Search: alexdimwit
8 stories
Supergirl Season Four

Nothing like the real season four. My version. Warning; There will be Karamel/ Kara and Mon-El, Sanvers/ Alex and Maggie, and some other stuff. Read to find out!

708 7 13
The Killer Cult

i dunno

86 11 1
Shyan Fics (Mostly one-shots. Will take requests)

This is going to be an entire series based around one of my favorite new ships. This is Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej of Buzzfeed Unsolved, otherwise known as Shyan. This will mostly be one-shots, but if there is a popular demand, I can turn a story into a series. I WILL take requests.

67 1 2
shalnarkxReader oneshots

as you can see the title describes it all

101 2 0
Alex Kralie X reader Oneshots

THIS WAS MADE FOR MY BEST FRIENDS BIRTHDAY but if you want to read because you too love this angry but valid boyo then uh, read up

691 2 16

Rainbow dash and Aisyah went to Akademi High School they were the best of friends Rainbow And Aisyah Met 6 girls even though aisyah was not one of their elements aisyah was also happy for Rainbow Dash Soarin,Dimas and rainier was also the best of friends Dimas and Rainier liked or love aisyah both boys try to get aisyah to fell in love with one of them While soarin ignored those 2 boys Soarin also Try to get Rainbow to fell in love with him Will those 2 girls have a happy ending or a bad ending?hey guys if your confused why the mane 7 is in akademi high school this is an anime version of yandere simulator of course you may know that game you probably know the developer of that game yup is Yandere Dev if your wodering is there a yandere here?No, because Im not a good writer Im bad at drawing also others think my drawings are gr8 butttt is not soooooSAYONARA

224 3 9
It's Always Sunny in Mondstadt

Carlisle, a young man who's only purpose in life is literature, begins to go to war with his emotions for the owner of the most prestigious winery in Mondstadt, and begins to discover that there's more to life than begging on the streets."Feeling this way for another man? How sinful, Barbatos forgive me!"Updates inconsistent; potential cringe; Cover art not mine

4 1 0

Kotlc and MCU crossover!A ship crashes on the shores of Havenfield, filled with the Avengers and their families, who were trying to finally get a normal vacation.What will happen when humans end up with elves? Friends, enemies, and ship wars, everyone's life will be shaken up!Kotlc cover art by catching.lightning_ Marvel art by idk. Tell me if you know, please!

678 2 14