Search: alittlehate
113 stories
Pieces of You

@LillianBoggart thank you for the prompt! Harry is 17 in school and Louis is 21 and an aspiring writerHarry and Louis have been dating for a year but something has changed with Harry. On their one year Louis tries to surprise his boyfriend but Harry yells and storms out. Louis desperately tries to find out what is wrong with him.warnings: severe trauma, little!Harry, mental illness, (warnings separate for each chapter.)

10.8K 14 307 Full
The Elemental Enerithian (Ben 10)

Join Aria, Ben, Gwen and Kevin on an adventure.

14.7K 44 664
Snape's New Son

Snape realized that Harry is being abused by the Dursley's. So Snape becomes obsessed with making it right by adopting, loving, and protecting Harry, so he kidnaps him. He gives Harry a new and better life with his family. Snape is also trying not to make the Order members think that he kidnapped Harry. Will this work out in the end?Harry starts his new life with a new brother and two new dads. He learns about the wizarding world. How will Harry get used to this and also kinda being kidnapped and on the run from Ablus who wants to take him back to his abusive family and have everything this way?This idea was given to me by @STARGIRL246AA

277K 32 6.2K Full
His little Neko

After a terrible beating on his fifteenth birthday, Harry goes into an early creature inheritance inorder to survive. When he wakes up with ears and a tail, he is sure his life is done with. Finding out he has a mate after being summoned to Gringotts, might be his only chance at escaping his living hell alive.Draco has known for quite some time that he was a gay dominant veela, so when he woke up one night withering in pain, he knew it was his mate coming into their inheritance. When he gets called to Gringotts, he knows his life will change forever; he just didn't know who with.Warning!! This book will have offensive words in it. That is not me condoning the use of any of these words.

451.9K 19 10.2K
Elite 4

Leigh-Anne, Jade, Jesy, and Perrie are in for a wild ride when the get turned into elemental werewolf's and still have to face the struggles of regular teen lifePlease don't hate me for making fifth harmony bad guys. I just thought about the fandoms and notice how they're always at war so why not put the girls at war just for fun.Also little mix and fifth harmony don't exist. Everyone that's in a group and a band in here are just normal teenagers. This is really just a trashy power ranger, teen wolf, avatar and the black magic video. Also g!p later in cuz I have a kind of valid reason. Just read it you nasty. Also there will be little harmony ships. Again deal with it cuz I have my reasons.And Perrie will be graced with a sense of smell

15.8K 54 606 Full
Crown of Blood  |  The White Princess

- πΈπ‘šπ‘π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘  π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘ π‘’, πΈπ‘šπ‘π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘  π‘“π‘Žπ‘™π‘™ -It's the year 1485 and King Richard III has been slain at the battle of Bosworth along with his beloved wife and Queen, Marian of Lancaster. Their eldest daughter, Lisbet, is given little time to grieve and is forced to watch as her brothers flee into exile and her world crumbles around her. Taken to the new Tudor court, Lisbet and her siblings are declared bastards and must now rely on themselves, each other and the last true Yorkists to protect them or face potential doom. With plots, intrigue, rumours and lies all around, with this York Princess be able to find herself amidst all the blood and tears and find the will to fight back? Or will she let fate claim her as another victim...*THIS BOOK IS A SEQUEL TO 'The Rose of Lancaster' AND IS BOOK 2 IN THE PLANTAGENET SERIES**I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS OR DIALOGUE FROM THE WHITE PRINCESS**I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND DIALOGUE THAT I HAVE CREATED MYSELF**THIS BOOK IS NOT HISTORICALLY ACCURATE*

51.8K 85 1.5K Full
nickloon hater book

an angel loses its wings everytime someone ships nickloon

1.3K 6 23
The Little Boy Who Lived

In the Wizarding world there are Littles and Caregivers just as their are in the Muggle world. But they are unaware to it until one they realize it within themselfs. But some very rare cases it happens suddenly out of no where.Harry has lived a crazy life at Hogwarts, and just as things were starting to calm down in his life he found out the dark lord has risen again. As he tries to balance his life at school and as the hero of Hogwarts he is suddenly awakened to an unknown feeling within him, a very little feeling. As Harry tries to hide this feeling within him, who will notice? Who will find out? What will happen to Harry?But who's to say Harry will be the only one in Hogwarts who gets this feeling........***(This is an AU Harry Potter story so this will have a couple of character that are dead alive. This roughly is after Prisoner of Askaban. This will have adult in diapers and acting like children so if that isn't your speed then please don't read and hate! I don't own any of the photos I use and I don't own the rights to Harry Potter! I'd like to thank @billiefanfic @OtherMalfoyChild and @rachelih for the inspiration to write a Harry Potter Ageplay book! You guys are truly amazing writers! This is my third story on Wattpad if you like this one please check out my other two! Comment for any suggestions I love your guys feedback! Enjoy!)***

