Search: 100qwtd17
7 stories
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He didn't save her life; he condemned it.[Halloween special 2017: a short horror story and experiment in a new genre on my part]

528 7 28 Full
The Horror's of Night

A new killers in town. She plans to stay for a while trying out new deaths then usual.

14 1 2
Kumakatok Effect

Night falls dead as Avery tries to get some sleep. While closing her eyes she sound hear a knock at her door. Who is it? What is it? Read to find out

30 2 1

Right from the start, it is easy to tell that life is perfect. Perfect family, perfect life, perfect wife. But always in the mists of perfection, Elizabeth still feels that a piece is missing. Until one night, the gears finally click and life will never be the same after.

16 1 2
Man of My Dreams

Not everyone wants to meet the man of their dreams. Especially if it meant death. A short story contest entry for HGW's 100 Quirky Ways to Die. My COD will be revealed in the last round.

207 3 21
The Last Quest

The life of a hero is stressful. Most die young, bravely fighting monsters or defending their homes. Against all odds, Big Mike has lived on to the role of age of seventy. To celebrate, he's going on one last quest. This really will be his last. After he comes home victorious, he's going to settle down with one of the lovely young ladies he's rescued over the years. Really. Soon, not just Mike's quest but his story, the story told in taverns across the land, will be finished.

14 4 1
Death Carousel

"Ladies, gents and other embodiments of human being, welcome to the one and only 'Death Carousel'!"Everything's fun and games as the world slowly spirals into chaos. Amidst the mess is one beloved TV show with a huge fan following, 'Death Carousel'. For the pleasure of the viewers, contestants - or dare I say, victims- die in the most humorous of ways. But watch out, because although the ride is a bag of laughs, death is no laughing matter.What goes around, will come around.So, once more, raise a huge cheer as we veer in chaotic circles and turn the TV on for 'Death Carousel'!

26 1 0