Search: carmulia
23 stories
A Thief and her Jules (Carmen X Julia)

Jules wasn't sure when her crush on Carmen started, but she can't deny her love for the Lady in Red. But the two of them have always maintained a very "professional" relationship. And from Jules' perspective, Carmen has never shown any interest in being anything more than that.Now, on what may be their final mission together, Jules tries to cope with the idea of letting Carmen go for good. But when Carmen stumbles upon a piece of mind control tech, Jules suddenly finds herself tempted by the opportunity of a lifetime.WARNING: smut in some chapters, but otherwise, pretty PG.

8K 8 72 Full
Carulia Oneshots

I'm obsessed with them and they need more fanfiction, so its a win-win :DCover by my lawfully wedded wife @CantCuffMeButImWifey

17.9K 13 593
After All These Years

Carmen Sandiego thought that she was protecting her first girlfriend by leaving her to live her own life, by not involving her in the aftermath of being the most well known superthief in the world. However after six years of constantly doubting her decision, somehow Carmen found herself back in Oxford, England to find the woman she had never quite moved on from.After six years, Julia Argent is finally happy. She has her teaching, her beloved ancient history, and most important of all, she has finally moved on from Carmen.So what happens when Carmen shows up one day, threatening to wreck the new life Julia made without her?Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction using characters from the Carmen Sandiego 2019 Netflix reboot series, I do not own anything except for the plot and the few original characters sprinkled around the story.Cover by my lawfully wedded wifey @MonsieurDukeCover art by @yyuppys on tumblr

2.7K 5 95
Formula Racing Imagines And Preferences

(REQUESTS ARE NOW CLOSED!!) The f2 and f3 preferences will come on in a little while once I get an idea of who everyone likes and all so yeah. But feel free to request❤️ The chapters are in alphabetical order btw

1.2M 200 17.7K Full
Bonnie Julian (Rainbow Friends Fanfic)

I was born in Germany in a town called Rothen Burg.I was a really adventurous little girl I would go on walks at the park, camp in the backyard with my Papa, and my favorite subject in school was history! (I could even talk about my history with my friends)But I wasn't good at pre algebra, multiplication from memory was hard, I wasn't good at certain formulas either, I was forced to sit in the classroom all day, when it came to the F- situation and I would wait for my parents to pick me up. (It was a pain in my hinny!)My parents were nice and proud of me for learning.My mama was an outgoing and caring angel, she taught me how to do karate and use the katana. (In fact I always wanted to be a ninja)My papa was a smart humerus and a helpful person, he would teach me how to multiply and do some math with him, and he would do some jokes at the dinner table.My life was just incredible, until it wasn't.When my brother august was born, my mom died of a lack of oxygen, and a strokeThe last word she said to me was, You Are My Ninja..Tears streamed down my face like raindrops on a roof's edge.When my brother was 4 and I was 12 papa was hired as an engineer for the German army forces, he sent us to our aunt and uncle who didn't give a living duck about us, all they cared about was vaping and getting drunk, they would feed us bad foods and Make us late for school.When I was about 15 and august was 7 we were accepted into the German army forces, Finally we get to leave this Gosh Awful house we're are aunt and uncle lived in,I was also exited to teach my brother about mom's ninja teachings.

243 7 3

Ainin Shofia,gadis 22 tahun mendamba cinta sejati dalam hidupnya tersekat oleh perjodohan dengan seseorang yang sakit jiwanya. Kemudian malah menjadi korban penculikan oleh buronan polisi, di luar kendali ia terlibat secara emosi dan berniat mengungkap kebenaran kasus tersebut. Berhasilkah ia menemukan cinta sejati di antara peliknya masalah yang dihadapi?

7.9K 39 613
Warm Champagne Memoirs (Debt Series #1)

"This time it is because I'm placing all my cards on the table, just for you." ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──In a world filled with gallons of glitter, glam, and dangerously fast cars, Formula 1 princess, Marla Morelli and racing driver, Adrien Costilla were a catastrophe destined to happen. Some sort of twisted, traumatic canon event. They collided, of course. And as history tells it, Marla vanished from the spotlight soon after one peculiar race weekend. No one had seen or heard from her since. That is until four years later; the 2025 Belgium Grand Prix. One gala, one slip up, one encounter. All it takes to add a fresh page to their book.For better? Or for worse? Dear reader, you will have to discern that for yourself.