117K 7 1.8K
The Rose of Lancaster  |  The White Queen

-𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 π‘œπ‘›π‘’ 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙 π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘Žπ‘‘ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ 𝑒𝑛𝑑 π‘œπ‘“ 𝑖𝑑 π‘Žπ‘™π‘™-It's the year 1466 and King Edward IV is on the throne of England. His wife and Queen ,Elizabeth Woodville, has just given birth to her first daughter ,Lizzie, but not all is well...12 year old Marian of Lancaster is the only surviving daughter of Margaret of Anjou and King Henry VI, twin sister of Edward of Lancaster. When she is captured by the Earl of Warwick, along with her father, she is brought to the English court at Westminster Palace and is made one of Queen Elizabeth's laides is waiting. It is at court that Marian will encounter friends and enemies alike and shall have to wade through blood to survive. Will this Lancastrian Princess ever find peace and perhaps even love during the turbulent years of The Wars of The Roses? Or will terror, grief and betrayal rule her life like it has done to so many others...I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR DIALOGUE FROM THE WHITE QUEENI ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND DIALOGUE THAT I HAVE CREATED MYSELF*NOT HISTORICALLY ACCURATE*

127.6K 82 3.5K Full
What Could Go Wrong?? (Twilightxhp crossover)

Crossover between Twilight and Harry PotterHenrietta "Harri" Lilith Potter-Black has finally finished the war and vanquished Voldemort. Now she wants to go to muggle high-school for her last year instead of repeating 7th year at Hogwarts. Where else to go besides Forks, Washing to one of the Black Family estates.Following her are her "brothers" closest in age Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom. Most thought Hermione and Ron were closed too her but her sibling bond with the other two was hidden to keep them safe. Once in Forks, the bloody Potter luck strikes again, not only is she juggling being the Lady to multiple houses but she's the unknown mate to Major Jasper Whitlock Hale and the imprint of Jacob Black. Two men who absolutely hate what the other is. And all while raising her godson Edward "Teddy" Lupin-Black. What could go wrong?? Who else will the pack imprint on??All characters and story lines belong to J.K. Rowling and Stephane Myers's.This will not follow the original work's completely as I will be changing some characters personalities and deaths. Only the storyline and OC a character belong to me.

46.3K 13 1.3K
The Prince's Obsession

γ€Ž°βŠΉβ™‘ π‘Ύπ’‚π’Œπ’†π’†π’ 𝒙 π‘²π’†π’Šπ’•π’‰π’‚π’“π’‚ β™‘βŠΉ°γ€"Why him?""Why anyone else when he exists?" - KEITHARAThey both live two different worlds apart. Wakeel and Keithara met when they were just seven years old. She was running around the neighbourhood playground when her eyes landed on the handsome chap. She was so engrossed in him that she proposed to marry him when they were adults. He shakes his head.Little did she know, Wakeel had his eyes on her the entire time. At that moment, the feeling of protection against her soon vanishes when the brief meeting turns into 'I will never see you again.'Fate has a funny way of bringing two people together. When Keithara heard the final bell ring, she knew she was going to be late for her second period. She dashes across the hallway, bumping into people and mutters a quick sorry. Without realising, her bag charm snaps from her bag.He picked it up from the floor and ran his hands through her name."We meet again, little girl." - WAKEEL"He talks and talks and the only thing I think about is, how can I ... listen to his voice for the rest of my life?" - KEITHARAHowever, life decides to play a prank on both of them. Real identity is exposed, the truth begins to unravel itself and the walls that she has been putting up begin to break ...Even with everything that has been going on, one thing is for sure, Wakeel only has one person in his mind. Keithara. He would choose her over and over again. Even fate cannot pull them apart! He will do everything in his power to have her back in his arms.That was his promise to God.

