Search: aimshgiin
33 stories
Хар үүл

Хайтан пэйжийн зохиолуудыг илүү уншихад амар болгож хувилбарлаж оруулсан. Пэйжийг дэмжиж лаяк дарцгаагаарай.

337 8 18
Hidden secrets

Sequel to California secrets read the first book to understand this story.It's been two years and were back. We thought everything was going well until it all came crashing down. Will we all go our separate ways?Or will we stay together? Read to find out...

308 15 14 Full
The babysitter

Isabella is a 16yr old girl who is a single child. Her parents always gave her everything she wanted,but didn't pay much attention to her. Her dad was a business man who traveled a lot and her mother would spend her days shopping and with friends.they tell her they are moving from Florida to California for her dads business reasons. Her cousin Matt who she loved very much lived there. She had no idea that her life would change drastically when she decided to babysit this adorable little girl, and fall in love with the little girls older brother.But will it be too much to handle??Read to find out....;)

20.3K 27 353 Full
California's secrets

We are all one big group of friends! We have been through the highs and lows together but as we grow and take our own paths,things will change, feelings will changes and people will change. And nothing will be the same again ! Will we over come it or will it all fall apart.. Read to find out!!!;)

1.4K 30 73 Full
My brothers bestfriend

Nash has kept his twin sister a secret from his friends and the fans but what will happen when she gets tired of it and meets her brothers bestfriend???Read to find out

2.3K 5 42
Let's Talk: Conversations about anything and everything.

I talk.Hope you listen.You don't have to though.

915 47 110
өшөө Авалт

Цайраа муутай гаасаа болж хорогдсон сүнсний

17 2 1
Our Love Story ; Sam Wilkinson

"and that, is how Our Love Story came crashing down."Ryan is a typical teenager that moved to Omaha, Nebraska with her Mom and Sister, Emily. She rushes into a relationship with school heartthrob Sam Wilkinson. Was that the right idea or not? Will something major happen that may ruin everything? Sam Wilkinson // Sammy Wilk

42.9K 15 681
Хорогдсон сүнс

Нэгэн сургуулийн охиныг ангийнхан охин гадуурхаж дээрэлхэн тэр охин амиа хорлож сүнс нь хорогдоно.

55 3 3
our little secret // n.g

i wrote this book in like 2013 & i find it very bad. i promise that my other books are way better. but sure, read this if you'd like :)*completed*@ temptingiIinsky 2013

13.5K 36 391
Look away👻👻

Ene oguulleg n adal yvdalt, Hairaar duursen,Osvor uyiin mash goy utga aguulamjtai baga zereg aimshgiin oguulleg ym

78 1 6
Highly Recommended! Filipino Writers & Their Works Part 4

Supporting fellow Filipino aspiring authors in their works by promoting their stories. 😊Looking for new stories to read?Do check this out!Book Cover ©️ Yssa Zucchini

2K 200 146 Full
Wrong Choices - A Nash Grier, Taylor Caniff, and Cameron Dallas Fanfic

Melody suddenly becomes very nauseous and remembers the night before. She remebers sleeping with 3 other guys who happen to be Taylor Caniff, Cameron Dallas, and Nash Grier! Read to find out what happens! ⛔️MATURE CONTENT ⛔️

2.3K 18 29

Зүгээр л дараагийн хуудса руу гүйлгэ :))

338 1 27
Daily Note: A Hundred Words for Him

This story was more like of a diary.

5 1 0
diagnosed ; sam wilkinson

"cancer" left the doctors lips and the entire room went silent. sam wilkinson // sammy wilk all credits to @sammywiik

4.4K 9 146
YouTube scale

Hey I'm Katy this is the scale of YouTube

4 1 0

Him.His smile.His eyes.His voice.His laugh.His touch.Him.I'm paralyzed.

21 2 0

Excerpts of books I'll never write and short stories.PT. 1-- maybe.

21 1 0

ene nadaa tohioldson yawdal yum bi ter vyd sainshand ad amidardag baisan yum bi negen odor hiceele hiiged jijeh oroondo suuj baital yg mini haijuud tsonh baisan yum yg nar jargah vyd tsonhnii tsaan hvn tson togshjaga yumshgel dugarsan yum gedetl bii ocood haetal hen c baigaagvi yum bi oroihnon unthaasa omno tsonhniiha door vns asagchaad unttal tsonhni tsaanas hvn c gedhvv cotgorc gehvv muuhai 2 tom nvdtei am bolood hamrani haragdahgvi sehsiisenyum 1 tsag garan zogosj har baigaad alag bol chowbii ihel aij bailaa ter vyd bi gertee gantsaara manaih 4 oroo bair l daa gehdeel ter dindvv aimar ogloonon bosood gada garaad hartal yamarc holiin mor bhgvi bailaa basnegen odor ogloo bosood haalgaa ongoilgood hartal yg mini urd nvvr ni haragdahgvi oorigoo boimolj vhsen svns baiw bii zoltoil uhaan aldachaagvi eej c gesen harsan yu tegeed gent nogoo svns toos shig alag bolow bii eej tei hamt sain shandiin bvh boo lamd vzvvlew bvgdel 1 el zviliig helew tanai bair iig deewriin modiin shatsan modoor hiisen bogood tanai gazar gvidel tei yum baina tanaihaar zvns cotgor baingal orool garaal yawj baidag yum bn gedeg mon bidnariin ineergiig hvrtel sordog geed bi bvren arilgaj cadahgviee tvr argalj cadnaa geed tegeel 1-2sar gaigvi baih c irgeel nogoo zvils ni medregdeed baidag bailaa svvlde bid bairaa hymd zarchaad yawsan manai eej aaw 2 salj eej arihcin bolj bii ah egch dee re ocson ter bairand orson hvmvvs naws gazardaa tulchaadgardag eej maan salono aldsan daa ene l minii tvvh

12 1 0
The 100 Year Old Unicorn

A story about a 100 year old unicorn named Bob!!! :D

12 1 0
Đại Chiến Lớp Học

Mang đến những tình tiết đầy thú vị xoay quanh lớp học,Đại Chiến Lớp Học là một trong những tác phẩm truyện teen nói về trai thanh gái lịch, nhưng lại là lớp học đứng đầu sổ đen của trường.Những con người thanh lịch đó đã làm biết bao nhiêu thầy cô phải buồn phiền, thậm chí là ghét ra mặt. Hơn hết, bá đạo nhất là điểm số của chúng lại luôn đứng đầu toàn trường.Vì sao ư? Lí do gì khiến chúng vừa trở thành siêu quậy vừa đứng đầu điểm số nhất trường à? Đó cũng chính là điều mà thầy cô đều thắc mắc.Mời các bạn cùng theo dõi tựa Wattpaad để tìm kiếm câu trả lời nhé.

1 1 0
So It's gonna be forever? Or it's going down in  Flames? (Tagalog Haylor Story)

Tagal or story about Haylor Ano pipiliin nyu para sakanila? FOREVER? Or FLAMES?

7.6K 1 106
ELEMENTS : The Cold Flames

hbvgsdz,fkhsc kdjghfvnscizutfbacnexikmsiuafchnirtgklhlaorcutgjxes,orhngcmierlffochgjeoscigyhnmsorfiruyshmxormshgie( i'm currently out of words, so please bear with me)(i'l make the description sooner... sooneeerrr... sooooonnnneeerrr..... or maybe just nextime around)

6 1 0