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Random Short Stories

An alien planet with magic exists and it is linked with Earth. Stories from the alien planet of Aeoluos and from Earth will be included. All are based on my characters and stories I am currently writing.CHARACTERS (Will be added as story goes on)Alien Planet (Aeoluos)Vivian- Ares,Atlas, Venus, and Mercurys Aunt on their fathers side. 2nd oldest sister of the Blanche family. After the death of her brother and sister in law she took over the kingdom as Queen, also being charged with taking care of her brothers kids. She took many concubines but never married.Atlas- Older brother of 3, he has a twin named Ares. He has ice and water powers with a low ranking on battle combat and high ranking in intelligence. He is the prince of one of 5 ruling kingdoms of Aeoluos (Noir Blanc)Ares- Oldest brother of 4, he has a twin named Atlas. He has fire powers with a high ranking in battle combat but low rank in intelligence. He is the prince of one of 5 ruling kingdoms of Aeoluos. (Noir Blanc)Venus- 2nd youngest, her powers are emotion and body manipulation, she has high rankings in both intelligence and combat. She is the princess of one of the 5 kingdoms of Aeoluos. (Noir Blanc)Mercury- The youngest in their family with the ability to heal and deteriorate, they have a high rank in intelligence and a mid level for combat but they has 1/10 stamina. They are a future ruler of one of the 5 kingdoms of Aeoluos. (Noir Blanc)EarthNadia-She attends a Private Art Academy for writing she has a top selling series out.Beau- He attends a Private Art Academy for song and dance, he is a famous popstar.

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Kaleidoscope Heart

Annie has led a rather peculiar life so far. Born of an Irish woman and an Albino Man, the pink haired, freckle-faced optimist was orphaned at a young age and left under the care of her less-than-caring Aunt and more-than-temporal cousins. Even though she excelled in her studies and has an IQ score of 250, Annie almost always got the shorter end of the stick physically, socially, and materialistically. Living a sheltered life in one of New York City's wealthiest suburbs, Annie didn't think that there was much the world had to offer for her.However, when she discovers a strange new ability and finds out that her father may still be alive, she realizes that things her aunt has said thus far about her family may or may not be true. She decides to start hunting for some answers with her new friends: Aiden, a living-dead spiritual entity; Sarah and Samara, two witches housed in the same body; Moxie, a half-Troll with the ability to change and transfer pigment and physical senses; and Jacen, a human boy with the extraordinary gift of alchemy; as well as some other rather un-extraordinary characters, but what will her curiosity cost her?Not to mention the Federal Government is currently on the hunt for Individuals With Unusual Talents (IWUTs) and Annie and her friends are their primary targets. With that on top of Aiden's dark past resurrecting, Sarah's strange and violent mood swings, Jacen's obnoxious and destructive personality, and Moxie's peculiar obsession with anything that sparkles, will they be able to find the answers that Annie so desperately desires?

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Just Willie The Poet

In case you didn't know, Willie is Winnie the Pooh's cousin. He's a good friend of Bob. and writes elegantly about everything between Heaven and Earth, lawless for sure, chaotic all of the time and forever divine - at least that's what he claims. Just see for yourself.

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Ocean Golden I tech Zone 4 At Noida Extension

Discover Ocean Golden I Tech Zone 4: A Hub of Innovation and GrowthLocated in the vibrant area of Noida Extension, Ocean Golden I Tech Zone 4 stands as a testament to modernity and progress in the heart of Northern India's technological landscape. This ambitious project promises to redefine the commercial real estate sector, offering a blend of cutting-edge infrastructure, strategic location, and unparalleled amenities.Strategic LocationSituated in Noida Extension, Ocean Golden I Tech Zone 4 enjoys proximity to major transport hubs, educational institutions, residential areas, and commercial centers. This strategic location ensures easy access for businesses and employees alike, fostering a conducive environment for growth and collaboration.State-of-the-Art InfrastructureOcean Golden I Tech Zone 4 boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. The architecture combines functionality with aesthetic appeal, featuring spacious office spaces, retail outlets, and recreational areas. The seamless integration of technology ensures a sustainable and energy-efficient environment, setting a new standard in workspace design.ConclusionIn conclusion, Ocean Golden I Tech Zone 4 at Noida Extension represents a bold step towards redefining the concept of modern workspace. With its strategic location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, comprehensive amenities, and commitment to sustainability, it offers businesses an ideal platform to thrive and grow in today's competitive market. Whether you're looking to establish a new business venture or expand your existing operations, Ocean Golden I Tech Zone 4 stands ready to support your journey toward success.For More Information:- 9818752056

