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596 stories
gossip boy

God is Love. I believe that LOVE is the greatest gift that God has given us. Love never fails. Love covers all sins. PERFECT LOVE (Jesus dies on the cross) drives out fear.Love is Patient, Love is kind, it does not envy, and it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude. Love is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, love does not keep records of wrongs, and love does not delight in evil. But rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always trust, always hope, always persevere. Persevere meaning: having good moralsThen what is soulmate? How do they know they are soul mate? The answer is from God. When God writes our love story, He is also writing our destiny. I believe that God is preparing me to be a good wife and mother. God is molding me into the wife that my husband needs. I believe that I'm in the process of healing from the past. My aunt once told me, that God has a blueprint for each of us. So we need to believe in His plans for our lives. We need to trust that He is an awesome God that wants us to live life to the fullest.I would like to say thank you to my beloved parents and big sister who have been there through thick and thin and my friend who have truly inspired me in writing this script.People have different principles, opinions, thoughts, and routines. True, but we need to realize that we needed each other. We know that in reality we could not live as an individual. Today I learn something new from my friend. I think I am very blessed. In a way I could never express. I guess it is as gratitude.

10 1 0

I am a hero. We are not superheros, there is no super in our name, but we do save people. My name is Micah. My partners are Liam and Damon. Our mission is safe a girl our age from Richard, our enemy ever since we received our title as heros. He is planning something. We don't know what yet but it involves our mission saving the girl. From an abandoned building to their headquarters to running and fighting- this girl with no family and in danger must be important. What I don't know is this girl will turn out important to me and a part of us. ***I'm Kira. The girl who got kidnapped. They've done horrible stuff to me. I don't know why but they did. Scared to death I'm glad to have the guys. Especially one guy who sends weird emotions through me. Am I special? What do they want with me? What will happen to me? I don't know. A tough girl like me is breaking down in front of him; in front of Micah. Being one of the guys seems great. Terrified big excited full of emotion and adventure- I don't know how I will turn out. **** I'm Liam. Joking around and cracking jokes isn't just me. I have awesome ninja like skills, part of the heros association and really me and my buddies are the only heros. We are saving this girl and let's just say hot isn't the only word. Full of adventure, action, and danger follow me and the guys, and one girl, as we battle our way to stop Richard. Kira btw is rude! **** I'm Damon. Chill, collected, one of the guys. Let's just say it won't stay like that for long. My journey is different. ****Lastly I'm Richard. I have plans and you may be part of it. Kira will be my experiment again and help with my plan. The heros will fall as they go on their roller coaster just like I'll do to your emotions, thoughts, and everything. They may be heros but there is no super in their name.

7 3 0
Emmaline's Updates/Ask Journal

Hello guys so this is going to be two things an Ask Journal and and Updates journal. So if you feel like you want to know something about me you can ask in the comments,also if your wondering why a book or chapter or whatever isn't done yet I would come and check hear. So thanks and like always!Stay awesome my Mutants/Killers whatever you are

564 44 85
Make new Friends by Using Free Chatting Website

We all need companionship and friends. As we know the life is too hectic and busy nowadays everyone wants friends to share their life experience & thoughts. There is not so much time to meet physically to your friends' every day so the free chatting website plays a vital role in your life. is reliable free online chatting website. Life is too short to live and feel tragic & alone, and along these lines, we as a whole should appreciate each snapshot of it. When you are sitting in your room, exhausted and pitiful, web-based talking through a free web visit site can in all likelihood be the best answer for resting easy. Nowadays, webcam chatting & free Video chat online are in the trends and popular method for meeting new individuals and interact with family members. Actually, because of free web visit site, people are winding up more socially dynamic. Additionally, web availability is currently found in relatively every edge of the world. A substantial number of individuals have begun utilizing choices; for example, free video calling, webcam talking and free cam talking. Maybe this is the reason the quantity of online chatting sites is expanding by the day. The different points of interest of free online video chat: It goes about as an escape from your standard life You get an opportunity to meet new individuals It ends up being an incredible pressure buster You can meet some person who can turn into your unique one You can impart your insight and musings to other individuals The two men and ladies are individuals from these sites and appreciate recreation time in knowing each other. Online video talking offers one of the most straightforward alternatives to meet some individual, who can end up being an awesome companion or even your life accomplice. So what are you waiting for if you want to enjoy free Video chat online just register: & enjoy online chatting with people of same interest.

