friends. Detentions, skiving, lying. She changed...

16 1 0
Broken, bruised and tired.

Aya Moriarty moves with her adoptive family to LA from London. She is dreading school or even the thought of any one remotely her age. Will she rejuvinate or crumble underneath this new atmosphere?

7 1 0
le orme della strega

[25/2, 22:48] Gioia Mia: Nicol"Gemma ho saputo che oggi arriverà una nuova compagna"Dissi entusiasta di conoscere gente nuova"Nicol calmati, e solo ina persona"Rispose"Lo sono, ma metti che magari é...paranormale...come noi, non saresti felice?"Domandai"Impossibile che sia come noi"Andammo a sedervi in classe, gema era sempre cosi bella, era la più bella della scuola occhi azzurri, magra, capelli rosso fuoco lisci, era perfetta, che insomma io non ero da meno occhi verdi capelli rossi ondulati corti, magra ed sono sempre allegra.La porta si apri ed entro la nuova compagna, la gente che parlava smise, sembrava che tutti avessero paura.Virginia Appena entrai in classe non ebbi una reazione diversa da quella che mi aspettavo, non capivo cosa avessi di cori terrificante, mi misi al ultimo banco, la prof era agitata anche se faceva l'indifferente. Una ragazzina seduta due banchi avanti a me mi guardava in continuazione, eppure lei non era normale, era diversamente non era quello[25/2, 22:48] Gioia Mia: NicolNon riuscivo a distogliere lo sguardo da la ragazza nuova, la professoresaa non le aveva fatto dire neanche il nome, occhi marrone intenso cappelli lungi ondulati sempre marroni, altezza normale per un umana, ma al impatto ti fa pauraGemmaLa ragazza nuova era strana, faceva paura ma non aveva niente di strano, certo che vedere ragazze cosi in questo paese sperduto é difficile, da noi il freddo non manca mai ma lei sembrava provenire dal'alasca pallida come era"Nicol, non ti sembra strana?"Chiesi dubbiosa su la ragazza"É una ragazza normale, pero campagna di solito, si vede sempre gente...insomma più allegra"

8 2 2
The Aftermath

2020, 3rd of April. That fateful day that changed the world. Several cities have been blocked off from the rest of the world because of the chain reaction of that day. London, Shanghai, Sydney and Warsaw have fallen. Those very few who escaped unscathed were lucky, luckier than anyone could ever dream to be. By unscathed, I mean they did not have to see the destruction and violence caused by the Virus. They simply got out before they saw anything of the virus. Many others who escaped went insane, some forgot completely. Then there were the few who remember; some tell the stories, but they are all forced to know what the virus does to people, know how to kill the infected before and after they have changed. This group of people are called The Aftermath.

8 1 0
I don't know how to say goodbye

"Succo d'arancia, Swan?"Killian posa un vassoio di brioches sulla scrivania, prima di sedersi sul letto; fisso per qualche secondo l'arancione intenso del succo nel bicchiere al di sopra di esso, perplessa. Fu una delle prime cose che mi chiese, il succo d'arancia."Emma..."Da parte mia, nessuna reazione. Ho bisogno di qualche altro secondo."Tesoro, mi dici che c'è che non va?"Sollevo lo sguardo, ricambiando quello dei suoi intensi occhi azzurri. Sembra davvero preoccupato; fa quell'espressione quando pensa che gli stia nascondendo qualcosa che mi preoccupa. Sotto la più superificiale agitazione ne traspare quel po' di rancore che riserva ai miei ostinati tentativi, mai svaniti del tutto, di non lasciare che mi scopra completamente, di impedire a chiunque, lui compreso, di toccarmi nell'animo. Lo so, è fastidioso, ma sono sempre stata così. E sebbene Uncino sia l'unico in grado di oltrepassare le mie barriere, non mi nasconde più quell'aria di delusione, quasi di disappunto, nel constatare che ogni tanto mi riparo ancora dietro a quei muri. Ma ha ragione, e non se lo merita.Stringo il pugno e faccio un sospiro. Basta muri."Sono incinta."

19 4 0
When the Dead Rise

Five years ago a virus hit the earth, an epidemic. It started with the sirens and then came the screaming. People would fall to the ground caughing up blood. Than they would go still, exactly one minute later they would be up again, all crazed, eating everyone that gets in there way. Soon the world was filled entirely with the undead. Only a handful of people had survived. But instead of joining together they split apart killing one another for food, water, guns, and ammunition. Sometimes we don't know which is worse, man or the dead.Azzurra is a seventeen year old girl living alone in this cruel new world. Five years ago she was forced to kill the people she loved. She never felt much of anything anymore always silent amd cunning. It made her dangerous. More dangerous than the groups that have formed throughout the years. Zane is eighteen, cutting off emotions like they were strings never making a sound. Not because he wants to, but because he has to. He was the one who made sure his group didn't die. He has been with them ever since it first began. Z the fool, Zack the brains, Ash the leader, and him the muscles or the spy. What happens when they all come together? The girl who has been forced to live on her own finding a group who are used to each other and are not used to outsiders.Not a good combination.---------------------------------------------------Just try this book and please do tell me what you think

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