Search: Briana_loves1998
604 stories
The Secert Lovers

The Year was 1987 the two biggest artist in the world were love by millions of fans but what a lot of people don't know is that they're in love each other It was very difficult for prince to come out and express himself to Michael but he already knew rest prince was in love with him but But one thing for sure Michael had a secret that nobody knew about he was a vampire but will prince figure it out Lisa Debbie Mayte and Manuela will not be apart of this story it will be just Michael and Prince

1.3K 24 3 Full
The Wonderful Love Story Of Elvis Presley

The world mourned the death Elvis Presley on august 16th 1977 a few months after his death he has found love again he was happy once again for the first time in his life Elvis had never felt more happier in his life with anyone and they were known as the best couple in the afterlife and became very intimate with each other over the months they have known one another He couldn't see his life without her in the picture and was so glade that he met such a beautiful and genuine woman that he's been searching for years when he was aliveElvis will be having more children or even get married again in this story

1.2K 18 1 Full
My First Time

Prince And Michael were about to have sex for the first time in their relationship Michael was very nervous prince made sure that he was comfortable enough Once he was comfortable enough to have sex he was at ease

150 4 0

Lionel Richie had a good wife at home but he became very unhappy over the years They have been married so one night he went out and he woke ip the next morning naked be slept with a woman that gave him the Fulfillment he was looking for all those years now his hunger and sexual craving called for her will she resist him or will it only be a one night thing

235 5 3
Black Lover

Diana has never dated a black man before what happens when she falls in love with a black Jamaican man who was on vacation in London He made her heart melt and race like fire on ice .....this will be something new for Diana but she was ready for that kind of loveMany people told her that the sex would be fire but she wanted to experience it on her own

316 9 2
My Unhappy Marriage

Michael has been married for six years now but he became very unhappy in his marriage to his husband he knew things changed in their marriage and he knew his husband was cheating on him with someone else everything changed the moment he met the man that would be important to him in his life

121 4 0
Diana(Underworld Awaken)

The year was 1991 Diana And Charles were separated after 11yrs of strange relations with the royal family A Vampire who was to watch over Diana might bring her back to the village to make her queen of the people in their world Soon After Diana fell in love with him and she had to make a choice to chose royal life or vampire life When he was about to leave to say goodbye diana didn't want him to go and she insisted on going with him with tears in her eyes she didn't want to be left alone Her life changed for forever

151 7 0
Diana And Gabrielle Love Story

Diana Princess of Wales was over her marriage all she wanted was to be loved and accepted that's until she came and made Diana world ten times better and heart pounding out of her chat Gabrielle was honored to meet Diana and will give her the ride of her life This is no disrespect to the princess I truly adore and respect Diana this is just a story so please don't take it personallyGood thing about this story Diana won't die or be in a accident she will be happily with Gabrielle in her hometown of Hawaii to get away from the public eye

294 10 1
My Lady Diana

Princess Diana And Charles split up but they didn't give up on love for other people what happens when Diana falls in love with a man shes never met before They began dating three years after she separated from Charles They're love and romance blossomed but the question was Will she marry again Diana will also not die in this story like my other story I written about her go check it out

619 12 2
The Arrange Marriage

Prince had to marry someone in order to keep his reputation a secret many people said he was an abuser and some say this or that not knowing the real prince But what he didn't know was that he has to marry Michael Jackson who couldn't stand his guts but he knew Michael's heart When they came knocking on his door and told him the news he was deeply pissed but will he agree to marry prince to keep hIs reputation or will he reject the proposal But they did began to fall in love with each otherThere will be lots of arguing between them in this story

336 4 5
Michael Jackson Vampire love story

This story is about a boy name Jacob Perez him and his friends were out on a Saturday until something happened to one of his friends and Jacob ran off and since then he couldn't sleep cause every time he do he appears in his head and Michael Jackson knew that Jacob got himself in something that he can't get out of will he sit him free or get killed let's find out

1.3K 23 11
The Man In Black

There was a girl waking alone in the city of Minneapolis with her boyfriend who gotten himself into a lot of trouble They were in a area that was dangerous the master of them all was prince himself What will happen as they walk the streets at night in Minneapolis and most importantly what would happen to Dana Prince will seduce her as much as he can and will she be able to resist it

99 4 0
Michael Jackson And Denise Matthews Love Story

Vanity was in a four year relationship with the one and only prince Nelson himself but they shortly after broke up to focus on her band But two years later she's fallen in love with Michael Jackson and became very interested in him she loved his music Michael Didn't want to disrespect prince because he knew that was his ex but vanity wanted michael more than anything in the world This is just a story I know Michael and Vanity didn't date or anything like that in real life also this is no disrespect to prince Michael or vanity Thank You For Reading