5 1 0
My Random Life

'Ello efuryone! It is I, the Knight of Heart, is here to show mew all randomness of fandom's by combining it with my life!

5.1K 156 98
The Hamiltrash Arena

The Hamiltrash Arena is the place for all die-hard Hamilton fans to look at amazing fan art and comment! For me, it's a great place to a) talk about my many obsessions (Hamilton, Gravity Falls, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Once Upon a Time, Disney, and many others) and fangirl over stuff about them - but this is called Hamiltrash because 99% of it will be related to Hamilton unless I really need to say something about my other issues, b) find some cool fan art and share it with you guys, and c) have lots of fun on this website and make some new friends! Okay, that was really corny. Sorry. But anyway, I hope you enjoy!*NOTE: All the art that I feature in here might not have an owner that I see in it, but I'll try my best to give credit! Otherwise, all of the work belongs to their respective owners, unless, of course, I decide to draw something! I probably won't though. I'm not that great of an artist. OTHER NOTE: The creator of this cover was not me. I'm not good with that stuff. Like, at all. I found it on Tumblr, but I'm having trouble figuring out who made it. It was either hullclean or it was angeldummottschunard. Whoever you were, you did a great job! Thanks :)*

1.4K 63 88
Just Random

**THIS IS NOT A FICTIONAL STORY. THESE ARE JUST RANDOM (lol the irony) STUFF I THINK ABOUT!** WARNING: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK SKIP TO THE NEXT CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE READING MY ENDLESS BORING AND USELESS DESCRIPTION Hello wonderful reader, here we meet for the first time. Ok let's go straight to the business shall we? So here it goes: I'm bored. Like super-duper-cooper-looper bored. So I'm just going to write stuff. This is just dumb stuff I write without thinking so they will be pretty stupid. I'm sorry if you hate it but, like I said: it's dumb. But who knows? Maybe you will relate to that stuff. I'll just share stupid thoughts or moments of my life and you can comment letting me know if something like that happened to you too :) Then we won't be alone facing all this weird stuff the world has stored for us ^_^ Or maybe you'll just laugh at my embarrassing moments but HEY I GET IT IT'S FINEEEEE Wow, I should really consider about writing in caps. It looks like I'm drunk. You know what? I'm not going to delete it. I want you to see it too. Go ahead, imagine a drunk girl grabbing your arm and saying that while drooling ^^. Sorry I told you I was weird. Wait, did I? No I didn't. Well, the more you know xD One last thing!!! Do you like the cover? I chose that pic 'cuz it's just so kawaii :3 But yeah sorry for this long description thingy! By the way since this is super random, there are no update schedules so... yeah.

