Search: antisidesau
14 stories
Anti Sides High School AU

Based on this story: don't have to know the Anti Sides to enjoy this story, but I highly suggest you check out that AU because it's got amazing characters that I really love! It starts out angsty and confusing but gets better as it goes on!This story is a High School AU I'm writing for fun set in a Modern Fantasy world! Mephisto is a Wizard, Gabriel has Angel wings, Luctus can change his age, Nick can read/control minds, Arya can shape shift, and River has high endurance and a flying motorcycle!Also the Sides are here too as the Anti Sides parents.

32 5 0
200 historias de terror parte (1)

escribire historias de terror reales

64.6K 200 2.3K Full
Betrayal At Sanders Mansion, Season One

Welcome to Betrayal at Sanders Mansion.The stories contained in this book are about the harrowing journeys of young men through a dangerous house outside of town.With each story based on a game that has been played on the Instagram account, the house changes, and so do the characters. Their objective each time?Trigger the Haunt and fight it off unscathed.Traitors and heroes will rise and fall, as all our players try to stay alive.Pray your favorites see the sun again.(Characters belong to Thomas Sanders, game is Betrayal at House on the Hill)Shoutout to for encouraging me when I mentioned to her that I wanted to turn the game into a story of sorts, you're great Ari 💜

11.7K 120 1.4K Full
Wattpad Recommendations

Random stories, great stories and you will love

139.6K 135 979
Archipelago - a problem

ARCHIPELAGO, a literary fiction of four characters' discrete lives one random day in one random town. The reader is chaperoned through the animated reality of this town. A town which "not in all historie, any memorable thing concerning it" occurred and, through performances of the characters, is invited to consider his own communal actions. The novel commences with inquisitive poet Philomena Isabela Cordova passing her second novel to newly found friend Parveen Pattni, a young Hindu lesbian and burgeoning fine artist. Parveen begins to read Philomena's book at the same time as Stephen Rei, disillusioned and hedonistic literary agent of some fifty years, is reading another one of Philomena's "scribblings". However, Philomena is lustily pursued by her step-sister's husband and, as per the classical myth, Stephen and Parveen read of her assault, her retribution and more. For ARCHIPELAGO is a very queer affair, unbearably queer perhaps.

191 35 18 Full
Our Stormcloud {LAMP} (Yandere AU)

♡the Yanderes♡ Logan, Roman and Patton are known as the Populars for they looks and talents. Roman and Logan are in the drama club. Roman usually gets the best parts because of his looks and charm. Logan is the director. Patton is a the leader of the cheerleader squad. He is very flexible. They were the school idols. The school accept that they are dating. They had a dark secret, they were Yanderes. They found out when they caught each other killing someone. They were happy together but they all feel incomplete. The always had an extra place for a fourth lover. When they heard new students coming to the school they hoped that they weren't they weren't rivals, but little did they know they all fall sickly in love with one of the new students...☆New Students☆ Virgil Storm and his twin Vanessa Storm are ex celebrities. They had finally escape the abuse of their biological parents that use them as puppets for money. They were never aloud to go outside unless for a consert or they are advertising something. The only friend they had was Remy, Remus and Janus. They met at a concert and gave their phone numbers. They were friends since then. They learned things online like self defense. They were force to take vocal classes, ballet, gymnastics, instruments and dances. They are really flexible and talented. were known as 'The Storm Twins: Stormcloud and Raindrop'. Their parents were caught abusing them when they were making a 'LIVE'. They were now adopted by the Picani family and now have a big brother, Emile Picani. They will be attending 'Sanders High' where Emile goes. They know how to cuss but are very innocent about the other 'things' since they never felt romantic love. They are in for a hell for a ride... Inspired by @LoserforFandoms and @23re35This book involves a lot of cursing by characters and the Author herself.

17.5K 5 311
Shep689 Oneshots

Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are married and are finally ready to start their own family. They already have their German Shepherd, Dobby. After trying to have a baby for a year, they decided to adopt their son, Benjamin "Benji" Elliot! Miraculously they have since had three children since Benji's adoption! A daughter, Coralei Violet, a son, Theodore Robert and another daughter, Harlow Scarlett!Will and RJ have decided to vlog their lives once again, showing the ups and downs of parenthood with their four children! • Highest Ranking in #shep689 tag: #1• Highest Ranking in #willandrj tag: #1

28.6K 200 846 Full

PRÓLOGOO encontro do amor foi marcado no mar. Suzana Medeiros vai descobrir o porquê de sua predileção pelas águas tão profundas e porque sempre sonha com um homem que vem do mar, para amá-la.Apesar de tudo não tem pressa para o amor, vive uma vida tranqüila ao lado de sua mãe.Stephanos Acalantis vive na Grécia, uma vida de trabalho e devassidão total com as mulheres. É o presidente de uma grande companhia de navegação. Cargo esse ocupado inicialmente pelo tio Isidoro Acalantis. Cansado e com a saúde frágil, Isidoro está afastado dos negócios. Em repouso, não pensa em outra coisa senão no tempo vivido no Brasil. E recusa-se a morrer antes de rever a terra e a mulher que ainda ama.***

