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25,120 stories
Índio - eu queria ser  - I°

Ser Alguém... procurava seraqui descrevo o que já quis... um dia ser...agora no I° texto - "Índio eu queria ser"...seguindo e procurando um canto...por hora vamos com mais uma história!!!#coisasdeplutão #csc

6 1 0
The Emerald Wolf

Gabriella Bryson and Erin Stockigt are best friends when they find out about the rumor of the emerald wolf in the forest, will they search for the wolf and will they succeed?

72 2 3
A Saudade De Marta


5 2 1

Shit caca and cum

1 1 0

Leo's a Mere. 99% of the world's population is made up of Meres. He goes to a regular high school and lives a normal life. Everything changes one day when he discovers secrets he shouldn't have known. His life will never be normal again, Melody is the heiress to the strongest Phenomenal family ever. She's strong, smart, and pretty. She'd make an excellent leader, but none of that matters because she's a bearer of the Lotus Curse. No one expects her to make it past twenty. She'll prove them wrong... maybe.When their high school is raided by the infamous gang Savana, the Mere, the cursed prodigy, and a few friends end up working together to save the school. Maybe they'll save to world too! Just maybe.

10 34 1
She Was Dead

Xelxes got an anonymous text, asking for his help. He went where the sender is, but no one was there but himself. Later, he found out that the sender is dead. The thing is, he received the text last night, but the sender is already dead for three years.

13 1 0
Which are the most preferred reason for studying MBBS in Georgia

The best feature of overseas education is that there are no entrance tests or donation fees required. One of the top destinations is Georgia, specifically for Indian students looking to study MBBS.

1 1 0
Heaven Sent: It was Destiny!

Elie Jung is an average girl who lives in South Korea, she love's to play different online games, she is a member of the varsity and a chosen leader of her batch. On the other part Ma Ru Park lives in Busan, who loves to play online games, a dancer, pianist and can play different kinds of instruments.Until one day they met in an online game called Audition in the cold winter of February. A story that is match made in heaven. Fate leads them to find each other and destined to fall in love. It all starts in an online game. A long distance love have been formed.Will they last forever?

272 13 12
El Blog De Hannah.

HoliSolo léelo, se que te va a encantar (?

2 1 1
El caso de los pelirrojos

Narra la historia de como una vez más Sherlock junto con Watson resuelven un caso. Pero no un caso cualquiera, un caso que tiene la desaparición de alguien como segundo plano mientras que en el primero tenemos un caso de interés. Ambas historias están relacionada y esto será clave para la resolución final del caso.

7 1 1
Fate's Crossroads [AkaKuro One-Shot]

This Christmas will be her last for everything.

620 1 55
The Poerty

Ini pertama kali saya upload Puisi :) :)

5 1 2
7 Boys In The List

107 crushes, she had. 50 are fictions and 50 are artist. 7 are local peoples. •LJ Taylor•Kurby Fernandez•Alexander Sarmiento•Chester Park•John Mendoza•Xyrus Lee•David ConcepcionShe call it INFATUATION and it will never be called love.They misunderstood her.They judge her.They don't like her.But she is someone who doesn't...

17 4 0
C xm dm snh + Dm snh trn r bn ng hng lt


118 5 0
Freckles and Constellations {girlxgirl}

Ophelia is a creative green thumb. Juno is a flirty space fanatic. This is their story.

17 1 1
La luna me sigue todo el camino a casa

@AsDePiCa Poesía

4 1 0

se trata de la historia de un pequeño cachorro pitbull el cual es comprado por un clandestino multimillonario, que participa en peleas de perros pero la historia da un giro inesperado

19 1 0

ºNo se olvidará de ninguno. Ni del joven que murió y yace ahora enterrado ni de la doncella que murió también y fue enterrada con élº Walt Withman

29K 50 3.8K
Ritmos del Corazón: El Tango de Luna y Raúl

En las calles bulliciosas de Nueva York, Luna, una joven apasionada por la danza contemporánea, lucha por encontrar inspiración en su rutina diaria. Atrapada en la monotonía, añora descubrir algo que encienda nuevamente la chispa en su corazón.

1 1 0
Long Time No See

its a story about Dean and Cas. they had met in highschool... then they meet again

2 1 0
Peru tours - A Bridge to Enjoy the Adventurous Inca trail

Nature - a beautiful word or element in a human's life that attracts our eyes and minds both towards it. Every one of us has a special attraction to it.

8 1 0

Versa sobre unas hermanas que salen de viaje a París y conocen a cd9

9 2 1
Heart of Stone

6 1 0

The tribe

244 14 4
Chico Misterio

Era un día normal, todo igual. Mi rutina la misma, estaba acostada enrollada en las sabanas y mi habitación a oscuras por la madrugada, voltee para el otro lado de la cama para ver la hora de mi alarma eran las 4:35 a.m. Y me sentía como si fuesen las 7. Me levante me puse mis pantuflas y fui al baño, luego de lavarme la cara fui a la sala tome el control remoto y encendí la tele; después fui a la cocina a prepararme el desayuno. . .

8 2 0