Search: benfrid
50 stories

Frida, a young ambitious woman loves performing on stage. One day during a gig, there's that guy with the angeleyes watching her and suddenly Frida's whole world's upside down. She can't get him out of her mind but she lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere and can't expect seeing him once again...

21.6K 36 758 Full
The Way You Do.

A BennyFrid love story, the sequel of "Andante, Andante".

14.4K 27 699 Full
Andante, Andante.

Benny Andersson and Frida Lyngstad have lived together for nine years, each with two children from their first marriages. They love each other, have a lot of fun and are the AB of the biggest band ever, ABBA. Will they be able to overcome everything life puts them on the road?Welcome to their world.

47K 58 1.8K Full
One Man, One Woman

Frida is like the happiest human on earth: Benny, the guy she dreamed of since she had seen him for the first time, loved her! Everything could be so perfect wouldn't there be the long distance between Eskilstuna and Stockholm and heaps of (female) fans chasing after her boyfriend...Attention! This story is a sequel! The first book, called Angeleyes, can be found on my profile!

12K 27 482
No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

En el escenario actual del mundo, Douma y Shinobu, dos corazones unidos, sufriran una desgarradora separación y deben de mantener viva la fuerza del amor, enfrentan la desafiante realidad de una relación a distancia. Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes de secundaria, comienzan su historia cuando las circunstancias los separan físicamente, pero su conexión emocional sigue brillando en la oscuridad de la distancia.Douma y Shinobu enfrentan un nuevo tipo de batalla: la prueba de mantener viva su relación a través de fronteras y husos horarios. A través de videollamadas, mensajes de texto y notas escritas a mano, cultivan su amor a través de la pantalla de sus dispositivos, compartiendo risas, sueños y secretos que mantienen viva la llama de su conexión.Sin embargo, la distancia también trae consigo desafíos. La ausencia física se convierte en una lucha constante contra la soledad y los celos. Douma y Shinobu deben aprender a confiar el uno en el otro mientras enfrentan las tentaciones y distracciones del mundo que los rodea. A través de las noches en vela y los días de espera, su amor se fortalece, revelando la resiliencia de dos almas destinadas.A medida que enfrentan la realidad de su situación, Douma y Shinobu se embarcan en una travesía de creatividad para acercar sus mundos. Desde cartas escritas con tinta virtual hasta sorpresas enviadas por correo, encuentran maneras de construir puentes entre sus corazones, superando las barreras físicas que intentan separarlos."No Importa Donde Estés, Te Enocontrare" es una historia de amor contemporánea que celebra la fuerza de la conexión emocional en medio de la distancia. En un mundo globalizado, Douma y Shinobu demuestran que, incluso cuando los kilómetros los separan, el amor verdadero puede superar cualquier distancia.

485 20 28 Full
Glass: After the Storm

[COMPLETE] Due to recently having my work stolen by another user, I now unfortunately have to include this disclaimer: These works are marked 'all rights reserved'. I do not give anyone permission to repost or redistribute these works on their own platform or anywhere else. If you wish to translate these works then please ask me first. Anyone who steals this story will be reported for copyright infringement. •• Sequel to 'Glass - A Sherlock Fanfiction'. Sherlock knew now why they called Eurus the 'East Wind'. She was a tempest - a violent storm - and she almost took everything from him. The dust has settled after Eurus' twisted game. 221B has been rebuilt from rubble, Margaux is alive, and Sherlock Holmes is absolutely, unequivocally in love with her. They say there is always calm before a storm, but what comes after?• cover art by Shezzaspeare

55.4K 20 2.1K Full
Comfy Closets

To everyone, Alyssa Woods is known as the friendly, pretty, and tenacious captain of the soccer team. But to her, she's shy, self-conscious, and helplessly gay. Well, a helplessly closeted gay.There are reasons that stop her from coming out, ones she repeats to herself daily, one of her favourites being 'I'm not ready.' The crush she has on Leah Bennett isn't going anywhere at this rate, but she's comfortable where she is; not out, not rejected. She isn't new to heartbreak though, her past scars a constant reminder of the fears that dissuade her from taking the leap. And these very fears are what shoves her further into the closet with each memory and each thought. Taking the risk is the last thing on her mind. But what's life without a little risk? After all, you have to risk rejection to be accepted, or else you just might risk not living life at all.{COMPLETED}

