Search: africancanadian
15 stories
Racing to You ✓

Leilani Ka'uhane led a blessed life, with supportive parents who paved the way for her both on stage and on screen. Having only two years left till graduation, she is close to finally committing to the dazzling world of spotlights. She was sure she had it all figured out -- until she bumps into Deandre Williams fixing her dad's motorcycle. Fresh out of rehab, outcast at school, rising dirt bike rider. Sometimes, a single conversation could change a life. ***- Not a typical bad boy/biker/grumpy x sunshine story. Recovery from addiction & stigma will be explored -

7.3K 32 167 Full

⟶ ✰ ::┊𝙿𝙾𝙲 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼𝚂! *:.。*⊹© 𝚋𝚕𝚔𝚓𝚞𝚙𝚝𝚛

1.1M 196 19.2K Full
people of colour face claims ³ ✓

a book of face claims for your ocs xbook three of face claims[all rights reserved @eeveezilla | 2023]

6.1K 200 20 Full
Beyblade Metal Series (you are a character and this is your POV)

First story. Yay. So basically you are a character and while some things change from the show to this story, the basic plot and characters stay the same. Yep. So its all in your POV and I plan to write it from Metal Fusion to Metal Fury. Fair warning. If you haven't finished the series, then hold up on reading this. I'll list on each chapter what episodes this spoils. Not that I believe anyone would want to read this. Beyblade is awesome but I don't think many people know that. I always see people write this so here it is: I don't own Beyblade at all. I do however use the actual script lines for this story so yep. I update weekly. Or sooner. But maybe it won't be as quick when I start school. I think.

75.6K 68 1.6K
Battle Scars

Mitch and Abby struggle with who they're supposed to be and what they truly are. ~Hunger Games~BajanCanadian~The world has degenerated into a dystopian society. For almost four hundred years, The Soviet that now rules the world has punished the people by inflicting their worst fears upon them. The fears they thought were only fictionally possible have become a reality. But if these horrors are possible, surely, so is a revolution. Somebody just needs to start it. But what if the somebody in question is trapped inside an arena with nineteen others trying to kill him?

3.1K 67 228 Full
My Brothers Best Friend (a bajancanadian fanfic)

29.2K 33 649
Instagram Famous

Your potential Wattpad characters | Including Instagram @s

146.4K 200 1.3K
Letters from Shanti Ashram, India

I lived in India from 1984-2005, and wrote to my parents regularly about my adventures in Indian ashrams. From 1984-1993 and again 2001-2005, I was living in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, and I am adding all of those my "Letters from India" book, which will mainly be of interest to those familiar with Prasanthi Nilayam, the ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.However, from 1994-2001 I was staying at a wonderfully spiritual, quiet retreat called Shanti Ashram, and I am putting the letters I wrote to my parents while staying there, on this book. The ashram was a dream come true for sadhana. The people are welcoming, it is usually never crowded, and they offer separate cottages to aspirants. The rates are donation basis only. You can contact them for a visit or longer-term stay:Sri Shanti AshramThotapalli HillsVia SankhavaramEast Godavari DistAndhra Pradesh, India 533446Phone: 011-91-7382009962

12.9K 70 24
She Saw Me (Hetalia Fanfic) (Canada x Reader)

Well, we all know Canada's invisible for some reasons. He already courted every girl he loved but then he got heart broken and never loved again. Ashleigh here is a simple girl who had a crush over Canada and vice versa. Canada was afraid if he courted her because he thought she will break his heart. But he was wrong... So wrong...

24K 10 510
Aviation Photos |BeautifulMistakeJZZ|

Aviation photos ✈️Most from: PinterestInfo: Wikipedia

2.7K 200 504
Childhood Love

About a girl who meets a boy from Africa and they fall in love . PS: Some stuff really happened.

29 2 3
Life in Many Hughes (sequel to: My Brothers Best Friend)

After Ashlyn and Mitch lose one of their children their lives change forever. The become famous as a vlogging family on YouTube and have 2 more kids. How will their lives play out from here?Find out in: Life in Many Hughes(Sequel to: My Brothers Best Friend)By:EricaFreeman7

1.5K 10 64
El archipiélago del perro (Spanish Edition)

"El archipiélago del perro (Spanish Edition) Un hecho extraordinario sacude la monótona existencia de una pequeña comunidad, obligándola a poner de manifiesto su auténtico carácter, su egoísmo y estrechez de miras. Una novela audaz y provocadora. Maestro en combinar elementos del género negro y la tragedia clásica, con una especial habilidad para crear suspense mediante una serie de detalles en principio intrascendentes, Philippe Claudel -autor de las aclamadas Almas grises y El informe de Brodeck- regresa con una historia plena de connotaciones filosóficas. El archipiélago del Perro dista mucho de ser un lugar paradisíaco. Situado en el Mediterráneo menos turístico, a unas decenas de millas de la costa africana, es un enclave aislado del mundo donde los habitantes entierran a sus muertos de pie por falta de espacio. Una tierra dura, famosa por sus fuentes de agua caliente y sus paisajes, y dominada por el Brau, un volcán que lleva milenios vomitando lava y escorias fértiles. La pesca y la agricultura son la forma de subsistencia de sus moradores, que sueñan con hacerse ricos con la probable construcción de un complejo termal financiado por un consorcio internacional. Sin embargo, un lunes de septiembre, el mar arroja a la orilla los cadáveres de tres jóvenes negros, un suceso que desencadena un agrio debate entre las personas con mando y poder en la isla, que discuten acaloradamente si dar una sepultura digna a los cuerpos u ocultarlos para evitar el escándalo.

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