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15,337 stories
Racing Hearts

The feel of her gloved hands on the wheel.Thump-thump.The burning in her eyes as she stares at the traffic lights in front of her without blinking.Thump-thump.The moment her foot touches the accelerator pedal.Thump-thump.Jeong Hyeok's intense gaze on her.THUMP-THUMP.For Yoon Seri, breaking into the world of motorsports was not easy, but reaching the highest class of international racing is going to be more complicated than she expected.

3.9K 14 296 Full

A little Crash Landing on You one-shot dedicated to @Balmaincouple for #12DaysofCLOYcember.

1.1K 2 73 Full
Miraculous la aventura del héroe renacido

Luego de perder en el torneo del poder una deidad bastante extraña nombró a Goku el guardián de un nuevo mundo convenciéndonos para renacer ahí tener una familia y cuidar todo bajo el espíritu del caos

1.8K 23 119 Full
La palabra con A

Tim es un niño de 10 años, curioso como cualquier otro. De entre todas las cosas que le llaman la atención destaca una en particular, uno de los más grandes misterios de la humanidad: el amor. Con su pequeña cara dudosa y su elocuencia infantil, Tim lograra abrir el corazón de varias personas que le mostraran perspectivas positivas, inocentes y afables, así como también deprimentes, negativas y realistas acerca de la intrincada palabra con A.

419 8 35 Full
Gyeogno (177013)

(177013 - Metamorphosis )After be left to die in a subway bathroom, Saki Yoshida unexpectedly survives and decides to take revenge on those who turned her life into a hell

45.8K 8 329 Full

Becca Belfort i Haze Connors, choć przez swoich znajomych zmuszani do spędzania razem czasu całą paczką, od dawna się nie znoszą. Dogryzają sobie przy każdej okazji i bardzo często psują plany swoich bliskich. Żadne z nich nie ma jednak pojęcia, że równocześnie piszą ze sobą anonimowo w sieci - i że są tam bliskimi przyjaciółmi, którzy zwierzają się sobie ze swoich sekretów.Haze od jakiegoś czasu mierzy się z emocjonalną traumą, a Becca do tej pory nie przepracowała żałoby. Ich problemy, wycofanie i trzymanie tajemnic przed przyjaciółmi zbliża ich do siebie, jednak oboje zgodnie chcą tylko przyjaźni. Wszystko jednak się zmienia, gdy na jaw wychodzą skrywane sekrety, a dwoje największych łamaczy serc w Yarrow zaczyna czuć do siebie coś, czego żadne z nich nie planowało.Czy jednak dwie poranione dusze są w stanie pomóc sobie nawzajem?A może tak naprawdę mogą pomóc jedynie sami sobie?Rozdziały pojawiają się codziennie.Za wspaniałą okładkę dziękuję Justyna Es - grafik.

219.5K 6 3.7K

The reoccurring dream where everything was pastel purple; the sea water, the sun and moon, the sky, and even the mysterious boy that seemed to infiltrate Nino's mind. She couldn't wait for her head to hit the pillow every night, for her to emerge into her slumber-induced love story with a boy who braided pastel purple flowers into his hair.

69 5 0 Full
𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐈 ━━━ ❝ What If? ❞

Continuación de SINAG𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐈, es una palabra de origen japonés que significa "Aceptar lo inevitable y dejar que fluya. No sentir culpa por lo ocurrido".Es imposible no sentir culpa por las cosas que han ocurrido, pero es increíble como el remordimiento trabaja y tarde o temprano las mentiras salen a la luz es ahí cuando tienes que aceptar que lo que va a pasar, pasará, es inevitable y no puedes hacer nada para cambiarlo.

79K 27 10.9K Full
El Regreso De La Gemela Swan|2|√|


3.6K 19 179 Full
The Contract : Book I [Draco/Harry]

Fifth year AU. As the Dark Lord returns, Narcissa Malfoy invokes an archaic marriage contract to protect her family. Unfortunately for Draco, his inability to get along with Harry Potter may cost him his life.Highest rank: #344 in Fanfiction

415.7K 45 22.9K Full
For Fuck's Sake! (Mat Nicholls)

"Did you just break into my apartment?" he shouted at me, his heavy Yorkshire accent ringing out."Your apartment? This is mine!" I shouted back, confusing clouding my mind.Nino finally managed to move away from home and to the town of Maltby in South Yorkshire. When an unexpected surprise in the form of a cocky and arrogant boy emerges, Nino has her world thrown upside down.

