Search: adamocean
12 stories


3 1 1 Full

one day

1 1 1 Full

two friends in an elevator

1 1 1 Full
An Artist

manifesto for the future

1 1 1 Full

want some pancakes?

1 1 1 Full
Minerva X: Expanded Edition ✔️

A tenth planet in the solar system has just been located, and NASA is sending a team of five to discover whether it's habitable. Selena Namori, a psychopath and incarcerated felon, is chosen for the mission, along with four other distinctive and unusual crewmates. Join us as Selena, and a mysterious sociopath, a not-so-cold-blooded killer, a caring volunteer, and a suicidal genius hurtle across space to live, train, work, and... die together?In this brand-new edited and much-expanded version of Minerva X, a whole new side of our charismatic, manipulative protagonist is brought out. Watch as we find out Selena and her lovable prison guard Adam's dynamic, along with what really makes her tick. What else happened on the crew's month-long trip to another world? How did the five unpredictable shipmates bond to form a fragile yet unbreakable team? All this, more, and extra bonus material in the revised and redeveloped Minerva X.#1 in shuttle

454 9 81 Full
Miranda's delicious cookbook

Hello, my name's Miranda Romo and I love to cook if you don't have all the ingredients when you like to cook something, go buy something from the grocery store if you have any ingredients when you like to cook something, don't buy from the store, anyway please enjoy my delicious cookbook.

648 200 33 Full
Everyday Lyrics

SOMETHING TO SING ALONG TO!!! XDThis is something like a song book, but instead it will be filled with all wattpadders favorite songs. All you have to do is send me the name of your favorite song and I'll post it up for the world to see, in return that chapter shall be dedicated to you and votes shall be placed in. More than one song is accepted. So start sending in your songs to me people..............XDMY LOVE TO ALL

529.4K 111 2.8K Full
Oc's mine/friends oc's

some oc's are mine and some are my friends

1.9K 200 13
El señor profesor empresario.

Cuando somos pequeños, nos enamoramos o al menos eso creemos porque lo vemos en películas o incluso lo leemos, pero cuando vamos creciendo desarrollamos nuevas emociones y sentimientos y poco a poco nos damos cuenta de que es realmente estar enamorado.A los doce años Valeria se dio cuenta de que estaba enamorada del chofer familiar, le hizo saber lo que sentia ella por él, obviamente no le correspondió; él se fue y ella se mudó al otro lado del océano, olvidó al chofer. Valeria cumplió 17 años y su primer gran amor ha regresado para convertirse en su gran amor prohibido. - Su profesor - ¿En realidad lo olvidó? Y ¿En realidad ya no siente nada por él?

290 7 8