274 6 1
Michael Jackson's Daughter

Michael Jackson didn't know he was a father until he got a very important call from the hospital when his daughter got sick and they told him he needed to come ASAP When he gets there he couldn't believe how beautiful his daughter was and why the mother didn't tell him he had a daughter ...Michael is 24yrs old he will try anything and everything to protect his daughter that been getting abused by her own mother and her mother new boyfriend but she ran away because she couldn't take it no more Her name is Dinah Jackson from Fort Wayne Indiana but moved to California when she became a year old she is now four years old she was born December 25th 1979 it is now 1984

1.8K 7 33
Michael Jackson son

A girl named Layla was pregnant with Michael Jackson son and he has no idea what happens when he finds out about it it is 1987 Michael is going to try everything he can to find them around California and won't stop until he do the only person who knows is his brother Jermaine and His make up artist Karen Faye Let's find out what happens in Michael Jackson son he's 24yrs old in this with his skin disease

381 4 1
My Sexy Neighbor

Michael And the boys just moved to Minneapolis and intended a new school they were excited about the move and moving to a new environment Specially Michael he knew this move would do some good for his family After a week of moving there Michael had no idea that he caught the attention of prince

156 4 1
The Unknown Girl with Prince Baby

The year was 1994 the mother of his baby was unknown prince was in a relationship with Mayte Garcia which many people don't like the girl was quiet about her pregnancy and never told a soul She was the perfect example of classy and professional many men loved her but some of them wanted her baby and she said no What Happens when prince finds out and will he remember her and the romance they have back in the back

152 4 7
Michael Jackson's son

This story is about a women who gave birth to michael Jackson son and he had no idea until he saw it on the news that he had a son and invited the women over to his Neverland home to see him ...the moment he held him in his arms he fell in love and they were a big happy family after that

953 12 5
Michael Jackson's Daughter

Michael Jackson has no idea that he had a daughter until bill and his family told him who is only 17yrs old and a mother herself with her beautiful baby girl Rein who is only two years lets see what happens

720 5 15
My Lovely One

Michael And Prince were getting married next year their relationship was out to the public when they got together on 1983 and announce it in 1984 since then they have been together every since then Prince Was entering this new chapter with michael

228 5 0
Under The Cherry Moon

Prince was doing his movie his boyfriend Michael Jackson was there for support they been together since 1983 it was now 1986 Tonight Was. A Very Special night cause Michael was going to ask prince to marry him he's waited for a long time to do this Prince couldn't wait to spend his life with michael once they are married

106 4 0
The Cheating Husband

Prince was unhappy in his marriage that it drained him putting on a fake smile was all he can do The spark came back when he met a woman who had a massive sex drive his match made in heaven When that happened he craved her deeply and nobody in his entire life made his hormones spin like that He searched for her and didn't give up until he found her

486 6 4
Undeniable Love

Diana Life hasn't always been easy not even with Charles it was now 1993 she was so over her marriage with Charles that she doesn't wear her ring anymore she knew divorce was coming Diana moved on with her life until she met a man who changed her life forever They got married a few years after and Diana was happier than ever

100 4 0
Doctor Michael Jackson

This is story about a girl Named Diana(not the singer) who went to the hospital to get a check up but has a new doctor named Michael Jackson he's known for the greatest doctor in the world lots of people come to here how will she take it when she finds out he's her new doctor will they build a friendship relationship or will it end people with jealous people around lets find out enjoy loves

857 14 6
The accident Michael Jackson Love Story

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley got in a huge argument on the way home while In their Uber but his driver bill ran over somewhere and Michael asked what happened he got out of the car and asked the women was she ok she wasn't breathing and he freaked out ...he tried to wake her up and went to the hospital with her Lisa was heading home ....He felt bad for everything but what Michael doesn't know is she is a vampire will she hurt him or will she fall in love

655 5 0
My True Lover

Michael and Lisa got out of a divorce and michael was devastated he loved her dearly haven't even been two years since they been married After a year after the divorce a beautiful girl came into his life and gave him what he always wanted and that was children Debbie and Lisa will not be apart of this story for the rest of the chapter only Lisa is only going to be apart of the first chapter only but the rest there will be no Debbie or Lisa through out the whole storyDebbie will have his children though but she won't be apart of the story or mentioned but she will end up having his children

128 9 1