5.8K 21 348
The Life of a Stable Hand

Alana is a fifteen-year-old girl who works as a stable hand in Rohan, hence everyone knows her as 'Stablehand'. It is at work one day that she meets a kind old wizard named Gandalf, and later on, his friends. Little do they know, this girl will impact their lives forever.*LotR plot/content/characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien

15.3K 10 297
Kaito and Zabuza-a Naruto fic

on the night of the kyuubi attack kushina teleports her son Naruto into a far away forest thinking he will be dead, but little did she know that on that night a man found her son and gave him a home-an unconventional one at that. this is their story.ABANDONED UNFINISHED

260.3K 35 6.8K

[ INFINITY LOVE ] Roses are red, Iesyraf is cute. Damn babe, Just let me kiss you.Iesyraf Danial. A tearsbreaker. A monster. Hancur hidup sempurnanya tatkala si gadis idaman berkahwin dengan orang lain setelah dia memberi Iesyraf harapan. Sakit yang dia rasa, hanya Allah yang tahu. Semuanya disimpan dalam hati. Bertemu dengan Ariya Hanania. Seorang gadis yang mencari kebahagiaan. Kaki masih tegak terpacak di muka bumi walaupun takdir sentiasa kejam dengannya. Di situlah detik hidup mereka bertukar seratus peratus."Pandang aku," arah Iesyraf tegas. Telefonnya juga sudah masuk ke dalam poket menunjukkan betapa seriusnya perbualan mereka selepas ini. "Demi Allah, aku nak jadikan kau isteri aku. Isteri yang akan tegur salah silap aku. Isteri yang aku boleh bimbing ke jalan Allah. Dan sama - sama kita menuju ke syurga. Boleh?" Hana terkesima. Iesyraf sedang melamar dia ke? "Yes, I am proposing to you, Ariya Hanania," bagaikan dapat membaca fikiran Hana, Iesyraf bersuara lagi. Dia menguntum senyum yang mempamerkan lesung pipit di kedua-dua belah pipinya. "Aku nak kau jadi isteri aku. Boleh? Boleh? Mestilah boleh kan? Kalau kau kata tak boleh pun kau tetap jadi isteri aku," dia ketawa nakal. "Tapi Iesy..." "Just let me love you, Hana. You have suffered too much." Silap Iesyraf kerana terlampau gembira dengan anugerah sementara itu. Barangkali dia lupa kehadiran onak duri dalam setiap bunga cinta. Sangkanya dia telah cukup berhati - hati, namun duri itu disalut racun membunuh. Iesyraf sentiasa menjadi tearsbreaker Hana, tapi siapa pula tearsbreakernya?"Ceraikan saya.""Putus asalah dengan saya.""Berhenti cintakan saya.""Anggaplah Ariya Hanania tak pernah wujud dalam hidup awak." Pelukan Iesyraf terlerai. Roses are red, Hana is cute too. For you who took my sadness away, Thank you and I love you. ──No copy paste! Status : CompletedStart : 1 May 2021End : 18 September 2021 ©issy

16.9K 43 2.9K Full
Personality change?

What if izuku isn't as innocent as you think? Turns out he's not. He actually acts like a 16 yr old not a little kid who's opposed with that one anime character and gets their whole room themed about them. HE ACTS HIS AGE! Anyways this is basically what I call comedy so the characters not be cannon-

51.2K 17 1.1K
(Request?)Bnha And Haikyuu age regression one shot

this will be oneshots off bnha and haikyuu Agereage regressions is Agere is short for age regression, a therapeutic tool used to help those with childhood trauma to reenact a time before their trauma, helping them cope! Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person's physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy. People who practice age regression may begin showing juvenile behaviors like thumb-sucking or this what storys about also this non sexual!

55.6K 56 697
As The Rain Falls

We meet here as strangers, for that is what we are. It does not matter if you know me, for my heart and soul are hidden from most. So here we are, embarking on a journey that may take some time indeed. Let us begin, as the rain falls again.

510 35 20 Full
Six the musical one shots

This six the musical one shots... this is my first book. Also the amount of times I wrote shits instead of shots shouldn't be allowed.

120.3K 199 3.4K Full
Friends Forever or More? (Wayhaught)

A Wayhaught story but set in a normal world where two young girls, best friends when little, grew apart but find their way back to each other after 10 years. They started out a best friends but will that morph into more when they reconnect years later?I have essentially taken Nicole and Waverly and placed them in a completely different world than Purgatory. I will be adding new characters in addition to some from the show. I will try my best to update frequently but I prefer quality over quantity!

16.1K 22 591
Death's Friend (Female Harry Potter/Tom Riddle|Voldemort)

(Female Harry Potter/Tom Riddle|Voldemort)A wandering soul has lived through many and different vessels over the thousands of years. With only an immortal being - Death - as its companion, they built a friendship throughout the years.In this particular journey, the soul found Itself back in a familiar territory as It awoken as Harry Potter, one of the fictions that It had read in one of its other lives. It also meant that in this particular journey, Its relationship with Death is It being the Master of Death. But of course, It wouldn't want to presume.After many years of experience, this wouldn't be the first time It being reincarnated into a world of fiction. In fact, every world that It had lived in had been made into fictions in Its previous lives and the ones that hadn't been, probably existed in some other Entities' dimensions.And from it, It has realized that none of the worlds are actually the same as said fiction. Although the plot are similar, there were many things It has found that differs from the fictions It read. And one in particular that had always been different was the fact that the gender changes every time It goes into the body.