1.1M 55 38.3K Full
Glass - A Sherlock Fan Fiction

[COMPLETE]Due to recently having my work stolen by another user, I now unfortunately have to include this disclaimer: These works are marked 'all rights reserved'. I do not give anyone permission to repost or redistribute these works on their own platform or anywhere else. If you wish to translate these works then please ask me first. Anyone who steals this story will be reported for copyright infringement. ••• Part 1 of the Glass series• Part of Wattpad's official fanfic reading list.• Cover art by ShezzaspeareA mystery brings Sherlock Holmes and Margaux Cave together in a way they never thought possible. When he dies, she is destroyed. But when he returns from the grave, Sherlock is confronted with something he never expected. "Do you know what I think?" she said."Of course, I know what everyone thinks," Sherlock countered."I think you've gone your entire life feeling nothing. I think feeling nothing has made you the brilliant mind that you are today. I think you felt nothing for so long that you assumed it was because you couldn't feel. But you can. You just don't want to. And I think you hate the fact that I make you feel something."

270.2K 51 10.7K Full
Worst Impressions

A 'Pride and Prejudice' Remix.Beth Bennett, a poor girl in a fancy boarding school, faces class prejudice and romance when the school goes co-ed and she meets arrogant Will Darcy.[THIS STORY IS COMPLETE] **********Elisabeth 'Beth' Bennett wasn't born in the same circle as the other girls at Netherfield Academy, but her mother's advantageous third marriage has allowed her to enjoy their world. Now she's at the end of her education and is looking forward to what lies beyond.That is, if she can make it to the end of the term in one piece.In a bid to bring in more students, the academy is going co-ed, and has brought in the boys early to test the waters. Among them are Charlie Bingley, a cheerful boy with a soft spot for Beth's best friend, Jenny. His companion William Darcy isn't at all pleased with the situation, or with Beth for that matter.While Beth tries to avoid interacting with the boys wherever possible, it seems fate is determined to throw them together.An adaptation of Jane Austen's classic, 'Pride and Prejudice'.[Note: 'Pride and Prejudice' and the complete works of Jane Austen are in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and can be adapted and interpreted without infringement on copyright. See also; 'Mr. Darcy, Vampire', 'Lost in Austen', 'Clueless', 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies', 'Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters', 'Bridget Jones' Diary', etc.]

407.6K 104 30.9K Full
No Descansare Hasta Que Me Ames

En el vasto mundo de "Demon Slayer", Douma, la enigmática segunda luna creciente, se ve envuelto en un torbellino de emociones al descubrir que su corazón late con fuerza por Shinobu, la hábil Pilar Insecto. Determinado a ganarse su amor, Douma inicia una travesía única y desafiante. Douma, conocido por su calma y frialdad, se embarca en misiones que van más allá de la caza de demonios. Buscando redimir su propia oscuridad, se sumerge en el arte de la persuasión, la delicadeza y la comprensión de las mariposas, que Shinobu tanto ama. Cada acción, cada gesto, está impregnado de su anhelo silencioso por capturar el corazón de la Pilar Insecto. En su búsqueda, Douma debe enfrentarse no solo a los desafíos de la guerra contra los demonios, sino también a la complejidad de las relaciones humanas. La lucha por el amor de Shinobu se convierte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento, donde Douma aprende a equilibrar su naturaleza lunar y su deseo ardiente de conexión. Mientras tanto, Shinobu, ajena a los verdaderos sentimientos de Douma, continúa luchando contra los demonios y enfrentándose a sus propios demonios internos. A medida que la relación entre ellos se profundiza, se desatan fuerzas que van más allá de la comprensión de los Pilares, amenazando con cambiar el equilibrio del mundo que conocen. "No Descansare Hasta Que Me Ames" es una odisea romántica y llena de acción donde un Pilar busca desesperadamente conquistar el corazón de otro en medio de la guerra, los secretos y la magia única que envuelve el mundo de "Demon Slayer".