1.6K 32 2 Full
Warriors Cats:El Retorcido Destino de Estrella Diferente

Cuatro clanes en un bosque, cada uno con sus lideres, sub-lideres, gatos médicos, guerreros y aprendices, pero en el clan del fuego habrá un gatito...diferente.Diferente (si es su nombre) es solo un joven gatito recién nacido.Todo es normal hasta que... el abre los ojos y los demás descubren algo que hará que ignoren al pobre joven el cual se empezara a sentir solo. ¿Qué le esperara en el futuro al pobre gatito Calico? Basado en: Warrior Cats- Erin Hunter El resto es mio :3

13.6K 70 1.3K Full
Zupełnie inny- Chłopcy z Placu Broni (kompletna zmiana)

PRZECZYTAJ PRZED WEJŚCIEMOsoby, które kiedyś czytały ten cringe, 1- współczuje 2- dziwią się dlaczego wszystko jest inne. Inny tytuł, dodana okładka (kiedy pierwszy raz to pisałam nie miałam bladego pojęcia jak to wstawiać), oraz fakt, że w tytule jest słowo innY. Pożegnajcie się z Harmet... piszę to od nowa. Nie wiem co mnie wzięło, bo szczerze na tym koncie bardzo dawno nic nie robiłam. Może nostalgia, chociaż minął dopiero rok, lub trochę więcej... przeczytałam więcej lektur, jednak jeszcze żadna nie zmieniała mojego zdania o ulubieńcu książkowym :)Osoby, które natomiast jeszcze nie czytały- zapraszam do historii.Opowieść zupełnie inna niż pozostała, zwłaszcza jedną rzeczą. Nie czekajcie na ,,przykładną osobą z ponadprzeciętną inteligencją, elegancją, wdziękiem, oraz innymi synonimami, czy epitetami". Tego tu po prostu nie ma!

1.6K 4 15 Full
𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐭. 𝐒𝐳𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐝

Młoda , skrzywdzona przez los i nieufna Elizabeth Monet , dotychczasowy wyrzutek w jakimkolwiek miejscu , dowiaduje się , że jednak ma rodzinę , która jest...nietypowa. Pięciu starszych mężczyzn , podających się za jej braci , i jedna dziewczyna , uważająca się za jej siostrę. Elizabeth wchodzi w ten niebezpieczny świat , żyjąc w słodkiej niewiedzy . I pozostaje pytanie. Czy na pewno jest sierotą ?

19K 39 530
Corpse Groom 🦋 (Corpse Bride) (Complete)

(Male Emily)Charlotte Van Dort is getting married to Son of Everglot (Victor) but when she messed up the wedding vows during the rehearsal she goes out for a walk to get it right. Once she memorize it correctly that's when she's married to a corpse groom. Will Charlotte get a chance to escape from mistake wedding or accept her own fate and learn to love the Corpse Groom as her husband?

55.3K 34 1.2K Full
Don't Discrim1nate Aga1nst Sp3cies

Fu Li era un yaoguai del campo que nunca había visto el mundo. Tras entrar en la ciudad, su mayor sueño era convertirse en funcionario y dejar su nombre en los registros históricos.Sin embargo... No tenía un título universitario. Ni siquiera un certificado de graduación de la escuela secundaria.Así que, incluso un yaoguai no podría encontrar un buen trabajo si no estudiaba bien. ♡ ⁱⁿᶠᵒ ᵈᵉⁿᵗʳᵒ ᵈᵉ ˡᵃ ʰⁱˢᵗᵒʳⁱᵃ ♡

2.7K 140 313 Full

Book (Celia: the secret life of a hollywood legend) available on Amazon by the character of Celia Saint James, Celia, an enigmatic symbol of elegance, grace, talent, and sophistication, emerged from a life of privilege, embodying the timeless allure of inherited wealth. Within the realm of a love affair entangled in complexity and clandestinity, two contrasting public figures endeavored to shield their relationship from the prying gaze of a curious world. The tale of Celia Hepburn weaves a mesmerizing web for lgbtq+ audiences, enthralling them with a tantalizing fusion of gossip, secrecy, retribution, revenge, and intensely passionate moments of intimacy. Readers will inevitably find themselves falling under the spell of Celia's character, a woman revered by many yet truly known by few. The intricate dance between her authentic self and the carefully crafted image of the Hollywood icon infuses her narrative with an alluring depth, leaving readers yearning for more

1.3K 11 17 Full
The Initiate (A Divergent fanfic)