81 15 2
Technical Difficulties {LOGICALITY}

Patton, a young scientist recently recruited. He now works at the local science lab, unprepared for his next adventure.Logan, an untested experiment. Unable to speak or feel for he is, just an experiment. But he, is more than just an experiment.What will happen if Patton meets eyes with Logan? Note: I DO NOT know anything about how labs work. If there's any wrong information in here about labs, I apologize in advance.Started: 2/18/20Ended: XX/XX/XX

1.7K 13 43
The Theory of Nothing

These are my thoughts on some philosophical issues that are pertinent to Science Fiction in particular and many other genres as well. This is not a rant. There are some really fine rant authors out there on Wattpad. The ones I like are: @mrcharizard15. His 'The Book of Random Stuff' and 'A Teenager's Rants' are especially interesting and very current. Another excellent writer in this genre is awesomesauce82. His 'Rants 'n stuff is worth checking out, as are many of his stories: Game Over, Smile for me, and 'Herobrine: Takeover' to name a few are really good reads of his.

144.3K 200 8.5K
Mi 1er Libro:Parte 666.00000661.666/My 1st Book:Part 666.000000661.666

Kun Makes:

495 200 147
𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬

im here are some vines that will:-cure your depression-make you laugh-never be forgottenstarted: may 28, 2019ended: april 7, 2020© 2019 wyatt-sophia

49.8K 200 1.9K Full
O Dogma de Medicina

O Dogma de Medicina é um livro abrangente que mergulha nos diversos aspectos da prática médica, indo além do conhecimento técnico e científico. Escrito pelo renomados médicos e autores Lisa e Rylan Jaymes, a obra oferece uma visão única sobre o mundo da medicina, destacando a importância da empatia, da comunicação eficaz e da compaixão no cuidado com os pacientes.Ao longo das páginas, o leitor será guiado por uma jornada que explora desde os princípios fundamentais da prática médica até os desafios éticos e emocionais enfrentados por profissionais de saúde. Cada capítulo aborda temas cruciais, como a tomada de decisões clínicas, os cuidados paliativos, a segurança do paciente e a gestão da dor.Além disso, o livro também oferece insights valiosos sobre a saúde específica de grupos populacionais, incluindo mulheres, crianças e idosos. Ao fornecer uma compreensão abrangente das condições médicas mais comuns, a autora capacita tanto os estudantes de medicina quanto os profissionais experientes a oferecerem um cuidado de saúde excepcional e compassivo.Com uma abordagem equilibrada entre a ciência e a arte da medicina, este livro é uma leitura essencial para qualquer pessoa interessada em entender e aprimorar a prática da medicina, transformando-a em uma verdadeira forma de arte.

188 85 0

Sveiki, tai aš, Jessica. Man 15 metų. Šiuo metu gyvenu vienoje iš Californijos traukinių stočių. Praeitą savaitę pastovios gyvenamosios vietos neturėjau - prisiglausdavau kur pakliūna: tai tarpuvartėse, tai kur pakelėse. Ar aš benamė? Galima ir taip pasakyt. Bet aš nesijaučiu vargše. Man taip gerai. Tokį gyvenimą aš pasirinkau pati. Dabar sėdžiu atsirėmusi nugara į kažkokią betoninę sieną. Vaizdas aplink mane neįkvepiantis: koks tuzinas cigarečių nuorūkų, šalimais voliojasi tuščias alaus butelis. Taip, taip, aš rūkau ir geriu... Šiandien, kaip ir visomis kitomis dienomis, alkoholio butelyje norėjau paskandinti skausmą, o cigaretėmis išrūkyti visus savo jausmus (ir veikiausiai plaučius), kad nieko nebejausčiau... Tiesa, tai nepadeda... Pasibjaurėjote mano gyvenimu??? Aš ir pati kartais bjauriuosi... Tačiau, kai papasakosiu savo gyvenimo istoriją, jūs suprasite, kodėl aš būtent čia ir ką aš čia veikiu. Suskamba telefonas. Tai JIS. Neatsiliepsiu. Ne! Ne! Ne! Taip, nors gyvenu varganai, tačiau telefoną truiu - juk maža kas, gal netyčia prireiks. Vėl telefonas. Šį kartą gavau sms: -Atleisk... Jessica? Ignoruoju. -Jess??? Grįžk namo, labai pasiilgau, kiekvieną vakarą dėl tavęs verkiu.... -Prašau! Ir taip dar dešimt žinučių. -Nekenčiu jo!!! Debilas, durnius, išdavikas!-garsiai surinku. Tikriausiai kiek per garsiai, nes šalimais sedėjusi močiutė greitai pabėga, o kiti pora žmonių atsisuka ir tik pasukioja man pirštu ties smilkiniu. O kad jie žinotų, koks sunkus mano gyvenimas... Na, bet ką čia dūsauti... Jei pasiseks ir aš galutinai nenusigersiu, tai pabandysiu papasakoti savo visą istoriją. -Jess-

9 2 0