788 26 46 Full
An Olive Green Sweater

Every single person, at least once in their school life would have had this strong feeling of love for a person who is more appropriately known to you and your friends as your "CRUSH", right?So like you have already guessed, this story is a school romance about a girl Jessica Heart, a normal impulsive teen from St. Watson's High who has intense feelings for a special someone in her school and she feels that he is the one she is looking for and when she shows those feelings, what is it going to be-Her life gets set or her life turned upside down?

2.6K 28 219 Full
Dirty Deeds

In the tumultuous landscape of early 2000s high school, Kit Dodger, more commonly known as Dodger, navigates the corridors as a junior on the fringes of social acceptance. Behind her nondescript facade lies a clandestine operation: she runs a covert revenge service, enlisting fellow students to execute the gritty tasks too daunting for others-think awkward breakups, clandestine cleanup after wild house parties, and other unsavoury deeds.But Dodger's world tilts when compromising photos of class president Zoe Cates circulate through the student body. Immediately, she pinpoints the culprit: Nick Butler, star quarterback and ringleader of the untouchable "Benjamins," the school's elite clique. Despite her seething disdain for the popular crowd, including her estranged former BFF Riley Kramer, Dodger begrudgingly allies with Riley. Together, along with a motley crew of misfits, they hatch a daring scheme to dismantle the entrenched power dynamics of the football team and challenge the systemic mistreatment endured by girls across all social strata.Dodger and her unlikely band of allies defy the status quo, risking everything to confront the injustices that lurk beneath the veneer of high school hierarchy. As alliances are forged and betrayals loom, Dodger must navigate treacherous waters where the lines between friend and foe blur, all while confronting her own demons and the ghosts of her past. Winner Brumous Awards Best Blurb.All rights reserved 2024. This work is not to be used for the purposes of training AI.

132 8 23
El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto

En el cautivador mundo de los Pilares y los Demonios, "El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto" narra la inusual conexión entre Shinobu, la Pilar Insecto, y Douma, el Pilar del Hielo, cuyas vidas se entrelazan de maneras sorprendentes y desafiantes.Shinobu, conocida por su destreza con las técnicas de veneno y su valentía como Pilar Insecto, se encuentra con Douma, un enigmático y poderoso Pilar del Hielo. A medida que las amenazas demoníacas se intensifican, una extraña complicidad se forma entre ellos, rompiendo las barreras impuestas por sus roles como Pilares.Douma, generalmente frío y distante, se ve intrigado por la ingeniosidad y la determinación de Shinobu. Por otro lado, Shinobu, que ha dedicado su vida a la caza de demonios, comienza a ver en Douma algo más que un compañero. A medida que colaboran para enfrentar desafíos que ponen a prueba la fuerza de los Pilares, una relación compleja y llena de tensiones se desarrolla."El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto" explora las dinámicas únicas de la Hermandad de los Pilares, cuestionando las lealtades establecidas y desafiando las expectativas. La historia se sumerge en la dualidad de sus roles, mientras Shinobu y Douma deben equilibrar sus responsabilidades como Pilares con la creciente conexión que amenaza con romper las reglas impuestas por la organización de cazadores de demonios.A medida que la línea entre aliados y enemigos se vuelve borrosa, "El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto" se convierte en una narrativa épica que explora la fuerza de los lazos humanos incluso en medio de la oscuridad y la guerra, llevando a Shinobu y Douma a tomar decisiones que cambiarán el destino de los Pilares y del mundo de los cazadores de demonios.