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Difference Between Perfume And Toilette

The distinction between toilette and parfum is due to the quantity of fragrance concentration (which may be a mix of fragrance oils and alcohol) in the composition.The concentration determines how long the product will last and when you should apply it. Toilette has a lower concentration of oils, whereas parfum has a higher concentration. We've got the details on why and how that works down below.The distinction between perfume and toilette is explainedAccording to Samantha Taylor of The Powder Room, the main distinction between eau de toilette and perfume and an eau de toilette is the degree of perfume in each scent. Because of the higher concentration of oils in eau de parfum, it is a stronger perfume than eau de toilette."The sole distinction between an eau de parfum and an eau de toilette is the amount of juice or perfume concentrate blended with alcohol," Taylor adds. "There may be a very minor difference in the aroma, but that is only due to the fact that one has more or less 'juice' in alcohol; the actual [smell of the] 'juice' is the same."Can they both smell the same?Yes, in a way. Most scents, regardless of the product, are a combination of essential oils, absolutes, animal extracts, and synthetic fragrances.The kind of essential oil or chemical used (as well as the quantity) produces a varied outcome.Often, the fragrance composition, also known as the scent's makeup (the top, for example, lemon, orange, or peppermint; the middle/heart, such as cinnamon, tea tree, or rose; and the base/bottom, such as cedar, cedar, or cedar).Usually richer notes such as cedarwood, vanilla, or sandalwood), plays an important influence in determining how similar an EDP or EDT is to one another.

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Love Under Fire

In the heart of New York City, Mia Carter, a sharp and ambitious advertising executive, crosses paths with Jake Thompson, a rugged former Marine turned soulful guitarist. Sparks fly the moment they lock eyes in a smoky jazz club, setting the stage for a thrilling romance intertwined with danger and intrigue.Mia's high-profile advertising firm becomes the target of mysterious threats, prompting the arrival of Jake, hired to discreetly investigate the source. As they delve deeper, uncovering a web of corporate espionage and betrayal, their attraction grows stronger amidst the escalating peril.Their journey takes them from the glittering skyscrapers of New York to a secluded cabin, and even into the lion's den of an underground casino, where high-stakes poker games and narrow escapes become the norm. The tension peaks as they face off against a powerful crime syndicate, culminating in a deadly showdown in an abandoned warehouse.Amidst gunfire and chaos, Mia and Jake's bond is tested and solidified. Together, they dismantle the syndicate, bringing the mastermind to justice. In the aftermath, they find healing and hope, with Mia revitalizing her firm and Jake reconnecting with his passion for music."Love Under Fire" is a gripping tale of romance, action, and drama, where love blooms amidst the flames of danger and resilience is forged in the heat of battle. This novel weaves a story of two unlikely allies who, against all odds, find love and strength in each other while navigating the treacherous waters of deceit and betrayal.

