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378 stories
Devil's Love

Warning age restricted(Story contain mature chapter)When 19 years old hacker, y/n gets kidnapped by the charming CEO's/ devil marfia gang. What will happen to her. she get out of the hell or will she be tortured to death or will something else happen? Find out.This is first fan friction.(Tips are welcome)If there is any grammar mistake or anything else, then please understand that your author is only 13yrs old.This story is inspired by other movies and books if you don't like please kindly leave, don't pass nagative comments.

151 5 17
Inarizakis Girl (Haikyuu x Female Reader)

Y/n runs away from home and leaves her best friends with out saying a word to them.What happened when she when she goes to a different school and joins its volleyball team and sees some people she remembers.I do not own haikyuu or the pictures in this story.

91 4 0
The Young Princess

~~~~COMPLETED~~~~THIS IS ALSO A PREQUEL OF THE 7 SISTERS SERIESALSO SIDE-NOTE, I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS LIKE 12 OR SOMETHING SO I'M SO SORRY IF IT'S TERRIBLE... ANYWAYS... PLEASE READ :)Dani has lived all alone for as long as she can remember. She lives in the woods not far from a village were she steals food, clothing, and anything else she might need. But when she gets caught stealing butter from a bakery, she finds out she's the long lost princess of the kingdom, and that she has some very special talents. Also shocked by the news is Zanthis, the duke running the kingdom for the time being while there was no heir to the throne. But now that there is, he is no longer in control and must find a way to get back that power. Will Zanthis win and take back the throne or will Dani find a way to stop him and take what is rightfully hers?

941 16 16 Full
Nöt panda

Han gillar nötter!

93 5 7
JSM Story Slices Vol. 2

3 stories in one place!!1. 7:30 Train: Two dudes have an altercation on a train. (My spin on Raymond Queneau's many Exercises in Style, AKA 2 guys fighting on a bus 99 different ways.)2. Sunhat: dual POV's as told from both sides of the "crime."3. I said SHRIMP not SHOOT!: Two gunslingers have to adhere to Raemus' rules. "[Y]'all can't dare lay a finger on your guns until I say shoot. [...] If I say, sock, ya can't shoot..."

3 3 0 Full
The Polish Program (LSD, #2)

The best spy story; the worst spy.Compared with the burning rage of a fired woman, global warming is a cosy campfire.The International Climate Conference in Krakow will save the world from every known ecological disaster. The LSD (Luxembourg Spy Department) wants to help: they send Red, The Runner, to start this story with a BANG. But when Red completes his mission, he discovers that global warming is just a cosy campfire, compared with Scarlett's burning rage after being fired.Red tries to stay cool: "You deserve a better job. I'll help you." But Scarlett is not interested in finding a new job; she wants to find the criminal who made her lose the old one.All the terrible things in human history were done by men. Women are nice, warm, soft, friendly, kind, with a big mother's heart for everyone. When a woman like Scarlett wants revenge, there's nothing to be afraid of.

23 22 22 Full
The 7 Sins (BTS FF)

Will you survive with these 7 devilishly handsome men?Once upon a time, a girl stumbled upon a mysterious object that transported her to the world where her fairy tale awaits...《Unedited》

344 9 7
Black Coffee and Blue Pen

A collection of poems written from 2012-2019

68 28 28
The First Life: Abandoned

This magical adventure is about a young boy named David who goes through many different lives using the souls that he absorbs from his loved ones. He must go through challenges that other people have never even dreamed of. Whether it comes to horrors, monsters, and even love, he needs to survive to get back to his old life that he only has memories of. This is a scrapped story. Feel free to read, but this novel will not be continued in the future. It was fun while it lasted, but in the end it didn't turn out how I had wanted it to turn out. Feel free to read other works of mine. And treat the environment well, will ya?

505 25 44
Dee x Reader

Sin spoilers Metal Family the best serie.

1.9K 6 19
Delicious Day

🌸Proje için yapılmıştır 🌸

7 5 0
What if Angels And Demons Walked Among Us?