289 15 18 Full
whisper of the heart (BBANGSAZ boy ver)

In the shadowy corridors of a dystopian metropolis, two sworn enemies find themselves entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. he is a fearless rebel fighting against an oppressive regime, fueled by her passion for justice. He is a ruthless enforcer, loyal to the very system she seeks to dismantle. But when circumstances force them to work together, they discover a forbidden attraction simmering beneath their animosity. As they navigate treacherous alliances and betrayals, they must confront their prejudices and desires, risking everything for a love that defies the boundaries of their divided world. Will they succumb to the chaos around them or forge a path to redemption together?

148 14 1
Belamour | Jake

❝𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞?❞They say love is the closest thing to magic, and Bella was indeed a believer. Being in love with her childhood best friend, Jake, for years made her feel all those sorts of emotions. Writing romance and fantasy was something that benefited her from it along with the many cons of her feelings being one-sided. Jake, who she once knew the best, changed in the high school, a nerd became a playboy. Clueless Bella didn't know who to blame. All of this happened after their close friend, Sunghoon leaves for mysterious reasons. For Jake, Bella was everything he had or not? What was the real reason behind it all? Will Jake ever realise Bella's worth or will he continue to flirt with every other girl? What if a third person takes her away? ❝𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫.❞[𝙻𝚘𝚠𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚊 𝙹𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔]Started publishing:- 9th September 2021. Started writing:- xx December 2020.Belamour (n.) :- beloved person. [Kim Bellamy- the female lead is an original fictional character and has nothing to do with real world]Highest ranking#1 in Jake among 17.2k+ stories (12/12/21)

49.3K 55 2.3K

In the face of heartbreak and humiliation, Cheryl Marie Garcia refuses to be a victim. Determined to turn the tables on her cheating ex-boyfriend and backstabbing best friend, she embarks on a thrilling journey of revenge and self-discovery.Cheryl's plan hinges on enlisting the help of Gerald James Cox, the school's notorious bad boy. With his popularity and wealth, Gerald possesses the influence and resources Cheryl needs to execute her revenge. But as a commoner and a self-proclaimed nerd, Cheryl must find a way to break through the social barriers that separate them.As Cheryl dives deeper into her mission, she uncovers hidden truths and dark secrets that shake the very foundation of her world. The glamorous facade of the rich and elite begins to crumble, revealing the flaws and vulnerabilities that lie beneath. Along the way, Cheryl discovers unexpected allies and unlikely friendships, challenging her preconceived notions about social status and true friendship.Cheryl's transformation from a meek victim to a cunning mastermind becomes evident. She harnesses her intelligence, resilience, and newfound confidence to outmaneuver her enemies and exact her revenge. But as Cheryl gets closer to achieving her goal, she must confront the question of whether revenge is truly the answer or if there's a path to healing and forgiveness."My Sweet Revenge" is a gripping tale of betrayal, empowerment, and redemption. Through Cheryl's journey, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, rooting for her as she navigates the treacherous waters of high school politics and comes into her own. With each episode, the stakes rise higher, leading to a climactic showdown that will leave readers on the edge of their seats.

439.2K 91 18.5K Full
La Demonio Insecto y El Pilar Del Hielo

En el místico universo de "Demon Slayer", las leyes cósmicas dan un giro sorprendente cuando Shinobu, la segunda luna creciente, y Douma, el Pilar del Hielo, se ven envueltos en un romance que desafía la naturaleza misma de su existencia.Shinobu, ahora una entidad celestial que controla las mareas y los sueños, se cruza con Douma, un poderoso cazador de demonios con la capacidad de manipular el hielo a su voluntad. A medida que los mundos de los demonios y los cazadores de demonios colisionan, la conexión entre Shinobu y Douma se intensifica, desafiando las expectativas y creando una danza de poder y pasión en medio de la guerra.Douma, conocido por su frialdad y dominio del hielo, encuentra su corazón descongelándose ante la gracia y la luminosidad de Shinobu. Por otro lado, Shinobu, aunque imbuida con el poder de la luna, se ve atraída por la oscura complejidad y la fuerza silenciosa de Douma. Mientras luchan juntos contra los demonios y se enfrentan a las tensiones de sus propias identidades, ambos se ven envueltos en una narrativa épica de amor y sacrificio."La Demonio Insecto y El Pilar Del Hielo" es una historia que explora los límites del amor entre dos seres de mundos opuestos, cuyos destinos están entrelazados en un equilibrio frágil entre la luz y la oscuridad. A medida que los secretos se revelan y las batallas alcanzan su punto álgido, Shinobu y Douma se ven obligados a tomar decisiones que no solo cambiarán sus vidas, sino que también podrían alterar el curso de la historia de los cazadores de demonios para siempre.