690 37 10
Messy buns and yoga pants

Meet Charlotte, a girl who's utterly sweet. Charlotte is the team captain of every sport in her high school. She looks awesome in messy buns and yoga pants. But one thing she's never had a boyfriend, she's friends with plenty of boys but she doesn't like them like that. Charlotte has golden honey blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, quite cliche isn't it?She doesn't feel like she truly belongs with humans, sometimes she just wants to be something else. A werewolf, a mermaid, a vampire, she doesn't care as long as she's not human. Charlotte wants her freedom, she doesn't want to be who she is. And Bree is the only one who understands. Charlotte has always felt different, like she wasn't human. She was the fastest runner in the state, the strongest in her school, and the least tallest, at only about 5'4. They're both seniors who are nearing the end of the year. Bree is Charlottes best friend, she rocks messy buns and yoga pants almost as well as Charlotte does. Bree understands how charlotte feels, because she feels the same way. Bree is the it girl of school, she wears designer clothes. Except for when she trains with Charlotte, and when she gets to be co captain of the volleyball team. Charlotte and Bree rule the school with hearts of gold and often decide to switch tables to meet other people. Bree has had one boy friend, who was really nice but pretty damn clingy. Oh and Charlotte and Bree are birthday twins. Oddly enough they were both born on May 3rd, Bree at 7:40, and Charlotte at 7:39. Bree always questions it, but Charlotte was just too happy to notice. Bree ranks slowly behind Charlotte in strength, speed, and height. Bree is about 5'4, but she's got the attitude of 6'1. Bree has black hair and crystal blue eyes. They both have very pale skin.____________**************____________ I'm outta space so characters are introduced in chapter 1. Ps this is probably not chick lit I tried though. Don't like don't read. ✌🏻

38 1 0
From the Mind of an American Idiot: An Insight Into the Thoughts of a Wattpad Writer

This is basically my rant book. Everyone needs one of these, right?Featuring lots of music, an angry teen, and danisnotonfire videos.*Previously named Tags, Challenges, etc.*

9.2K 150 736
Inner Thoughts of a Teenager

Pretty much my feelings written down, whether they're in the form of a poem or just a full out rant. Have fun reading them. XD JUST KIDDING okay soooo APPARENTLY this has become my journal/update book, and I'm actually really happy about that! This is just me being real with you guys, and if y'all ask me any questions about myself in a message, I'll most likely answer them here - don't worry, if it's your question I will link you into the chapter. Love you guys, see you in the comments!And again, thank you @uniqueread for this awesome cover! I love that it kinda looks like an open book, because this journal is like the open book of my life! (Sorry for that insanely cheesy metaphor XD)

1.7K 55 429
Rants and shits

I like to rant about my asshole ex friends and my awesome internet friends and my very few irl friends and Fall Out Boy and Pierce The Veil and Sleeping with Sirens and All Time Low and Waterparks and my family and my life and death :) I am Satan in case you didn't know :)Have fun :))))

3.5K 188 470

So um, this is going to be completely random, so I can't give you guys a summary really, but if you like randomness, then this is for you! Yes you! Don't flip to the next book! You know you wanna read this... Banana! Ah, ok, way to embarrass myself. What ever! Well enjoy! And all of that good stuff! *Warning: Random Updates, you have been warned!*

2.2K 123 112

The thoughts going on in my mind which usually become outdated within a week of being published. BEWARE: LOTS OF STUPIDITY

4.1K 200 444
-General Hetalia- A Random APH Book

From the title you should have guessed this all gonna be about Hetalia.Anyway this will include:-Headcannons- Scenes- Your favorite ships- Chats with countries Etc...I don't know how to describe this, since it is all just random things and thought put in one place- which are ofc related to Hetalia.22 OF NOVEMBER IS THIS BOOKS BIRTHDAY!!

5.2K 159 125
My Art, Poems, Pictures, Tags, And Other Things

The title says it no need for a description.

3.6K 88 477
The Story Of Sunflowers In Fall

here is a stereo typical story about love.Ha! just joking here is a real life event. well more of events. as in plural. its a whole break from a high school that last almost three months. of course there will be more than one exciting thing to happen. I mean unless you spend your life in your room while seven fans surround you, as your spread out wearing only your undies. the chances of something awesome happening may be slim. then again I don't know your life so, maybe a large bearded man comes to your house on your birthday telling you that you're a wizard.honestly though who really knows. maybe you just have to wait a lil longer than everyone else. or you really are a boring pathetic muggle.who occasionally gets a cold in the middle of f*in summer right before they visit their home town.

2.5K 145 86