Search: MemeDealerK
47 stories
Flicker on crack (the Wattpad version) 2: Electric Boogaloo [COMPLETE]

Read the first one here:

96.5K 200 1.3K Full
Flicker on crack (the Wattpad version) [COMPLETE]

As the title implies This story is complete. Check out the sequel here:

131.5K 200 1.9K Full
Empires SMP on crack

Includes S1 and S2, might also include the invading Hermits

3.3K 15 78
The Mind Electric (a South Park fanfic for the @lgbtq songfic contest)

"Think of these thoughts as limitless light" "Exposing closing circuitry of fright" "Think of each moment holding this breath" "As DEATH minute in decimal"

31 1 1 Full
!NEW! Flicker Backstories

Since the devs have recently released a bunch of new lores and pretty much all of them have no correlation to my AU, I've decided to write down my own backstories. This time they'll only be a one paragraph summary of them as to keep me motivated enough to actually do them and not abandon the book like the last time I did this.

2K 13 46
All of my Flicker OCs

Because I've been meaning to do this for god knows how long

4.1K 46 127
¡OLD! Ship Opinions

Give me some Inanimate Insanity or BFB ships and I will tell you my opinion on them. Edit: Ok I got into Object Terror and Fight in Flight recently so yall can request some ships from there too hhh

7.9K 27 65
K's art book

Jakshjdejdj just an art book I use Framecast but the community went to crap and it's been taken off of the app store. We are currently residing in Sketchers United. o7 Framecast, I will always remember you.So yeah, enjoy my shit

2.7K 28 74
AHCTD stuff

Random things for A House Closer to Death that I can't put anywhere else

1.4K 16 50
Flicker Backstories

Backstories for the characters of Flicker (none of these are cannon)

2.2K 3 33
Flicker Gaming Moments

Just a place to store all my Flicker memories

284 5 30
South Park but on some middle class crack

Need I say more children

10.6K 56 285
Quirk Ideas 5 (Feel free to use them)

Final stretch to the finale!If there's any duplicates, feel free to tell me, I'd like to replace them.If you want to use one, go right ahead!Book 6 is out! We're still doing this!

35.6K 200 444 Full
My Crack Flicker Universe

so this is like a fandom thing so yeah. and this is inspired off of MemeDealerK so check out their profile.MemedealerK's Profile:

283 14 2
Roblox Flicker Crack: I'm Not Funny

This is a book about flicker characters on crack. I'm not funny at all, so prepare for a world of cringyness! Enjoy!⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Read at your own riskSymptoms:Loss of humorStuck in internal boringnessDeath of frowny face

5.6K 43 252
My Journey of playing Fate: Grand Order

The title said it all. Also it includes:Doujin linksMemes stolen from other people or from DiscordMOAR MEMES

59K 200 506
Death in Words (South Park Halloween fanfic)

For the "Chased by Zombies" contest by @Fanfic

18 1 0
Flicker Ask And Answer

I announced this only yesterday but yeah lol

584 4 14
Zarya x Mei ^^ Siberian Bears uwu

cute (Edit: my friend made this like a year ago and it's just been sitting in my drafts so I decided to publish it because I'm bored and this deserves love.)

46 1 0

The true story of the " civil war" and how it should be called Lincoln's War, War of Southern Independence, and War of Northern AggressionThis book is loving memory President Jefferson Davis and his cabinetThis is also in honor of each Confederate solider wore the greyIn memory of the 2 MILLION SOUTHERNERS ( 1 in every 8 southern white died, which was 12.5 percent of all Southern whites, 1 in every four African Americans died, which was 25 percent of all African American Southerners along with thousands of Southerner Asian, Native American and Hispanic) who perished in the war of Northern Aggression. This is also in honor of General Winfield Scott Hancock who survived the war and General John Sedgwick who died in 1864 on May 9th. Although both of these Generals fought for the north and wore blue, Hancock and Sedgwick were decent, ethnical and good. Hancock and Sedgwick did not commit war crimes nor were they war criminals. In fact, after the war Winfield Scott Hancock spoke up against the war crimes that were done to the southBut this book is ESPECIALLY in honor CSA General and civil rights advocate Nathan Bedford Forrest:Confederate HeroAmerican legendCivil rights advocateAbolisher of the first ( non racist) KKK53 victories out of 54 battles Gone but never forgotten Once a hero always a heroRespecter and defender of women and children First with the most Rest easy and fly highJuly 13th 1821-October 29th 1877This book is also in honor of all my Pro Confederate best friends. All of you are the best and I love all of you so much 1. Jack 2. Brail3. MelaniaLyraLestrange4. ShadowCanada4. TechSummit5. ParanoidShark6. 1-800-HELL-ANGEL7. XxArkansasxX 8. -redchaos 9. ABigPJFan10. SouthernRebel4511. inkyfrosting321712. -badthingscoming 13. All of my pro Confederate friends on discord 14. nikolai1015615. JustAsBrokenAsYou