I remember having my first vision at 20. the whole idea used to seem ridiculous to me before but now it was happening and it was clear as day. I was extremely nervous as I looked ahead of me and thank goodness for the distance between us because no one would ever want to look death in the eye. The angel of death is everything that you would imagine it being it's not just the black robe and scary look that is quite similar to the death card on a tarrot card but it's the feeling you get. on a normal day I would laugh at looking at some freak in a black robe with a double edged sword but not this time. not now and definitely not in this moment. I had a creepy, scary feeling in the pit of my stomach that also extended to my heart, it was that feeling like your heart and stomach are in a tight note and you can't do anything about it. it was that eery feeling that you get when you go through a near death experience, where the spirit within you is furiously begging to jump out of your chest and leave out of freight, that feeling where you briefly experience your life flash before your eyes especially when you are about to have an accident or the accident is about to come to you. and in that moment you see your dreams becoming crushed, your goals and you briefly think about all the things that you will never achieve, the life you will never have and the things that you will never get to say to your loved ones, including your kids that you will never meet. I stood frozen in my position as death observed me. I crouched down in the corner of the dark, desolate room or place. My spirit was panicking within me and not just because of death but because I was frozen in time as I awaited the judgement of God. the action of his angel of death. When death glances at you, you cannot move, talk, think or feel because this is his world now and only your soul is left keeping you long enough awaiting your judgement.

186 11 33
You are perfect for me

Here its a kaira story........what if kartik came to singhanias for a aim............will singhanias ever come to know this??...........wil he be successful in his motive??......lets see

665 4 78
The Spanish Spotlight (LSD, #4)

The best spy story; the worst spy.Stopping a war is child's play. Pleasing a child is killing.The world is in danger. There is a war going on in the Middle East. Innocent people are dying. The only man with enough power to stop the bombing is Mr Johnsson, the Secretary of Defence of the USA. Right now, he's on a short vacation in Marbella, a perfect chance for #3, The Diplomat, to talk with him.Mr Johnsson doesn't want to talk. He wants to spend time with his teenage daughter. The LSD doesn't give up: "What if we give your little girl the best day ever?" After his success in Brest, #5, The Runner, finally gets the chance to do some real spy-work: babysitting. Child's play? A Miss mission is as good as a mile.

15 15 15 Full
Awoken As The Enchanted Empress

Okay, so this is not a tipical story no, no. This story is about how I became the 'Enchanted Empress' and this how my life begins.My name is Yamaki Shiza a japanese girl who created a virtual world game. like any genuise would do, after I was done with a few touches to the game I decided to take a break, but after I woke up I'm not at my office anymore, it looks like I woke up at a scary, dark castle and beside me was a hunky butler man and all the other MPC's that I created, and not only that I'm a Godess of Death/Enchanted empress also I am now known as Miyumi Blacktear Enchantress. My job is ruling the world now my adventure starts here."My empress, as expected of you, you deafeted a whole army of ogers with just one simple spell. You forever have my loyalty." Liam said calmly.'Wait! I didin't know I was that strong?!'"*Cough* I don't know you were about to betray me Liam.." I look down at him giving him a cold look."No, no. I wasn't thinking of that forgive me, my empress." My butler kneel down and bow his head for forgiveness.I look at him and sigh. "*Sigh* I forgive you, now you may leave." I said.He stand up. "Thank you, my queen." He left the room leaving me here.I slump back to my seat and sigh in relief. "*Sigh* being the empress is not easy. Oh well gotta start my new life here."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: This story was inspired by Overlord of its plotline and anyways, thank you for reading and also the pictures and videos are not mine sometimes I barrowed characters from different animes. So thanks and bye my Cuties~

931 7 20
The Antaran Legacy, Book 1: For Duty (Ch1)

Caught in the middle of a war in which they have no voice, the neutral planet of Antares launches a desperate plot to end the conflict that threatens their world. The seven royal daughters of Emperor Agreios face both their enemies and challenges to their resolve. The universe will shake from their actions.

268 1 7 Full
Daughter of Rapunzel

