Search: SarahWright25 » Page 2
36 stories
My life story- who I really am under around of this.

116 1 2
The fire burning light

451 3 16
The story of my life                  chapter- my childhood friend

elizabeth is a teenage girl who as a football brother who every girls falls for, she has no friends because they all fall for her brother. Elizabeth parents are always busy so her brother watchs her and protect's her, her brother mike loves her alot and because of that she can't date or have any boyfriends as long as he's around. Elizabeth meets someone she loves dear and he can change ever thing. She scary of what to say to him after what happen between them. This friend name is david. what will she do? what happen between them? Will she ever tell him the truth about how she feels about him? what will happen to them? read the story to find out

318 2 3
Lost and confused (Colton Dixon)

Liz hasn't felt loved her whole life her parents abandon her when she was little and now she lives with her grandparents she doesn't have friends and people pick on her she's tried to kill herself before but fails every time she loves Colton Dixon and hopes to see and meet him someday will she kill herself before she sees Colton or will he save her life? Read to find out

256 6 17
Friends and Real Life Fantasies

A story of two freaky kids living their deepest sexual fetishes with each other.

7 1 0
Today's the day (Colton Dixon)

Allie loves Colton and she won a contest on the radio that was giving away Colton tickets that included a backstage pass and she's never ever seen him or met him so she is really excited. Will they fall in love or will she just see him that day and move on??

48 2 4
You saved me (Colton Dixon)

Lilly hasn't felt loved her whole life and she has depression and doesn't really like talking to people. She's been a Colton Dixon fan for a long time and finds out he's moving to her neighborhood will she open up to Colton or push him away? Read to find out

71 2 3
Hannah's Story

Hannah, at the age 15 and being in 4 different adoption homes, she having to move once again. All her previous families have found it difficult to look after her but will the Whitfield family be different? She finds it hard to move to a Spain , however her 2 new brothers are making it harder for her to fit in.UPDATES WILL BE EVERY WEEKEND AND IF NOT MEANS I AM NOT HOME OR HAVENT WRITTEN.

53 1 1
A broken soul (Colton Dixon)

Gabby has had such a hard life her parents don't like her at all they've even beaten her multiple times so she became suicidal and has tried to kill herself a lot. She loves Colton Dixon and has been a fan of him since his idol days he's even gotten her through some tough times in her life. One night things get out of control and she is planing to kill her self and tweets Colton that she's gonna do it does he save her in time or does she kill herself before he does? Read to find out

42 2 6