2.2K 200 169 Full
All Songs in The Ruins of the Minecraft Multiverse series

A collection/compilation of all the songs used so far in the series! Mostly for you guys to keep track since I have them all written in my notes already, but also a little for me just in case cause you never know

58 4 2
The Plague Murder (an I.I. Fan-fiction)

"What would you do if you only had 7 days left to live? Would you visit your favorite places? Would you talk to your favorite people?" This was the question everyone living at Hotel OJ had began to wonder. At first, after II ended, all was seemingly going well. Or, atleast everyone thought so. Barely a year after the show's ending, a deadly plague swept through towns and cities of objects, killing anyone in just 7 days after being caught. The plague eventually got to town, with many deaths being recorded. Not only is the plague killing many objects in its wake, but a mass murderer has been roaming around, killing objects in the flick of a wrist. Now, Paintbrush, Lightbulb, Fan, and Test Tube, now referred to as "The Plague Hunters," are taking it upon themselves to hunt down the beast and kill it at once, along with attempting to avoid the plague. But it won't be easy, especially if the beast is the one who caused the epidemic to spread, and when that beast is living under the same roof as you. ⚠️WARNING⚠️ This book contains: Gore Mentions of disorders Swearing Disease Suicide If you are sensitive to any of these subjects, don't read this book and go outside, read a real book or something idk.

674 2 20
My weird Artbook

I just draw stupid stuff and hope that I'm not embarrassing myself.

48.7K 195 2.7K
Eupicary's Limbo (entry for the Tales of Flicktober writing contest)

"They say that human knowledge is a gift, but those who have met me know it is a curse."Jo was very shy for the beginning of her life. She had trouble talking to people, running away at even the chance of confrontation. One day, her parents get her a little grey cat plushie with a red heart sewn onto its stomach, which Jo promptly names Ace. It didn't seem like much, but when no one else was around, the plush would suddenly come to life and talk to Jo, encouraging her to find her place in the world. It helped Jo boost her confidence, and after a few months of having Ace, she was finally beginning to make friends with other, real people. Now, Jo is 16, and her childhood friends Lara, Jordan, and Jojo are on a camping trip in the woods. Jo still carries around Ace, and it still speaks to her when nobody else is watching. But when she pulls the plush out of her bag, it is suddenly unresponsive. Which means someone is watching. She's not alone.Is it possible that Jo is being protected by a spirit of some kind, or is she part of something much, much bigger than she ever knew?

21 1 2
Star Wars Fan Art

A collection of mostly old artwork when I was 12yo and also some new onesIs this the millionth fan art book you've seen? Fine. But just read this, because who knows? You might like it.(Skip to more recent chapters for better art)(Also check out my comic book The Skywalker Family Tales)Cover by @Sapphirefoxeh

5.8K 183 1.2K Full
Foxtails and Fairytales: Facades and Fables of the Phantom Prince

After the mysterious events at Marsanth, Sebas Asmos Ti'en, the unwilling fox prince engaged to a Human princess, disappears without a trace. As a runaway noble he earns the nickname 'the Phantom Prince'. Evading three kingdoms and bounty hunters for six years, many have allowed the Phantom Prince to disappear into legend. However, four unlikely friends look forward to his appearance at the Hearthroam University of Magic. His childhood friends Jules and Nerinin await him to keep his promise and return to them. His rival Flint knows their fates are tied together and awaits their rematch. His sister Tiera follows her dream but admires the free spirited nature of her hero and brother. The winds of change set their course for Hearthroam and many new faces are caught up in the adventure. But the Phantom Prince isn't the only one with a secret, and more than one agenda wrecks havoc on the campus. Fairytales, fantasy, facades, and foxtails collide in this story about the larger role a reincarnated teenager has to play in a world that may have a deeper meaning than a simple adventure in another world.*Reader Comments (Arc5)*"This... this was amazing... these last two chapters... absolutely mind boggling! This is truly the best book I have ever read captain! Keep it up! If you ever actually publish this book, it may go down as a revolutionary work!" -MaxTheDraconian"This book continues to amaze and entrap me in its web... Its beautifully crafted and walks, the finest line ive ever seen, between so many ideas and philosophical debates... How has it not been published yet? It resides alongside my other favorites such as the sword of truth, kingkiller chronicles, and the wheel of time"-Whirledhacker"This monologue is one of the best vilain monologues I've ever read till this day. Love it."-LJmolin667"I just don't know how can he write something so... brilliant!? Call me heathen, doing this to your own beloved characters... just amazing." -BenceTary

631.4K 183 41.5K