~~~~~COMPLETEDPLEASE READ YOUNG PRINCESS BEFORE THIS~~~~~Gabrielle was adopted by the one and only Rapunzel. She doesn't spend much time with her though, she is to busy and Gabrielle likes the outside edges of the woods better than inside practicing manners. She is nothing like her adoptive mother though, she has more special powers. She can speak to and control any kind of rabbit, and since there are many of them around to outside, she has many rabbit friends. Everything changes though when she turns 15, not a very amazing normal birthday. Except this was not a normal teenage birthday. Once after her party was over, all her rabbit friends take her away, into the mystery of the woods. There she finds she has a real destiny, to fight with her sisters to save their kingdom from destruction. Read Daughter of Rapunzel to start your adventure into the series of the 7 Sisters.

535 18 22 Full
Shadows They Cast

They were the closest of friends, never did they call each other by their given names only the nick names they created for each other; that is till one of them disappeared breaking the unbreakable bond they had shared. 9 years later it is like the ones remaining have no memories of the bond they had before until one day it all came back. How will every one in the school react to learning that 2 of the most well known students, for completely different reasons, have a history together that even they don't remember. How will those who are closest to one of them react to the new presence and the stirring of a past uncovered? Heck, I don't even know. Will you join the journey and discover along with everyone else what mysteries hide in the past and what they have to do for the future.

1.2K 23 38
The Maltese Manuscript (LSD, #6)

The best spy story; the worst spy.The world's worst criminal vs. the world's worst spy. Literary, there's nothing better.Khalid el Bullít is the most dangerous terrorist on Earth. He deals deadly drugs to children, he feeds guns to warlords in countries where hunger rules, and he dreams of a nuclear attack on a major Western city, probably New York. It's not strange if you've never heard about him: the entire island of Malta protects Khalid's secret identity. But Khalid made one mistake and now the LSD is after him.A manuscript about a maniac leads to a manhunt to save mankind. Is Malik, the writer of that manuscript, a pawn or a player? Does Khalid play with black or white? Sami, The Runner, should leave this mission to The Agent. Noxious Secrets are extremely bad for your health.

21 15 7 Full

Setelah permohonan Amra untuk menjadi seorang pegawai polis diterima, dia pun menerima perjodohannya dengan pilihan ibunya.. Sejujurnya, Amra memang tak kesah kerana dia juga sedang membujang namun, terdapat beberapa kisah silam Amra bersama dengan lelaki pilihan ibunya itu iaitu Haraz Daiyan, seorang doktor.. Apa yang berlaku di masa lalu sebenarnya?Cerita lalu sering dijadikan bahan cerita supaya tiada kecanggungan terjadi antara mereka akan tetapi, Dengan adanya 'overthinking' yang lazimnya tertanam pada setiap benak manusia akan jadi sesuatu yang bahaya untuk hubungan mereka."Cukuplah seorang lelaki yang soleh untuk menunjukkan satu kaum tu soleh" -AMRA HANANI "And orang tu Afka?" -HARAZ DAIYAN "Perempuan yang soleh untuk lelaki yang soleh" -HARAZ DAIYAN ""And orang tu Azalea?" -AMRA HANANI "Amra, Even ada apa-apa jadi kat aku, kau akan still dengan aku, ke?" -HARAZ DAIYAN "Selagi kau tak lafaz cerai kat aku, Aku takkan berpaling walaupun sezarah.." -AMRA HANANI"If so, Aku ceraikan kau dengan talak satu, Amra Hanani.." -HARAZ DAIYAN Jantungnya berdentum.. Sel darah merah dan darah putihnya seolah-olah berhenti mengalir setelah suaminya, Haraz Daiyan mengkalamkan lafaz tersebut..Azalea merupakan masa lalu Haraz manakala Afka adalah orang yang berjaya menarik perhatian Amra pada zaman silam.. Ditambah lagi dengan Amra yang berusaha untuk mencari pembunuh ayahnya yang ternyata orang dekatnya sendiri.. Apakah kesudahannya? Mampukah Amra menggalas tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang anggota polis yang amanah sekaligus menjaga kehormatannya sebagai isteri kepada Haraz Daiyan..?

182 25 25
Ask and truth or dare soul eater (ask open)

The title is all

145 7 14
The Swedish Sex Bomb (LSD, #7)

The best spy story; the worst spy.Save the world? Or save Miss Sweden? It's an easy choice.The LSD is not interested in Agneta Larsson, a former Swedish Miss who'll soon be a formidable Swedish President. The LSD is only interested in some documents in Agneta Larsson's safe. They send Benny, The Runner, to copy these documents and get out. A simple mission; Agneta isn't even at home.Agneta hasn't been at home for a while. Agneta has disappeared. Her sister Frieda is worried. She calls Agneta's phone. Benny picks it up...Why should he help Frieda? Let her call the Stockholm police. He'll lose his job. He might lose his life. The LSD never interferes with foreign politics. Spies follow the rules of logic. Spies follow orders. Real spies are tough. But Benny isn't a real spy. He's just a Runner, and he can't stand a woman crying...Mission «Miss Missing» might mean a miserable, mortal mistake.

22 19 0 Full
The Struggling boy/min-yoongi(BTS)

A star meets a beautiful poor girl in the wrong way, but ends up meeting up unexpectedly because of their school. Will they fall in love?Some credit goes to my bff's

378 16 132