A Divergent fanfic from Four's younger sister 'Sonia Eaton' POV. It is the aptitude test, Sonia is one of many 16 year olds taking the test to see where she belongs. She will eventually learn she isn't like most people and that she must keep it to herself. Her world around her slowly crumbling as she realises that people like her are being hunted and killed, she also has to contend with her older brother who abandoned her and the feelings she has for the boy who is from a rival faction but can she trust him? In a world that fears her kind. (The Divergent series and some of the characters in this story belongs to Veronica Roth. I own no rights)

102.8K 47 1.9K Full
✓ | RECKLESS AND BRAVE | Draco Malfoy

[ BOOK TWO OF MISCHIEF MANAGED | JAMES POTTER VS SIRIUS BLACK ]❝ But," her voice trailed off brokenly, "I'm still me. I'm still Tessa Valentine. I don't get it." He smiled softly at her, gently lifting her chin to gaze at her with that fondness he preserved only for her. "Hey, even if the world forgets that you're Tessa Valentine, never forget that I'm Draco Malfoy and that I love you. And for someone like me to completely and fully admit that I am so in love with you, you can conquer the stars, Braveheart. ❞ ϟTessa Valentine and Draco Malfoy have hated each other since day one. He annoyed her to an extent with his stupid porcelain hair, stupid smirk, stupid tattletale trait, his stupid meanness, and most of them all, it was his stupid grey eyes. But it's thanks to those stupid things that undid all the hatred between Tessa and Draco. Looks like she wasn't just brave, after all. She was reckless, too. And that's probably what made Draco fall for her in the first place.highest ranking:#1 mischief managed#1 the marauders#1 jk rowling#1 draco malfoy#1 draco #36 fred weasley #149 harry potter

2.2M 102 76.9K Full
despite the scars

Izuku doesn't like heroes, most are fake, they like money and popularity.Izuku knew that his new home needed a hero, left with few choices, he became his own does Izuku manage to get through his new life, with new people and challenges?Can he really trust these new people?

336.3K 41 13.1K Full
This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )

" not gonna lie, that was pretty cringe."What happens when an impulsive but also immature person gets chucked into a game that they're in love with?half real story + half crack fic c:Genshin x GN!readerbe aware that romance isn't exactly the most important thing in this book, only small crushes on mc or blushing will occur 🫶(finished but is under editing!)Editing percent = 15% completed// side note //plz note, I swear I'm not this cringey anymore. I can't be bothered to delete any chapters though, so you're stuck with this mess of a story.

51.2K 40 1.7K Full
The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone

BE NOT AFRAID OF GREATNESS. Harry and Haylee Potter were born to be great, rising to fame in the wizarding world before they even speak. Deprived of love in their adolescence, constantly neglected and beaten down, they could never imagine that they were destined for something greater than themselves. When a mysterious letter arrives on their doorstep, their seemingly mundane lives are transformed; Harry and Haylee Potter have magic in their blood, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry holds the key to their past. But not everything is quiet at Hogwarts, and the twins soon find themselves in mortal peril, protecting an ancient artifact which would give power to their old nemesis. Together, they must overcome the dangers plaguing the school, thus beginning their journey in fulfilling their destiny.

454.9K 25 13K Full
Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia

The Fontaine siblings find themselves in another world after a failed magic trick involving Lynettes dissapearence. Now they'll have to work for their money once more, when magic tricks aren't enough and the only thing they have is their training; will they choose to work for the highest bidder? Or the one with the moral ground?Cover art is by @Tia_mizukiUpdates will depend.

53.9K 25 2.7K
Necia Terquedad

Chuuya no sabe que hacer. Sabe que ha traspasado una linea peligrosa, una que nunca había imaginado cruzar. Cuando sus ojos de desvían al chico, puede notar su cabello imposiblemente negro y brillante, y como sus facciones se han relajado por el sueño.Un solo pensamiento llega a su cabeza.Maldita sea, él esta tan jodido.O: Chuuya despierta en la cama con Akutagawa Ryuunosuke y todo se va cuesta abajoNakahara Chuuya x Akutagawa Ryuunosuke

11.4K 11 1.3K Full
Treacherous ─ Theo Raeken ¹

[ POORLY WRITTEN, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ]❝ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗜 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗜 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗜 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘁. ❞In which the youngest Argent returned to the beacon of supernatural and the fate decided to reunite her with a certain someone from her past.━━━[BOOK ONE/TEEN WOLF SEASON FIVE A • B]© itonya 2016

471K 33 12.7K Full