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Whispers of Midnight Love

In the hushed corridors of affection and shadows, "Whispers of Midnight Love" narrates the haunting tale of Jarish and Venus, two souls entwined in a love so profound that it survives even the darkest of deeds. Their romantic escapade, seemingly perfect and idyllic, takes a harrowing turn when the specter of jealousy casts a sinister shadow over their world.Jarish, a passionate young man, falls deeply in love with Venus, an introverted girl whose heart resonates with the quiet melodies of their shared affection. Their love story unfolds like a dream until the day jealousy takes root in their hearts, leading them down a treacherous path of crime that neither could have foreseen.Driven by paranoia and fear of losing Venus, Jarish commits a heinous act, taking the life of Venus' closest confidante, blinded by the notion that her girl best friend poses a threat to their love. Simultaneously, Venus, unaware of Jarish's transgression, becomes entangled in her own web of deceit as she confronts the perceived threat of Jarish's mysterious "cousin" - his secret mistress.As the truth unfolds, both Jarish and Venus find themselves complicit in crimes that threaten to shatter the very foundations of their love. Instead of tearing them apart, the crimes draw them closer, their passion and connection transcending the boundaries of morality. Venus attends the burial of Jarish's mistress, feigning ignorance, while Jarish remains blissfully unaware of Venus' dark secret."Whispers of Midnight Love" explores the depths of unconditional love, revealing the resilience of the human heart even in the face of betrayal, murder, and the haunting echoes of jealousy. Can love truly conquer all, or will the crimes they've committed eventually unravel the delicate threads that bind them together? Dive into this chilling and captivating narrative that challenges the boundaries of romance, trust, and the unforeseen consequences of love in the shadows.

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Capitolul 1. Era o zi de Duminica 01.01.2001 (atunci m-am nascut eu ,Maia ma chema).Eu am o malformatie din partea tatălui,așa e par un copil normal, de doar 14 ani...Tata este jumate om și jumate am partea de demon afara iar partea de om inauntru(stiu foarte ciudat) dar nu ma deranjeaza cu nmc.La scoala toată lumea ma oprește și ma întreabă ce fac, eu le răspund cu vocea mea aspra și mare "FAC BN. MULTUMESC"Ajunsă acasă întreb de tata astfel "UNDE ESTE TATA?" Mama îmi Răspunde dulce așa:"Draga mea tatăl tau a murit (din păcate) spânzurat in casa de vizavi ,se spune ca sufletul lui de demon este rămas in supsolul casei bântuite.El a trollat regele TRIGHTONtHEkILLERdEMON....!!!!Mama mi-a zis ca dacă voi intra.....Indreb eu "MAMA ,DE CE TE-AI INTRERUPT?"Mama mea zise:"DRAGA(uimita😨), mi-am pierdut memoria!!!"Eu trista și sindindu-ma neinsigueanta...Capitolul 2.Deodată am auzit un zgomot din acea casa de vizavi.M-am gândit sa îmi iau o lanterna și sa ma duc sa explorez acea casa.Mama nu era acasă deci am avut o jansa sa explorez acea casa!!!!!!😈Ajunsă iar am auzit acel zgomot ,hmmmm...era unul de pași.Mi-am dat seama ca acea casa este TOTAL bântuită!Am încercat sa intru intr-o camere dar ghici era un cimitir cu păianjeni 🕷🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕷🕷🕷 și mult sange🍷,M-am apropriat de un mormant...Scria " *Aici odihnește ELEDEMON,a murit deoarece a fost omorâte de unul dintre sotii ei {#182} A MURIT IN ANUL 52.8.1* "Eu zic -WOW,DIAN ANUL 1!!!!!!!WOW CE VECHI!!!!!⚰️⚰️Eu ma duc sa explorez casa ,când ajung lângă supsol aud o voce strigând "Maia...Maia...MAIA...vino josnz."Eu zic :-CINE E ,ȘI CE VREI DE LA MN?..-Nu-ți face griji ,coboară la subsol....🗡-BINEE.....Ma duc la subsol și fad prin scândurile ușilor se vedeau niște ochi roși și mari(ca ai mei😱)Eu întreb: "CINE SUNTEȚI!????"-Sunt tatal tău-Nu se poate

