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2 stories
Read Between The Lines (OhmNanon FanFic)

He feel so strange. He can't even understand himself. All he just know that he's happy everytime he's with him. He love seeing his dimples and cute pouty lips with his grumpy face. He love his scent and his pretty fingers. He can't even forget the softness of his lips. His giggles sounds like a music to his ears. He find every little things of him so adorable. Is that even possible? The suppressed feelings and emotions are slowly building up on his system. He can't look at him with the same eyes like he used to have before."I could die for you.. "But... why does he even feel that kind of feeling? They're just bestfriends... or are they really just friends?Because this is not what a friend would do or say.

2.5K 5 136
Detective Squad

Random murders have been reported and all the victims have nothing in common including the way they have been killed. The only clue as to this being a serial killing is a signature sign left on all the bodies. The police office and detectives have been going crazy trying to solve it when the boss said:"Nanon, you are the best we have here but if we bring in another best in the business detective we could make the ultimate squad to solve these cases. The Detective Squad 2.0. What do you say?""Well that's depends on who this 'best detective' is" Nanon said as he already had an idea who his boss had in mind.

365 2 17