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110 stories
Chittendon Boarding School - A Prinxiety AU

Warning: This story contains depression, self harm, panic attacks, strong language, a mention of a terrible, harmful fetish, addictions, and sex. If you are easily triggered by these things, do not read this. There's also lots of gay love, so homophobia isn't welcome.Virgil Sinclair has been bullied ever since Middle School, and is prone to anxiety-ridden panic attacks. His older brother Logan got a teaching job at a fancy boarding school in New York called Chittendon Boarding School, so they both take the opportunity to leave for that far-away school.There are lots of rich families' children who go to this school like Roman Hollingsworth, but also scholarship kids from semi-poor families like Patton Mills. Virgil hopes he can find friends and closure at this new school, and with his big brother teaching, he is sure that he has finally found a school where he can belong.But behind the shining reputation and fancy uniforms, the school is about power-play, corruption, popularity, and money. Roman knows this world all too well, and while he isn't one of the rich kids who use his parent's money to buy drugs, he has his own secret that could ruin him. Could Virgil help him be comfortable with that side of himself?I have no plot for this, and there are also descriptors for the characters that make them different from each other, and not semi-clones of Thomas. I didn't apply that to the cover because I don't have the time with Exams coming up.Feel free to leave constructive criticism in comments whether I mess up, something doesn't fit well, or you have suggestions as to what should happen next.Hope you enjoy it,Becs Marlowe

606 2 26
Secret~ | QFTS 21

The start of the "newest" ship! Cupid! (Cuphead x Lucian) time to get Marcus outta here.

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【 Wasted Youth • OHSHC 】

A boy, biologically born as a girl, was accepted into the prestigious academy, Ouran. He was accepted with a scholarship for Martial Arts, Academics & Arts. He might seem perfect but he's not. He fights for money and stress relief [He doesn't get stressed often but when he does, it's an enormous amount of pressure.]. He's rebellious; skipping classes, talking back to his teachers, causing trouble within the neighbourhood and by stealing from the precious Host Club.His parents are still alive but they just don't care, they are rich out of their minds, they didn't even notice a large missing portion, stolen by their 'son'. His parents wanted their daughter to be a male so much, that they raised him as a boy, making him want to be a complete boy since he hasn't experienced being a girl. He would rather be called with male pronouns rather than 'they' or 'she'. He even wants to have a surgery to change his female genitals to male genitals. He had a sister she was 3 years older than her. She died after giving birth to a baby girl at the age of 18 with a boyfriend who left her. The baby looked exactly like her sister, making the teenage boy look exactly like him as well.This boy's name is Katsuro Yomiko.

561 3 42
The phantom 4 (Discontinued bad writing I'm sorry)

4 legendary knights framed for the murder of the King and are wanted for what they have done, So for the kingdom not having chance to find them they scattered apart into the world and went into hiding, their lives ruined for something they didn't do. The princesses their beauty is magnificent and will win the hearts of many men but there neither the have the blood of one another,2 are adopted out of the 3 and are said to help rule the kingdom for who they married to in the future, but the youngest doesn't want that, the youngest is wanting adventure and become a holy knight; she been trained to use a sword since she was 7, even though she was a bit sloppy she got used to it after a couple of years, when she heard that the king was dead she was furious and vowed to avenge his death,no matter what she has to do, no matter how hard she has to train. But when she starts getting older she heard of things and they weren't pleasant, she then had to escape the castle and do something she never wanted to do but has to save her home that she loves and find the truth behind the death of the king, She would have to find and regather The Phantom 4.(Start date:11-10-2019)(Slow updates very sorry about that)

241 10 0
Desert's Untamed Spirit

In the heart of the unforgiving Nevada desert, a legend comes to life in "Desert's Untamed Spirit" gripping novel tells the story of Lily Turner, a fearless young girl, and Ghostfire, the elusive white stallion who roams the wild expanses of Willow Creek Valley.Lily's life is forever changed when she embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the legendary stallion known as Ghostfire. Drawn by the tales passed down by her grandfather, she seeks to capture a glimpse of this untamed spirit, a creature born from the heart of the desert itself. But what starts as a mission to confirm the existence of a legend becomes a profound journey of discovery and connection.As Lily delves deeper into the desert's mysteries, she encounters the breathtaking beauty and harsh challenges of the wilderness. Her encounters with Ghostfire, a majestic stallion with obsidian eyes and an indomitable spirit, reveal a bond that transcends the boundaries between human and horse.However, Ghostfire's wild nature is not easily tamed, and when he kidnaps Lily's beloved mare, Ginger, their fate becomes intertwined in ways neither could have anticipated. Lily's determination to rescue Ginger and understand the heart of Ghostfire leads her into a world of danger, adventure, and untamed beauty."Desert's Untamed Spirit" is a captivating and heartwarming tale of courage, friendship, and the enduring spirit of the Wild West. Set against the backdrop of the desert's breathtaking landscapes, this book explores the deep connection between humans and animals, the power of perseverance, and the enduring bonds that unite us with the wild. Join Lily Turner on her quest to uncover the secrets of Ghostfire and experience the untamed beauty of the desert like never before.

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