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Life With Bad Memories (Lt)

~~~Prieš metus~~~Grįžau iš mokyklos, niūniuodama mėgstamiausios dainos melodiją.-Mama, tėti, Lukai, grįžau!-šūktelėjau.Niekas neatsakė.-Mama! Tėti!-šaukiau ir lipau laiptais aukštyn.-Lukai!Pravėrusi kambario duris užsidengiau burną ir garsiai sukukčiojau. Mano šeima buvo kaip... lėlės...~~~~Praeitą naktį~~~~Visą naktį jaučiau šnopavimą į kaklą. Atsimerkiau. Prieš mane sėdėjo trys šešėliai su "madingais" drabužiais, ir sagomis vietoj akių.-Mama? Tėti? Lukai?-tyliai pralemenau.Nieko. Pakartojau tą patį sakinį.Išgirdau spiegimą ir klyksmą. Su pagalve stūmiau orą į šešėlius, ir jie dingo, tačiau klyksmas vis stiprėjo. Susigūžiau į kamuoliuką ir svyravau pirmyn, atgal. Staiga pro duris įsiveržė tie patys šešėliai. Neišlaikiau, ir pradėjau cypti. Tada nubėgau į vonią ir užsirakinau. Vonioje praleidau likusią naktį. Išgirdau žadintuvą, ir išėjusi iš vonios, pamačiau, kad viskas kaip buvę. Greitai pasiėmiau lagaminą, ir susikroviau visus savo rūbus. Pasiėmiau kitą tašę ir susikroviau kosmetiką. Pasiėmiau kompiuterį ir greitai išlėkiau į lauką. Užrakinau duris.~~~~~~Ramiai ėjau gatve, ir žiūrėjau į parduotuvių vitrinas. Maistas, rūbai, papuošalai... nieko nuostabaus, tik bjaurūs pinigų švaistymo būdai.Nebejaučiu kojų. Vaikštau jau 3val. ir ieškau kokio nors viešbučio.-Sophia!-išgirdau kažką šaukiant.Apsisukau.-Louis!-suklykiau.Numečiau lagaminus ir juokdamasi puoliau vaikinui į glėbį.-Ką tu čia veiki?-paklausė.-Ieškau viešbučio. Neturiu kur gyventi,-nukabinau nosį.-Žinau gerą viešbutį. Kaip tik esu ten apsistojęs,-šyptelėjo.-Važiuojam?Linktelėjau. Louis paėmė mano lagaminus ir įdėjo į bagažinę.----

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Liverpool vs Man City Preview

Date- 3rd October, 2021Time- 9 pm ISTVenue- Anfield StadiumPreview-The match that every football lover was waiting for awaiting, is set to take place on this blockbuster Sunday night. The two of the greatest English footballing sides will battle it out for the bragging rights in English Premier League. Both the sides have asserted their dominance in recent years. The winner of this callosal fixture will have the chance of snatching the top spot from Chelsea, after their standout performance against Southampton; just before the international break.Team News-Liverpool: The biggest blow for Liverpool, would to be the absence of Trent Alexander Arnold. Neco Williams are back to full fitness and are in contention for a place in the starting line-up. Thiago Alcantara will remain side lined due to a minor calf injury. Harvey Elliot will remain unavailable for a long time, as he recently underwent an ankle surgery. Man City: Ilkay Gundogan and Alexander Zinchenko are set to miss the tie against Liverpool. Pep reported no other injury concerns, other than the exertions felt by the players after their midweek Champions League game.Head to Head:Matches Played- 48Man City- 11 WinsLiverpool- 20 WinsDraws- 17Key Players- Kevin De Bruyne: He is the most decorated midfielder, the premier league has ever seen. His creative ability can cause a lot of trouble to the Liverpool backline, which conceded 3 goals against Brentford, last week. Mo Salah: The Egyptian winger is in the form of his life. He scored his 100th Premier League goal against Brentford and will be hungry for more as he faces fierce rivals Man City.Probable Xi-Liverpool: Alisson, Matip, Van Dijk, Robertson, Milner, Henderson, Fabinho, Jones, Salah, Mane, Jota.Man City: Ederson, Dias, Laporte, Walker, Cancelo, De Bruyne, Rodri, Foden, Grealish, Sterling, Jesus.

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Just my favorite lyrics

4.8K 105 23
Le Book of Le Stoof

Basically a random book :P*temporary cover*

2.9K 200 725
Secrets from a Church Basement: The Desperate Diary of Fresco Ayers

God won't save your life. But this book might. So says Fresco Ayers, a scientist struggling to save his daughter while protecting the rest of us from unfathomable perils that he helped introduce.

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WellDuct Professional Air Duct Cleaning

