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4,996 stories

¡Toda comunidad participa! Envianos tu chisme sobre alguien (anónimamente o no) y aquí se publicara.**NO BUSCAMOS INSULTAR, NO SE TOMEN NADA DE AQUÍ EN SERIO. ES SOLO DIVERSIÓN.** xoxo, Tylu Divaxa Oakley

1.9K 23 522
The Imagination Manifested

John's power had brought both wonder and danger into his life, but he knew that with great power came great responsibility. He made a vow to use his ability for good and never let his imagination get out of control again. From that day on, he was known as the Imagination Manifested, a hero for those in need.

84 50 0
The Graphic Workshop (CLOSED)

"Because we all judge a book by its cover."Want a cover for your book?Just drop a request. Read further to know more.

15.1K 100 2.3K
The Characters of Shujinkō!

Basically, this is a book about all of the characters I'm going to add to Shujinkō. Also to save the pictures from being in my camera roll all the time and keeping space.

4.6K 200 202