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Emulation (Giuliano Alesi X OC)

emulation (n)- An effort to match a person or achievement typically through imitation Rosana Berger, the third daughter of Gerhard Berger, had an inherited interest in all things Motorsports. Watching old highlights and talking to her father sparked a wish to one day win a Formula 1 Grand Prix. There was always one person that her father would talk about. That person being his enemy turned best friend Jean Alesi. Despite his worry as a father Gerhard supports his daughter in her endeavour to join F1. Little did Rosana know her life was going to change when she started karting. It was there that she met her first and longest-lasting rival, Giuliano Alesi.PLEASE NOTE this idea came from @OFFTH3MARK more details in the author's note

587 10 16
MultiFandom Imagines

i might upload once every three years but for now it is dead, enjoy my old stuff :)) (when i update, they're mainly crackfics so feel free to make fun of them dhdjsk, it shouldn't be that hard to tell which ones are serious or not)includes:~markiplier~supernatural~twaimz~twenty one pilots~sonic~panic at the disco~it~glee~dr. who~bee & puppycat~the flash~sanders sides~spiderman~voltron~deadpool~dan and phil ~avengers~magic funhouse~be more chill~jacksepticeye~crankgameplays~luke hemmings(Btw, none of the fanart belongs to me. Credit goes to all artists)

7K 62 79 Full
Best Completed Books On Wattpad.

Looking for some books to read?Here you will find the best books on wattpad which you will really enjoy reading."Good books can sometimes lead you to have a better future."

174.4K 190 1.3K
The Wattpad Walk of Fame

Welcome, one and all, to The Wattpad Walk of Fame!!! Yes, Step right up, click that button and discover the amazing stories inside. Which ones have made it? Which ones have become the ultimate stars?Join me, on my quest to find stories worthy of the books (terrible pun intended) and I promise you will not be disappointed.

75.5K 174 1.4K
Best Good Girl & Bad Boy Wattpad Stories <3

Hiiii! Hope you guys will love these stories as much as I do :) I'm a very fan of good girl and bad boy stories that's why I decided to make this :) Take care! Leave your comments and votes THANK YOU :D-unfathomable03 xoxo

2.7M 185 14.6K
Bila Dunia Hanya Dalam Sebuah Coretan

Bila dunia hanya dalam sebuah coretan, apa yang ada di benakmu ketika mendengar kalimat itu? Alam semesta yang begitu luas ini, ternyata hanyalah seluas kertas yang berisi goresan-goresan tinta cerita kehidupan anak manusia. Goresan tentang kehidupannya di sana, dan aku yang menjalani hari hari ku di sini. di Kota ku yang terik, tapi menyejukkan untuk kembali pulang. bila dunia hanya dalam sebuah coretan, tak perlu aku menjelaskan panjang lebar. Karena kalian tidak akan memahami. mungkin akan menertawakanku. Tapi kalian juga tidak akan mengerti rasanya menjadi aku bahagia. inilah kisahku. kisah-kisah yang terabadikan dalam secarik kertas. semoga, kalian tidak ingin menjadi sepertiku.

735 26 7
Villains Death Battle 4

This will be the fourth book that will have more villains and killers in it to fight in the death battle.

650 200 8
Hijrah cinta Sinta

"kenapa sih sint, kamu mencintai laki - laki seperti Steven dengan berlebihan seperti itu? Padahal dia tidak meresponmu? Dia bukan suamimu bahkan pacarmu saja bukan. Kenapa bisa kamu mencintai orang lain begitu dalam sampai melebihi cintamu pada ibumu dan pada Rab-mu? Bisa - bisanya kau muliakan Steven, anak orang lain dari pada ibu kandungmu sendiri yang telah melahirkanmu dan membesarkanmu?""Deg"lagi - lagi perkataan Dani selalu benar, selama ini aku tidak menyadari bahwa ada seseorang yang seharusnya lebih ku cintai dan ku muliakan yaitu ibuku. Dan aku sangat berdosa besar karena aku telah melupakan Rab-ku. Ampuni aku ya Allah..Lalu air mataku semakin tumpah, menyesali kebodohanku sendiri yang lebih mencintai anak orang dari pada ibuku sendiri. Apalagi sekarang ibuku adalah orang tua tunggal karena ayahku sudah meninggal .Entah kenapa setelah mendengar ceramah singkat dari Dani, aku ingin sekali memperbaiki diriku. Bukan hatiku saja yang ingin ku perbaiki, tapi juga penampilanku. Aku ingin belajar menjadi wanita yang soleha.