403 King George Rd, suite 8Basking Ridge, NJ 07920(908) 340-0804 - Fri 9am - 6pm Sat - 9am - 3pmCash, checkWellDuct Professional Air Duct Cleaning has been working hard to provide the best customer service to the residents of New Jersey regarding all types of residential and commercial HVAC system cleaning. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning restoration is our specialty, and we always offer timely assistance in a friendly and courteous manner. Our Goal is to educate our customers. Friendly service and professional technicians lead our company to high level customer satisfaction. The biggest part of any system is the main line (supply and return) main lines contain most of dust and debris. That is the most important part to clean, however some "blow and go" air duct cleaning companies simply do not have proper equipment to perform it right. WellDuct technicians use only HEPA certified negative air machines for indoor use and gasoline powered truck mounted machines for outdoor use. In average they perform over 4000 cubic feet per minute suction which in combination of use compressed air operated brushes allows us to provide the best possible result. Standard way of cleaning air ducts is not our standard way. Air Duct Cleaning, Dryer Vent Cleaning, HVAC installation, Dryer vent installation, Dryer vent repair, Commercial Air Duct Cleaning, Commercial Duct Cleaning, Vent cleaning, Duct Cleaning, Dryer Vent Exhaust Cleaning, Chimney Cleaning, HVAC Air Duct Cleaning, Air Duct System Sealing, Air Handler Blower Fan Cleaning, Minor Air Duct Installation, Bathroom Fan Cleaning, Air Duct Sanitizing, Air Duct Deodorizer, Basking Ridge, NJ.

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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖉 𝖌𝖚𝖞-𝖕𝖏𝖒

You're a student at a Korean Highschool ,Seoul. to earn more pocket money you work at a cafe near your home and you're the only child of your parents. your dad owes a lot to a rich mafia chief.One day,, you were kidnapped by a man your father owed....Want to what happened next?! Stay tuned !! And I'm sorry if there is a grammar mistakes! Hope you'll enjoy it!🍑❤️ borahae~!💜* WARNING :THE FOLLOWING STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE WHICH MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME READERS AND/ OR INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN. DISTURBING CONTENT! READERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED❗️‼️🔞 THIS STORY CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR MINORS ‼️⁉️🔞📛⛔️🔥🔥*

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Between the Divine and the scheme. A study, a guide, and the life of...

This book is a sort of philosophical and psychological study on the causes of the disease. The book consists of two parts - the first part is a collection of considerations on the borderline of psychology and philosophy, enriched with the experience of a person struggling with the symptoms of his disorders on a daily basis. The author attempts to answer the question about the causes and nature of the disease. He presents an approach similar to psychoanalysis, and its concepts, such as id, ego, superego and sexual libido, are presented through the prism of one's own experiences as a sick person and further through the filter of one's own reflection. The author enters into a polemic with the point of view of personal psychology on some issues and presents his own arguments. Explains the meaning of the Freudian triad in the light of the concepts of philosophy and religion. In his approach, he combines inspiration from esoteric yoga, energy channels of nadi, oriental and Indian psychology with the thought of Schopenhauer, Seligman, Leub...The second part of the book is less scientific... An additional thread is the parapsychological habit (some stories are in the stylistics of parapsychological sensation, here and there a tone of humor and irony breaks through), seen through the eyes of a sober, not a sick person, enriched with the experience of an occultist and mystic. In this spirit, the author describes the circumstances of the Smolensk tragedy and the almost "accidental" and symbolic encounter with President Lech Kaczyński in the memorable April 2010. A journey through memory is also a journey through the world, because the described events take place both in Warsaw, most often in the Old Mokotów district in its housing estate, and in Wareham, Bournemouth, Saranda, Podgorica, Amsterdam, and Eindhoven. With his memories, the author also travels to an interesting corner of Greece. I

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QFTS 53 | The truths are behind the LIES

I apologize for the bad pun, but here we go with book 54 XD

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