27.6K 15 1.2K
Little Rollins

Megan Lopez a.k.a Ashley Rollins is a WWE Diva. She is making her return to the business after almost a year and a half of receiving injuries and getting her heart broken on national television by three guys she trusted and loved the most; Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose a.k.a. The Shield.They turned on her. They performed all their finishers on her. The Shield Triple Powerbombed her. They replaced her with her biggest enemy. Dean Ambrose broke his girlfriend's heart. Seth Rollins broke his sister's mind. Roman Reigns broke his best friend's body.Megan was devastated. She went through months and months of rehab and therapy. Lucky for her, her friends and loved ones minus Seth checked on her every day. There was only one person who was with her at all times. He helped her through everything. He helped heal her broken heart and spirit.Now, Megan Lopez is back and better than ever. She's come back as someone different. Someone who is hell-bent on revenge. The Shield realize that they are in major trouble when she returns.What will happen? Will Ashley never forgive The Shield? Will Dean get his girl back? Will Seth get his sister back? Will Roman get his best friend back? Will she make her own destiny in the WWE? Why exactly did they turn on her?Read and find out.

339.8K 49 4.3K Full
A Frozen Heart

Kimberly Odinson always knew there was something different about her as she was growing up in Tennessee. But what she didn't know was how her life would change when she went on a trip with her father to his birth place in Norway. A whole new world would open up to her but was she ready to find out the truth about her family legacy.

38.8K 72 852 Full
Cupid Shinobi: Naruto Fanfic

*The art cover is by our lovely friend @EMOPHASEWHENIWASAKID*Y/n is known as the Cupid Shinobi in the village. When he was young, he lost his parents during a battle against a beast. Ever since he lives alone. He only remembers that he got his hair from his mom but his style from his dad. He also gets his strength from his mom but the speed from his dad. In the village people love him but some does bully him for the way he looks. However, he vowed to be a shinobi so he can get strong and protect the people he cares about.____________________________________*I don't own any photos*BxBLGBTQ+18+ ScenesLanguageViolence

417.4K 79 14.7K
Helping Each Other Grow

What had Draco done to deserve this?! Sure, him and Harry had had some petty fights here and there, but it wasn't THAT bad, was it? In any case, what started off as another normal year at Hogwarts, quickly escalated with a small accident in potions. ⚠ Disclaimer ⚠ This is a Drarry fanfic (Draco×Harry) Also a boy×boy, so if you don't like that type of stuff this isn't your type of story. I do not own the characters, this is just a fanfic, but I did write this story. Characters who were dead in the book/movie will be alive here. If you haven't read the book/movie before reading this, I suggest you do it now. Updates will be randomP.S If ur here cuz u came from my otyer fanfic that i now deleted, A.)Im sorrry, and B.) Dont wrry ill be doing another sasunaru fanfic, it just wont be as shit πŸ’€

35K 13 1.1K
The Serpent Queen || Riverdale | FINISHED |

"UNEDITED THERE ARE ERRORS" "They all screamed his name so loud it echoed all over Riverdale. I knew I never had the chance to win over him, I was weak and I realized that I had made the biggest mistake ever. I had lost my southside king over a family election."In which El, short for Elise is both a serpent and the twin sister of Jughead Jones. She's a bad bitch in diskies, to her dad, Fp Jones she's his "Daddy's lil girl" Elise Grace Jones, but in reality she's a bad girl. Until one night when she sneaks out to a party and meets her brother's friend Sweet Pea. He's charming, kind and has sweet loving eyes. Will it be enough to tame her inner lion? Or will it make her go even wilder? When her dad decides to no longer be the serpent king a conflict between her and her brother starts building up. Who will be the new serpent leader? Is she able to handle a relationship and still fight for the title? Will Sweet Pea slowly piece her back together or is he gonna shatter her until there's nothing left but an empty snake skin. The silent war between the northside and the southside grows bigger and bigger for every day that passes. How far will they go to take eachother out? And are the people in Riverdale really oh so harmless?(I don't own any of the caracters exept for my own they belong to the Archie comics and the CW's Riverdale)

316.2K 71 5.6K Full