Search: changkyunxkihyun
75 stories
Become a family ✓ || Changki

Changkyun by potřeboval pomoct s domácností a synem. Učitel ve školce Kihyun by zase chtěl rodinu. Jaký může být příběh, když se malé dítě snaží dostat dva dospěláky k sobě, protože si přeje mít kompletní rodinu? A co když se najednou do šťastné rodiny obuje biologická matka? by Ross and Miko (

3K 12 216 Full
Upon a Time  ✓ ||  Changki

Byl jednou jeden princ, který čekal na lásku a vysvobození z věže hlídané se stane, když ho nepřijde zachránit nádherný bohatý princ a vlastně spíš objeví chudý sedlák, který ani prince zachránit nechtěl? Jak vlastně můžeš dopadnou příběh naprosto odlišných osobností z naprosto odlišných poměrů? Možná to bude mít takový spád, jaký by ani jednoho z nich ve snu nenapadl....

2.8K 17 205 Full
Láska za milion ✓ || Changki

Osud dokáže být nemilosrdný a krutý. Nesčetněkrát nám naloží tolik, co jsme sotva schopni unést. Každé má své démony, každý se musí vypořádávat a bojovat se svým osudem. I Changkyun a Kihyun. Jejich osudem propojené cesta je velmi dlouhá, velmi složitá. Ale možná, že jen každý z nich potřebuje oporu. Možná už každý z nich nedokáže být na všechno sám. Jenomže, pokud vám někdo neustále hází klacky pod nohy...kde vzít vůli a sílu pokračovat? Možná jen stačí najít někoho, kdo vám bude schopný tuto sílu dát jen pouhým úsměvem.

7K 40 639 Full

"What was tha--" "That's my dick"------------------Love-hate relationship isn't a bad idea at all. Sometimes it can turn things interesting.

485.1K 60 10.3K Full
You were my dream ✓ || Changki

Být osamělý je smutné. Být osamělý na Vánoce ještě smutnější. Co se, ale stane, když si Changkyun bude přát, aby na Vánoce nebyl sám? Co se může stát, když se zamiluje do anděla, který mu ztělesňuje jeho Vánoční přání? A...jaké to může být, když...vánoční přání nemůže být věčné...?You were my dream || Changki by

1.3K 17 108 Full
Kihyun | Accidental Love

"I married you because I had no choice. And now I'm leaving you because of the same reason."Cover by: cuzuglyHighest rank attained in Fanfiction: #379

264.1K 41 12.8K Full

After an injury, the young Wide Receiver Changkyun has no other choice than taking extra lessons, to improve his grades, to make it to college. The first meeting with his new tutor, a smart student, he's never noticed before, is more than awkward. But soon he realizes there's more behind her facade of nonchalance and that there's an actual reason she's been hiding herself. Now he only has gain her trust to find out the truth... but that's easier said than done... A story about strength, the urge to make it in life, seeking shelter and finding that someone that makes you fearless.KyunXReader#1 MonstaX#1 Changkyun#1 ImChangkyun 😭

4.1K 18 217 Full
REACH || yoo kihyun

| COMPLETED 8.8.2018 || HIGHEST RANKING NR. 1 IN #kpop, #monstax, #kihyun and #yookihyun |❝I went to sleep every night with my heart in pain and my mind a mess.❞as the world threatens to tear them apart, Arena and Kihyun have to crawl through time and reality to find their way back to each other.❝Don't you dare choose this over me, I'm the one you've always wanted! ME!❞ a monsta x fanfiction

67.8K 42 2.1K Full
11.11PM. + °kihyun sents messages tochangkyun, who ignores them.

7.4K 11 572 Full
Someone's someone (an I.M. Changkyun story ft showki)

Sug Zion moves to South Korea to hopefully join a k pop group. He shows up at starship entertainment and shows the managers his moves. What happens when Zion joins Monsta x? What happens when he meets someone special?(Re-edited)

5.1K 20 115 Full

There's a reason for every action, find out why he's Mr. bully. ~

10.9K 6 354 Full
Colors On Our Skin

Changkyun is just a college student. In his world, there's such a thing as soulmates. You can have one or many, having a soulmate means that you are bonded for life. Changkyun have been wandering around, watching his friends meet their happily ever after. When will he meet his?Ot6 x Im Changkyun

32.8K 18 1.4K Full
Open mind (an I.M Changkyun x male reader story)

Yashimuri Geno and Changkyun used to be really close as kids until one of them moved away. What happens when they meet up again and start to get even closer? What happens when someone else might step in?

440 13 19 Full
A World In Colors✔️ {SHOWKI}

80% of the world population is born colorblind and sees everything in black and white until they find that one person. Their soulmate.Kihyun is the only one in his friend group who still can't see colors. But what happens when he realizes his soulmate might be the famous singer Son Hyunwoo?

5.2K 12 482 Full
dramatic ; changki

❝ you decided to take your sweet time coming to save me, didn't you? ❞

198 1 24 Full
everyday changki <3

just some changki fluff ( and some thirst traps too ykyk;) ) to lighten up your day

9.5K 23 291

In which Chae Hyungwon loses a bet and attends a senior party dressed as a chick, Hoseok becomes enamored with a girl named Chae Dodo, Kihyun sees an opportunity to get back at the popular kids, and Jooheon sees a recipe for disaster. ORHyungwon is just your average dude, Wonho is a jock with a heart of gold but douchey friends, Kihyun is bullied for his height, Jooheon is hipster as HECK, I.M is I.M, Shownu thinks Kihyun is really cute, and Minhyuk is richer than you'll ever be.

722 5 27
Monsta x insta room

Quand 6 amis décide d'ajouter une nouvelle personne au hasard dans leur groupe, pour faire passer le temps.

1K 14 138
Monsta X Texts

Short messages with the members of MX

9.4K 9 253
Kitten in a Box (KihyunxMembers)

6 men receive a little white crate at their doorstep, decorated with little pink flowers. When they open it, they find a boy with fluffy pink hair... a white dress... little white cat ears... and bell around its tail.

4.9K 4 282
Kiki's Photography Service (Yoo Kihyun x Male OC)

Kihyun meets a guy at Hyunwoo's bachelor party for his and Wonho's wedding, and everything goes downhill from there. (Not really, he's just being overdramatic because his friends are way too involved in his love life for their own good- even if he is technically the one who dragged them into it.)

260 4 12
A Letter for Wonho

A letter for our birthday boy ❤️

23 1 1 Full