298 16 37 Full

Patrícia desencarnou aos dezenove anos. Recorda que despertou tranquilamente no plano espiritual, sentindo-se entre amigos. Feliz com a acolhida, adaptou-se à nova vida auxiliada por espíritos benfeitores que a receberam na Colônia São Sebastião. Ela explica o que é a desencarnação e as belezas do mundo espiritual, onde não faltam trabalho, estudo e diversão. No início, estava cheia de dúvidas. Do que se alimentaria? O que vestiria? Sentiria as mesmas necessidades? Enfrentaria o calor, o frio? Aos poucos, tudo se esclareceu ao conviver com outros jovens desencarnados. Mostra-nos o outro lado da vida, como se deve proceder diante da morte de um ente querido e o que fazer para superar a separação e confortar aquele que partiu. De um jeito que nos encanta, exemplifica as lições aprendidas, relembrando a inesquecível ajuda que recebeu de familiares espíritas.

110 5 2 Full
Evelyn Ross and the Prisoner of Azkaban [COMPLETED]

My Mum had left me a book she'd written before she died. I always thought it was some kind of novel, a story, to escape reality or something. It was a story about wizards and witches. I was wondering, if perhaps I'd been wrong to think it was fiction? I smiled at the thought. This was ridiculous.Evelyn Ross is a teenage orphan who accidentally finds out she's a witch. She attends Hogwarts in her third year, the same year as Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, and befriends Tracey Davis, a Slytherin girl. Due to her unbudging and strong personality, she sees no choice but to stand up to Pansy Parkinson and her gang.During her first year at Hogwarts Evelyn is determined to find out more about her past. Will she find out about her mother's true intentions and her connection to the Dark Lord himself? And what about her father? Who was he? Is he still alive?**Please note that this story is still to be edited, your feedback is highly appreciated**

5.3K 57 515 Full
An Unlikely Acquaintance

Poised to take control of the Meryton Barracks, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam anticipates exchanging a lonely Christmas for an even lonelier year, made worse by his cousin's sudden and surprising exodus from Hertfordshire. He could never dream that his new post would bring the possibility of new romance when he crosses paths with an equally lonely Jane Bennet.Saddened by her sister's apparent abandonment and determined to secure her happiness in some way, shape or form, when Elizabeth Bennet senses a spark of interest between Jane and the family's newest friend she sets herself the task of matchmaking - certain of success now that Mr Darcy is not present to undermine her efforts at every turn.Kept in London out of loyalty to his friends and his sister, Fitzwilliam Darcy is only too surprised to stumble across Mary Bennet and even more so by the immediate and fervent friendship that springs up between her and Georgiana. Through Mary he learns more about the people he left behind in Hertfordshire, and his only possible course of action soon becomes clear: to reunite Charles with Jane Bennet and confront his own feelings for another of the Bennet sisters.But Darcy hasn't counted on the influence of an old adversary, or that his own perceived interference - again! - in the lives of others might not be welcomed by one Elizabeth Bennet.

2.3K 33 171
Four Little Words | ONC2020

"The roses are dead,The violets are too,Don't mention romance,You'll make me spew."Francesca Burton knows all there is to know about love and romance. She knows that love is for the naïve and romance is for the delusional. Her parents taught her that. So, there is absolutely no chance that some (admittedly) good-looking, (vaguely) charming, (annoyingly) lopsided-grinning, golden boy is going to convince her otherwise.End of story. Except it isn't.Because they have to do a school project together.And the golden boy just said four little words that are going to change everything - irrevocably and forever..."I have an idea."

