Search: ankahswavee
11 stories
Ankah Swavee: Meaning Of Life

"Religion doesn't exist. Your God is some guy controlling then simulation"-Ankah Swavee (Philosopher) 2020From the beginning of time to the end; embark on a once in a lifetime experience with Ankah Swavee (Philosopher) as he defines the meaning of life and the simulation that it is. Embark on Aliens, Dinosaurs and DNA manifestation unimaginable to the limitless division of time itself.

12 7 0 Full
The short life of Kyrah Swanson

This is a story about a girl named Kyrah Swanson, she's just a normal 11 year old girl, "normal" being used loosely here, because Kyrah is a witch. She lived a pretty normal life considering that her Aunt Wilburga and Uncle Orion Black raised her.She was murdered in her 7th year at Hogwarts before she could set out to find her mother and father. Professor Dumbledore thought that meeting her father could save her from a grievous prophecy, but Kyrah never got around to discover how her father could've helped her - if at all. This is her story and of how one of the Marauders murdered her in cold blood because she figured out his secret.

187 18 44
cover shop (closed)

» » cover shop « «โœฆ request in first chapter โœฆYOU GET YOUR COVER IN MAX. 3 DAYS

10.7K 200 1.8K Full

"It does not matter if you are a lotus or a marigold. What matters is that you are flowering." - RajneeshWelcome to the Marigold Graphic Shop, run by the Rose Gold Community! Here, all of our designers are blooming beautifully, like flowers, and their designs shine like gold!If you want talented graphic designers to make an aesthetic cover for you, then check out this graphic shop!

25.7K 200 1.4K Full
Meet The Authors Showcase Edition #2 (2 of 3)

Est. 6/5/2020More behind-the-scenes interviews, which are meant to provide readers with an insider look at the writer's creations of their favorite stories. So, please take a look and learn how these stories came to be.Looking for the stories promoted in these interviews? Check my profile for the meet the authors showcase reading lists.6/11/2020 accomplishments. #2 in meet the authors and #19 in showcase6/21/2020 accomplishments. #1 in Meet the Authors and #10 showcase10/25/2020 accomplishments #1 meettheauthors, #6 in showcase, 4 in responses and #20 in spotlight6/2/2021 reached 3K views3/31/22 reached 4K views2/18/24 reached 5K views How do I get featured? - send me a private message and I'll provide the interview

5.3K 200 630 Full

" I've Always Wanted to go to Miami & Stare at the ๐–๐š๐ฏ๐ž๐ฌ . "" I'll make it happen for you , for us " ๐€ ๐‰๐จ๐ข๐ง๐ญ ๐๐ซ๐จ๐๐ฎ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐“๐จ ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐๐ฒ , ©Liahswrld & ©Dollciti

171 3 7

Talking is more of a hobby for Francis. Ever since childhood he has barely uttered more than a word. Now, in high school he meets Jasmine, a spunky girl with an attitude he is toying with her love struck heart. But, he finds himself opening up to her, words pass his lips without a second thought.Will Francis talk fluently again, or will he continue to keep his words to himself?

226 16 17


14 2 0
My bio

Just a bio ( ha ha ha)The 5th wave and more.

1.1K 84 73
Love sick

"Leave it mom I'll be fine" I cursed under my breath as my mothers eyes dropped with tears, I couldn't stand to see her cry yet somehow it was inevitable"But what about your head.. your heart.." She stammered on as I groaned loudly"I'm fine mom trust me, I'll be careful, and I'll call you everyday"I pouted at her convincingly and she sniffed, rubbing her nose with her already soaked tissue"Please Braylon you don't have to go, everyone will understand just stay, stay here with me and I can look after you"She pulled me into a stiff hug, and I could feel her warm tears seeping through my top"Mom"I wriggled out of her grasp and tightened my grip on my suitcase that was stood next to me"I swear; everything's going to be fine and I'll be back before you know it"I forced a smile and she looked at me those pitiful eyes, she shook her head gently, smiling, as she reached out and tucked lock of hair behind my ear, she sighed deeply"I love you Bray"I smiled and kissed her cheek, everything was going to be fine. I waved goodbye and stepped outside breathing in the fresh air, causing me to cough a little, I grimaced and got into the car "Cruise, here I come"//Braylon was 14 when she was diagnosed with schitzaffective disorder, which was very rare and little known about it. After a period of doctors appointments and checkups that overall lead to nothing her doctors decided she was fit for travel but possibly for the last time, as long as she took someone that was strong enough to care for her and themself. Therefore she had invited her bestfriend to come on a cruise with her. On this cruise she meets a boy, a perfect boy, who seems to charm his way to her heart, but there is something off about him that she can't quite figure out, yet she pushes it to the back of her mind, until it crowds its way to the front and she realises it's much worse than she originally thought...Is this the boy of her dreams? Or is everything not as it seems?

1 2 0
World Series//S'mb//TRASH//Randomness book: 3

Hullo welcome to book three of TK's randomness, status and message board! This will be filled with TrashByTK™, so you have been warned.Imma smol bean, so you may enter no matter what age. As long as you don't mind explicit language * wink wink * Okay bye then

2.2K 200 750