Search: brutalhonesty
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459 8 19
Moving Target

Fugitive. Cassie is a Fugitive. Cassandra Lane is not the kind of person who would be a fugitive. Yet somehow she is. After she saw her step-brother kill two men she ran. All the evidence is against her, all the crimes her step-brother committed. All the ones he's about to commit, they will be pinned against her.She is being chased by not only the police but the entire government.She refuses help from the few people who actually believe she is innocent; all of them targets of her brother and his team. One of them being Borrow or Barr who rarely sleeps due to his insomnia, working hard as can be to take down her brother and hardly has time to say hello yet seems to be saving her, protecting her and trying to persuade her to join his team to take her brother down every single chance he can. Why?She may be the only chance they have. His team aren't the only people who want her though. They have to fight with the rest of the world to catch her. Then they have to follow her trail, and unless you are her, that is almost impossible. I did say almost.Cassandra just became the worlds Moving Target. *If there is a grammar mistake can some one tell me?

251 4 10
Katzenjammer (rants)

Some people seriously need to be defenestrated out of the window.

613 14 48
Book Reviews [ open for submission ]

[ WARNING: MY REVIEWS ARE BRUTALLY HONEST ]Want a brutally honest review on your book? You're in the right place! Submit a story of your creation to me for a completely honest review. Please be aware of the fact that I mean it as constructive criticism!! I am in no way trying to bash any writer or their work. I'm only here in an attempt to help!

341 3 19
Brutal Honesty Hour

A challenge I found on Pinterest.I liked it.I put this at the "Short Story" category, because I don't know where else to place it.

208 18 8
Deep sea love

a story that will take you on a journey through orabellas story

0 1 0
The Dark World

If you think you have it bad, it could always be worse

46 10 2
Behind The Soundproof

This is a collection of the random thoughts that pop into my head when my mind starts flying. And since my mind is a private jet with a lifetime supply of fuel, I won't stop updating with new poems.

62 4 0
absolutely nothing, except it's everything to me

a series of ramblings that actually hold distinct meaning behind them.

171 10 6
Like It Or Not, That's Reality

I tried to write a fun little fiction story that was relatable and still accomplishing the goal of bringing somebody...that much closer to Christ. But...I got nowhere and no one even side eyed it, strategy. I'm going to tell it like it is.Unadulterated truth. If your feelings get hurt, then sorry but I'd rather hurt your feelings than risk your soul.I'll share my personal experiences, share my Christian journey and some of my struggles. I'm not a bad person, although I may come off as brash, but I just ask that you have an open mind.

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Ways Our Generation Is Fucked In The Future

Okay this may get offensive at sometimes to some friends and large groups of people but this book is heavily opinionated but the reasons are facts so if you are easily offended and don't know me personally, GTFO but most of this is completely true if you think about it. For friends I'm sincerely sorry if I offend any of my friends. Also I will label the ones I know are opinionated so nobody has a fit over it being an opinion. But seriously, our generation is completely fucked.

100 2 5

Alexis is the last shadow blood. A human with excelled power and paranormal abilities beyond imagination. A group of Elite assassins and masters of warfare, the mists, have looked after the bloodline since the first Shadowblood, Washington. Since then the mists have been the protectors of the Shadowblood. But there is a twist.Only the Shadowbloods can create shadowbloods. And only mists create mists. If the two combine... no one knows what happens, the phenomenon has never been recorded in history. But there have been rumours. The humans see them as a threat.The mists see them as allies.They see each other as endangered. 'They DO exist, and the ARE around us. You will be followed by them, but, like a shadow, you will brush the sight of them off. No one grows suspicious of a shadow. A Shadowblood is no different.'

0 6 0
The Secretive Truths Of Vixxy Heartly

Vixxy Heartly is a teenage girl who has a different view of life than her fellow peers. Although she may seem like a normal girl, perfect family, great friends, flawless personality, she doesn't feel like herself. Follow Vixxy as she goes through some of the hardships of being a girl in large city.

78 6 5
The Blue

After being moved from their former foster home in Detroit to one in the valleys of Alaska, Shiomara and her 5 year old blood brother Miles discover that the blue lights coming from the river in the back yard aren't the fluorescent fish everyone has been telling them about.⚠️ Warning ⚠️ this story contains mature content such as:- abuse- suicide attempts- alcoholism - drug addiction- human experimentation - murder- rapeAlso contains things as slight Munchhausen syndrome, mis-diagnosis, and Schizophrenia.In no way am I trying to poke fun at or degrade people with these mental disorders. As a person with schizophrenia, I understand that mental health is the most important thing.If you feel uncomfortable reading about any of these topics please be aware that you dont have to let it stop you from reading. I will be putting warnings not just at the beginning of the chapters but also will warn you before and after the paragraphs containing these topics in case you want to skip them.I wont explicitly write rape and murder scenes, but will heavily imply them in the story. I want everyone who reads this story to feel comfortable about reading it.This is a serious but light at heart story about a you girl trying to find her place in this mess she was dragged into by someone who she doesn't know.

5 1 1
Selling out romance!

Hello! My name is Samar Mirghani; author of "Delightful Complex", and my aim through this podcast series is to gather the remaining members of my tribe. Those who seek warm vibes and genuine smiles. Those who found their freedom in saying "NO". We are the ones who want it all, and end up with nothing. We do everything we can to outwit the feeling of regret, yet regret has found a home in us. We have finally come to realize that if anything deserves a second chance it would be "our offered time and efforts" rather than wasting our youth in a shallow relationship leading to nowhere or an unsafe environment. We do not only believe in change but become it as well; so I for one decided to utter the unspeakable every Thursday. Perhaps this series can assist us in motivating one another to complete our journey and escaping the probability of asking ourselves what if. Please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. It would fill me with joy knowing that you can relate to my insights. Your participation counts. Find your tribe. Join us. Announce your existence!

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