16 13 2
Market Research

Market Reports

281 82 2

Menyoal senja kau dapati aku menerima kekasih paling pengertian , bayangkan keyakinanmu masih punya aku ... pertanyaanmu tidak akan pergi merasa pertemanan itu indah , yang siap menerimamu tampak bukan aku dikala mendung ... kau paling merumitkan merasa nyaman separuh waktuku ruang luka untuk mendorong hati ... tetapi tidak ada aku perasaan tentram jadi siapapun menyanyakan , sungguh ... aku akan berhenti mencari keberadaanmu , tempat namamu tersangkut bahwa kini aku ada ... aku harus bergerak maju segala kehilangan tidak tertinggal melulu akan tetapi sajak liar yang masih terpaku jika pun kau kelak , kelak ... meski aku menyadari harus memilih keseriusan membicarakan perasaan ini kepadamu , sempurna ... belum ada melalui kabarmu kutemukan tenang dan riuhnya , takut ... lalu kau tunjukkan bahwa hari itu akan tiba , lelah ... setiap malammu untuk mengakui padaku patah hati penuh kerumitan , benar ... akan tiba waktu bagiku semoga kau pantas pasang dalam keniscayaan , rela ... selain aku gagal memenuhi ekspektasi untuk pertemuan januari febuari lebih mengecewakan , bahagiamu inginku dari semua perjalanan ... persona , namun buih disini meraih bintang ada niat aku untuk menulismu ...

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Membawa kehinaan sepucuk surat bercengkerama gelisah suatu kesepian selalu ada sepenuh hati untuk menjadi pribadi lebih percaya diri mengambil sisi positif itu yang tak pernah membuatmu oleh seseorang harus pandai menyembunyikannya , perbaiki kesalahan yang tidak sebab kamu pantas aku bahkan melihat kostakatanya jangan bersedih ... hari-hari selanjutnya akan aku ajak hal tersebut hilang terlarut dalam tidur terngiang seperti bulan purnama di padang rumput , pukul sembilan malam nanti aku diberi sebuah amplop oleh ekosistem sudahkah kau bulan purnama ditemani kunang-kunang nanti saja berkata dengan cara-cara pertemuan itu biarkanlah terbentang padahal belum saling terikat restu ... rehat yang bukan terhadapku pada apa-apa perhatianmu tatkala harus cemburu mengumbar auratnya , apakah kau yakin dengan segenap ikthiarnya dan berhak dijaga pada seorang yang berjuang ilmu agama ... harus lahir dari yang kemudian datang melamarmu bersemangatlah perasaan itu membuat lega ada tangis ternyata bersabar dan aku baru tahu , bukankah diantara catatan usang melukai diri sendiri yang langsung saja mengetuk agar menetap dalam hidupmu ... aku kembali melihat bulan saat jam istirehat bahwa tak lama kemudian dan sekedar mengajak berpergian karena takut melewati esok hari hanya menulis itu seringkali menyediakan ruang kenang engkau sudah berbesar harap , bahkan yang datang cerdas dan berilmu selendang suci adalah madrasah menikmati indah dirinya siapa saja engkau pada saat bukan aku ... menyebarkan potret dirinya apakah benar berlian sepertimu yang bukan terhadapku melihat hal-hal kecil , apakah sulit tertanda menunda permintaan yang tak kau kaitkan denganku ditutupi awan tipis , yang ku ingat mengapa dirimu tak sempat pulang menjalani hidup dengan lebih bahagia bersabar dan jauh dari kata sepi atau sebaliknya jangan ambil kerja tuhan ... hal ini terasa makin mudah jangan ambil kerja tuhan menghadap ke arah yang sama kasus gagal ginjal , kasus gagal ginjal relevan bakso goreng lembu ...

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Dry Food Colours / Synthetic Colours  | KEMRY | HSJ INDUSTRIES

KEMRY is a leading manufacturer of Dry Food colours and Synthetic colours. The Dry Food colours manufactured by KEMRY are known for their stability, purity, and wide range of shades, catering to diverse culinary needs. These colours enhance the visual appeal of food products without compromising on safety standards.The Synthetic colours manufactured by KEMRY undergo stringent quality checks, ensuring compliance with international regulations.Dry food colours and synthetic colours are used in various industries, adding vibrancy and visual appeal to products. Here are their diverse applications:Food and Beverage Industry:Dry Food colours: Used to enhance the visual appeal of a wide range of food products such as confectionery, baked goods, cereals, and snacks.Synthetic colours: Provide a broad spectrum of shades for colouring beverages, candies, sauces, and processed foods, ensuring consistency and attractiveness.Cosmetics and Personal Care:Synthetic colours: Essential for formulating cosmetics like lipsticks, eyeshadows, and blushes, allowing for the creation of diverse and eye-catching makeup products.Pharmaceuticals:Synthetic colours: Employed in the pharmaceutical industry for coating medications, making them visually distinctive and aiding in easy identification.Textile and Apparel:Synthetic colours: Utilized in dyeing fabrics and textiles, enabling the production of clothing with a wide array of colours and patterns.Arts and Crafts:Dry Food colours: Adapted for use in arts and crafts projects, providing a safe and vibrant colouring option for various creative endeavors.Synthetic colours: Widely used in crafting activities, such as painting, dyeing, and colouring art supplies.By catering to these diverse industries, dry food colours and synthetic colours from manufacturers like KEMRY contribute significantly to the aesthetics and marketability of a wide range of products.Website -

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