2.4K 21 359 Full
FruitCupWriter98's Oneshot Book x Male Reader

(Heavy Description Overhaul!)!Please Read!Hello, welcome to my oneshot book, if you find this in random tags that may be confusing to a certain fandom, then you've stumbled across my one-shot book! I made this since I get some idea's that seem to last good for one chapter, and can't be expanded that much into a full entire book, of course that doesn't mean there won't be part 2's if I feel like it! Now that you're here, please lay back, pick your favorite or which ever interests you, grab a drink or snack, and read away!Fandoms included in this book:- Fundamental Paper Education (Most Recent)- Friday Night Funkin- Sonic.exe / Sonic the hedgehog- Hypno's Lullaby- Five Night's at Freddys- Bendy and The Ink Machine- Among Us- Sunday Night Suicide (Suicide Mouse)- SCP- SMG4- Roblox (Piggy, and Doors to be specific)Hope you enjoy what I write!Also this book is a Male Reader book.

137.4K 38 1K
What the Tide Brings

[COMPLETED] She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She was ethereal and mystical and utterly impossible. Her mere existence challenged everything that he knew about the world. His mind screamed that she couldn't be real, yet here she was.When seventeen-year-old Liam Bainbridge sees something wrapped in a fishing net on a sandbar, his first thought is that some poor creature had been caught up by a fishing boat. Feeling the need to help, he jumps into action. It isn't until he releases it that he sees that everything isn't always as it appears. The fin doesn't belong to a dolphin or a seal, but a strangely beautiful girl and she's badly injured. Liam is soon pulled into an incredible mythical world he never imagined was real.

20K 54 1.2K Full
«La Sombra Inquietante

•Sinopsis: En un pequeño pueblo rodeado de densos bosques, los lugareños cuentan historias de una sombra misteriosa que acecha en la oscuridad. Un grupo de amigos decide investigar y descubren un antiguo secreto que despierta un mal ancestral. A medida que la sombra se vuelve más poderosa, los habitantes del pueblo se ven atrapados en una pesadilla de horror y desesperación. Los amigos deben enfrentar sus miedos más profundos y descubrir la verdad detrás de la sombra antes de que sea demasiado tarde.A medida que avanza la historia, los personajes se enfrentarán a situaciones aterradoras, enfrentando sus propios demonios internos y luchando por su supervivencia. Habrá giros inesperados, suspenso escalofriante y un clímax impactante que dejará a los lectores sin alientos .

3 9 0 Full
The Bikers

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks, his hazel eyes grazing over my tear streaked face illuminated by the moonlight. "I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life." "Carter, this is a big decision. Once you're in, you can never get back out."I wipe my face deliberately as he waits for my answer. No more pain, no more bullying. Maybe this is what I need. A new beginning. A chance to start over. "I want this, Nathan. I want in." I say. He takes me by the wrist and leads me over to his dark motorcycle. Putting his helmet on my head and strapping it under my chin, he stares into my large, brown eyes. "Everything's gonna be fine. I promise." He nods with reassurance as he tucks a curl behind my ear. Another tear escapes my eye and he quickly wipes it away. This is the most sincere Nathan has ever been with me and I feel nervous, but excited. He takes my hands and wraps them around his toned abs before we both sputter off into the moonlight. The applewood California breeze whips my face as we speed down the motorway. This is it. ••••••••••••••Carter Wyatt has just been moved to sunny Pasadena, California with her single dad. After her mother's passing and her older brother's death, things just weren't the same. Starting at a new school with new friends wasn't what she would worry most about. It would be The Bikers---a school gang that just won't stay out of her way. With a handsome and dangerous gang leader and a jealous blonde Biker always on her case, school becomes a tale of sacrifice and endurance, and maybe a little romance if she's lucky. When given the opportunity of a lifetime, will she give in and become a member of one of the most feared gangs in the west or will she stay true to herself and keep out of trouble?

130.7K 55 4K